Mad In Love: A Billionaire Unexpected Baby Office Romance

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Mad In Love: A Billionaire Unexpected Baby Office Romance Page 5

by Chloe Morgan

  “All right, quit wasting time. You do that a lot, you know,” Ethan said playfully.

  “Yes. My team. Right,” I said.

  “Let them know we’ll be celebrating the win tonight like usual.”

  I furrowed my brow. “Like usual?”

  Ethan grinned. “After every win, Philip and myself take the team and the team leader to Sunrise. Specifically, to their VIP lounge. It’s the hottest club in Manhattan, and they have the best drinks. Which are all on me, of course. Just tell them ‘the usual.’ They’ll know what you’re talking about.”

  A far cry from the “celebration sandwiches” Miller bestowed upon us.

  I smiled. “I’ll let them know, then. And if they ask for the time?”

  Ethan grinned. “Eight o’clock. Like always.”

  I smiled and thanked him for the generosity before I left to go find my team. A VIP dance party sounded like a lot of fun. Especially since it didn’t come with any cold-cut sandwiches. I tracked my team down to a lounge where they clinked their celebratory coffees together with Philip standing in the corner. They all turned to me and smiled. Philip walked a mug of coffee over and handed it to me.

  “Congratulations, team. It looks like we’ll be celebrating our new acquisition in the usual fashion,” I said.

  My team whooped and hollered as I sipped on my mug of coffee. All of us went out to lunch, and then I came back and took another good look at that file folder of potential clients. I saw it with fresh eyes. With more confidence. With storyboards already playing in my head and taglines already running through my mind. I bunny-eared the ones I was interested in and highlighted some information I’d use to my advantage. I walked the folder back up to Philip and slid it under his door, then excused myself for the day.

  I needed to get ready for my evening out.

  “Miller is not happy with you right now,” Ellie said.

  “Well, I don’t give a damn what he thinks because he apparently didn’t notice I wasn’t there until he lost the contract,” I said.

  “No, he noticed you were gone. He just didn’t care until he lost it.”

  “Which shows you how much he cares about his team. Or his employees. Or his company, for that matter,” I said.

  I flipped through clothes, trying to figure out what to wear as Ellie talked my ear off.

  “He knows you’re working for Ethan now. He knows you’re the reason Sharpe Ads won the pitch over him,” Ellie said.

  “Good. Now, Miller can go fuck himself,” I said.

  Ellie giggled. “Well, at least you sound happier. I haven’t heard you this peppy in a long time.”

  “I’m being rewarded with a bonus and a night out. Yeah, I’d say I’m pretty happy right now.”

  “You’re not happy at the fact that you’re having drinks with Ethan tonight?”

  I sighed. “I’m not having drinks with him. This isn’t a date. It’s a celebration to reward us for our hard work. Nothing else.”

  “Yeah, well. You should use this time to wear something that’ll make Ethan’s tongue fall out of his mouth and onto the floor.”

  “Like a cartoon wolf?”

  “I’ve seen pictures of Ethan. He looks like a predator. Don’t you want to take a man like that to his knees?” she asked.

  I giggled. “You know if you ever want to jump ship, I can put in a good word for you.”

  “And there she is. Sarah Matthews. Always diverting the topic.”

  “I’m just saying. Sharpe Ads treats me better than Maelstrom ever did or ever could. You’ve got a place on my team at Sharpe Ads if you want it.”

  “Well, we can talk about that later. Right now, I want to know what you’re debating on wearing,” she said.

  “I don’t want to encourage him, Ellie. We have no future. He’s my damn boss. He’s the CEO of the company I work for. It’s not fair to either of us for me to play that game,” I said.

  “Oh, come on. You never let yourself have fun. You’re always work, work, work. No fun at all. For once, just take advantage of the fact that you could make a man eat his heart out all night.”

  “Like you do to every man you encounter?”

  “Yes. Just like that.”

  I giggled and shook my head.

  “What about that black dress you’ve got? You know, the one with the neckline,” Ellie said.

  “You mean the one that shows way too much cleavage,” I said.

  “Yep. That’s the one. If you want to tone it down, wear silver jewelry and some flats. But if you do that, play up the red lipstick.”


  “I’m not listening to your protesting any longer. The black dress, with flats and silver jewelry and red lips. Go! Now! Enjoy your night to the fullest!”

  And as she hung up on me, my eyes fell to the little black dress. The silken fabric with the deep V-neck that fell just past the bottom of my breasts. It fell just beyond my knees and hugged curves I usually tried to tuck away. I pulled it out and smiled. I turned it around before my eyes fell to my black flats.

  Maybe she was right.

  Maybe having a bit of fun was okay.

  Just don’t cross that line, Sarah.

  I grinned. “Red lipstick it is.”

  Chapter 9


  I slipped into the club at seven thirty, prepared to set it all up. I stopped by the back office to chat with the owner, who also happened to be a good friend of mine.

  “Let me guess. You need the VIP section tonight,” Max said.

  “You know me all too well,” I said, smirking.

  “Congratulations, man. What did you snag this time?”

  “A cute little lemonade company that won’t be little for very long.”

  “Well, if anyone can blow up something as simple as lemonade, it’s you,” he said.

  “I was hoping I could get the key to the VIP area and start setting things up for the celebration,” I said.

  “Of course. All you gotta do is ask. The regular bottle service for the night?”

  “Add a bottle of your finest red wine, too. I’ve got a new team leader, and I’m not sure if she’s a liquor drinker or wine drinker.”

  “She, huh?”

  “Don’t give me that tone of voice. We’re celebrating a professional win tonight,” I said.

  “Uh-huh. Well, I’ll tap into my kitchen as well and tell my cook that he’s on experimental duty tonight. Any food allergies?”

  “Nope. Tell your chef to send us his finest finger foods. And keep the bottles flowing tonight.”

  “I never let you down there, do I?” he asked.

  “No, Max. You never do.”

  Thirty minutes later, people started showing up. Flutes of champagne and crystal glasses of bourbon made their rounds. Hors d’oeuvres were passed around on trays in the VIP section that housed everything from plush leather couches to a private wet bar and our own dance floor. I had the red wine on standby in case Sarah wasn’t in the mood for anything being served, and I kept my eyes peeled for her.

  But I wasn’t prepared for her when she walked through that door.

  The woman looked good enough to eat. Her dramatic strawberry-blonde curls were pinned up in this messy sort of bun thing, and her pouty red lips made my dick twitch. Her black dress fell just beyond her knees, but that wasn’t where my eyes fell. The deep V-neck slid all the way down past her breasts, barely clinging to her skin as the round firmness of their shape called to me. Her skin glistened as the lights of the club flashed. Her beautiful blue eyes were shaded with a muted smoky eye that tugged at my gut. The black heels she paired with her dress flexed her luscious legs, and I felt my teeth itching to sink into her thighs.

  Fucking hell, the woman was a bombshell.

  I made my rounds and talked with the team. I shook their hands and thanked them for their hard work. I made sure everyone was having a good time. Everyone seemed excited about the end of our losing streak. But no one was more excited than myself.
I knew hiring Sarah would pay off, but I didn’t understand just how much until I saw her in action.

  “Did you see the way her eyes glazed over. It was like the story was real.”

  “She might be modest, but she tailored all of our ideas. Her hands are all over that project.”

  “That tagline was something else. When she told me she was using PowerPoint, I was skeptical. But even I had tears in my eyes when she was done.”

  “Yeah. She ran the presentation over with me a few times, but it was nothing like what she presented. She didn’t just present, Ethan. She performed.”

  The team sang her praises. Just like I thought they would. And I had to admit, I really enjoyed her talents as an addition to my company. She was marvelous. A true advertising genius. I kept my eye on her as she made her own rounds, thanking her team and talking off in the corner with Philip.

  But once the music started pumping, people started sliding to the dance floor.

  I watched Sarah from the glass VIP encasement. She held her champagne flute up and danced with a couple of other women on her team. She smiled. Bobbed her breasts. Swayed her hips in ways that made my groin tighten. She stood out like a unicorn among other women. I wanted more of her. More than I’d ever wanted in a very long time. I threw back the rest of my bourbon. I licked my lips and made my way to the dance floor. I slipped myself between her and the women, gazing into her eyes as she stopped.

  The music slowed, giving me time to pluck her glass from her hand and set it down onto a passing tray.

  “Hey there, Ethan,” she said.

  “You look incredible tonight, Sarah.”

  Her cheeks flushed, and I made my move. I slipped my hand against her hip, then pressed my leg between her thighs. She moved closer to me, allowing my arm room to slide around her. We swayed to the slowed beat, our bodies moving as one. Her hands planted themselves onto my chest, then slid up and gripped my collar, keeping me in place against her body. I felt the nape of my neck heat. My eyes never left hers. The song was done all too soon, and as I backed up I saw a hunger flash in her eyes.

  She squeezed my collar before she relented, releasing herself to the expectations each of us had.

  The night continued on. We filtered in and out of the VIP section. And when I finally caught her heading to the restroom, I made my second move. I knew she wanted me. And I most certainly wanted her. I waited just outside the hallway that led to the restrooms, then caught her as she came out.

  “Oh, my gosh. Ethan. You scared me,” Sarah said.

  “Do you want to get out of here?” I asked.

  A smile crossed her face before her hand slipped into mine. I led her back down the hallway and through an unmarked side exit that wrapped around the club. We dashed to my car, like two schoolkids escaping their parents for the night. I quickly opened my car door and helped her in, then looked around before I jumped into the driver’s seat.

  The ride was quick, the trip up to my penthouse even quicker. I threw the door open and listened as she gasped. But that wouldn’t be the only sound falling from her lips that night. She walked into the place I called home, her eyes darting over the vaulted ceilings and taking in the hardwood floors, running her fingertips along the soft microfiber furniture.

  “It’s simpler than I thought it would be,” Sarah said.

  “I don’t make it a habit of collecting things that are flashy,” I said.

  “Except that car down there.”

  She threw a playful grin over my way that stood my member at attention.

  “A man’s gotta have his toys,” I said.

  I licked my lips as my gaze traveled down her body. I walked over to her and took her hand, then led her to my favorite part of my place. I had floor-to-ceiling windows that lined the back half of my apartment. Tucked down a small hallway and dumped out into my own personal library. Sarah gazed out over the lights of Manhattan. Her hand planted itself onto the glass. I stood behind her, brushing a few stray strands of hair away from her neck.

  She sighed when I lowered my lips to her skin, kissing her softly. Tenderly. One after another, until I felt her press her ass against my body.

  “I didn’t take you for a reader, either,” she whispered.

  I let my nose trace the curve of her neck as her head fell to my shoulder. Those heels on her matched our height perfectly. And it was something I would take advantage of. My hands wandered around her body. Trickled up her stomach. I traced my finger along the curve of her breasts, feeling her skin pucker at my touch. I kissed behind her ear. I nibbled on her earlobe. She ground her ass farther onto my dick, making me leak against my clothing.

  She moaned. “Ethan.”

  I finally slipped my hand underneath her dress, destroying the double-sided tape that held it to her bosom. I slipped the nipple cover off that luscious tit of hers before I tugged at it. I felt it harden. I felt her legs tremble. I slid my nose down her neck before softly biting into her shoulder.

  “Shit,” she hissed.

  “I love those dirty sounds of yours,” I murmured.

  Then, I gripped her dress with my teeth and eased it down her shoulder.

  Tonight, I’d fuck the most beautiful woman in the world against my windows while gazing out over the most beautiful city in the country.

  Chapter 10


  My dress slid to my feet. His pants hit the floor. And before I could catch my breath, he pressed me against the glass. My breasts puckered against the cold windows. His shaft slid between my thighs. He fisted my hair and turned my head off to the side, capturing my lips as he slicked himself in my juices.

  Then, my slit captured him whole.

  He slammed into me, rolling slowly. Deftly. My body bucked against the windows as his hands traveled my curves. He kissed my neck. Nibbled my shoulder. Squeezed my tits as I pushed back into his pelvis. My ass smacked against him as he thrusted faster. Harder. His hand gripped my hair tightly, commanding my face as he ravaged my lips. The lights of Manhattan blanketed us as the windows fogged. His head and shaft throbbed against my walls as he grew inside me. My eyes rolled back. My toes curled in my heels. I clawed at the glass before my hand slid back into his hair, pulling his lips closer to my body.

  “Fuck. Ethan. Yes.”

  I choked out my pleasure, my walls tightened, milking his dick. I felt his hips stutter, but they sure as hell didn’t give way. Sweat dripped down my neck. I felt it rolling off his nose as he nuzzled against my pulse point. His hand slipped between my juicy folds, his fingertips finding my clit.


  He groaned. “That’s it, Sarah. Cry out for me.”

  I bucked ravenously back into him. He pounded into my hips, pinning me to the windows of his library. The lights of Manhattan became inconsequential as I spiraled into my second orgasm. My head fell back onto his shoulder. My legs gave out in their weakness. He caught me in his arms, pounding against my ass while filling me from behind. I shook. I gripped his hair. He pinned me to the window with his broad chest as his hips stuttered and strained.

  “Sarah. Shit. Clamp those walls around me.”

  I captured his lips, feeling his tongue rake against the roof of my mouth as we fell apart together.

  He spilled into me as I came around him for the third time. My heels clicked against the hardwood, trembling with my shaking legs. He sucked on my lower lip. I felt his threads of come slowly leaking down my thighs. His hands fell next to mine against the window, and together we slid down.

  I hit my knees, and he cradled me from behind as my body fell back into his.

  “Oh, Ethan,” I whispered.

  It was so wrong, but holy hell I didn’t want it to end. He kissed my naked shoulder, holding me against him. His hands slid from the window. Evidence of our lust streaked across his windows and pooled on the hardwood floor beneath my body. He wrapped his arms around me and pulled me up, stumbling until he fell back into a chair.

  I collapsed against him, my
eyes fluttering closed at his comfort.

  He mindlessly kissed me. He nuzzled against my ear. Fuck, I could get used to this. Being held by him after he tore me to shreds.

  Sarah. Stop it. He’s your boss.

  I grimaced at the voice. I didn’t want to listen to it. Not yet. But it was right. Like it always had been in my life. I couldn’t expect this to last. Not between us. I was a new hire, and Ethan owned the company I worked for.

  I pulled away from his grasp and stood to my feet.

  “Where are you going?” he asked.

  “I should get home. It’s getting late, and I’ve got work in the morning,” I said.

  “I’m sure your boss can make an exception just one time.”

  I giggled. “I really do need to be getting home, Ethan.”

  “Fine. Then, I’ll drive you home,” he said.

  “I don’t think that’s a good idea.”

  “Why not?”

  I wiggled myself back into my dress and slipped my panties back up my legs. I avoided his gaze as he got dressed. Thank heavens I didn’t have many layers. I was quicker than him to dress. I started for the hallway, listening as he stumbled around in his pants.

  “It’s fine, Ethan. I can see myself out. Have a good night!” I exclaimed.

  “Wait. Sarah. Just… give me a second. Let me get my damn pants on!”

  I hurried out his front door as tears rushed my eyes. I shuffled down the hallway, trying not to let his come leak any farther down my thighs. I heard him hot on my heels. The elevator doors opened as I looked down the hallway. I watched him stride out his front door, then turn his head to face me.

  “I’ve got my keys. I’ll take you home,” Ethan said.

  I stepped into the elevator and slammed my finger into the button for the lobby. I saw Ethan appear just as the elevator doors closed, and it lurched to life. Dragging me away from him while he banged on the doors.


  I closed my eyes and let out a slow breath. Being close to him was messing with my head. I liked him. I really did. It would be easy to fall in love with a man like Ethan. But I wasn’t anywhere close to his league. And when things ended with us, it would make work very awkward. Possibly compromise my new position. Which was something I didn’t want to do.


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