Serial 4

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Serial 4 Page 6

by Lily White

  “Oh my god, turn this one up,” she squealed as something upbeat and pop inspired came on. She reached for the volume on the console and I slapped her hand away, tapped the screen and turned it off entirely.

  She recoiled but shrunk into her side of the front seat as I’d wanted, falling silent at last.

  If she didn’t know what I was feeling, she knew now.

  I pulled off the highway onto a side road and drove in blessed silence until the pavement ended.

  We hit the gravel and the Range Rover absorbed the potholes, but dust billowed up around us. I wasn’t disturbed by this though, although dirt and chaos generally annoyed me. I was excited by it.

  This indicated I was within a short drive of my dumping grounds, the bodies I’d left here over the years, the ones the FBI still hadn’t found. They were out there, the women I’d preserved in time, the women I’d immortalized in my mind and in their trophies.

  I was rock hard and ready to go when we pulled up to the agreed upon spot. A large black FBI SUV was already parked and Agents Blake and Chase were waiting next to it, perfect bookends in their sleek black suits and mirrored sunglasses.

  “I wonder if they get a bulk discount,” I murmured and Pet’s head snapped around to look at me.

  “What was that, lover?” she asked in that sing-song tone that used to amuse be but more recently got right under my skin, sending ripples of irritation along my spine like sand in my eye.

  I glared at her, cut the engine and got out. She followed along, slamming her door a little too hard in the silence of the woods. It echoed.

  I couldn’t understand how I’d been so enamored with her before I’d known her.

  “Agent Blake,” I said as we approached them. I held my hand out to shake his and deliberately didn’t acknowledge Agent Chase. She frowned, I could see it out of the corner of my eye. She pursed her lips together and glared at me with a dark, hooded gaze.

  “Are you ready to come with us?”

  Her voice was demanding and entitled, as if she was used to men jumping to her commands. She was the kind of woman who had been taught that taking charge was the only way to get something done.

  She lacked refinement and that rankled me. Raised my hackles.

  I looked at the three of them at that moment, and I knew what I had to do.

  I had to save myself. And my sanity.

  I had to quench the thirst.

  I offered Agent Chase a modest smile, ran my hand down my thigh to reassure myself that my knife was still firmly affixed to the custom holster at my waist, and said, “I’m ready.”

  But I didn’t mean to leave the spot with anyone.

  12 Jude, because after all, it’s always about Jude

  Agent Chase was my first target because Blake and Pet were still ignorant to my true motives.

  I turned slightly as if to say goodbye to Pet, locked my eyes with Blake and he caught my drift. He walked past me, took Chase’s arm and said, “We can do this like civilized adults, Emily.”

  She had been going for her handcuffs, they were still in her grasp when her face turned to shock as Blake swiftly snapped them onto her wrists.

  “What the fuck?” Her surprise turned to anger within a heartbeat.

  I liked that about her. She would fight.

  “I’m sorry, Em, this is how it has to end. I’m with them now,” Blake said, his eyes darting towards Pet who was grinning like a cartoon villain. I’d never realized how out of control she was, she had zero self-possession. My mother had been right, and not just because she was my half-sister, but because she wasn’t good enough for me.

  “So you fucked the little slut and now your dick’s in her hands?” Chase spat out. She twisted in the cuffs, trying to reach her side arm. Pet darted in and snatched it from her hip holster.

  I pulled the knife out of my pants and caressed it lovingly, my eyes met Chase’s and she knew. Like a rabbit in the face of a fox, her eyes betrayed her confidence as she grappled with the fact that she was going to die.

  “We can do this simple and clean,” I said and ran my finger along the blade. “Or we can do it messy. It’s up to you, Agent Chase. Emily.”

  “Fuck you!” She spat at me but her glob of spittle landed a few feet away.

  Blake stepped in behind her and put his arm around her neck, choking off her air and holding her tight. “I like you, Em, I’ve fucked you. I know you fell for me, so let’s keep this simple. Easy. I don’t want to see you suffer.”

  Tears sprang to Chase’s eyes and I watched with fascination as the players acted out the performance in front of me.

  I handed Pet the knife, she took it with a wicked grin and stood on her tip toes to kiss me.

  I kissed her back fiercely, even here at the end of it all, she was still mine. I still asserted my dominion over her.

  I caught Blake’s eye as we kissed and he knew it too, she was mine even if I let him inhabit her body but for a moment here and there, even if he was allowed to slip inside of her and pretend she was his.

  She never would be. Not after today.

  Pet broke free and whirled around, light sparked in her eyes and she held the knife up, stood in front of Agent Chase and stared at her with an intensity that had me instantly throbbing and hard.

  “Do it, Pet,” I said and reached down to unbutton my pants. I pulled out my cock and slid my hand along its familiar warmth as Pet assessed the situation.

  “Let her do it,” I told Blake when he moved Chase towards Pet. “Release Chase, let her go and let my Pet have her fun.”

  I was detached and yet involved, every one of my senses was heightened to almost painful levels as I watched it all unfold, cock in hand, heart pounding like a man meeting his first love.

  “What should I do?” Blake asked, shifting from one foot to the other. Chase turned to him and emitted an animal cry of terror before making a run for it.

  “Let them work it out,” I said. Blake wanted to run after them, his body tensed, but he stayed in place. In fact he glanced down, saw what I was doing, and moved closer until he was beside me.

  The women made it around the edge of the black SUV before Pet caught Emily and dragged her back, screaming with her hair wrapped in Pet’s hands.

  Pet was strong for being such a lithe and delicate looking creature.

  I would miss her. Sometimes.

  But you couldn’t long for something unless you let it go.

  “Get her!” Blake yelled, clapping his hands together. He was losing his focus, getting too caught up in the fight between the two women.

  I ignored him and stroked myself and watched.

  Pet shoved Chase to her knees and kicked the agent in the face. Blood poured from her nose which appeared to have been broken. Emily sobbed, her tears mixed with clots of snot and blood now, but she was still worthy of a little rub and tug as I watched.

  I almost held my breath as Pet pulled the knife back, dragged Emily’s head down by her hair, and dropped her hand swiftly.

  The knife was razor sharp and did its job quickly.

  Pet hesitated as the blade hit the cartilage in Chase’s throat and got hung up for a moment or two, but I let her work it out and slide it through.

  Emily’s blood painted Pet and the side of the SUV. I chuckled as Blake choked beside me, the bloodbath proving to be a little too much for him to handle.

  Pet held onto Emily as she bled out and sunk slowly to the ground, her legs finally buckling and giving out from underneath her.

  “Exquisite,” I said, my admiration momentarily eclipsing the irritation I had been feeling for her. “Well done, Pet. Wasn’t that utter perfection, Agent Blake?”

  “Yes,” Blake said, his face white and drained of blood and his agreement entirely unconvincing.

  “Pet, come here,” I said, cock still in hand. “I want you to reward Blake for his first accessory to murder, it’s quite a big day for him.”

  She turned around, fire blazing in her eyes and her teeth s
howing as her grin stretched wider. “That was fucking incredible. Did you see the way she looked right at the end? When her life left her body? God, the eye contact, she made eye contact. I wasn’t able to enjoy the last murder, but this one…Jude, I love you so much for bringing me this feeling.”

  I inwardly rolled my eyes at her dramatic performance and decided to move it all along a little faster.

  I had things to do, bodies to dispose of, people to frame, and an early morning business meeting I realized I wouldn’t be missing.

  Not now. Not that I would be exonerated and my name would be cleared and everyone around me could go back to the safety of knowing I was a man who did his job, partied with his friends, and whose only vice was driving his expensive cars a little too fast on the weekends.

  I would set their minds at ease, my parents and their friends. My coworkers and employees. Even the guy who sold me the newspaper outside our office building.

  All of them would be so grateful for this reprieve, the disgust they must have felt knowing they’d been interacting with the Cascades Killer all that time.

  The self-doubt as they went through every interaction with me, wondering if there was something they missed.

  I was doing them a public service really, my charitable duty. Eliminate a couple of lives and carry on with mine to set hundreds of minds to rest.

  “It is rather addicting, isn’t it?” I replied and looked over at Blake. We would lose him if we had carried this out as planned. He would flip on us at some point, I could see it in his eyes.

  He did not have the stomach for murder.

  I was going to put him out of his misery.

  “Now give him his reward, Pet. He’s waiting.”

  Blake looked as if he was going to protest, but he wasn’t able to the moment Pet wrapped her long arms around his neck and dragged him in for a kiss.

  Her face was bright with sticky blood, her lips thick and lush with it, but Blake didn’t refuse her kiss. He was unable to. He was helpless in the bold face of my Pet.

  “That’s it, now give him what he wants. Everything he wants.”

  Pet responded to my voice by holding her hand out and giving me the knife so she could run her hands down the front of Blake’s white shirt, staining it red.

  She fumbled at his belt so I stepped over and helped. My own cock was still rock hard and fully erect in front of me. Blake surprised me by reaching down and grasping it, jerking it as Pet began to play with his.

  “Oh, I like this. This is so dirty,” Pet said, looking down. “Oh, so hot. Donovan, you are full of surprises.”

  “I thought you’d approve,” Blake replied, locking his eyes on Pet, but sliding his hand faster along my shaft. It was good, both of my scapegoats working hard to please me.

  I needed more though, I needed both of them split wide open before I came. I knew exactly what it would take, so I worked towards my goal.

  Blake worked my cock faster, but I held back, his lips were now stained with Chase’s blood and he looked half demented as his sexual arousal washed his guilt away.

  “Suck him,” I told Pet and she didn’t hesitate, she dropped to her knees in front of him and began to slurp loudly and make mewling purrs in the back of her throat to let us know how much she enjoyed it.

  “So I’m part of your gang now?” Blake asked, his eyes fixed on mine. He gave my cock a little squeeze that offended me somehow with its familiarity. I wasn’t interested in him sexually, per se, and him inserting his presence into my pleasure triggered that familiar red wash of rage that lived somewhere in the back of my head.

  Was it a part of me or was it something alien that appeared at moments like this, taking over the driver’s seat so I could relax and enjoy the show.

  And ultimately, did it even matter?

  Pet’s head bobbed up and down Blake’s shaft, and his hand was gripped on mine. I knew I was taking a risk, but life was all about taking risks.

  So I lifted the knife in one swift motion and drew it across his neck. His surprise was so satisfying I almost came. His hand jerked and spasmed around my cock, making it almost impossible to contain myself, and his blood hit me in a hot red spray, making self-control nearly foreign.

  But I managed.

  Pet didn’t even notice, she kept sucking until she realized his blood was spraying down the front of me and hitting the top of her head. She looked up, her mouth still full, and closed her eyes as if to receive communion.

  I eased his body down as the life fled, his hand slipped off me and his cock fell out of Pet’s mouth. She looked upset at that, it was still hard.

  “Would it be weird if I rode him?” she asked, staring at his rigid shaft.

  “Would anything be weird right now?”

  “Probably not. But I don’t know if I’m into corpses.”

  “There’s only one way to find out.”

  I settled him onto his back and let him go at last. His body was in repose, as if he was sleeping, his hand still grimaced in that GI Joe action grip, his cock still rock hard.

  Angel lust, I believe it’s called. A lot of men get them when they exit the planet violently. Death isn’t as dignified as our culture would have you believe.

  I watched as Pet slid her short skirt up to her hips, stepped out of her panties and threw them at me. She straddled Blake’s corpse, stared down for long enough that I thought she had second thoughts, but she finally dropped down and eased herself onto his death erection.

  I grabbed my cock and jerked it as she slipped up and down Blake’s. His head lolled and the gaping wound in his throat glistened red and black. Pet moaned and reached down to finger her clit as she rode Blake’s corpse.

  “You like this, babe?” she asked, turning to look at me. “You like your Pet fucking a dead man?”

  I wanted to go all Sylvia Plath on her and explain that we were all essentially walking corpses, so every man she’d ever fucked had been a dead man.

  Including me. But I was aware of it, so on some level I was more evolved than anyone else who had slammed into her cunt.

  But I didn’t explain it. I didn’t bother, it would be lost on her.

  “Ride him, Pet,” I said, watching with clinical detachment as her hot, swollen cunt devoured the dead man’s rigid cock. “Fuck him hard, my love.”

  “I’m doing it for you,” she said and made a small noise of irritation, as if she was peeved that I wasn’t watching her face when she rode Blake’s cooling body.

  The blood from Blake’s throat wound was starting to coagulate and get sticky, and I felt feverish, as if over-heated from the sunshine and the red wave that still hovered in the back of my head.

  “I know that,” I replied and stepped closer to her, facing her. I looked down at her long, lean body as Blake’s cock disappeared inside of her. It was starting to look less alive, the body was cooling and livor mortis would begin to set in, pulling the blood from Blake’s extremities to settle in the lowest points.

  Pet had to get this over with.

  I had to get this over with.

  I was still gripping the knife when I stepped over Blake’s body and stood above her, looked down and raised it to slash as her head fell back in ecstasy.

  Her eyes snapped open as some animal instinct kicked in and she sensed my presence.

  “You can’t,” she exhaled and stopped her bouncing on the dead man’s erection. “I’m pregnant, Jude. I’m carrying your baby.”

  13 Jude, Nobody Else Matters

  I hesitated for a moment as my mind raced through the information she just told me.

  Pregnant. My seed had found fertile ground in the womb of my half-sister. My family legacy could live on, my child could continue the Hollister name and take the empire into the next generation.

  For but a moment I projected myself into the future as a father, Pet as a mother.

  Half siblings raising their incestuous offspring, pretending to the outside world that we were a normal family with normal affairs a
nd normal hobbies.

  But it could never be.

  In my lightning quick imaginings, I also envisioned a young Jude Junior standing over my bed, knife in hand and glint of murder in his eyes.

  I could never let my guard down around a child I created.

  I could never be safe with something I raised.

  I furrowed my brow, looked into her expectant and proud face, and said, “Even more the reason this needs to happen.”

  And I slashed, the knife caught the side of her face and tore it open.

  She reached up, grabbed my forearms in her hands and begged me. “No, Jude, please…I love—“

  I slashed again, cutting the other side of her face and threw off her hands. I felt myself detach fully and I went into automatic mode, I rode in the passenger seat and relished the view.

  And fuck…I slashed.

  I stabbed and cut and sliced her with my knife. She fell off Blake’s body and dropped to the gravel road beneath my feet.

  I bent close, tore her blouse open and exposed her breasts. Her beautiful, perfect, creamy breasts with those little rose bud nipples I’d convinced myself I loved.

  Love. As if a monster like me could love anything other than this, the moment of perfect execution.

  Her mouth still moved and I heard a weak gargling in her throat, a raw, wet sound that rattled as she fought to stay alive.

  Her hands still gripped my forearms, though they were slowly falling away as I hovered above her sinking body.


  I swore she said my name, but physically I didn’t think it would be possible at that point.


  I looked into her eyes and dropped on top of her. I kissed her lips and heard the hiss of air escaping her punctured lung through her chest. I moved my mouth down, covered the hole with my lips and inhaled her life’s breath as it exited her body.


  My lips were soaked with her blood then and I reached down between her legs where Blake’s corpse cock had been but moments before. I wanted to fuck her, but her body seemed to be losing the fire of life quickly.


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