Soulless Bastards MC No Cal Boxset

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Soulless Bastards MC No Cal Boxset Page 24

by Erin Trejo

  “You gotta wait, darlin’,” he says before sucking my earlobe into his mouth. His teeth graze my neck as works his way up and down my neck.

  “You can’t do that!” I protest.

  Mayhem chuckles against me, making me that much hotter. He pulls back and grins before he says, “You’re gonna like cummin’ all over my bike.” He winks at me and turns to walk away.

  What the hell just happened here? Did he really just leave me standing here like this?

  “You might want to go.” Brooke pokes me in the arm. I shake off the shock and give her a quick hug before heading outside. Mayhem sits there looking sexy as ever leaning against his bike. His massive arms crossed over his chest, his long blond hair floating in the breeze. If you were to see him on the side of the road, most people wouldn’t take a second glance. They wouldn’t have known how gorgeous he was. They wouldn’t notice the twinkle in his eyes the way I do.

  He watches me walk toward him, my body still on fire with need. Just the sexy look in his eyes could make me come undone.

  “What are you thinkin’ right now?” he asks me with that husky, rough voice of his.

  “You. How beautiful you are. How normal people wouldn’t look at you and see what I see.”

  He shoves off the bike and steps closer to me, my body trembling.

  “What do you see, Tay?” His hands come up to cup my cheeks as he waits for an answer.

  “I see a man who was hurt by his past. A man who fought his way through it and found his way out of the misery. I see a man who would do anything for his family. A man who’s brave and full of life.”

  Before I can say anymore his lips are on mine, claiming me. His hands tangle in my hair, keeping me in place. His lips are the softest that I’ve ever felt in my life. He moans into my mouth, and my world falls into place. He feels like home to me. He feels safe and makes me feel welcome. That’s all I’ve ever wanted.

  “Get on the bike. I need to get you home.” He growls when he pulls back. I smile before grabbing a handful of dick. Hey, if I have to be wet and wanting all the way so does he!

  “I’m warnin’ you, love,” he says with a growl in his voice.

  “You’ve been warned right back.”

  Chapter 33


  “Take it all, love.” I grunt as I plunge into her pussy. She is so fucking tight I can barely handle the feeling of her pussy wrapped around me. I’m breathless and so fucking full I’m about to explode.

  “Mayhem!” Tay screams.

  I grin against her back as I fuck her against the wall. I love watching her body bounce off the wall in front of me. I slide my hands over the curve of her hips and back up. I love touching her. She’s so fucking soft and perfect. My dick begins to swell when I lean in and bite her neck. She cries out louder this time before I feel her release. She cums around me so beautifully. I lose myself in her. Coming with her, I see spots behind my eyes. I clamp my teeth down into her skin harder. It may leave a mark, but it’s my fucking mark. When we both calm, I slowly pull out of her.

  “You’re gonna kill me, darlin’.” I take a step back when Tay turns to face me. Her cheeks are flushed, and she looks so fucking perfect. I reach up and run my knuckles down her cheek. She looks at me like I’m the only person in the world. It makes me happy in the strangest ways.

  “Why are you looking at me like that?” she asks with that perfect smile on her face.

  “You amaze me, Tay.” It’s the truth. She does. I don’t know how to get around what I feel for this woman. She amazes me in so many ways. She’s strong. She may have been treated like shit by her father, but she still has enough strength in her to trust and care about me. Me of all people. The one she should have run from. The one she should have looked at and walked away from, but she didn’t. She embraced me, pulled me into her depths, and she hasn’t let me go since then.

  “You amaze me, too. You always show me how much you can actually care, Mayhem. You throw a wall up in front of others but not me. Thank you,” she says softly.

  My brows furrow as I watch her smile. “Why are you thankin’ me?” I ask. I need to know.

  “You never treat me differently. Just because my dad is an ass, you don’t look at me with pity in your eyes. You just give me you.”

  “All of me. I know I tried to fight it. I didn’t know how to be with you and not think about her. It was hard for me, Tay. With you, I want to give you all of me. Not just parts and pieces. I want you to have it all, even the bad shit. At the same time, I want to protect you from that shit. Does that even make sense?” I chuckle a little after hearing myself say it.

  “It does. And that means the world to me.” Tay wraps her arms around my waist, holding me tightly.

  I sigh. I feel so content holding her in my arms. She makes me feel like I’m whole. Minnie barks behind us reminding me that she’s still here. Tay laughs into my chest before we turn and look down at her.

  “What the hell do you want, yipper?” I ask with a slight smile on my face. I feel like I’m top of the fucking world right now. Everything I’ve ever wanted is within my reach, and yet that unsettles me. I know how life can throw something your way just to grab it and take it away. I’ve been there far too many times, and I’m not ready to lose Tay. I never will be.

  “I think she likes you.” Tay untangles from my arms and leans down to pick her up. She climbs her naked body on the bed with the dog in her arms. I stand here like a fool watching her pet Minnie. My heart swells with pride. All of the things she’s been through, and look at her. So loving and caring.

  “What are you staring at?” she asks softly, pulling my attention to her.

  “You’re beautiful, Tay.” The words come out softer than I thought they would, but she understood them. I can see the flicker of fire in her eyes.

  “So are you.”

  Chapter 34


  “What do you mean?” I nearly squeal when Cherry tells me that Mayhem left. He didn’t say anything to me so why the hell does she know about it?

  “He said he had to take care of something. I wouldn’t worry about it though.” She shrugs before walking away from me. What the hell is going on? I spot Prim across the room and make a beeline straight for her. It seems all the club girls know more than I do these days.

  “Prim, do you know where Mayhem went?” I ask, holding Minnie to my chest. He wouldn’t have just left without saying something unless it was important.

  “Just because I fuck them doesn’t mean I know their life plans,” she snaps. I’ve seen Prim around, but we’ve never actually talked. I suppose this would be why.

  “I was just asking,” I say softly.

  I watch the hardness of her features slowly start to calm before she says, “I’m sorry. No, I don’t know. They had a run that came up last minute is all I know.”

  I nod once when I hear what sound like gunshots. Prim and I share a glance when she grabs my arm. She drags me toward the back of the building with her.

  “What the hell are you doing?” I shake her hand off me.

  “The guys aren’t here, Taylor. If there are shots, it’s the prospects. Come on.” She tugs me harder this time. I follow behind her when I see Cherry and Kenderly. They’re both huddled in the corner of the back room.

  “What’s happening?” Kenderly asks with tears in her eyes.

  “I don’t know. The guys are gone. Nuts and Mouse are out there.” As soon as the words leave her mouth I hear the screams.

  “Come out now, Taylor!”

  I gasp covering my mouth with my hand.

  “Who is that?” Cherry asks in a loud whisper.

  “My dad.” My heart sinks in my chest. What the hell is he doing here?

  “Hold her.” I pass Minnie to Cherry when Prim grabs my arm.

  “You can’t go out there!” she snaps.

  “I have to. If he wants me, I’ll go. He won’t bother the rest of you.” Why is he doing this? Why does he have someo
ne shooting?

  Prim shakes her head, but I just walk out of the back room and down the hall slowly. My heart hammers in my chest. My dad was never really violent before. He was an asshole, sure, but he was never violent. As I walk into the main room and out the front door, I see Mouse on the ground. Nuts sits on his knees next to him, the look of pure evil dancing across his face. His hands are folded behind his head while a gun is trained on his temple. I look from him to the man holding the gun before coming to rest on my dad.

  “What are you doing?” I ask nearly in tears myself. My dad stands there stoically, as though he has no cares in the world. Maybe he doesn’t at this point. I’ve never seen him like this, and I’ve never seen these kinds of guys with him before.

  “Where is that man you are shacked up with?” he snaps with a look of disgust all over his face.

  “He isn’t here. What are you doing? What do you want?” A single tear slides down my cheek as I watch the man who I knew hated me for years turn into a monster right before my eyes.

  “Your biker trash has been stirring up trouble for me.” His tone is condescending and abrupt.

  I jolt slightly. You can feel the rage boiling and overflowing from him. He’s scary. I’ve never truly been scared of him in my life, but the look in his eyes right now is pure evil. He walks toward me slowly, and my heart leaps in my chest. I want to shrink into myself and never come out.

  “I don’t know what you’re talking about,” I say softly.

  His eyes burn holes through me. The hatred and anger I can see inside of him now is more than anything I’ve ever seen before. He hated me. He blamed me for everything, but this is different. This is the look of true intense hatred, disgust, and rage.

  “I’m sick of it all, Taylor! You, him. It’s a never-ending cycle, isn’t it? You couldn’t just be happy getting out of my house. No, you had to run to the one person who would stir the pot a little more, didn’t you?” His voice raises few decibels as his face turns red.

  What the hell is he talking about? He’s the one that set up the security! “You sent him to me. You had him watching me all the time,” I say.

  His eyes sparkle with the promise of rage.

  “I didn’t think you’d stoop so low, Taylor. I figured I’d keep my enemies close, not have my daughter sleeping with them!” He screams with uncontained rage. His hand reaches out, tangling in my hair. My scalp screams in pain as he yanks me roughly with him.

  “Stop! Let me go! What the hell are you doing!” I scream as I try to fight my way out of his grasp. It’s no use. He won’t ease up.

  “I’ll use you once again to lure in the enemy! They will come after you. I will kill them.”

  No. He can’t do that. I won’t let him do that. I fight as hard as I can when his hand finally comes free. I take that as my advantage and run. It’s not until I hear the boom and feel the burn in my chest that I know I’ve been shot. My vision blurs as the pain radiates through my body.

  “You son of a bitch!” I hear Nuts roar before a few more shots are fired. I can’t muster up enough strength to lift my head and check on him.

  Blackness slowly creeps into my mind. Peace overwhelms me.

  Chapter 35


  “So, you’re wanting me to take out the mayor?” Ivanov watches me intently. There’s a hint of amusement in his eyes.

  “Look, we didn’t have shit to do with your man. You know that. The mayor did. You have got to have some kind of intel on that shit.” Blu fires back.

  I know how he feels. This shit is getting out of hand.

  A knock on the door pulls Ivanov’s attention. He lets out a sigh before answering, “Yes. Come in!”

  A man walks in with his expensive suit. His hair is slicked over to the side. My chest tightens as I watch the look in his eyes. I nudge my dad and he follows my gaze. He curses under his breath when Ivanov looks back up at us.

  “You seem to have a situation now. As you said I do have some kind of intel that incriminates him, yes, but I just heard that the mayor has caused a scene at your place.”

  My heart rate sky rockets. “What the fuck does that mean?” I leap out of my seat and glare at him.

  “A shootout.”

  As soon as the words leave his mouth, our phones start ringing. Shit!

  “We gotta go,” Blu says, his words clipped and hard.

  I look at the 911 message on my phone, and my heart sinks. That’s an emergency. Something happened.

  “Do not worry about Masters; I will handle him,” Ivanov says before we head out the door.

  My dad and I make our way outside when my phone blows up again. The other guys are all standing around looking confused except for Dec. His eyes are wide, and a horror dances across his face.

  “What the fuck is it?” I ask moving toward him quickly. Someone grabs my shoulder and yanks me back. My eyes jerk around to land on Monster.

  “Calm down, brother.” He growls with the hint of fear laced in his voice, too.

  “It’s Taylor. She was shot.” Declan’s eyes fill with tears. That’s not something I’ve ever seen him do before. Crying is not our thing

  My chest tightens. That overwhelming feeling consumes me. The air thickens. Spots form in front of my eyes. My world starts to slowly spin as I shake my head. Someone grabs me, holding me up when my body goes limp. Darkness dances in front of my eyes as the world slowly begins to fade away.

  “She can’t, Pop. She can’t leave me,” I say as my world slips. She promised that she’d never leave me. She told me she would always be there.

  “She ain’t leavin’ you, Son. I won’t let that happen!” He roars. “Let’s get there.”

  I can feel myself moving, but I don’t know how. The world is starting to crumble and fall. Just like when I lost Becca. This is it. That hollow feeling is tearing my heart to shreds. I’m being ripped apart from the inside out. Every fucking demon that’s lived inside of me for so long is finally pulling me to my demise. My world is ending. I can’t go on without her in this world.

  I’m tossed into the back of the truck that Dec drove over here before it takes off. My mind is a mess. My breathing is labored.

  “He’s gonna fuckin’ black out, Blu!” Monster hollers at my dad.

  Is he still here? Why isn’t he on his bike? I open my mouth to form words, but like I already knew would happen, nothing comes out.

  “You’re ok, Mayhem. Stay with me, brother.”

  I pry my eyes open, but I see nothing. It’s a fucking black hole that’s sucking me in. There is no escape from this. The world darkens and nothing else could be heard.

  When I finally come to, the sound of machines beeping freak me out. I blink my eyes until the room comes into focus.

  “Where is she?” I croak the words. My dad’s face comes into view.

  “She was in surgery. Doc said it’s gonna be awhile.”

  I shove myself up feeling a little lightheaded. My dad tries to push me back down, but I don’t let him. “I need to fuckin’ see her!” I thunder before ripping the IV out of my arm. I storm toward the door and down the hallway until I realize I’m in a fucking hospital gown.

  “Fuck!” I growl before I turn on my heel and head back toward the room.

  “I always knew you had a nice ass.”

  Glancing over my shoulder I see Brooke with a grin on her face.

  “You heard anything?” I don’t give a shit about myself. I’m worried about Taylor. I need to know that she’s ok. I have to see her.

  “She’s in surgery, Mayhem. The bullets.”

  What? I don’t let her finish. “Bullets? As in more than one? I’m gonna fuckin’ kill someone.” Heat rises inside of me. My heart starts pounding, blood rushing my ears.

  Chapter 36


  My body hurts. My head hurts. Am I even alive? You don’t feel pain when your dead, right? How the hell would I know - I’ve never been dead before. I can hear the sounds of machines beeping which
has to mean I’m in the hospital, not dead. Or does it? Maybe I’m losing my mind.

  I move my fingers, or at least I think I am, but I can’t lift my arm. What the hell is happening to me? I try to speak but no words come. I can’t even tell if my mouth is opening. Is this what death feels like? You can hear but not speak? Am I a ghost? What the hell is happening to me!

  “Get the fuck outta my way!” I hear him. Oh God. I can hear Mayhem’s voice. I want to run to him, I want to scream his name, but I can’t.

  “Jesus Christ. I’m so fuckin’ sorry, Tay. I shouldn’t have left you alone. I should have fuckin’ stayed with you.”

  No, I understand why you left. You had to. This isn’t your fault, Mayhem.

  I think all of this, but why won’t the fucking words form? Why can’t I say anything?

  “I fuckin’ ruined everything. Damnit, Tay! I’ll kill him myself. I promise that once I know you’re ok, I’ll kill him.”

  His words are a promise in themselves. I know he will kill anyone who hurts me. He may not love me, but he does care. He cares about me. I want to throw my arms around his neck and hold him closely, but I can’t fucking move!

  “Doc said she has a head injury. Don’t know if or when she’ll wake up.” Blu’s voice filters into the room.

  If? What does he mean if? I can hear everything! Why wouldn’t I wake up?

  “She’ll fuckin’ wake up. She promised me, Pop. She promised she wouldn’t leave me. You promised me, Tay!” Mayhem yells.

  My heart breaks knowing that this is hurting him. I’m hurting him, and there is nothing I can do to stop it. I will wake up, Mayhem. I will! I can hear him sniffle. It kills me piece by piece to know that he’s sitting there, and there is nothing I can do for him. He’s grieving me, and I can’t even hold him.

  “She’ll come around, Son. You’re right. She will. We just need to stay strong for her right now,” Blu says.


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