The Prime Minister's Daughter

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The Prime Minister's Daughter Page 9

by William Manchee

  Chapter 9


  The iron gate began to retract, allowing the black Mercedes to enter the Prime Minister's driveway. The driver pulled the car through the gate and into the garage. The Prime Minister and his family got out and walked to the side door. Anamica, the Prime Minister's personal secretary fumbled around in her purse until she finally found the key to the inside door. She opened it and they all went inside. Anamica went straight for the Prime Minister's office to check for messages. The red light on the answering machine was blinking, so she hit the play button. The Prime Minister, who had followed her to his office, stood at the door to listen before going to bed.

  "Beep. . . Beep. . . Beep. Ahmad. Sharad here. Sorry to call you so late, but we've just been informed by the U.S. Embassy that Kevin Wells arrived in Trinidad today! We have no explanation as to why he came early. We're looking for him right now, but have yet to find him. He's not at any of the hotels in the city. We've checked them all. We're in the process of calling hospitals and the city jail. I'm afraid a kidnaping can't be ruled out."

   The Prime Minister smashed his fist against the doorjamb.

      “Damn it! How could this happen! Who made the arrangements for Mr. Wells? I want an explanation, now!"

   Anamica leaped into action.

   "I'll call the director of the travel office immediately," she assured him.

   A minute later, there was a knock at the door. A servant answered it and escorted a slim, medium height male into the house.

   "Ahmad, I'm glad you're back," Sharad said. "Did you get my message?"

   "I'm afraid so," the Prime Minister replied. "How could this happen? This is pitiful. We invite a national hero to our country and he gets kidnaped. Can you imagine how the leaders of the PNM will be howling when they hear about this? They couldn't be responsible, could they?"

   "I seriously doubt it. It would be suicide for their party if they were behind it. Besides, it goes against all the principles they espouse. No, I believe it's the work of the NDC."

   "You're probably right. Those lunatics would do anything to embarrass me."

   "So what do want me to do now? We've checked all the hotels, hospitals and police stations. He's nowhere to be found."

   "Are you sure he really is in Port of Spain?"

  "Yes, we've got his customs declaration and the customs agent has identified him from a picture we showed him."

   "Damn it! How could this happen? Someone's going to pay for this!" the Prime Minister screamed. "What did you tell the U.S. Embassy when they advised you he was in Trinidad?"

   "I told them there must have been a change in plans and I was sure he was with you. I told them I would find out for sure and let them know."

   "If you tell them the truth, they'll inform his parents and then it will all be over. My God! Something like this could bring down our government."

   "I have news, sir," Anamica said as she walked in.

   "What is it?"

   "One of our guards has advised me that a young American, matching the description of Mr. Wells, stopped by here earlier tonight, but they thought he was just a tourist. So they sent him away."

   "Oh! How idiotic! Bring me the guard!"

   "One more thing, sir."


   "I have made a determination as to why Mr. Wells came to Trinidad a day early."

   "Tell me. Don't dilly dally, woman."

   "Someone canceled the travel reservations that we had made for Mr. Wells. I can only surmise they sent him an alternative itinerary, with the appropriate airline tickets. He would have no reason to suspect that he was being deceived."

   "Damn it! Don't we have any security in the travel office? See if you can find out who canceled those reservations, but first bring me the guard."

   "Yes, sir."

   "We've got to find him before morning, Sharad. If we don't, we'll look like we're incompetent. Oh God! Can you believe this rotten turn of events?"

   "No, it's very unsettling."

     "I was so certain that, with a quick arrest and trial of Ray Mohammed, the people of Trinidad would rally behind the UNC and finally make us the majority party. But now, my plan may destroy us!"

  "Don't panic, Ahmad. We've been through worse situations than this. We'll figure something out."

   Anamica entered with the guard.

   "Here is Mr. Jain, the guard I spoke to you about."

   "Good. What is this about the young American coming by here tonight?"

   "Yes, sir. He came by around six-thirty. I checked the guest log and it did not show that anyone was expected."

   "What did he tell you?"

  "He said he was supposed to stay with you tonight. I told him you would not be in all evening, so he should come back in the morning."

   "Mr. Jain, do you read the newspaper or pay the least bit of attention as to what is going on in our country? Didn't you recognize that this was Kevin Wells, the man who saved my life?"

   "I'm so sorry, sir. It just didn't register, I guess. I'm totally humiliated. Please forgive me."

   "No–I can't be surrounded by idiots. You are relieved of your duty. Report to your commander for further orders."

   "Yes, sir."

   Mr. Jain left and Anamica followed to begin the task of determining who had canceled Kevin's reservations. The Prime Minister walked over to an overstuffed chair and collapsed.

   "I need a drink. Somebody get me a drink! Forget the drink, bring me the bloody bottle! Bring one for Sharad too."

   "No, thank you, Ahmad. I must go and direct the search for Mr. Wells. Forget the bottle, you should go to bed. No matter what fortune lies before us, you can bet you will need all of your strength to deal with it tomorrow. Go to bed, Ahmad, go to bed."

  Sharad Mishratt and Ahmad Shah had been close friends since secondary school. They had struggled together to make it to the top of the UNC. They worked ten long years for their party, until it finally took power. Just a year ago, Ahmad had unexpectedly been chosen as Prime Minister when the elected Prime Minister became ill. He immediately appointed Sharad his attorney general and he quickly became his most trusted confidant.

  "I will. Don't worry, Sharad. I'll be all right. I'll see you in the morning."

  "Good night, Ahmad."

  A servant brought Ahmad a bottle of rum. Ahmad unscrewed the cap, took one swig and then another. After a few minutes of reflection, he went to bed. Anila was waiting for him anxiously.

  "Have they found Kevin?" Anila asked.

  "No, but they will. They have to. Otherwise, we're lost. Our coalition with the UAR isn't strong enough to withstand such a scandal."

  "I'm so worried, Ahmad. Kiran and Deviane are quite upset too. They were so much looking forward to entertaining this Kevin boy."

  "They won't be disappointed. Sharad will find him. He's never let me down before."

  Ahmad lay back in his bed. Anila came over and put her head on his shoulder. He began to stroke her long black hair. Anila was a beautiful woman, a beauty queen who had gone to work for BWIA as a flight attendant. He had met her while traveling and fell in love with her immediately. She didn't respond to him at first, as he wasn't the handsomest of men, but his persistence finally won her over. One night, her flight took her to Caracas. Ahmad managed to be there while she had an overnight layover. When she got to her hotel room, it was filled with twelve dozen roses. In one of the arrangements, there was a card from Ahmad asking Anila to dinner. She accepted. From that day forward, she began to take this young suitor seriously. A year later, they were married and Anila had been very happy ever since.

  Anila was very outgoing and loved society. She was the perfect politician's wife, always on top of every social event and involved in every charity imaginable. Many said she was as much responsible for Ahmad becoming Prime Minister as he was himself. Now, Ahmad was scaring her with this talk of the government's downfall. She knew it would happen one day,
but it was too soon, there was so much she had yet to do.

   "It isn't fair," she began to sob, as she contemplated her world falling apart.

   "Go to sleep, Anila. Don't cry. Sharad will find him. I know he will."





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