Soulless Bastards MC No Cal Boxset

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Soulless Bastards MC No Cal Boxset Page 49

by Erin Trejo

  “What the hell is going on, Greg?” Justin asks.

  My dad walks over and kicks him in the stomach. Justin grunts and doubles over. The pain in his eyes makes me smile. Now he knows what it felt like to be me. Now he can feel the pain he put me through.

  “When I made the deal with your dad, Justin, it wasn’t to lay a hand on my daughter.” Justin jerks his head up and looks at my dad.

  “It’s not like that. She came onto me. She wanted me, Greg! I went with your bullshit plan! She’s lying to you!” Justin screams frantically. My dad laughs as he circles around him, staring menacingly at him.

  “You would want me to believe that a daughter who hasn’t known me as her father would come in here against her will and lie?” he asks looking down at Justin.

  I see the look in Justin’s eyes. It’s the look of fear. I’ve felt it many times before at his hands.

  “She’s lying!” Justin roars again. My dad kicks him in the stomach once more, watching him fall to the floor.

  “Boss! We have a situation!” one of his guys calls from the door. My dad’s eyes move to me and back the man.

  “Get in here and secure the room.” he yells at the man. My dad turns to me, his hands coming to rest on my cheeks.

  “Cherry, I know I’ve thrown a lot at you today, but please stay in this room while I handle what’s outside.” His eyes are so sincere how could I not agree?

  I nod my head and my heart melts at the sight of the tear in his eye. He presses a kiss to my forehead before he makes his way through the room. My heart hammers in my chest. I watch the man lock and secure the door before moving to stand next to Justin, his gun trained on him the whole time.

  “I’m Benton, by the way. Your dad’s right-hand man,” the man says with a smile. I nod as I look at Justin. The piece of shit that has made my life hell since I was little. It makes me sick to even think about what he’s done to me.

  “You lied. All my life you lied to me. How did you get my mom to do it to?” I ask him.

  He glances up, spit running down his chin. The look of hate in his eyes. “She was a drug addict. You know that. I gave her what she wanted, and I got what I wanted in return.” He smirks at me. He doesn’t need to say it. I know he’s talking about me.

  “You’re sick. I will love watching you rot in hell,” I tell him. My hands clench at my sides. I want to smack the look off his face.

  “Your boyfriend will meet me there. You think Mouse was letting him live?”

  My chest tightens at his words. Mouse couldn’t have gotten to him. There’s no way. Nuts is too smart for that.

  A commotion behind the door pulls everyone’s attention. Benton turns his head to look, and Justin uses that to his advantage. He spins around, kicking Benton’s legs out from under him. His gun slides across the floor. Justin and I share a glance before we both race toward it. The noise outside the door is getting louder, but all I can think about is getting that gun in my hands.

  I’m almost to it when Justin slams into me from behind. My head bounces off the marble floor, spots flashing behind my eyes. I shake my head trying to clear it.

  “You thought you’d win this.” Justin’s voice swims in my head.


  Is that Nuts? How the hell am I hearing him? Is he here?

  “Nuts?” I say softly as Justin laughs.

  “He can’t save you from me, from what I’ve done to you. I’ve ruined you, Cherry.”

  The door flies open just as my vision clears. I can see Nuts with his gun trained on my dad’s head. Panic shakes my body as the rest of the guys move in. I look around at all of them as tears fall down my face.

  “You might wanna put that gun done or I’ll blow your friend’s head off,” Nuts growls looking at Justin.

  “He isn’t useful to me anymore,” Justin says.

  “Nuts. No. Don’t hurt him,” I beg. Justin moves toward me, pulling me from the floor by hair. A strangled sob leaves my throat.

  “Let her go!” Nuts roars again.

  “You’re makin’ a huge mistake here. Just ask Mouse when you see him in hell,” Mayhem says with a smile. I lock eyes with him needing to know it’s the truth. He nods his head slightly giving me the answer I wanted.

  “Mouse didn’t mean shit either.” He digs the barrel of his gun into the side of my head as Nuts does the same to my dad. I can see the pain in his eyes.

  “Nuts, please. Let him go.”

  I look to my dad. Nuts doesn’t move. I’m sure he’s thinking it’s what I was told to say. My heart pounds in my chest as I watch the showdown that I’ve unwillingly become a part of.

  Chapter 41


  Is she saying that because that’s what they told her to say? Should I really let him go? Something inside of me says to listen to her. I look in her eyes once more and slowly move the gun from the man’s head ready for a fight that doesn’t come. He stands up and adjusts his suit before looking at me.

  “I haven’t had the pleasure of meeting you, but this clearly isn’t the time,” the man says.

  I keep an eye on him but one on Justin too. Turning away from me, he speaks to the piece of shit holding my woman hostage. “It’s over, Justin.”

  Justin laughs, making my blood boil even hotter. But that’s when I see the man moving around behind him and to set up a shot. If he misses that shot and hits Cherry… Fuck I can’t even think. I see the man raise the gun and aim. He holds steady as Justin moves around slightly. I glance at Dec, and he gives me a subtle nod letting me know that it’s okay to let him take the shot. I trust Declan with my life, which in turn means Cherry’s.

  “Nothing is over, Greg. I did what you wanted. I brought you your little girl. Now I want my payment,” Justin says grinding his teeth.

  Cherry’s eyes stay on mine. She never looks away from me, and I don’t know if I love it or hate. I can’t get to her. I didn’t protect her from this. From them.

  “Your payment was voided when you laid your filthy hands on my daughter,” Greg roars.

  Something inside of me snaps. He didn’t know Justin was doing that to her? How the hell couldn’t he have known?

  “She was ripe for the taking. She enjoyed it.”

  That’s it. I lose it. I toss my gun to the floor and move toward him with my hands in the air. His eyes flick to mine, shoving that gun against her head harder.

  “You know what she enjoyed, Justin? She enjoyed me holdin’ her. She enjoyed my dick inside of her. The only thing she will ever enjoy about you is your death. The way you will rot in hell. The way you will see my face there one day and know that I will fuck you up until the next century. That is all she will enjoy of you!” I roar. His gun moves from Cherry to me just like I wanted it to.

  “Oh, yeah? What if I send you there first?”

  Time slows. Everything moves in slow motion. The sound of his gun firing. The sound of another gun firing. Justin’s dead body falling limply to the floor. An explosion of worlds colliding. It all slams together. I hit the floor hard with something hard coming down on top of me. Cherry’s cries are next as I shake my head trying to control myself. I lift my head to find Greg on top of me. I push him off, his body rolling to the floor. I sit up just to be knocked back down by Cherry’s body flying into my arms. Wrapping my arms around her shaking body, I hold her tightly. I never want to let her go and after this, I won’t.

  “Are you hurt?” I ask her. She shakes her head against my chest where I hold her steady. I sit us up and push her back to look her over trembling body. She smiles at me, and I’m lost.

  “Are you hurt?” she asks me, her hands moving over every part of me she can get to. I shake my head before I slam my lips against hers. I kiss her like I’ve never kissed her before. The room goes silent, only the sounds of our breathing filling the eerie air.

  “Cherry,” a soft voice calls.

  Cherry’s head snaps up, turning to Greg. She climbs off my lap quickly before kneeling next to him. H
er little hand runs over his face as she stares down at him. I look to Dec but he doesn’t have a clue either.

  “I’m so sorry, Daddy. I’m so sorry,” she cries.

  Shit! That really is her dad?

  His hand comes up to cover hers, her tears falling faster. “I’ll be fine, honey. You have a choice to make now,” he tells her.

  What the fuck is this? What choice?

  “Dad. I don’t know what to say.”

  Another man comes to kneel next to them. “Car’s ready, boss.”

  Greg nods, pushing himself up. I don’t miss the grimace on his face or the blood seeping from his shoulder. Greg climbs to his feet with Cherry at his side. She looks at me, and I can see the longing in her eyes.

  “Are you the boyfriend?” Greg’s voice pulls my attention.

  “I am,” I say as I stand and face the man.

  “I gave my daughter the choice to go with me or stay. It’s clear where her heart lies.” He moves toward me, cradling his arm, holding his hand out to me with the other. I take it in mine and shake the man’s hand. “Cherry can fill you in on everything. I trust that I won’t have to worry about her while she has you.” The sternness in his voice should piss me off, but it doesn’t. It gives me a sense of peace.

  “You will never have to worry about her with me,” I promise him.

  Cherry’s eyes fill with more tears as she looks at us. Greg nods his head at me before turning to her. “While I wished you would come with me, I understand that you love him. I only want what’s best for you, Cherry. We will see each other again one day.”

  He presses a kiss to Cherry’s head before hugging her. She cries into his shirt before he pulls away and passes her to me. I pull her straight into my arms where she will live for the rest of her life. I don’t think I could let her out of my sight again if I had to.

  “Your father was a good man,” Greg says to Mayhem. He nods once and lets his eyes fall to the floor. It’s a strange turn of events that took place here. I hold Cherry in my arms while Greg leaves and the others head toward the door.

  “So, I met the parent, huh? How do you think I did? Think he approves?” I ask Cherry making her laugh. She looks up at me with those gorgeous eyes.

  “I think he liked you. I’m not sure how he felt about hearing that you fucked me better though,” she teases. I laugh as I wrap my arm around her waist and lead her to the door.

  “It had to be said. We couldn’t just let people think otherwise,” I tease her back. Cherry holds tightly to the back of my shirt but when we get to the door, she stops.

  “Wait!” she squeals and pulls away from me. She turns and runs back to the couch, picking up a stack of what looks like photos. She glances down at the one on the top, a small smile coming over her face.

  “Thank you, Blu. You were my true father.”

  I barely hear the words and I have no idea what they mean but I’m sure when she is ready she will tell me. I watch her walk toward me but suddenly stop next to Justin’s lifeless body. She stares down at him not moving or saying a word. I move toward her, wrapping my arm around her waist. I give her the moment she clearly needs.

  “It’s finally over, Nuts,” she says softly.


  “My mom?” she asks softly. I didn’t want to tell her but Mystic found out she died a few days ago.

  “Gone” is all I can say. Cherry nods hear head but doesn’t cry.

  “You fought him,” I say with pride. She looks up at me a little confused but then smiles.

  “Of course, I did. You taught me how to be a fighter. I had to earn that shit.” Cherry throws my words back at me. I can’t help but chuckle as I lead her out of the house. As soon as we step out, the guys rush her. Mayhem is the first one pulling her in for a hug.

  “Goddamn it, Cherry. You scared the shit outta me,” he admits. It’s a sight to see Mayhem like this.

  “I scared the shit out of me, too,” she says. He steps back and she pulls a photo from the stack passing it to him. His eyes swell with tears before blinking them away. Tic and Declan step up next to him, shaking their heads. I walk over and tug her back into my arms when I glance down. The picture is of four kids sitting on the floor of the clubhouse playing together. One girl and three boys.

  “You’ve always been family,” Tic says.

  Chapter 42


  He watches me like a hawk. I can’t say that I don’t like it either. It makes me feel safe and loved. After everything else that has happened, Nuts has been by my side. I love it. I love him.

  “So, what color for the bridesmaid’s dresses?” his mom asks enthusiastically. I glance down at the ring on my finger that sparkles in the sunlight.

  “I really have no idea,” I tell her with a slight smile. I look back up and watch Nuts as he dives under the water. He looks so perfect out there with water dripping off his hot body.

  “Go on. Have some fun while you’re here. He will be whisking you off back home soon,” she says. I smile over at her and pull her into a hug as I stand.

  Nuts has brought me to his parents’ house a million times in the last three months. It was hard at first, but the more I come, the more I love them. I walk through the sand as it sifts between my toes. Raising my hand to shield my eyes from the sun, the water laps at my feet as I watch Nuts come up out of the water and smiles my way.

  “Hey, beautiful. You comin’ in?” he asks. I shake my head as he furrows his brows.

  “Why not? It’s warm,” he says smirking at me. I shake my head once more and walk into the water. The cool ocean breeze blows around me.

  “Do you know how perfect you are?” Nuts says pulling me into his arms.

  “How do I deserve you?” I ask him. The thought has been nagging at me after what Justin said to me. I know he’s dead. I know he was just trying to hurt me, but the thought is still there.

  “What are you talkin’ about?” Nuts pulls away looking me in the eyes.

  “Justin said I was ruined. That no one would want me. I know he was trying to hurt me, but I can’t help but wonder.”

  His hands come out of the water, cupping my cheeks. He holds my face in his hands before he says, “You aren’t ruined. You’re mine. I worked my ass off for you, Cherry. If you were ruined you would have thrown yourself at me without a second thought. You didn’t. You made me work for it,” he says, his tone serious.

  “You earned it, Nuts. You earned me. You earned my heart just like you said you would.”

  “Did I earn the right to be your husband?” he asks.

  When he first asked me, I couldn’t give him an answer. He knew my head wasn’t in the right place, and he promised that he wouldn’t force me. He hasn’t either. For months, he’s let me have time to think and refocus.

  “I don’t know, Mr. Dillinger, have you?” I tease him. Nuts chuckles before he kisses me. “I think your mom thinks you earned it. She was asking me about bridesmaid dresses,” I tell him when I pull back. His eyes widen before I laugh.

  “She seen the ring?” he asks me.

  I nod. I told him that I would wear the ring he bought me until I decided. He was so adamant about it that I couldn’t say no. Deep down I didn’t want to say no either. Nuts has been the best thing that has ever happened to me. We might have met under strange circumstances, but we met just the same.

  “Shit. I didn’t think she’d pay attention. Sorry, baby,” he says with a smile.

  “I don’t know, I kind of liked talking to her about it.”

  “Does that mean I’ve earned you?” he asks again. I wrap my arms around his neck, holding him closely to me.

  “You earned it. You’ve earned all of me, Nuts. From the day I first laid eyes on you, I knew you were different. You weren’t like the others. You were special. You made me feel special. Everything about you screamed different. I didn’t want to admit it at first, but you were mine,” I tell him. Nuts growls before pressing his lips to my neck.

��You made me work so damn hard for you. I thought about givin’ up, but I’m not a quitter. I knew what you had and I wanted it. There was no fuckin’ way anyone else was gettin’ their hands on you.”

  I giggle as he moves his hands around my waist. He tickles my sides making laugh harder and harder.

  In our world, love doesn’t come easily. I thought I would never find it. Who the hell knew that the one prospect that I avoided would be the one to win my heart? I never thought I would find my happily ever after, but here he is. In my arms, holding me. Kissing me. Loving me. I was always made to believe that I wasn’t wanted by Justin and my mom, and to an extent, I believed them. When someone hurts you repeatedly and tells you these things over and over you have no other choice but to start letting it become your reality. I let it become mine, and I could have lost the one person helped me change. The one person who believed in me and made me believe in myself. Nuts may have the world at his fingertips because of the family he was born into, but he doesn’t let it show. He does what he sets out to do. He earns his way in life just like he earned his way into my heart. No matter how hard I pushed, Nuts tried harder. That’s what a real man does. That’s how a real man treats a woman. It took me a long time to realize that.

  “Well, after that lunch I fed you and this sweet dance in ocean – oh, and we can’t forget that sexy leather I bought you, I think I earned a good blow job,” Nuts teases me. I laugh, throwing my head back.

  “You think so?” I ask him. His lips hover closely to mine.

  “I think so.”

  “I love you, Nuts. I’m glad you fought for me,” I whisper against his lips. His eyes light up like that meant the world to him.

  “As much as I’ve earned you, you’ve earned me too, Cherry. I don’t know anyone stronger than you. I don’t know anyone who could have gone through the hell that you have and came out smilin’. I want to earn so much more from you. I want you happy. I want that smile on your face all the time.” My heart leaps in my chest.


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