Reawakened: The Unexpected Series

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Reawakened: The Unexpected Series Page 5

by Roberts, S. E.


  The rest of my day, thankfully, goes off without a hitch. After visiting Sierra’s bakery, I had to come back to the station for a meeting. I have no idea what was talked about, because my thoughts were on the beautiful blonde the entire time.

  This morning when I got to work, I immediately saw the flier for The Sugar Shack taped to the fridge in the breakroom. I recognized the name and logo from the box she brought me last week. I kept trying to think of ways to see her again, but this seemed like the less stalkerish of them all.

  “Hey, man. What are you up to tonight?” Anthony asks me as he pulls his bag out of his locker before slamming the door shut.

  “Nothing. I have to be back here at six.”

  “You should come out with us tonight. You look like you could use a beer.”

  He’s not wrong.

  “Who are you going out with?” We occasionally go out with the guys from the station we work with on second shift.

  “Evan Porter sent me a text about meeting them at Ryke’s.” At that my ears perk up. “I guess they’re going out to celebrate one of his wife’s friends who opened her bakery today.”

  I haven’t told Anthony about Sierra yet, because honestly, there’s not much to tell. But hell, I can’t pass up another chance to see her.

  I had no idea that she was friends with Evan and Ryke’s wives, but I guess I wouldn’t have known since she just moved here. It’s a small world, but I’m damn glad for it. I have a feeling that her friends were behind this little setup, but I’ll take what I can get.

  I grab my bag with my uniform in it and nod my head. “Yeah, I’ll go for a bit.” Who am I kidding? If that gorgeous woman is there, I won’t be leaving early. But I have to play it cool. I don’t want to cause her any problems.

  She seemed much more receptive of me today, but I still feel like I’ll have to be careful with her. I don’t want to pry into her business, but I want to know what has her acting so gun-shy at times. Something tells me that she hasn’t had it easy.

  * * *

  Forty- five minutes later, I pull into the gravel lot at Ryke’s, and I feel like a teenage boy going on his first date. Which is ridiculous because this is definitely not a date. Hell, she probably doesn’t even know I’m going to be here.

  I walk into the old building and immediately spot Evan and Anthony sitting at a corner booth. I don’t see any of the women, but I’m assuming they’re all on the dance floor. I decide not to look around, not wanting to freak her out if she doesn’t know I’m here.

  “Hey, guys,” I say as I take the chair at the end of the booth and they both look up at me.

  “Hey!” Evan hollers and shakes my hand from across the table.

  After his wife’s attack five years ago, I started hanging out with him and Anthony some. Most nights it’s just been us guys, but occasionally the women will tag along.

  “What’s up, dude?” Anthony asks as he takes a swig from his beer. “What took you so long?”

  I reach over and steal one of his cheese fries. “I wanted to go home and shower. I felt gross after that drug bust this afternoon.”

  He chuckles and shakes his head. “Those people were disgusting.” I look over at him and he’s got his eyebrows raised at me.

  “What?” He and Evan start laughing at me. “What the hell?” I laugh.

  “When were you going to tell me about the blonde?”

  I start choking on my fry, so I grab his beer and down half of it.

  “Get your own, asshole.”

  I set the bottle back on the table and rub at my chest.

  “If you would stop trying to kill me, I wouldn’t have to drink your beer.”

  Evan laughs at the two of us. “How do you know Sierra?”

  I run my hand through my hair, “I gave her and her boys a ride home last week when she got a flat tire. I’ve run into her a few times since.”

  They both give me knowing looks. “You mean you purposely ran into each other?”

  I shove at Anthony’s shoulder. “Whatever, fucker. I’m going to get a beer.”

  I stand from the booth and head toward the bar.

  “Get me another one, asshat!” he hollers behind me and I flip him off.

  As soon as I take the stool at the end of the bar, a young guy comes over to take my order. I mindlessly look around and immediately spot Sierra dancing with her friends. My God, she’s gorgeous. Her petite yet curvy frame, blonde hair, and blue eyes are a damn turn-on, but it’s more than that. There’s something about her that lights up a room when she’s in it.

  I feel like a freaking stalker, but I can’t take my eyes off of her as she sways her hips back and forth to some song I don’t recognize. The sight immediately makes my dick stand at attention, and it’s probably best that the bar is covering my lower half.

  I wasn’t thinking this afternoon when I put my hand on her arm, but I know that she felt the spark between us, if the look on her face was any indication.

  I’ve hardly been around her yet, so I can only imagine what spending more time with her would be like.

  “Here you go.” I turn back to the bar as the guy sets my beer on the counter. I thank him and take a swig from the bottle, not coming up for air until it’s half gone. I let the liquid slide down my throat, the burning taking my mind off of how nervous I am. I’m thirty-seven years old. Why am I acting like this?

  A slow song comes on, and I notice that most of the people from the dance floor go back to their seats. A part of me wonders if Sierra is out there dancing with someone now. I don’t even know what to do with these feelings.

  I’m lost in thought, mindlessly peeling at the label on my beer bottle when I feel a soft touch on my shoulder. Call me crazy, but I don’t have to turn around to know who it is. She has that effect on me.

  I turn toward her and she’s giving me her gorgeous smile, which by the way, is not helping the hard-on I am currently still sporting.

  “Ms. Greene.” I smile back at her.

  She giggles and fuck if it doesn’t do something to me.

  “Officer Harris,” she says almost bashfully.

  I point to the empty stool beside me. “Care to join me?”

  “Sure.” She sits and tells the bartender she’d like a Guinness. A girl after my heart.

  Once we’re alone again, I turn my body so I’m facing her. “I thought I told you to call me Caden?” I ask playfully.

  She blushes. “And I thought I told you to call me Sierra?”

  “Fair enough.” I pause. “How did your first day of business go?”

  Her beer is brought to her, and she takes a sip before speaking.

  She nods. “Really well actually. I wasn’t expecting so many people today, honestly.”

  “I’m not surprised. Those cupcakes are to die for.”

  She chuckles. “That’s a bit dramatic, but thank you. They’re my grandmother’s recipes.” I see a flash of sadness on her face, but it’s gone in the next instant.

  “Well, they’re good.” I smile at her.

  She goes quiet on me, so I nudge her.

  “What?” she asks, almost on a whisper.

  “Would you like to dance?” I notice a slower song just came on again.

  By now her beer is gone, but she’s fidgeting with the bottle. “Sure.”

  I can tell she’s a little unsure of herself, but at her response, I pay for both our drinks before grabbing her hand. She thankfully takes mine without hesitation.

  Tonight, she’s in skintight black jeans with a red low-cut tank top. She looks hot as hell, and I know I’m going to have a hard time keeping things appropriate with her.

  I pull her to the dance floor and the fact that she continues to hold my hand feels like a win. Her soft skin against my rough skin is making me crazy.

  There are several other couples already out here dancing, so I find a corner where we can have a little bit of privacy.

  I grab her right hand and place it against my
chest and snake my other one around her waist. Her empty hand automatically goes around my neck, and it’s like we were made for each other with how well she fits with me.

  James Arthur’s Say You Won’t Let Go plays overhead, but all I can hear is the beating of our hearts. I look down at her and she smiles up at me. She’s a good foot shorter than me, but the height difference doesn’t hinder our movements at all.

  I wasn’t expecting her to be this comfortable with me, but I’m damn pleased she is.

  “So, you’re from here?” I ask, breaking the silence. Although, I don’t mind just holding her in my arms.

  She nods. “Yeah, born and raised.”

  “What made you leave?” As soon as the words leave my mouth, I feel her tense against me.

  In the next instant, she pulls back, and the pain is radiating off her beautiful face.

  “I’m sorry. I can’t do this.”

  She runs off the dance floor, and I don’t know what the hell I just did, but I think I just lost any chance I might have had with her.



  I search the bar for one of her friends but come up empty, so I head back to the booth where I had been sitting with Anthony and Evan.

  I see both Evan’s and Ryke’s wives sitting with them.

  “Weren’t you cozy out there?” Anthony wiggles his eyebrows at me. “You taking her home?” If I wasn’t so worried about Sierra right now, I’d punch him.

  “No, fucker.” I run my hand through my hair, “Avery, you think you can go find Sierra?”

  She gives me a worried look, “Why, what happened?”

  I sigh, not wanting to get into this in front of everyone. “I think I said something that upset her while we were dancing and she took off.”

  She and Claire both get out of their seats, and in the next instant Avery is poking me in the chest. “She’s been through hell and back. If you do anything to her, I’ll hurt you,” she seethes.

  I don’t have a chance to respond because she leaves me standing here looking like a moron.

  I take one of the empty chairs. “What the hell am I missing here?” I look between Evan and Anthony.

  Evan sighs. “Sorry for my wife, man. She’s protective of her friends.”

  “Don’t worry about it. I’m glad Sierra has a friend like her.” It isn’t lost on me how protective I sound of her.

  He nods. “Her husband was killed in a house fire almost five years ago.”

  My heart pounds in my chest and all I hear is the humming in my ears. I knew something must have made her the way she is, but that was the last thing I was ever expecting to hear. No wonder she freaked out when I asked her what made her move away.

  “Shit. I had no idea.”

  “Her and her boys moved to Carolina Beach with her grandmother soon after it happened. It was right after she had Jayce.”

  I remember the youngest boy telling me he was almost five. When Evan notices me trying to do the math in my head, he chimes in.

  “She went into pre-term labor the day of the fire and had him two months early.”

  I scrub my hands over my face. “She had their baby the day her husband died?” I can’t believe what he’s telling me. This poor woman really has been through hell and back. It’s amazing she’s pushed through like she has.

  “Yeah.” He takes a pull from his beer. “Avery was right. She really has been through shit, man. As far as I know she hasn’t dated since Miles.”

  My back is facing the dance floor, so I don’t notice that the women are back at the table until I hear Avery speak.

  “Ev, can you hand me Sier’s purse?”

  I turn around and the sight before me is like a punch to the stomach. Sierra’s face is red from obviously crying as soon as she ran from me. Out of instinct, I’m out of my chair.

  I lift her chin so she’s forced to look at me, “You okay?”

  Her eyes glisten with tears, “Yeah.” She chokes out. “I’m sorry. I just need to go home.”

  “Did you drive here?”

  She shakes her head, “No, my car is at Avery’s.”

  “Sier, we’ll keep the boys tonight. Why don’t you go home and get some rest?” Avery asks from behind us.

  She looks unsure of herself but then agrees. “Okay, can you take me to get my car though?”

  “I’ll take you home. Then me and Anthony will bring it by in the morning.” I feel like shit for ruining her night out with her friends. She was supposed to be celebrating her success tonight, not dealing with douche bags like me.

  She doesn’t respond but grabs her purse from Avery and they embrace in a hug.

  “I’ll see you at the bakery in the morning,” Avery tells her before turning to me. “Get our girl home safe.”

  “I will.”

  Sierra walks in front of me until we make it to the parking lot.

  “I’m the red truck.” I point in the direction of my Ford.

  She raises her eyebrows at me and I chuckle. “I don’t always drive my cool cop car.”

  She giggles and damn if it doesn’t make me feel better. I’m hoping like hell that I haven’t completely screwed things up with her.

  I open the passenger door for her, and she carefully climbs into the truck without saying anything.

  Once I’m settled into my seat, I turn toward her. “I’m sorry for upsetting you.”

  She doesn’t respond right away but stares out the front window, seeming to be lost in thought. It nearly kills me when I see her wipe the tears from her face.

  “My husband died almost five years ago,” she says almost inaudibly.

  At that I reach over and grab her hand with mine. I don’t say anything in response, knowing that nothing I say to her will take away her pain.

  She finally looks at me. “I haven’t dated since, and I guess I just felt guilty for the feelings I was having toward you.”

  My chest squeezes at that, and I feel like a stubborn bastard.

  I rest my head back against the seat as I look at her. “I’m not going to lie and say I don’t feel the same way, because I do, but I won’t push you into anything you’re not ready for.”

  She wipes at the smeared makeup under her eyes. “I don’t know if I’ll ever be ready.”

  “That’s okay, too.” I give her my best smile, wanting to make her smile in return. As much as I’d love to be with her someday, ultimately, her happiness is more important. I hate that she feels like she has to punish herself for her husband’s death, but I don’t know her well enough to voice that to her.

  “Thank you,” she whispers. “Can you take me home now?”

  “Of course.”

  If I’m only going to cause her pain, it’s probably best I keep my distance from her. As much as that kills me, I don’t want to be the reason for her sadness.

  I pull in front of her building and she goes to open the door, but I grab her arm.

  “Let me open the door for you.”

  “Okay.” She says sweetly, and I wish more than anything that I could make this woman feel better.

  I quickly unhook my belt and run around to her side and open the door. I hold my hand out to her since it’s a pretty big climb down for her.

  “Thank you for the ride.” She smiles up at me. “And I’m sorry for ruining your night.”

  I let go of her delicate hand reluctantly and shake my head. “You definitely did not ruin my night or anyone else’s. You understand?”

  I see the doubt on her face. “Thank you.”

  She steps around me, and my hand brushes against her arm. “Have a good night.” I give her a weak smile, knowing this could be the last time I see her. At least for a while.

  “You too, Caden.”

  I get back into my truck but don’t pull away because of the need to know she’s safely tucked into her building.

  A moment later, I see the curtains slightly pull back on her apartment window, as she watches me. I’m guessing she didn’t want me to s
ee her, so I decide against waving before I drive off.



  CLAIRE: You okay?

  I stretch my arms above my head and yawn after reading Claire’s text. When Caden dropped me off last night, I threw myself on my bed and held my only picture of Miles the entire night. I know that deep down I haven’t done anything wrong, but a part of me feels like moving on will never be possible.

  Me: Yeah, I’m fine. Sorry for ditching on you early last night.

  I hated the way I acted in front of Caden. I was so embarrassed, but I wanted to tell him why I had acted the way I did. He deserved to at least know that. There’s definitely a mutual interest between the two of us, but surely he doesn’t want wrapped up in my baggage.

  Claire: Sier, I understand. I just don’t want you to feel like you can’t ever move on. Miles would want you to be happy.

  At the mention of his name, I feel the familiar burn behind my eyes.

  I throw back my big purple comforter and take a deep breath as I sit on the edge of the bed. Avery kept the boys last night and agreed to bring them to the bakery with her this morning. They’ll spend the day playing at one of the tables. I’ll have to be sure to do something special for them this evening for being such troopers. I know that’s probably not how they want to spend their summer.

  I brush my teeth and then head to the kitchen to put a pot of coffee on. It’s only five in the morning, but the bakery opens at seven so we can serve muffins and coffee to all the early risers. Before working at Grandma Rose’s bakery, I was definitely not one of those people, and it’s truly a miracle that I am now.

  As soon as I set the coffee maker up, I head to the front window of the apartment to see if my car is in the parking lot. Sure enough, it’s parked in my spot, and I immediately feel the flutters again in my stomach.

  * * *

  Our second day of business goes by quickly and there’s hardly any downtime. I walk to the door to quickly lock up, more than ready to get home. My feet hurt and I want nothing more than to sit on my butt, eat some SkinnyPop, and have a drink.


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