Claimed in Forbidden: A Wolf Shifter Romance (Alphas & Alchemy: Fierce Mates Book 1)

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Claimed in Forbidden: A Wolf Shifter Romance (Alphas & Alchemy: Fierce Mates Book 1) Page 9

by Keira Blackwood

  We faced the door, waiting. The woods behind us were quiet. There was only the sound of insects buzzing, and a far-off owl calling to its mate. Daphne and I had come so far—in just a few days, we’d found each other. We were mates. And we were a team—the best team.

  “I did mention, earlier, that I love you, right?” I asked.

  She glanced away from the basement door for a second to look at me. “Yeah, you did. But I’ll never get tired of hearing it, because I love you, too.”

  We grinned at each other, then turned back to the door. Nothing was happening. I wondered if the slug would open the door, or if it would ooze through the crack before re-forming into its sluggy self.

  “Where is it?” Daphne whispered.

  From the way Pearl had told it, I’d expected the monster to arrive pretty quickly. It was weirding me out that it hadn’t shown up yet. My inner wolf was suspicious.

  Something wet fell on my face. I tried to shout in surprise, but my mouth was entirely covered. I willed myself not to panic, but I couldn’t breathe. I couldn’t fucking breathe.

  Daphne screamed. “He’s right there! Declan, behind you!”

  Dropping the flamethrower, I tried to pry the wet matter from my face. It was stuck on too well, so I reached behind me. My hands met squishy, moist skin.

  The Slug King was behind me, gripping my face, smothering me.

  “Oh shit, oh shit, I dropped the salt,” Daphne said. “Where is it?”

  I flailed, trying to get the slug off of me, trying to free my mouth and nose. I could see the bag of salt, just a few feet away, but Daphne’s night vision wasn’t as good as mine. I tried to point, but already my lungs were aching and my movements were jerky—nothing looked purposeful about how my arms were waving around.

  Daphne fell to her hands and knees, feeling around for the salt. She wasn’t far from it, maybe three feet away.

  The slug embraced my whole body and came around to the front of me. Part of it was still covering my face with that web of goo, but now I could see it. A wide hole opened beneath its yellowish eye stalks. Blackness within—no light penetrated that darkness.

  Pearl had said nothing about the mouth of doom.

  If that dark hole touched my skin, I had no doubt that I would become just like the crops—sucked of all life, consumed.

  I wasn’t afraid to die, but it hardly seemed fair. Just when I’d found my mate, I’d be sucked away.

  And who would protect Daphne when I was gone? I flailed harder and found the edge of the slippery mass covering my mouth. I lifted it, using all of my strength to pry it away from my skin. But as soon as I made progress, more of the oozing mass came in to cover my face.

  Shit, there was no winning with this guy.

  “Found it!” Daphne yelled.

  The dark maw in front of me closed and the eye stalks swiveled.

  “Take that, you sick bug!” Daphne shouted.

  No noise came from the monster, but its moist flesh bunched and flexed as if it was in pain. Daphne must have been covering it in salt. The monster began to shrink.

  “Close your eyes,” Daphne said.

  Trusting her, I closed them. Grains of salt rained over my face. The wet mass on my mouth and nose flaked and fell away.

  Fuck. I exhaled and took in a deep breath, choking on air. I was so grateful to be able to breathe again.

  The monster had shrunk to about four feet long, no longer the size of a full-grown man, just as it had the last time we’d salted it. It flopped back and forth once, then once more, before lying still in the grass.

  But we weren’t going to fall for the idea that it was gone forever. We needed to burn that shit up.

  Coughing, I reached down and grabbed the flamethrower. I hoisted it in my arms and took aim at the shrinking monster on the ground.

  “Wait,” Daphne said, holding out her arm.

  “Don’t tell me you feel bad.” I wiped slimy residue from my chin with my free hand. “That fucker tried to kill me. Did you see the mouth hole?”

  She nodded. “I did. And that’s why I want to be the one to use the flamethrower.”

  I’d been looking forward to burning the shit out of the monster, but upon second thought, nothing would be sexier than watching my mate take care of business.

  I handed her the flamethrower. “Be my guest.”

  She fiddled with the ignition for a second, and I resisted the urge to help her.

  “Don’t worry, I got this,” she said.

  “I know you do.”

  She pointed the flamethrower at the slug and a maniacal grin appeared on her face. Her long limbs were illuminated by the lights in the house behind her, and her arms were strong, with her lean muscles bulging as she held the tool.

  “Die!” Daphne shrieked, and fire erupted from the end of the flamethrower. “Die for good, die forever!”

  The burst of flame coated the monster. The dried-up giant slug went up in green flames and turned to ash.

  And that was how the Slug King fell, once and for all.

  Daphne turned off the flamethrower, and we were thrust into relative darkness.

  The only thing left to do was to suck it up and brave the slug nest.

  I grabbed the salt bag from where Daphne had dropped it on the ground. There were still a few handfuls of salt inside it. Then I opened the doors to the basement and peered down into the black. There were no sounds, and there was no movement to be seen, but I couldn’t risk more of those slimy bastards surviving.

  “Declan?” Daphne said. “What the hell are you doing?”

  I gave her a grim smile. “Making sure we’re safe. What if he has buddies? A Slug Queen?”

  I threw some salt down ahead of me, and held the rest of the bag in my arm, ready to dump that shit everywhere. Then I took a step down, and another. Daphne followed behind me, using her phone as a flashlight.

  There were trails of slug snot all over the place, but no signs of life. I reached the bottom of the stairs and looked around for the nest. There was nothing.

  It was a normal, empty basement.

  “Do you see anything weird?” I asked Daphne.


  I sniffed around for good measure, and listened hard to be extra certain.

  There was nothing strange, nothing weird.

  “I’m going to do one last sweep through the building,” I said, and jogged up the stairs that led to the kitchen.

  I could feel Daphne behind me. She was my partner, my backup, and my mate, and she could do anything she set her mind to.

  Everything was clear, no sign of a single slithery intruder.

  Bug hell was really over, and it was time to start our life together.

  “I don’t think there’s a living slug in a five mile radius.” Daphne smiled at me.

  “Good.” I scooped my mate up into my arms.

  Her gaze lingered on my lips, stirring my cock.

  “I think we should take Brody’s suggestion and pick up where we were on the porch swing,” she said, a smile overtaking her features.

  The scent of her sweet arousal clouded my brain and I could think of nothing I wanted more than to sink deep inside of her. Before I could say a word, she stole my breath in a kiss that said everything.

  I love you, forever my mate.

  Daphne slid her hand down over my cock. “I want to do this hard thing.”

  We kissed again, then we walked, hand in hand, to the front porch. This was where we belonged--here, together. Always.



  A spread of beer and pizza sat on one of the picnic tables as the O’Malley brothers—plus Moira—helped me celebrate the grand opening of Forbidden Bed and Breakfast. The new name sounded sexy, just like everything else in Forbidden, and I liked that. Forbidden Delights B&B was just a little much. I remembered Moira saying how Forbidden Hardware sounded like a BDSM supply store. Forbidden Delights could make my B&B sound more like a bordello. While that could be in
teresting, it definitely wasn’t the vibe or the clientele I was looking for.

  Two weeks had passed since the death of the Slug King. Money was tight, and the renovations were nowhere near finished, but we'd gotten enough done that I could start taking on guests. My dream was finally coming true.

  I snuggled against Declan on the porch swing, his arm gently stroking over my shoulder, my hand spread over the hard muscles of his chest.

  Music played. Brody was side-eyeing James like James might explode at any moment, and Moira was laughing at the pair.

  “It feels silly celebrating a grand opening when we don’t have any guests yet,” I said. “Not that I’m complaining. This really is the perfect party.”

  “They’ll come.” Declan kissed the top of my head.

  “I have a place for them to sleep, and a phone number for them to call me on,” I said. “But no way for people to find me. It’s not like Forbidden is a popular destination.”

  “Not yet,” Declan said. I could hear the smile in his words.

  There was a ringing sound. A phone. Everyone was quiet.

  Finn was just stepping out onto the porch and turned around. It was my phone ringing. Probably just a telemarketer or something, but still exciting.

  Finn looked to me. “I set up a website for this place.”

  “If you got me my first client, you get to answer the phone,” I told him.

  He gave me a look that said that he didn’t find the idea nearly as exciting as I did. Still, he picked it up and answered.

  “Forbidden Bed and Breakfast.” Pause. “Yes, we do have three rooms for those dates.” Pause. “Let me just take down your information. Sophie Potts. Got it. And your phone number?”

  I grabbed Declan’s hand and squeezed.

  “See you then, Sophie.” Finn walked back out on the porch looking ruffled with a dazed grin on his face.

  “See you then? You hanging out with the guests now, Finn?” Brody tossed an empty beer can at his brother.

  Finn caught the can and threw it back, then turned to me. “Girls getaway,” he said. “A group of guests. They’ll be here in ten days.”

  I hopped up off the swing. Ten days? Was I ready? That ready?

  Declan stood up beside me and took my hand. “You let us know what you need done.”

  I squeezed his fingers. I was starting a whole new adventure, and I wouldn’t have to face it alone. I’d found the love of my life, and together we could do all the hard things.


  The fun continues with Fated in Forbidden, Finn and Sophie’s story - coming in March!

  A Taste of Fated in Forbidden


  He leaned his head back against the edge of the hot spring and closed his eyes, looking content. I took the opportunity to feast my eyes on his gorgeous face and pecs. The dude had to work out constantly to get a form like that, didn’t he? Or maybe it was the water here in Forbidden, turning all the guys super fit. I hadn’t investigated whether the hotness quotient affected both genders or not, but next time I was in town, I’d have to start paying attention.

  If I moved here, would I also become insanely attractive?

  The more I stared at him, the more my mind started creating scenarios. Sexy scenarios. Scenarios where he grabbed my wrist and dragged me over to him and started kissing the life out of me. Or maybe he’d lunge across the pool and give me a fierce kiss while slowly unsnapping my bra. Those giant hands on my tatas would feel damn good.

  “Everything okay?” he murmured, keeping his eyes closed.

  “Yep, totally cool,” I said.

  “You sure?” he cracked one eye open.

  My face felt hot. “Yes, it’s fine.”

  “You’re blushing. But the water isn’t that hot.”

  “I’m just thinking.”

  “About what?” he asked.

  “Some thoughts were meant to be private,” I said.

  “Sophie,” he said, sounding stern, “do you want to kiss me?”

  “Oh my gosh. What kind of question is that?” I looked away, afraid to meet his gaze.

  “An honest one. I want to kiss you. So I was wondering if the feeling’s mutual.”

  Gulping, I looked back at him and whispered, “Yes.”

  “Then come here.”

  I didn’t feel like I could move. He’d broached the subject, but could I act on it?

  His eyes were both open now, and he was staring directly at me. He held out his hand, just like he had when inviting me into the spring. This was easier—this, I could do. I took his hand and launched myself at him.

  He groaned as soon as I landed in his lap, and then his mouth was on mine. His lips were soft, his faint whiskers scratchy. The water made our skin slippery, and I was hyperaware that only a few scraps of thin fabric separated our most intimate places. He pressed his tongue inside of my mouth and I lightly sucked it, causing him to groan again. Or was that a growl? It was hot, either way.

  He brought his hands around to cup my ass, pulling me more securely into his lap. His cock was rigid between us, and I rocked against it, eager to feel it nestled within my core. I wanted him—I wanted him more than I’d ever wanted anyone or anything before.

  Reaching back, I started to unsnap my bra. Finn’s gaze darkened as he watched, waiting for my goodies to be revealed. But a movement of white past his shoulder made me pause. Was it one of his friends, out here exploring? That would be embarrassing.

  The white movement barked, and I jumped out of Finn’s lap and scrambled for the edge of the spring.

  “Peyton!” I called.

  She barked again. Finn groaned something unintelligible, although I was pretty sure I could guess the sentiment even if I couldn’t hear the words.

  “Sorry,” I said to him, climbing out of the water.

  Peyton came running into my arms when I bent down to her. She licked my face and wagged her fluffy little tail.

  I turned to look at Finn, who was glaring at Peyton. “Hey,” I said, “don’t blame her. She was lost.”

  He shrugged. “I think it’s interesting timing, is all.”

  “Rain check?” I asked him. “I really want to continue where we left off, but I should get Peyton home and get her some food. Who knows how long she’s been out here, hungry.”

  “Of course,” he said.

  I pulled on my clothes—difficult over my damp skin—and grinned at him. “I mean that,” I said. “Rain check.”

  Coming soon!

  Also by Keira Blackwood and Liza Street

  Alphas & Alchemy: Fierce Mates

  Claimed in Forbidden

  Fated in Forbidden - March 2020

  Bound to Forbidden - April 2020

  Alphas & Alchemy: Fierce Mates combines the worlds for Keira’s Alphas & Alchemy and Liza’s Fierce Mates.

  You can find more Alphas & Alchemy and all of Keira’s other shifter books on Amazon HERE.

  You can find more of Liza’s Fierce Protectors on all major retailers HERE.

  And for more from Keira and Liza together, the best duo since peanut butter met chocolate, check out their reverse harem series Spellbound Shifters—available on all major retailers HERE.

  About the Authors

  Keyboard ninja, late-blooming bibliophile, proud geek, animal lover, eternal optimist, visual artist.

  USA Today Bestselling Author Keira Blackwood writes steamy paranormal romance full of suspense, action, and a dash of humor. No cheating. Always a happily-ever-after.

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  Liza likes her heroes packing muscles and her heroines packing agency. She got her start in romance by sneak-reading her grandma's paperbacks. Now she’s a USA Today bestselling author and she spends her time writing about hot shifters with fierce

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