Hide and Seek - part 6 - Rhyming & Non Rhyming Poems

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Hide and Seek - part 6 - Rhyming & Non Rhyming Poems Page 5

by Nikhil Parekh

I felt unrelentingly strangulated; with exhausted blasts of wind emanating from my nose,

  Gloominess besieging me with tumultuous force; piercing through my innocuous heart,

  An ocean of sweat dribbled down at astoundingly slow speed; trespassing my brow,

  The crispness of my shirt; now transited into a completely bedraggled texture,

  An inevitable sensation to scratch engulfed my naked skin; and intricate areas of sandwiched between the curly mass of my hair,

  A fetid odor wafting from my mouth; permeated the rustically plush ambience,

  Incessant shuffling of my feet; made me feel intensely uncomfortable,

  Trapped mosquitoes stung succulent chunks of my flesh; inundating my palms with embarrassing blemishes,

  My hands felt stiff; starved and thoroughly deprived of the tiniest of movement,

  Folds of my skin camouflaging my eye felt heavy; my vision growing disconcertingly blurred by the unleashing minute,

  A plethora of jerks rattled the most tenacious of my bone; waking me up every second from my blissful reveries,

  that is when I unabashedly shouted in the luxury car , to switch of

  the air-conditioner please .


  Ominous black clouds in the firmament of sky; showered thunderous rain,

  Deluging dry earth with bountiful water; quenching the thirst of umpteenth organisms dying premature.

  The densely foliated apple tree; showered clusters of dry leaves on the ground; blended commensurately with dead twigs,

  Facilitating the infertile soil to blossom productively; yielding a plethora of vegetable and lush green grass.

  The dilapidated ceiling glistening nefariously in the silver moonlight; showered several crusts of decayed paint on the ground,

  Impregnating it with a soft cushion; so that the stray rats could seek blissful refuge; and sleep.

  The astral body of Sun dancing vivaciously in the cosmos; showered tenacious beams of dazzling light on the earth,

  Annihilating inexplicable disease from its non-existent roots; giving the mundane pedestrian a new hope to live.

  The metallic pipe suspended in the bathroom had intricate nozzles incorporated; showered ravishing droplets of water when switched on,

  Drenching exhausted individuals with revitalizing liquid; cleansing the disdainful blotches riveted to their skins.

  The colossal mountains strangulated with mesmerizing white snow; showered icy liquid in peak summer,

  Which trickled down languidly on the ground; intensely tickling innocuous toddlers passing by.

  The healthy persona of rustic cow; showered tons of milk when deftly caressed on its teats,

  Silenced incessantly crying infants when they tasted the same; passionately suckling its young ones just born.

  The wildly suspended pungent breeze; showered astronomical amounts of dust as it blew,

  Imprisoning gargantuan dust and sand in its flow; vomiting the same on high swirling waves of the ocean.

  She stood tall and domineering; way above the rest of the lecherous world; showering me with perpetual cascades of her magnanimous love,

  Instilling my impoverished soul with immortal happiness; catapulting me to heights of incredible jubilation.

  And the Omnipresent aura of God; showered the earth with us humans; existing in varied color and species,

  Bestowing upon us the power to procreate our generations; the unrelenting prowess to create; discover and love.


  I was born with a thick shock of curly hair,

  Silky strands of light brown cascading down my scalp,

  Broad outlines of eyebrow fringe,

  They were my pride; cuddled on infinite occasions by my mother,

  Glistening in sunshine like pure black shoe polish paint,

  Caressing minute regions of my skull in breeze blowing with high velocity,

  Mingling once in a while with the delicate periphery of my inverted eyelash,

  Sighted as a puffed bunch of dark cushion by all in close proximity,

  I always kept them shampooed and scrupulously clean,

  Sobbed hysterically in private interiors of my room,

  When a cluster of school mates harmlessly plucked a few,

  I was obsessed with the concept of evergreen hair growth,

  Slept all night with tight fitted shower cap clinging to my garden of hair.

  Those whirlwind days of youth had now faded,

  Unwanted vigils of old age had crept in at amazing speeds,

  Bald patches of skin now sparkled in sunlight,

  Resembled rich quality pure wax in pearly light of the moon,

  The hair which once inhabited my scalp,

  Now lay dumped; perhaps under stagnant waters of the city sewer,

  Iterative attempts of washing, scrubbing, oiling, applying medicinal balm had proven futile,

  I had finally succumbed to the tyranny of fate,

  Nevertheless I still wore fluffy fibers of ant red hair,

  Which neither budged nor moved an inch; in the most gustiest of breeze,

  Projecting pompously from the artificial plastic of my whisky complexioned hair wig.


  It was a semipermeable membrane of curved plastic,

  Softened to usable proportions,

  Suspended in a pool of viscid tear film,

  Enhancing complete visual fitness,

  Enriched with optical charisma,

  Tailored to a host of curvatures,

  Sewn with fibers of crystal gelatin,

  Blended with a spectrum of colors,

  A maze of wild; sedate; tulip; ravishing designs,

  A plastic strip of delightful fashion,

  Extinguishing tales of darkened sorrow,

  Months and years of faulty vision,

  Nerve wrecking tales of groping about in haze,

  Impeachable agony of mistaking identities,

  Unending oppression of being mutilated,

  A lustrous jewel adorning the eye,

  An invincible palace of dreams,

  Dethroning flashes of black forever,

  A tribute to the visual faculty,

  My salutations to what a novice knows about,

  The scientific way of annihilating visual devastation,

  An indispensable product for meaningful existence,

  Clinging tightly to the eyeball,

  Christened in common parlance as an ultratight and satiny soft Contact Lens


  I altruistically stared at the wall,

  Pale and white with a few blemishes,

  A solid fortress of cement concrete,

  Embellished with multiple coats of rich paint,

  A silent barrier impregnated with juxtaposed bricks,

  Fiery red; burnt brown and black,

  The acting alloys of the nonchalant structure,

  Firmly sealed to its fecund foundations,

  Embedded deep in intricate recesses of mud,

  Which cries out loud with every inch of vertical invasion,

  Radiating rampantly with discordant ease; with every unfurling minute,

  Breaking the harmony of the coagulated network; of trillions of soil molecules,

  Rendering them hopeless and haphazardly scattered,

  As the morbid structure of creation,

  Painstakingly penetrates into deep oceans of dark mud.


  The inflated swell of vehicular rubber,

  Was with soft rectangular indentations,

  Held captive in circular hollow of the tyre,

  Traversed speedily along compact metallic roads,

  Crushing dry leaves; trampling unkempt wild weeds,

  Fixed and stuck to metallic plates,

  With radiating spikes; midget spokes of corrugated steel,

  Maneuvering sharply across a landscape of barren concre

  With deft strokes to the driving wheel,

  Firm slanted pressure to the compressible gas pedal,

  And skillful articulate movement of the gear shit machinery,

  The tyre treads raced through wet mud roads,

  Leaving behind trails of woven patterns,

  Resembling dead sticks of rotten sugarcane,

  As a sudden whirring noise encapsulated the atmosphere,

  Tons of dust blew; silencing the crux of exuberant activity,

  Brakes wailed in cacophonic unison,

  Tyre chunks bled against the mass of hardened mud,

  Creating asymmetrical rings of disdainful dust,

  The main culprit being;

  A cluster of iron pins; in hot agony,

  Strewn in randomly savage proportions,

  Waiting to trap innocent prey of vehicular rubber,

  Inserting themselves into the thickened rubber flesh,

  Squeezing out macro plumage of air mass; exhausting it to the last drop,

  Rendering the spongy sheath of charismatic rubber,

  Into distorted piles of mangled junk.


  Infinite stretch of white metal,

  Running parallel through unlimited access of territory,

  Laid on mounds of defined camber,

  Spaced at varying distances,

  Connected by planks of resistant timber,

  Criscrossing flexibly through a maze of routes,

  Firmly stuck by tight screw; nut and bolt,

  Welded to designer perfection,

  In a kingdom of pointed stones,

  And shady domains of tree foliage,

  Bearing loads of flesh and cargo,

  Along with metallic skeletons of speedy trains,

  Excreting clouds of smoke as they pass,

  Produced in coal chambers of captain room,

  The train chugs blatantly,

  With horns blaring in obstreperous unison,

  Through steep slopes; cloistered tunnels,

  Icy cliffs; steel bridges,

  A jungle of stations; distant towns,

  Embracing sticks of long iron rail,

  On a compatible basis; for centuries of blissful travel.


  The emerald green cinnamon leaf,

  An undulating surface of midget proportions,

  Engraved with somber white veins,

  A camouflage of edibility,

  Wild with rudimentary scent of nature,

  Vivaciously luring tiny apertures of consumption,

  Into a chewable fiesta; of spicy blended ingredients,

  Prompting unanimous chorus of satisfaction,

  As globules of water roll down from my crystalline eyes,

  Witnessing natures brevity at close quarters,

  Tuning my mental machinery; effusive arenas of my demeanor,

  To harness the gift of clay and kin.


  Brown smoke rose from the tall chimney,

  Sinister eagles creating powerful draughts of wind,

  Grey lizards swished their tail as they clawed upwards,

  Dried moisture from the river bank descended on the tapered structure,

  Engulfing parched skin of concrete with paltry amounts of natural coolant.

  High up in the tower dwelt a grizzly haired man,

  Solitude camouflaged him in totality,

  Shriveled bones of his body shone prominently,

  Silky white beard flowed majestically from his facial contours,

  Adorned he was in godly robes of saffron gold,

  Each of his finger was studded with a mystical charm,

  There lay a crystal globe abreast of him,

  Which he presumed; dissipated entangled enigmas of life.

  An affluent man met him with loads of hope,

  Bereft he was of precious centers of life bestowing vision,

  He had groped about in darkness ever since he was born.

  The eccentric saint stared at him for long hours,

  Commanded him to kiss the crystal trophy; containing perfumed mountain shrub and water,

  Sprinkled all parts of his persona with pinches of turmeric powder,

  Smeared his eyes with a paste of rabbit whisker and boiled mushroom,

  Chanted spell binding rhymes with proficient ease,

  Swayed like a maniac expending all energy possessed by his wrinkled feet,

  The transformation that occurred was breathtaking,

  Transparent globules of water welled up in the man’s eyes,

  Blurred outlines of the room became slowly visible,

  Decades of agony in dark seemed to be fading fast,

  He could now see the razor sharp outlines of ducks in the river,

  As fresh rays of morning Sunlight caressed him with their full might.


  The sparkling surface of evanescent water,

  Reveals undiscovered exhilaration in a smooth manner,

  The impregnable waters had few ripples,

  Withstanding the acerbic summer heat,

  Cruising along with radiant buoyancy,

  Crawling step by step with dreary resistance to hard bed rock,

  Into the open crevices of virgin land,

  Covering in entirety; barren regions of dry river bed,

  To give sedative effects like those experienced,

  After massive consumption of lethal tranquilizer drugs.


  Before me stretches the gargantuan ocean of blood,

  O! helmsman be my eternal companion,

  Launch me into it face down,

  The turbulent waves of blood shake our boat,

  But don’t be afraid my friend,

  For at every step there’s god to be,

  To wipe the tear drops from our eyes,

  And to be our eternal friend.

  Our boat is going too fast,

  Slow it down a trifle my friend,

  To bring it in terms with the actual pace of life,

  Where lies agonizing sorrow and grief,

  With a thick intensity,

  For us to handle with our boat,

  Trespassing calmly over it,

  For every step that passes by; is a path to the open world.

  O! Friend come near; lets prepare to jump,

  In the concoction of blood and water that surrounds us,

  For we have now left this life far behind,

  And are prepared for the time to come,

  Do not be afraid of the consequences my friend,

  For this world will laugh at you and me,

  I can hear the laugh loud and reverberating a few feet behind us,

  C’mon lets prepare to jump.


  O! Mother why do you shed your costly tears for me?

  I’m horrid and of no use to this world,

  With every unforgiving minute to my credit,

  And the agony of my presence; causing tears to your eyes,

  Those eyes which once oozed tears of ebullient happiness and joy,

  Newness and excitement,

  With the past memories reflecting poignantly in them,

  And the most moisture engulfing them; making those tears more costly and inimitably priceless.

  Please close your eyes,

  For I have not the strength; to see your sorrow pouring out,

  Just for the sake of a wretched boy,

  Those holy white drops of your pain; purify the area on which they fall,

  Creating tremors of faith,

  Depicting your immortal glory to all.

  Your eyes are so astoundingly beautiful,

  Weren’t meant to cry,

  But to enjoy the tears of ecstasy gushing out instead,

  Every instant; creating sweet rivulets of love,

  Away from my unearthly soul,

  In a blissful world yo
u would like to live in,

  Leaving my disgraceful form; in the hands of the supreme form.

  My every unpardonable deed,

  Leads me to those pointed thorns, where I await my harsh destiny.

  O ! Dear mother please don’t cry,

  Don’t waste the wonderful years of your life,

  For a coward like me, uncaring, unloving, causing misery to your impeccable heart,

  Leave this devilish character,

  Far away from your mesmerizing shadow,

  Giving those eternal eyes of yours some rest,

  But for heaven sake please don’t cry.


  This man living was a blessing to earth,

  His character truly spotless and bright,

  With every bit of immaculate truth in it,

  In a great vast and mangled world of politics,

  Resolved to serve the nation

  And to be a true stalwart cum true knight.

  His persevering hand always got up for the right cause,

  To crush evil with a strong force,

  And gave infinite masses of people renewed hope.

  His ideas were as firm as bare unprocessed bricks,

  Bore tense enigmatic moments in peace,

  And let ghastly crime on earth cease.

  A quick glimpse of his wheatish face,

  Can reveal a just and fair case.

  His steps to righteous success were never stopped,

  As they got mighty obstacles chopped.

  He pointed to the right way,

  Kept people round the globe always gay.

  The essence of his benevolent deeds spread far and wide,

  Prepares all humans for the onerous bout.

  The ashes of his body still depict,

  As to where the real freedom of India lives.

  34. LIFE

  Those dark brown fields of life,

  So vast in an entrenchment of their own,

  Lost in the syndrome of beauty,

  Towering over all heights,

  Capsizing the true mettle in man,

  Perspiring from the onerous task,

  Draping curtains of freshly dug earth,

  Leading to dim lights shining ahead.

  Those brown fields resemble that orange fading light,

  Diffusing into blissful shades of turmoil,

  Ebullient with the quenching of time,

  Creating bountiful demands,

  Abaft with blushes of scarlet red,

  Entangling unsolved riddles of life.


  I consider the weird tenacity of the intransigent air,

  That tickles the envelope of my mind,

  Unfolding a whole life of misery,

  Involving the trickery of its kind.

  The rugged terrains stretched like a shell,

  Rings nonchalantly in my mind a good nice bell.

  A flower blossoms; a bird chirps,

  Bringing my mind the best kind of jerks.

  At last I get out of this heavenly dream,

  To enrich the taste of the real cream.


  When I study the softness and true intimacy of the air,

  It encapsulates my mind with an altruistic blare.

  The velvety touch, the shadowy grace,

  Have evaporated fully without a trace.

  The hot and blistering breeze,

  Has made the cool atmosphere cease.

  The salty scent of air near the volatile sea,

  Has always satisfied hordes of humming bee,

  And filled innocent minds of school children with lots of glee.

  The ravenous smell of the sweet blue air,

  Has made man go near it,

  For he has in his mind a plethora of thoughts; but no fear,

  And as the scorching Sun filters through the sky,

  The arid air mass cries aloud,

  To get the sympathy of thin wisps of invisible clouds.


  The mystic tune of melodious air,

  Shimmering brightly in perennial softness,

  With breaths of insatiable desire,

  Like a golden harp beside me,

  Flowing past my eyes; smothering all sorrows,

  Entitling its presence to my skin,

  With showers of silken delight to follow.

  The path of air inside me,

  Imprisons me with a wave of hope,

  Briskly striding over a mountain of sadness,

  Subsiding every iota of pain,

  Enveloping my whole being in a languid manner,

  Making surplus availability of exuberant thoughts,

  To say goodbye to me.

  That blazing rumble of soft movement,

  Tickles my conscience astride,

  Offering its red hot tenacity,

  To the liquid of rage inside me,

  Penetrating me with slow viscosity,

  Determining my fate to go,

  Placing me in an abysmal dilemma,

  Like the dexterous string of elastic bows.


  The vivid moonlight amidst the vast expanse of black,

  Mesmerizing with tranquil tunes,

  Whispers its sanity below,

  To dark and moisture laden sultry air,

  Intruding upon the blissful silence.

  The spiritual harmony in whitish tinge,

  Scrapes away

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