The Drifter (Amish Country Brides)

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The Drifter (Amish Country Brides) Page 12

by J. E. B. Spredemann

  “Can I…would you want to study with me?”

  “I’d love that. You know, Sammy—Michael’s grossdawdi, is very wise when it comes to the Bible. You should sit down and talk to him sometime.”

  “Okay. I think I will.” He glanced at his friend. “I want to be saved. But I don’t know how to do it—how to seal the deal, so to speak.”

  Silas smiled. “That’s wonderful. Do you want me to pray with you?”

  “Would you, please? Out loud, like last time?”

  “Sure. But you’ve got to keep your eyes open to drive.” Silas chuckled.

  “Will do.”

  Silas bowed his head. “Dear God, first of all, I want to thank You for my friend, Josiah. I’m so happy that he wants to be saved. Thank You for touching his heart. Please give him wisdom and understanding in the days to come.” Silas lifted his head and looked at Josiah. “Do you want to pray now?”

  He grimaced. “I’m not sure how, or what to say.”

  “Do you want me to help you?”


  “Well, there are no special words, they just need to be sincere and from your heart. So, if you believe what I am about to say, then repeat the words.”

  Josiah nodded. “Sounds good.”

  “Dear God, I know that I am a sinner and that sin leads to death and hell.”

  Josiah repeated the words.

  “I believe with my heart that Jesus Christ died and shed His blood for me to wash away my sins.”

  He agreed aloud.

  “And I believe that He was buried, and rose from the dead, and is now alive.”

  Josiah repeated.

  “Please save me, and come into my heart and life, and make me a new man.”

  He again reiterated Silas’s words.

  “Thank You for Your gift of eternal life that You have placed within me. Please help me to live for You. Amen.”

  Josiah repeated the last words, then smiled broadly. “I’m saved now.” Just saying the words made his heart burst with joy. He was saved now!

  “If you were sincere, then yes, you are saved now.” Silas grinned. “You are now on your way to Heaven. You no longer need to fear hell. God is and will forever be with you, inside you, every second of every day. The gift that God gives, no man can take away. The devil may try to convince you otherwise, but you have the promises of God’s Word.”

  “And God is right one hundred percent of the time.”

  “Well done, my friend!” Silas high-fived him.

  “I can’t wait to go home and share the news with Bailey!” He smiled so much, his cheeks ached.


  “Well, temporary, at least.”

  “Why don’t you pray and see what God would have you do?” Silas’s brow arched.

  “That’s a great idea, my friend.”


  Silas twisted toward Josiah as they turned onto the home stretch. “So, you and Michael are going to take over for the day while Miriam and Nora have a free day to themselves?”

  “Yeah, but I want to have some stuff for them to do. Michael and I have a couple of ideas.”

  “Like what?” Silas grinned.

  “I’m thinking they would really enjoy a Swedish massage at a spa. Michael suggested a movie if we can find any good ones playing. Maybe a nice lunch somewhere, and some money to go girl shopping.”

  “Oh, they’re going to love that.” Silas frowned. “Do you think my fraa can get in on that?”

  “Kayla? I don’t see why not. As long as you pay for her part.” He chuckled. “That’s a lot of kids.”

  “I’d suggest Paul’s fraa too, but she’s about to have a boppli any day now.” He clapped his hands together. “And we can enlist my sisters, Emily and Martha, to help Bailey. And we’ll be there too, of course.”

  “And we can all grill out in the evening when they return home.”

  “Sounds good to me. Whose place are we going to have it at?”

  “Michael probably wouldn’t mind, but I think your place is bigger.”

  “The house is, but Sammy has more yard for the kinner to play in.”

  “You have a point. Well, we can talk to Michael and Sammy and see what they say.”

  Josiah turned into Silas’s driveway.

  “Hmm…that’s strange. It looks like the store’s closed. It’s usually open today.” Silas frowned. “Will you stop and let me out?”

  Josiah stopped just past the store but waited for Silas to return before continuing on.

  Silas hopped back in. “I could have walked.”

  “I know. What’s up?”

  “I don’t know. It’s closed. I hope everything’s okay.”

  Josiah parked the vehicle in front of Silas’s home.

  “I’ll go see what’s up with Kayla. Did you want to see Bailey?”

  “Of course.” Josiah smiled. He had to tell her all about his good news.

  They walked into the house together. Little ones were crying and there were toys and clothes throughout the living room.

  A worried look flashed across Silas’s face. “Uh, Kayla?” he called out.

  “Ach, you need to stop crying!” It was Bailey’s voice echoing down the hall.

  “Kayla? Bailey? What’s going on?”

  A half-dressed little one bolted down the hallway toward Silas, Bailey was on his heels. “Oh, no you don’t!” She glanced up and saw them, then sighed in relief. “Oh good! You’re finally home,” she moaned.

  “What’s going on? Where’s Mamm?” Silas frowned.

  “Ach, Aenti Jenny is having her boppli right now. I’m stuck with diaper duty for these little rascals.” She wiped sweat from her forehead. “Remind me never to have a thousand children.”

  Josiah chuckled.

  “You only got seven under your charge,” Silas said, as if it were no big deal. “Where are Judah and Shiloh? Aren’t they helping?”

  “Shiloh went with Mamm. Lucky. And I think Judah said he was going fishing. Besides, he’d probably be more trouble than he’s worth. Before he left, he gave Lucas his markers to use. Who gives a two-year-old markers? He marked up all the wall in his and Daniel’s room. I sent him straight to bed, but I doubt he’s still napping. I’m afraid to see what mischief he’s up to next.”

  Silas and Josiah eyed each other, both suppressing a grin.

  “I better check,” Silas volunteered. “Where are the others?”

  “Sierra is supposed to be keeping Daniel and Lydia occupied at the table.” She grabbed the little one by the dress. Josiah wasn’t sure whether it was a girl or a boy. “Oh, no! Will you take Aaron, Dat, and put his diaper on? He just soiled his dress again!”

  She shook a finger at the little one, who giggled in return. “I just put that on you. You little stinker.” She tickled his tummy.

  “Ach.” Silas shook his head. “Jah, I’ll take him. Unless, your other dat would like to take a turn.”

  Josiah held up his hands. “No, thank you. He’s all yours.”

  Bailey turned to Josiah. “I don’t know how Mamm does it.”

  “It looks like she has a good helper or two.” Josiah smiled, attempting to encourage his daughter.

  She rolled her eyes. “Sometimes, I feel like I just want to get away.”

  “I know what you mean.”

  “Not that I want to leave and become Englisch or anything like that. Just a little vacation or something.”

  Silas returned with two little ones in tow. “How about if your Englisch dat and I watch the little ones while you and Sierra fix supper?”

  “I have a better idea. Let’s order pizza,” Josiah suggested.

  “Pizza!” The children all clapped their hands.

  “No turning back now.” Silas chuckled.

  Josiah eyed his friend. “And I’m buying.”

  “I won’t argue with that.” Silas grinned. He turned to Bailey. “Your dat has something to tell you.”

  “That’s right.” Josia
h’s smile widened and he studied Bailey. “I have Jesus in my heart now!”

  Bailey squealed and threw her arms around him. “For real?”

  “For real.” He chuckled. “That was the reaction I was hoping for.”


  Hours later, as Josiah settled in for the night in Michael’s spare bedroom, he mulled over Bailey’s words. He’d been pondering quite a few things lately. His job in New Jersey. Nora. His parents. Returning to the Plain community. Bailey. His future. Their future. His new-found relationship with Christ.

  Silas was right. He needed to pray.


  Nora, Miriam, and Kayla stepped out of the vehicle in front of the shopping center. Today had proven to be exciting so far. But Nora admitted to herself that she felt a little awkward around Kayla now. Did Kayla know that there was anything between Nora and Josiah? Was there anything going on between Nora and Josiah? She wasn’t even sure herself.

  Nora glanced at Kayla, thinking about her past relationship with Josiah and the daughter they’d created together. Kayla was a beautiful woman. It was easy to see how Josiah would have been attracted to her, especially if he’d met her when they were younger, and at the beach. Nora had only been to the beach once, but she’d seen the types of clothing Englischers wore when sunbathing. She could see how a young man would have trouble keeping his eyes focused on Der Herr with temptation all around.

  But you shouldn’t judge, she chided herself.

  “Okay,” Miriam said. “Michael said to open up number one when we were dropped off here.” She handed an envelope to each of them marked with a one.

  They looked at each other and smiled, then opened their envelopes. Each one contained a note and money. Nora opened the note, which she figured was in Josiah’s handwriting.


  A woman like you is hard to resist. Have fun shopping, but save me a kiss.


  She gasped at the words.

  “What?” Miriam scrunched near. “What did he write?”

  Nora quickly hid her note. “I don’t think anyone else is supposed to read this.” She knew her cheeks must be red as raspberries. “What does yours say?”

  “Uh…this is definitely for my eyes only!” Miriam giggled.

  “Jah, mine too.” Kayla said.

  “Well, then.” Miriam linked her arms with both ladies. “We’ll just have to be called the secret keepers. Shall we go shopping now?”

  An hour and a half later, their Englisch driver pulled up. “Time for our next adventure!” Miriam squealed.

  Nora had to admit this was exciting.

  Miriam handed both Kayla and Nora their second envelope when they reached their next destination. The driver promised to be back in an hour. A smile played on her lips as she pulled out the next note.


  Shopping is tiring and you need a rest, enjoy a massage and you’ll feel your best. When you return home, you won’t know what to do, do I deserve one kiss or will I get two?


  Nora giggled and clasped her hand over her mouth. “Oh, my.”

  “What secrets are you hiding?” Miriam snickered, bumping her hip into Nora’s.

  “Wouldn’t you like to know?” She teased.

  “And you thought Josiah wasn’t interested.” Miriam laughed. “I’m thinking he’s changing your mind?”

  Kayla gasped. “Josiah?” She eyed Nora and Miriam. “Beachy?”

  “Jah,” Miriam confirmed.

  “I’m sorry,” Nora said. “Maybe I should have asked you if you minded. But I didn’t even know at first.”

  Kayla’s hand swatted the air in front of her. “No need to ask me. I’m a very happily married woman. Josiah is free to date whomever he chooses without my permission.”

  “I know, it’s just…” She shrugged.

  To her surprise, Kayla draped an arm around her shoulder. “I’m just glad that he found a good woman.”

  Nora’s eyes misted. “Denki. That means a lot.”

  “If you and Josiah married, you’d be Bailey’s stepmom.” Kayla smiled.

  “She’s a really sweet girl.”

  Kayla nodded. “She really is. But she can be a firecracker.”

  “Josiah loves her so much. He lights up every time he talks about her.”

  “I’m glad to hear that. I hope they can have a good, positive relationship.”

  “It seems like they do.”

  “Well, ladies.” Miriam sighed dramatically. “Let’s go relax.”

  The remainder of their special day was just as enjoyable. The women shared a delicious lunch, a carriage ride down by the river—which they all thought was a little silly since they drove horses and buggies all the time—but it was fun nonetheless, and then a frivolous but sweet movie.

  Nora cherished every note from Josiah, as each one built on the last. But goodness, when would she be able to give him all those kisses? Her skin tingled just thinking about being close to him, breathing in his faint masculine scent—cologne or body wash or whatever it was, his mouth on hers.

  Anticipation filled her as their driver pulled into the lane at Sammy Eicher’s place. Their entire group of friends was there, including Silas’s two younger sisters, who’d assisted Bailey and the men with babysitting all the kinner. Or keeping them all alive and safe was probably more like it. Silas’s brother Paul, and his fraa, Jenny, had arrived at the same time their vehicle had pulled up. She couldn’t wait to see the tiny boppli Jenny had given birth to a little over a week ago.

  Nora carried her small bag of purchases, along with her purse, concealing Josiah’s promises of romance. If she had believed he might be interested in her prior to this outing, his notes left no doubt. Her gaze scanned the play area until she spotted her daughters. Sylvia was on one of the swings attempting to pump her legs, while Josiah lightly pushed her and another little boy from behind. Esther sat at a picnic table with several of the other kinner and it looked like they were working on a craft project. A relieved breath escaped her lips. She’d hardly been away from her precious daughters since they’d been born. Just seeing them triggered a smile.

  The moment she was about to turn away to drop her things off inside, Josiah strode in her direction. Mischief sparkled in his eyes. Ach, he didn’t intend to claim his kisses here in public, did he? Her heartbeat quickened with each step closer to her he came.

  He stopped a couple of feet away from her, to her relief. “Did you have a good time?”

  “Ach, it was wunderbaar! Denki.”

  He took a step closer and lowered his voice. “Oh, you can thank me later.”

  Her pulse raced at his nearness. She lifted the items she held. “I should…uh…maybe put these inside somewhere.”

  “Okay, do you mind if I join you?”

  She shook her head.

  “I hope you ladies still have an appetite because the sausages and burgers will be ready in just a little bit.” He followed her up the front porch, where Jenny and Paul sat on the porch swing with their new boppli, then into the house. She placed her purse and her bag into a nook in the china hutch. When she spun around, she hadn’t expected Josiah to be so close. But he hadn’t attempted to claim any kisses.

  “I...uh…need to talk to you about something.” His voice was serious. “May I drive you and the girls home tonight?”

  “That’s probably a good idea since my buggy isn’t here. We would appreciate that.”

  “About the notes. If that makes you uncomfortable…I didn’t intend to force anything.”

  “I have something for you, actually.” She smiled to herself. “Okay, close your eyes.” As quietly as possible, she reached into her bag.

  A smile of anticipation danced on his lips.

  She leaned close and whispered in his ear, “Are you ready?”

  His voice turned husky. “Oh, I’m ready. How long do I have to wait? You’re killing me.”

  She reached for his hand and lightly massaged it with her
fingers before placing a chocolate Hershey’s Kiss in his palm.

  His eyes popped open and he looked down at his hand. “Hey, that’s cheating.” He chuckled.

  She reached her hand up to caress his cheek, gazing into his eyes. “You’ll get your second kiss tonight when you drop me off.”

  Then she turned and headed outside.


  “Hey, Josiah, would you mind taking her off my hands?” Paul asked, holding his tiny boppli. “I just got challenged to a game of corn hole and I plan to beat the pants off my bruder.”

  “Uh, sure.” Josiah shrugged.

  “You have to keep a hand under her head.” Paul handed over the bundle of blankets. Wasn’t the little one hot under all that? What would he know? He had zero experience with tiny babies.

  “I can do that.” The little thing weighed absolutely nothing.

  “We’ll see who beats who,” Silas called back.

  “All talk and no action,” Paul tossed his first bean bag into the hole. “See? That’s how it’s done.” He turned to his wife and flexed his bicep. “Ladies.”

  “Oh, brother.” Silas laughed. “Did you forget that I beat you last time?”

  “You cheated.”

  “How do you cheat at corn hole?”

  The baby squirmed in his arms, yanking Josiah’s attention away from the game. Her little hand had wrapped its way around his finger. She puckered her rose petal lips and whimpered. Her tiny chest rose and fell quickly for a second or two, then she snuggled back into a place of comfort. Her mouth began making a sucking motion while she slept. It was the most adorable thing he’d ever seen. His heart instantly melted. Ach, he wanted one of his own!

  His eyes shot to Nora, who stood with the other women. But instead of watching the game or the kinner or her female companions, her gaze had been fixed on him. A look of pleasure graced her countenance.

  Was she thinking the same thing he was? He hoped so.


  Bailey needed to sit down and have a talk with her folks, but she feared they might not be happy with what she had to say. She still needed to say it, though.


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