Sunglasses at Night (Claws Clause Book 3)

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Sunglasses at Night (Claws Clause Book 3) Page 20

by Jessica Lynch

  Then took a double-take.

  It was Colt’s turn to look like he was carrying the weight of the world on his shoulders. Though the lean, strong shifter normally stood tall and proud, he was hunched as he drew closer to his mate. His pale blue eyes had darkened, almost matching the electric blue peepers—the only spot of color—shining out of Dodge’s ghostly face.

  Dodge took the scene in with a curious expression. Once his gaze landed on Adam—who reacted by allowing his fangs to lengthen past his bottom lip—the ghost snorted and smirked before drifting back to the furthest corner.

  He didn’t stay. At some point, while Adam’s attention was back on Tabby and what Shea was doing to her, he must’ve floated out of the room again.

  Ah, well. Adam was too busy questioning everything Shea was doing to worry about the ghost. Didn’t matter that he knew Shea was a pro. If anyone could bring Tabby all the way back, it was the witch.

  Just… what was taking so long?

  Minutes dragged by. Between Adam’s palpable worry and the way Colt not-so-subtly inserted his body between the Nightwalker and his mate as if he expected Adam to lose it and attack her, the small room flooded with tension until Shea snapped at both of them to back off.

  Adam’s jaw dropped. In the six months since he first met Shea Moonshadow, he’d never seen her lose her temper like that. From the way Colt growled under his breath before doing what his mate demanded, he was betting it was a first for him, too.

  And that’s when Dodge passed through the closed door, another smirk in place as if he’d been listening outside of the door before he floated inside.

  “Looks like I got back just in time. Head’s up. I went and brought back a second opinion,” he announced. Then, jerking his chin over at Adam, he added, “Maybe then the copper will finally take a load off and realize that his dame’s gonna be just fine.”

  Out of reflex, the words not a cop were halfway to his lips before Colt cut him off.

  “I thought I sensed someone out there,” he said. He took a deep breath. Nodded. “Yeah. Good idea. Go on and send her in.”


  The door swung out, a voluptuous figure filling the doorway. “Hi there, sweetie. Miss me?”

  A harsh chuckle bubbled out of Adam’s throat. “Deb.”

  “The one and only. Now, Dodge told me all about what happened. I know you do good work, Shea—”

  Shea moved away from the bed where Tabby still hadn’t so much as twitched. “Go right ahead. I think I figured out what Priscilla did with her magic, but the Nightwalker…”

  “It’s alright, dearie. Let Deb take a peek.”

  Shea backed further away, leaning up against Colt’s chest as he wrapped his arms around her waist, holding her close.

  Debbie took her place next to the bed, her lips pursed as she looked Tabby up and down. Adam stiffened when the Dayborn leaned in, her nose inches away from Tabby’s throat. She inhaled softly, almost snuffling, before she straightened.

  Her gaze sought out Adam. An unreadable expression on her face, she motioned to him.

  “Come with me.”

  Adam hesitated. There was a look in Debbie’s eye that warned him not to disobey. Considering she could just use her innate Dayborn magic and force him to do what she wanted with as little as direct eye contact, he realized he should be grateful that she was giving him the choice.

  Of course, that only worried him more.

  He didn’t want to abandon Tabby. Then again, he was also afraid to ignore Debbie. Not because of who and what she was, but because he knew, from that single look, that she didn’t want any company when she told him whatever it was she planned to—and that, most likely, it wasn’t something he’d be eager to hear about.

  With Shea’s murmured promise that she’d continue to watch over Tabby, Adam followed Deb out of the guest room. They went downstairs, winding their way to Colt’s back porch before the Dayborn felt confident enough that they had some privacy.

  And then she dropped the bomb.

  “Your pretty little slayer’s gonna be fine, but it’s not the witch magic holding her back. It’s not the Nightwalker’s bite, either. She’s not turning, since I’m sure that’s what you’re worried about, but… did you know that she’s your betrothed?”

  “What? No—what?”

  “It’s clear as day, sweetie, if one knows what to look for. You two perform the final blood exchange and you’re as good as bonded.”

  “I just… how?” Debbie was right. All along, Adam had been scared shitless that the second blood exchange would be an unwitting catalyst to turn Tabby someday when, all along, he should’ve followed his instincts and realized that it was the second step in bonding his slayer to him. “No. I— that can’t be right. I mean, you… Deb, you’re the one who told me that it takes more than that.”

  Debbie held up her hand. “Ah. I believe I told you that two blood exchanges wouldn’t be enough to create a bond between a vamp and a human—”

  “Not a human.” The words just slipped out of him. “A slayer.”

  He still wasn’t so sure what the difference was, but Tabby seemed to think there was one. It must have rubbed off on him.

  “She’s something alright, but she’s not a Para, sweetie. And there are rules.” With a tut, guessing what Adam was going to cut in with next before he even got the chance, she quickly added, “I ain’t talking about the dratted Claws Clause. Bonds Laws? They’re lucky we don’t rise up against their ridiculous ordinance. As if the government can actually have a say in how we fall in love. But, whether you’re in love with your slayer or not… and I’m siding with you are at least a little bit… somewhere along the way the bond took.”

  Adam couldn’t deny it; at least not the “in love” part. Deep down, he was pretty sure he fell for Tabby that first night in the alley, when he thought he was rescuing her from a Nightwalker and she surprised him with her bubblegum and her magic bandage.

  And then there was their trip to Woodbridge and the way she took on a killer vamp and a feral shifter only hours apart.

  Not to mention the nights they shared together...

  “But you said I couldn’t force anyone!”

  “That’s right. Did say that, and it’s true, too. So when did your slayer decide that she loved you back?”

  Adam opened his mouth, thought about what she was asking him, and shut his trap.

  Debbie lived to tease. A kind-hearted vamp with a big personality and an even bigger smile, she would poke and prod and tease while telling stories that had the world-weary and experienced former cop blushing.

  Just then, though? She actually seemed to sympathize with him.

  “Ah, baby. I guess she hasn’t yet. Well, that’s still alright, ain’t it? An unfinished bonding isn’t a death sentence, Adam. It might take her a little longer to heal than you’d like, but she’ll be back on her feet before you know it. And, if everything works out for you two?” She elbowed him, enough power in the friendly blow to have another Para stumbling. “I’m sure it won’t be long ‘til you have that wee thing on her back. My advice? Skip the condom, take a sip, and finish what you two started already. No point in waiting, eh?”

  His jaw dropped as he straightened again, his cheeks going warm. He was probably burning through a whole pint of blood with that flush but it couldn’t be helped.


  She laughed. “Don’t go crying my name out so loud, Nightwalker. I don’t want your slayer waking up and trying to hunt me down ‘cause you screamed for me instead of her.”

  Your slayer. Why was it when Debbie said that, it… it just sounded right?

  Well, he did think of Tabby as his, didn’t he?

  Ah, shit.

  He was in so much fucking trouble. Because, while as a Dayborn, Debbie couldn’t lie, that didn’t mean he actually accepted that Tabby cared for him other than as a curiosity and a good time in bed.

  But Adam? He liked the idea of her being his betrothed—and
his mate.

  Even if he knew that that would never, ever happen.

  When Tabby finally blinked her eyes open again, she wasn’t in her own bed.

  Glancing around, it was pretty obvious that this wasn’t her rental apartment, either.

  Since the last thing she remembered was standing outside of Maddox Wolfe’s house in Wolf’s Creek, she had no idea how she had gotten inside of… wherever she was.

  But she wasn’t alone.

  Tabby recognized the woman with the dark curls and the pretty purple eyes sitting at the foot of the bed as Adam’s friend, Shea Moonshadow. Since that was about all she recognized, she had to wonder what happened to her and where she was now.

  But most importantly—

  “Where’s Adam?”

  He’d been there, too. She remembered that. The fight with the vamps, the rush of magic streaming off of the dangerous—and dangerously crazy—witch… that was all banging around her skull, but most of all she remembered sneaking peeks at the granite edge of Adam’s profile as he studiously ignored her.

  Still, she was pretty sure she’d figured the Nightwalker out enough by now. If she was there, and so was Shea, Tabby’d put money down that Adam was hanging around nearby somewhere.

  At her dry croak, Shea glanced up from her book, surprise written on her lovely face. “You’re awake.”

  Should she dare a shrug? Probably not. “Guess so.”

  After setting her book aside, Shea rose up from her seat, approaching the edge of the bed cautiously. “Hey. I didn’t expect you up for another few hours at least. How are you feeling?”

  Like she’d been hit by a truck. “Just peachy.”

  “Somehow I just knew that would be your response.” The witch let out a soft laugh. “Okay. Humor me. Now that you’re conscious again, I’m going to run my hands over you. A healer’s check, if you will. If it hurts anywhere that you’ll honestly tell me about, give a shout.”

  “Sure. But only if you answer my question first.”

  Shea’s hands took on a strange magenta glow. Weird, Tabby thought, since magic was decidedly purple. Healing magic? Maybe. She’d have to bring it up to Boone.

  Boone… ah, man. If her uncle found out she joined the Alpha of the Eastern Pack in annihilating a small clan of Nightwalkers without any finesse or secrecy, he was going to have her head.

  Then again, since she might just have corrected her massive blunder with the Pack now, maybe he wouldn’t be too pissed off…

  Here’s hoping.

  Shea started by Tabby’s feet, her hands spread out and lifted about an inch off of her skin. There was a warmth that came with the strange glow. It actually felt nice.

  Tabby wiggled her toes. So far, so good.

  As she shifted to reach past Tabby’s shin, Shea said, “What was your question again?”

  “Where’s Adam?”

  Another laugh. “Surprised you slept through that. Sorry, but I had to throw him out of the room earlier. He was driving me nuts, the way he was always looking over my shoulder as I worked on you. I don’t know how much you remember, but after you took that shot from Priscilla, she gave you right to a Nightwalker. He got his fangs in you until Adam pried him off of you.”

  Welp. That explained the phantom pains in her throat.

  Lifting her hand, Tabby proved Shea right. There weren’t any gashes or bites left behind, but it still hurt—and there was no way she was going to tell Shea that.

  No. She was way more interested in what Shea said about Adam.

  “He… saved me?”

  Shea raised her eyebrows. “You sound so surprised.”

  Tabby decided it was worth the shrug. When a fresh bout of pain emanating from her throat exploded behind her eyes at the sudden movement, she had to bite her lip to stifle her cry.

  Bad idea. Very bad idea.


  “That hurt?”


  “Mm-hmm.” Shea reached for Tabby’s neck, the level of heat against her skin increasing as the magenta glow surrounding Shea’s hand deepened.

  The pain faded away like, well, magic.


  Begrudgingly, Tabby told the truth. “Yeah, actually. Thanks.”

  “Don’t mention it. Adam’s a good friend. A good man, too. If all he asks of me is to make sure you’re okay, I’ll do it gladly. Just don’t be the tough guy, alright? You don’t have to do that with me. If it hurts, say so. I promise to keep it between just us girls.”

  Tabby grinned. For the first time all night, she actually grinned. “In that case, my ass and hip are killing me.”

  “You hit the asphalt hard when Priscilla tossed you. Your right side, right?” At Tabby’s nod, Shea lowered her hands to that same side. “I’m starting to run on fumes, but this should help a little. If anything, Adam can bring you back around for a tune-up.”

  “I won’t have to do that. It’s already feeling better… thanks for that, by the way… and it’s not like I’m going to be hanging around Adam much anymore. Tonight was kinda like a one-off. My big mouth got everyone into this mess. Of course I had to help if I could.” As Shea tamped down the flickering magenta glow, proving she was almost out of healing energy, Tabby flexed her hip, satisfied with the twinge. It wasn’t so bad and, hey, it could’ve always been worse. “Not like I did much. Sure, I got in two kills, but then I was almost vamp chow myself. If Boone saw that, he’d pull me back in for another round of training.”

  “Well, I don’t know anything about all of that, but I was there tonight. You didn’t do anything wrong. If it wasn’t you that Priscilla targeted, it would’ve just been another one of us. Don’t be too hard on yourself.”

  She had a point. “Yeah, but—”

  “And, since I’m still in healer mode, I’m going to harp a little bit more. When it comes to Adam… maybe I’m sticking my nose in where it doesn’t belong, but I’d cut the guy a little slack. Whatever’s going on between you two, he spent the last few hours convinced you were going to die on him.”

  “Really?” Huh. That was another surprise. “But why?”

  Shea was kind. Sweet. She’d lost a touch of her color by using some of her own power to heal Tabby, and despite the tired, wan expression on her pretty face, Tabby was shocked to see steel shining back at her from behind Shea’s purple eyes.

  “That’s a good question. Sit tight, Tabby. I’ll go grab Adam. Let him answer it for you. And do me a favor? Give him a chance. He deserves it.”

  Tabby was a slayer and, when she wasn’t allowing herself to get distracted, she was a pretty good one. There wasn’t much in this world that she feared, and after surviving a witch’s blast and a Nightwalker’s bite all in the same night, she felt almost invincible.

  Until she saw the steel in Shea’s gaze and the determination in her smile and she knew—just knew—that the sweet witch might be the most dangerous creature around for miles.

  And that was a pretty amazing feat, Tabby admitted, considering there was at least a Nightwalker and an alpha wolf shifter nearby.

  Oh, boy.

  She didn’t even try to point out that it wasn’t up to her. Adam was the one who called everything off. He was the one who was mad at her. Something warned Tabby that Shea wouldn’t buy it.

  So, calling up the innocent grin that she often saved for her uncle, she said, “Sure thing.”

  Now if only someone would tell Adam to play nice.

  Whether he saved her from the vamp or not, Tabby wasn’t holding her breath.


  As soon as the door slid open, then closed with a soft snick-ing sound behind Shea, Adam was on his feet.

  Dodge drifted away, probably to go retrieve Colt from his shed out back. Adam was lucky—he only got banned from the bedroom while Shea continued to work on Tabby. Once Colt’s overprotective growls got on the last of his mate’s nerves, Shea finally banished him to his workshop.

  He gave Shea credit. She put up with both of the
m for another half an hour after Debbie left the house again, only putting her foot down when Tabby moaned, Adam hissed, and Colt snarled in quick succession.

  Since then, Adam paced the lengths of the hall outside of Tabby’s room, only retreating to the downstairs living room when Shea stuck her head out of the door and shooed him further away.

  It had been hours since then. The sun came up without fanfare; luckily, Colt went around with Adam, covering up the windows to shield the sun before he disappeared back to his shed. There was no basement at Colt’s place, so Adam stayed on the couch, antsy feet tapping on the floor while his knees bounced. The sun didn’t reach him, and though he was exhausted, he couldn't find it in him to sleep until he knew Tabby was okay.

  As soon as Shea’s light footsteps hit the stairs, he met her halfway.

  She looked as drained as Adam felt, but she smiled when she saw him. “She’s awake now.” A pause, and then, “She’s asking about you.”

  His heart lurched before banging away inside his chest. “Me?”

  A nod. “Go on. She’s going to be okay, but I know you won’t believe me until you see her.”

  If it was anyone beside Shea Moonshadow, Adam would’ve leaned down and shown his gratitude with a thankful kiss on the cheek. Since he didn’t want Colt catching his scent on her later and going for his throat, he settled on a relieved chuckle. “Thanks, Shea. You’re the best.”

  He waited for Shea to pass him on the steps before he ate up the rest of them, taking two at a time. Anxious to see Tabby, he burst through the door without even knocking.

  And there she was.

  His slayer was wide awake. Still in bed, her back was propped up on a mountain of pillows, making her still seem smaller than he liked. He figured the comforter wrapped around her petite form had something to do with it, too.

  “Hey, champ,” she greeted, an amused grin tugging on her lips. “Miss me?”

  More than she would ever know.


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