The Prime Minister's Daughter

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The Prime Minister's Daughter Page 5

by William Manchee

  Chapter 5


   The flight back to Dallas was uneventful until it came time to land. A line of thunderstorms was approaching the Dallas-Fort Worth Airport from the northwest. The pilot advised the passengers that he thought he could beat the storm. Otherwise, they'd have to circle a while. As the American Airlines jet made its approach, the plane was jolted up and down. A few of the passengers verbalized their displeasure at being jostled around. When the wheels finally hit the runway, everyone gave a sigh of relief.

   The ride home was slowed by a driving rain. LBJ Freeway was jammed up. It took nearly an hour and a half for the Wells family to get back to Plano. It was still drizzling when they pulled into their driveway. They had barely made it in the door when the phone rang. Pat Wells answered it.


   "Hi, Mrs. Wells. Is Kevin there?"

   "Sure, hang on."

   "Kevin, it's for you."

   Kevin went upstairs to his room and picked up the phone.


   "Kevin?" Paula asked.

   "Oh hi, Paula."

   "I saw you last night on Leno. You were fabulous."

   "Oh, thank you."

   "I didn't like that slut, Uma Thurman, kissing you though."

   "She's not a slut, she's nice. She’s one of my favorite actresses."

   "Really. Well anyway, forget her. I just wanted to see if you wanted to get together and hang out a while."

   "Sure, that would be great. Let me check with my mom, I don’t know if she has anything planned. I'll call you tomorrow."

   "Okay, I'll be in all morning."

   "Okay, bye."


  Kevin hung up the phone and was about to go downstairs to help unload the luggage from the car when the phone rang again.


   "Kevin, my man."

   "Brent, what's going on?"

   "Hey, I saw you on Leno last night. Oh God! You kissed Uma Thurman. What was it like?"


   "Interesting? Right, . . . yeah very interesting, I bet. Hey, I've got a Playboy layout of her I stole from my big brother. I'll bring it over if you want to see it?"

   "No, that's okay. I don't want to spoil the memory."

   "You're right. You don't have to fantasize. You've felt her sweet, succulent lips. Oh God, what luck you've had!"

   "I know."

   "What if Jay would have had Roseanne on?" Brent laughed.

   "I wouldn't have let her get near me. If she’d tried to kiss me, I would have puked on national television."

   "That would have been cute. Hey, you want to catch a movie tonight?"

   "I don’t know, I’m kind of tired.”

   “Come on, I haven’t seen you in weeks.”

   “Okay, I need to get unpacked and have dinner first. We can go to a late show."

   "Good, I'll pick you up at nine-thirty."

   "Okay, see you then."

   Kevin hung up the phone and started to go downstairs again. Before he got to the door, the phone rang again.

   "Shit! . . . Hello."


   "Yes, who’s this?"


   Kevin drew a blank. "Stacy?”

   “Yes, the library, remember?”

   “Oh, right. . . . Stacy. How are you?"

   "Fine. Listen, about our last meeting. You know, when Paula had me give you a hard time about the virginity thing? Well, I’ve really been feeling bad about that. It was mean, I know."

  “Forget it. It was all in good fun. Paula's a real tease sometimes."

   "What I told you about being a virgin?” Stacy said, “Well, it's not really true. Obviously it's not true. I mean, who is a virgin anymore these days?"

   Kevin laughed. "Right."

   "But, I'm almost a virgin. I mean I never have sex with two guys at the same time."


   "I mean. . . . You know. . . . I just do it with the guy I'm going with. I'm faithful to my guy."

   "Well, that's good to hear."

   "So, do you want to get together?"

   "Us? Well, I'm hanging around with Paula tomorrow. Why don't you come too? Maybe we can find something interesting to do."

   "Oh good! I'll call Paula and tell her you invited me to hang with you guys."

   "Cool. See you tomorrow."

   "Okay, bye."

   Kevin started to hang up the phone, but then hesitated a minute. Instead of hanging it up he placed the receiver next to the phone and then went downstairs.

   "Who was that on the phone, honey?"

   "Paula, Brent, and then, Stacy."

   "Oh boy. I'm afraid your life won't be the same for a while."

   "It's okay, they're my friends. I don't want to let this thing go to my head. I'm still the same guy I was three months ago. The only thing that's changed is everybody in the world knows I exist now."

   "And wherever you go, people will recognize you, because you've been on Leno."

   "That could have its advantages," Kevin said.

   "That's right, absolutely.”

   "And its drawbacks."

   "Don't worry about it, honey. It will all work out."

   That night, Brent and Kevin went to the movies. Afterward, they went to Starbucks for coffee where they ran into a couple of their friends. Kevin told them all about his trip to California, meeting the President and kissing Uma Thurman. When he got home after midnight, he was exhausted. Without even getting undressed, he collapsed on his bed and fell asleep.

   In his dream, he traveled back in time to the day he went to the hospital. He walked into the waiting room and saw Kiran just sitting there alone. She was so beautiful, the sight of her sent a tingling sensation throughout his body. She smiled as he walked over to her and took her hands in his. The feel of her warm grasp excited him beyond belief. He pulled her up and looked deeply into her eyes. She laughed and turned away but he jerked her back roughly and pulled her close to him. The warmth and aroma of her body was intoxicating. His lips were drawn to hers by a force so strong it was futile to resist. In the midst of their kiss the door flew. Startled, Kiran looked up and quickly pulled herself away. She looked back at Kevin, smiled, then ran out the door. Kevin followed after her, but beyond the door was a thick fog through which he could see nothing.

   "Kiran, come back! Come back!" he yelled.

  He woke up with a start and looked around urgently. He was disoriented for a moment, so he shook his head trying to clear his mind. His face was wet and his clothes were saturated. He looked at his clock radio. It was one-thirty. After taking a deep breath and contemplating his dream for a moment, he turned over and went back to sleep.

   The following day was Sunday. After mass, Paula called and suggested they go to the mall, have lunch and mess around. Kevin agreed and promised to meet them at the food court. When he arrived, he was in a somber mood. His thoughts had been on Kiran all morning. He wanted to see her again, but he knew that would never happen. She was thousands of miles away–gone forever. When he saw Paula and Stacy, he forced a smile.

   "Hi, girls."

   "Hi, Kevin," they said cheerfully.

   "So what’s for lunch?"

   "We can't decide. It’s between a stuffed potato or a salad."

   "How about Arbys?"

   "Arbys?" Paula said with a frown. "That kind of food will clog your arteries, won’t it Stacy?”

  Stacy nodded.

  Kevin shrugged. “Maybe so, but it tastes good.”

  “Okay, whatever."

   Kevin led the way to Arbys and the threesome ordered. After getting their food, they sat down at a table overlooking a beautiful fountain.

   "I love the mall," Stacy said. "It's always so warm and dry, even if it's raining outside."

   "I think that was the plan, Stacy," Kevin laughed.

   "I know. The pe
ople who built this place were pretty smart," Stacy added.

   Paula stared at Stacy for a moment and then cleared her throat. "So, Kevin, how did it feel to be on Leno?"

   "Pretty weird, actually. It was like I was in a dream. I kept expecting to wake up."

   "I can imagine," Paula said.

   "How is your chest?" Stacy asked. "It must have hurt when that bullet hit you."

   "No shit!" Kevin said.

   Paula began to laugh, Kevin smiled at her and Stacy gave her a dirty look.

   "What's so funny? I bet you wouldn't like it if someone shot you in the chest."

   "No, I'm sorry,” Paula said. “I wouldn't."

   "So when is our next tournament, Paula?" Kevin asked.

   "Next weekend, at South Garland High School."

   "God, I'm so far behind on everything, I don't know if I'll be ready by next weekend."

   "I'll help you get ready, don't worry."

   "Thanks. Can I get all your notes from class for the last few weeks?"


   "Brent offered me his, but somehow I doubt everything Mrs. White lectured on could fit on a single index card."

   "No. I've got at least fifty pages of notes."


   After the trio had finished lunch, they walked around the mall for a while and talked, but Kevin didn't have his mind on his companions. He was off in Trinidad with his new found love, Kiran.

   "So what shall we do now, guys?" Stacy inquired.

  “Hey, listen. It's been fun, but I need to get home and start catching up on my homework. I'm probably not going to be such great company right now anyway. My mind can’t seem to focus."

   "Okay, I understand, Kevin. Do you want me to come with you and help you study?" Paula said.

   "No, I'm so far behind, it's going to take me a while to get organized enough to know what help I need. I'll get with you next week when I know better where I'm at."

   "You sure?"

   "Yeah, I'll see you two later."

   After Kevin had left, the two girls turned into Dillard's and began looking at blouses.

   "Look at this. I'd die to have this," Stacy said.

   "It's a little flashy don't you think?"


   "I hope Kevin's going to be all right."

   "What do you mean?" Stacy asked.

   "He seemed very depressed."

   "Huh? I didn't notice that."

  "You don't know him as well as I do,” Paula noted. “Something is bothering him."

   Stacy frowned. "I wonder what it is?"

  "Who knows? Maybe he's got a crush on Uma Thurman."





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