Taming His Cowgirl (The Crooked Creek Ranch Book 1)

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Taming His Cowgirl (The Crooked Creek Ranch Book 1) Page 13

by Delta James

His mouth recaptured hers and he kissed her deeply. “I’ve missed you,” he whispered against her mouth.

  Sierra wound her arms around his neck. “I’m so, so sorry.” She began to quietly weep.

  He kissed her tears away. “No, baby, don’t cry. It’ll be all right. I’m here and I’m never leaving you again. You are mine, Sierra Morgan. You’ve always been mine.”

  “But…” she stammered. He could hear the fear and desperation in her voice. He needed her to believe in them and not that this was just some kind of warped reality or dream.

  He smiled and resumed stroking the upper wall of her pussy with two fingers. “The only butt you need to worry about is yours when you misbehave.”

  She giggled again and he felt her relax as she moaned. Ryder remembered she’d always been incredibly responsive with a high sex drive to match his own. While he had experienced other lovers in the years they were apart, none ever matched his memories of her. He withdrew his fingers and sucked her nectar from them. Sierra blushed.

  He sat up on the edge of the bed. Sierra reached for him, not wanting him to be too far. He ran his hand over her body, squeezing each of her nipples and rubbing her clit again.

  “I’m not going anywhere, baby, but I need to get undressed to get this done,” he said as he fingered her hot, tight, and very wet cunt.

  She sat up and helped him unbutton and then remove his flannel shirt. She held it to her face, inhaling deeply as he removed his boots and then stood to take off his jeans. When he turned back to her, she was smiling broadly.

  “See something you want, little girl?” he said, his tone heavy with lust.

  “Yes, sir,” she said as she rolled up onto her knees and wrapped herself around him. “I’d almost forgotten how big that thing was.” She rubbed her body along his. He reveled in the feel of his skin next to hers.

  Ryder smiled and pushed her back on the bed. He began to make love to her slowly and methodically. He’d waited, dreamed and fantasized about having her back beneath him and he meant to make the most of it. With his mouth and tongue he lavished attention on her breasts and nipples, Sucking, tugging, and nipping at them until they were hard as diamonds and her breathing was labored. She moaned and tossed her head from side to side. When she tried to bring his head back up to kiss him, he nipped a little harder and she yelped and then sighed as he tongued away the brief pain.

  His hand stole back between her legs. Again his thumb found her clit as his fingers explored her lower lips and the warm, wet place they surrounded. His fingers re-entered her. Her legs spread wider and her hips tilted up to provide him easier and deeper access to her. He smiled and accommodated her need, fingering her pussy with increased speed.

  “Please, Ryder. I need you.”

  “I know, baby, I need you more.”

  * * *

  Sierra tried to grasp that her secret dreams had become reality. Ryder was back and more than that he was back with her. She could feel desire coursing through her body. Her skin tingled everywhere he touched her and anywhere her skin came into contact with his. The pulsing from her pussy walls that had started as he played with her clit became more pronounced and now seemed to thrum throughout her whole body. She felt as though her whole nerve system vibrated with want and need for him. The pressure deep in her core felt as though it would explode.

  When Ryder removed his fingers, she groaned in frustration; she started to chastise him. His mouth covered hers and his tongue plunged past her lips and teeth to explore and taste her deepest recesses. She winced as he rolled on top of her—her body baring his weight and driving her sore bottom into deeper contact with the mattress. Ryder’s cock was poised at her entrance. Her hands clutched his powerful buttocks and she tried to pull him forward and into her.

  He chuckled. “I don’t think so, little girl.” He grasped her punished buttocks in his hands, causing her to gasp as he drove his cock deep within her, making her gasp for another reason.

  Sierra could feel her body gearing up for the explosive orgasm only he could give her. She understood that Ryder wasn’t merely possessing her body once more, but was laying claim to what he considered was his now and had always been his. Her body arched up to take him deeper as her pussy walls convulsed all along his shaft. Ryder plunged his cock in and out of her with power and skill. He would withdraw the entire length so only the head of his cock was barely still within her and then drive back home so that the head felt as though it made connection with the furthest point of her channel.

  She called his name and wrapped her arms around him as he drove into her repeatedly. The impending explosion that had teased her moments before burst forth in primal satisfaction. Her pussy contracted around his cock, causing him to thrust with more fervor as he reached his own finish. She could feel his cum bathing her inner walls as he ceased his movements.

  He rolled to her side and brought her up next to him. He tilted her face to his and kissed her deeply. “No more punching or leveling weapons at me.”

  She giggled, happier than she had been in years. “Yes, sir,” she whispered in response.

  “No more cursing at me and calling me names.”

  She nuzzled his neck. “I’ll try, but no promises about the cussing.”

  He swatted her butt with more than a little heat, making her yelp. “It stops or your butt will pay the price. I mean it, Sierra, you’re going to behave and that includes not cussing like a cowhand.”

  “You’re going to be a real prick about this whole minding you thing, aren’t you?”

  “Yep. As I said earlier, your days of running wild and doing whatever the hell you want ended earlier this afternoon when I put you back over my knee. You are going to mind me and when you don’t, you’re going to get your beautiful bottom spanked until you can’t sit down or ride with any degree of comfort.”

  “What makes you think I’ll go along with that?” she said, apparently a bit more petulantly than he liked.

  He responded by swatting her again, making her jump. “Because you don’t have a choice. I love you, Sierra.”

  She closed her eyes and shook her head. “Please don’t say that, Ryder.”

  “Why? Because you don’t want it to be true or because you’re afraid that it isn’t?” He held his breath, waiting for her to answer.

  “Because it not being true terrifies me.”

  “Don’t be afraid, Sierra. I love you. I always have. I never stopped.”

  She leaned up on her elbow so she could look him in the face. He was hiding nothing. The fear and doubt left her eyes, replaced with her reflection of his feelings. The tears started to well in her eyes. “I’m so…”

  “No more apologies for the past, babe. We both made mistakes. We both could have swallowed our pride and tried to fix it. I don’t want to waste any more time on that. Besides I’m quite certain you’ll give me plenty of reasons to spank that sassy ass of yours in the present and future.”

  She slapped his chest. “You beast.”

  He laughed. “I guess that’s better than bastard. Not as accurate, but better.” He was lying on his back, one arm beneath his head. With his hand he stroked her hair and her neck. “So we’re agreed? No more rehashing the past?” She nodded. “Then, what do you want to do?”

  “Stay here with you just like this… forever.”

  “You’ve had worse ideas, although I’m not sure how practical. Besides which I think either of the ranch houses would be more comfortable, don’t you?”

  “Do you want to live at Crooked Creek?” she asked softly.

  “I’m not attached to Crooked Creek. There are parts of it I want to preserve as it’s my family’s heritage, but I know the Flying M is where your heart will always be.”

  “Maybe before, Ryder. But now, my heart is with yours—whether that’s the Flying M, Crooked Creek, or somewhere in France. I don’t care as long as you’re with me.”

  He smiled. “I’m glad you didn’t rule out France… not to live in, but we’re
going to have business interests there and we have a little stone cottage I think you’ll like.”

  “We?” she said expectantly.

  “We,” he said definitively. “And just in case you’re interested, tomorrow morning, we’re going back over to Crooked Creek and I’m getting your ring out of the safe, and I’m putting it back on your finger. And if you ever, I mean ever, take it off or throw it at me again, I’ll take my belt to your backside and you won’t sit for a month. You hear me?”


  “What?” he said, a bit concerned he might have pushed her too far, but determined he was going to have his way about it.

  “Can we go get it today before we go home to the Flying M?”

  He smiled and brought her mouth down to his. “Yes, baby, we can go get your ring as soon as we leave here.”

  She laid back down next to him and sighed contentedly.

  “Babe, if we’re going to go get that ring, we’re going to need to get a move on. If we lie here much longer, I’m going to get hard again.”

  Sierra giggled. “I don’t see that as a problem.”

  He laughed. “You should or have you forgotten that my rule of thumb was always if I had a hard-on, it belonged in your mouth or in your pussy, preferably the latter?”

  “No, I haven’t forgotten. That’s why I said it wasn’t a problem.”

  “It is if you plan to leave here tonight. And I’ll admit this bed beats the hell out of the old cots, but I’d much rather have you in a bed at home where I can plow your sweet pussy all night.”

  She sat up. The grimace she made as her bottom made contact with the bed did not go unnoticed by him. She smiled. “Then we’d best get started.”

  “You want to ride sidesaddle on Mouse with me? It might be a bit more comfortable?”

  “No, but could we go back to the Flying M and take one of the trucks?”

  “Absolutely. I’d tell you just to stay there where you could lie on your belly for the rest of the day, but I don’t want to be apart from you.”

  “I’m not going anywhere either, Ryder. I want to be with you too,” she said softly, tears threatening again.

  “Sierra, what did I tell you about the past?”

  She smiled bravely. “That it was over and you didn’t want to keep rehashing it. It’s just I feel so bad. I know I was upset…”

  “Upset?” he said with great amusement. “Hell, remind me to never get you really pissed off. You shot at me.”

  “I shot your hat off. At that distance any idiot could have made that shot and I’m a good shot,” she said defensively as she rose from the bed.

  He would have thought her regal, except for the fact that she was sporting a very red and very swollen backside.

  “You shot at me with a shotgun… at my head!”

  “Well… you spanked me.”

  “Not until after you shot at me…”

  “Can you quit saying that?”

  He chuckled. Sierra could see that he realized she was trying to let the past go.

  He continued to grin at her and say, “And after you did what you don’t want me to say, you threw your ring in my face and then you kneed me in the balls.”

  “I was upset,” she said again, hating how lame that excuse sounded.

  “I figured that out,” he said, sitting up and then standing to take her in his arms. He quickly sobered. “The only question is why. Why wouldn’t you even let me try to explain? What had I done to ever make you think I’d cheat on you?”

  “Nothing,” she said quietly. “It’s just that Debbie was always your first girlfriend and she was so perfect and you were… well, you.”

  “What the hell does that mean?”

  “I don’t know. Ryder, you’re the only man I ever wanted. When you asked me to marry you, I thought I’d die from happiness. And then seeing you with Debbie like that, I just guess I made a wrong assumption.”

  Ryder held her close. He put his finger under her chin, tilting her head back and forcing her to meet his eyes. “And I’d tomcatted around waiting for you to grow up. Maybe I should have handled that differently. What can I say, I was a young, callous, horny boy. From the first day I saw you strutting down the main hallway in high school, I knew you were the one. Never doubted it for a minute.”

  “But our fathers engineered your proposal.”


  “I heard them talking about how it was going to be one of the great marriage/mergers in ranching. My dad questioned whether or not you’d go along with it and your dad said he had you under control and you’d do what he wanted or he’d disown you. But I didn’t care. As long as I got you in the bargain, that was good enough for me.”

  Ryder swore under his breath. “Remind me to kill my father next time I see him. Sierra, he never controlled me; never told me to marry you. I didn’t know they’d been scheming until after you said yes. I never cared what they thought. Never cared about their plans. I even had money put aside so that if they tried to stop us, I’d be able to provide for you.”

  “You did?” she said incredulously.

  He smiled. “I did. All I wanted in life was to spend it with you. Period. End of conversation. Crooked Creek and Flying M be damned.”

  “I never knew…”

  “Well, Freckles, now you do… and don’t tell me not to call you Freckles. I’ll call you anything I damn well please. And you, miss, had better answer yes, sir.”

  She laughed, loving him more in that moment than she ever had. “Don’t count on it.”

  He smiled. “I won’t. But remember, I enjoyed spanking that pretty bottom of yours and it felt good under my hand. I got no problem making that as regular an occurrence as it needs to be to teach you to mind.”

  Chapter Fifteen

  They rode back to the Flying M and entertained each other with stories from the past five years. Sierra was impressed at how well Ryder now spoke French and that he wanted to take her there.

  “I don’t care much about seeing Paris, but I’d like to see your little stone cottage. You make it sound so pretty.”

  “Our stone cottage, Sierra,” he corrected. “It’s a quiet little village, not much to do when the rodeo festival isn’t in town.”

  “Then you’d have more time to fuck me,” she teased before loping off.

  Ryder had to suppress his urge to laugh at her. While she could get reasonably comfortable riding at a walk, anything faster than that and she had to stand in her stirrups. He cued Mouse to pick up his speed and catch up with her.

  “You’d better be careful, little girl. If you’re not careful, I’ll warm your backside to the point that even riding at a walk will be uncomfortable.”

  She leaned across and kissed him, laying her hand on his cock. “You’d better be careful before you make me too sore to lie on my back.”

  “Not a problem, as you might recall I’m just as able to fuck you on your knees or bent over something… I have some very fond memories of you in a certain hayloft.”

  She blushed profusely. “You know that hayloft is the first place I ever saw your cock.”

  “No, it isn’t. That’s not the first place we were together. I had more class than that.”

  “I didn’t say it was. But I watched you fuck Debbie up there… you know, when the two of you were dating and I was still that pesky tag-along brat.”

  He laughed out loud. “You little spy. Enjoy the show, did you?”

  “Well, let’s just say it was educational.”

  “Oh, God,” Ryder groaned. “Do I even want to know?”

  She giggled. “I was a little surprised that you didn’t mount her like a stallion does a mare and that she seemed to enjoy it. Oh, and that sucking your dick thing. I thought that was gross.”

  He rolled his eyes and groaned again. “As I recall, Freckles, you didn’t think it was so gross when you started doing it.”

  She leaned across and kissed him again. “No, I thought it was fun being able to watch
you enjoying what I was doing and see how your cock reacted.”

  He laughed again and shook his head. “I’m not sure I wanted to know any of this.” “Do you want to know that when I started finding ways to pleasure myself I always imagined it was you?”

  “Jesus, Sierra.” The grin on Ryder’s face started to grow as he realized he rather liked being the object of her masturbatory fantasies. “Wait, no, maybe that’s better than some other guy…”

  “But after we were together it was easier, because I knew what you felt like.”


  “No, babe, you exceeded any expectations and fantasies I might have had.”

  “Well, that’s a relief!”

  They were able to get to the barn, get their horses untacked and out to Ryder’s truck before anyone saw them. They drove over to Crooked Creek. As they pulled in, Ryder swore under his breath.

  “What’s the matter?” Sierra asked, seeing nothing amiss.

  “The BMW convertible?”

  “That’s your dad’s, isn’t it?”

  “No, he had a black one I sold to help with our financials. A Beamer isn’t the most practical car for a rancher. And as you can see this one is red. My guess is my father’s back or on his way and had himself a new one delivered.”

  “I’m sorry,” she said.

  “It’s not your fault, sweetheart. He’s my problem.”

  “Oh, no, if that stone cottage in France is our cottage, then your dad is our problem. We’re either all in or not.”

  He turned and grinned at her. “We’re all in, babe. I love you.”

  “Thank God because I almost royally screwed up our lives.”

  “Sierra…” he said with a warning tone in his voice.

  “I know you’ve forgiven me, but…”

  “Sierra, stop it. We both had a hand in what happened five years ago. You need to let it go. We need to just learn from it and not make the same mistakes.”

  “But you didn’t make any mistakes. You took care of Debbie. You did the right thing. And I was a total bitch.”

  He stopped the truck and put it in park. Turning to her, he said, “Yeah, you were. But I should have stayed around until you calmed down. It’s not like I didn’t know you had a temper. And from your point of view, it wasn’t all that unreasonable to think that at first glance. Now, I’m telling you to let it be. If you can’t, I’m going to assume you need another spanking so that you can. I’ve read that a good spanking can clear away residual guilt. Do you need me to help you with that?”


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