Master Wizard

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Master Wizard Page 25

by James Eggebeen

Lorit grabbed the hand that held the dagger and forced it back. Sulrad was strong, but not strong enough to overwhelm him. Lorit struggled and soon had Sulrad's knife hand pinned to the floor. He tried to wrest the knife from Sulrad, but every time he leaned in Sulrad bucked, threatening to unseat him.

  "Help me!" Lorit shouted.

  Kedrik ran over and reached to take the knife away from Sulrad, but before he could seize it, violet magic flared around the knife and Kedrik stopped in mid grab.

  Sulrad laughed. "You may have found new power, but the boy is still a wizard. He can't touch me." Sulrad struggled to wrench his hand free from Lorit's grasp. He kicked and twisted to no avail.

  A golden chain slid free of Sulrad's robe as he thrashed about. It was the Charm of the Joiner. Sulrad was wearing it! This was his chance. Lorit reached his free hand for the Charm and pulled on the chain. He had hoped it would simply snap, but it was too strong.

  "You cannot take what is mine," Sulrad said.

  "The Charm!" Lorit cried. Maybe Kedrik could wrest it away from Sulrad while they struggled.

  Kedrik reached for the Charm, but once again, the violet light flared and he stopped in mid reach. "I can't take it," Kedrik said.

  Lorit reached for the Charm, but he feared he would lose his grasp on Sulrad's knife hand. He couldn't let Sulrad get the better of him. He tried again, but every time he leaned in, the knife wavered closer to him.

  A scaly hand reached for the chain. The violet magic flared, but it didn't deter Du'ala from taking the chain from around Sulrad's neck. She pulled violently and the Charm came free. "Kill him," Du'ala said.

  Lorit made another attempt to grasp the knife, but Sulrad struggled free. The knife swung and slashed Lorit across the arm. He felt his magic flare at the contact, but it wasn't enough to stop the pain.

  Sulrad jumped to his feet, preparing for another strike. Lorit scrambled up with the aid of the desk. He raised his shields, but Sulrad struck again. This time, Lorit was fast enough to get out of the way and the knife only sliced through his robe.

  Lorit breathed heavily, his back to the wall, when he felt a tug at his arm.

  "Go now." Du'ala pulled at Lorit's sleeve, urging him out the door.

  Lorit felt his way as he slid along the wall, keeping an eye on Sulrad. The priest breathed hard as he held the knife ready. There was death in his eyes. Lorit didn't think they could simply slip out and escape. He felt the door behind him and backed through it. He slammed it shut to the impact of Sulrad on the other side. Lorit cast a quick spell on the door and prayed it would hold Sulrad, or at least slow him down.

  Lorit, Kedrik and Du'ala ran through the temple heedless of pursuit. Lorit feared that the alarm would soon rise and their chances of getting out would fall dramatically.

  Lorit trailed just behind Du'ala. He was surprised the short tribeswoman was so fast. He was hard pressed to keep up with her. She glowed with a golden light as they rushed through the passageway toward the main hall.

  The trio crashed through the gathering crowd and the massive entryway doors. They swerved to avoid a guard and ran headlong to the edge of the cliff. Lorit pulled himself up short and looked back. Priests in black robes poured out of the temple, headed their way.

  "We're trapped," Kedrik said.

  "Not trapped," Du'ala said. She grabbed Kedrik's robe and shouted at Lorit, "Jump."

  Du'ala jumped off the cliff edge, hauling a screaming Kedrik behind her. Lorit stood, shocked, for only a heartbeat, when he realized what she'd done. He steeled himself. He had faith in her. He jumped off the edge of the cliff, the salt spray washing up from the ocean far below.

  Lorit felt his stomach knot up as he plunged for the water. It was a feeling he'd grown used to when the dragon dove for land. He hoped Du'ala knew what she was doing.

  Ahead of Lorit, Du'ala turned to a swirling cloud of golden light and transformed to her dragon form. She grasped a falling Kedrik in her mighty talons and swooped beneath the plummeting Lorit. She spread her wings and Lorit landed square on her back. With a mighty stroke, Du'ala leveled off above the water. They were on their way.

  Chapter 41

  Chihon sat alone outside Du'ala's hut. She worried about Lorit. She couldn't bear the thought of losing him. The black scar on his robe unnerved her. He could have been killed in his confrontation with Sulrad in Veldwaite, and now they had carried the fight to Sulrad's stronghold in Quineshua. She tried not to worry, but it didn't work. When Chihon felt the touch of Lorit's call, she was relieved. He was rushed but safe. They were on their way back from Quineshua.

  "We didn't get the egg," Lorit said. "Sulrad was there and so was Tass. Tass disappeared with it."

  "But you're all right?" Chihon asked.

  "All of us. I did have a small measure of success though. Du'ala managed to get the Charm of the Joiner away from Sulrad. We're bringing it back with us now."

  "Do you think you can break the Charm?"

  "I don't know. But with the Charm out of Sulrad's hands, at least the dragons should be safe for a while."

  Chihon dropped the connection and sat back, relieved. Lorit was safe, and Sulrad had lost a major source of his power. Things were starting to look up.

  Chihon napped off and on while she waited for Lorit to return. She sat beside the hut, chatting with one of the Arda'um women as the woman performed her daily chores. The woman was named Na'anta, and she told Chihon of the time of the dragons and what the dragon realm was like, with its strange sun and beautiful seas. She was sad that they had not seen it in so long and looked forward to being able to return home.

  "Tell me about the egg," Chihon asked.

  "We did not know there was an egg. My people were transformed to protect us from Sulrad and his magic. We thought there were none left free. Eggs are so rare and precious. I hardly believe that one was lost and we didn't know about it."

  "Rare, why?"

  "We live a long time. We have children only infrequently, so they are cherished as a great treasure."

  "Tell me about a baby dragon. Are they like humans?"

  "No. A dragon hatches with all of its magic already awake inside of it. It is able to walk and speak almost as soon as it hatches. Within days, it can fly and hunt for food."

  "Do they eat a lot, then?"

  "They are insatiable. They grow to three times their birth weight in the first moon. They are half the size of an adult dragon by their first birth anniversary."

  "How do you feed them?" Chihon was genuinely interested. There had been no dragons around in the memory of any living person save Zhimosom and Rotiaqua.

  "We let them roam the plains and catch and eat their prey."

  "That must make the shepherds angry." She laughed, wondering what it had been like when the dragons roamed the skies. She couldn't imagine the shepherds and farmers were too keen on the idea of dragons raiding their herds.

  "There are no shepherds where we come from. There are no humans."

  "No humans?"

  "None. They were never invited. The realm of the dragons was kept private as a place where we could be alone, just the dragons."

  "Why?" Chihon couldn't imagine a world with only dragons. The dragons and people mixed well. Surely some had been invited to the dragon's realm.

  "Because in the realm of man, we were considered wise, and you associate wisdom with age, and age with seriousness. In front of you, we have to control our natural tendency to play."

  "Play?" Chihon wondered what type of play the dragons enjoyed. Certainly not the sort of thing humans did.

  "Play," Na'anta said. "Flying games, mostly. Those scare folks around here. They get alarmed at the sight of dragons swooping around in the sky."

  Chihon laughed. "That must be a sight."

  Chihon was enjoying her chat with the Arda'um woman when she sensed Du'ala's magic. Off in the distance, a tiny dot appeared heading their way. She called out to the Arda'um working around the encampment to let them know that Du'ala and the wizards had

  It felt like only moments before Du'ala landed in the center of the clearing and transformed back to her Arda'um body. She strode purposefully up to Chihon and bowed. "Egg Mother. I have failed. The sorceress has the egg."

  Chihon was embarrassed by Du'ala's deference. "Please. You did your best." Chihon wanted to put her arm around the woman, but the scaly skin and rough exterior made her feel less approachable than a human. "Don't worry. We'll find it," she said.

  "Come. We talk." Du'ala walked to her hut and entered without looking back.

  "We'd better follow her," Lorit said.

  Lorit had dropped his disguise and his robe still held the burn mark, but he looked no worse than when he'd left. Chihon had expected to find him burned, cut, and bleeding after his encounter with the priest. She was glad to see him healthy. She followed Lorit into the hut and sat beside him.

  "The Charm?" Chihon asked.

  Lorit withdrew the Charm of the Joiner and placed it on the floor between them. The large central jewel glowed with a violet light. The magic it contained was a mixture of different power but not the usual temple magic. This was more powerful and closer to the dragon's magic.

  "Will it keep Sulrad from harming the dragons?" Chihon asked.

  "No," Du'ala said. "He still controls the Charm, even though we have it. It must be destroyed."

  Chihon felt Lorit reach out with his magic and examine the Charm. It was covered in spells. Lorit poked and prodded at them, but none were amenable to his prodding. They were stuck tight.

  "It looks complicated," Chihon said when she felt him relent.

  "It is, but I think I can get through it, given enough time."

  Chihon let Lorit work on the spells, but she watched closely as he worried at each thread, severing some, unlacing others, releasing layer after layer of the spells that ensnared the amulet. He sat silently in front of the Charm, breaking only occasionally to take refreshment. It was late evening before he paused for a bite to eat.

  "I don't think I can get through it all," Lorit said around a mouthful of lizard stew. "There are some very strong spells there. I don't have enough power to cut through them."

  "You need rest." Chihon stretched. She was exhausted just from the effort of watching him, but she wanted to be there to show him that she cared.

  "You're right."

  As Lorit leaned back and relaxed, Du'ala entered the hut. She sat on the floor next to Lorit and examined the Charm. "Good," was all she said. Du'ala turned toward Chihon. "Tomorrow, you go."

  "Go where?"

  "To find the egg. Its time is near."

  "Did you find out where it is?"

  "Veldwaite." Du'ala spat the word.

  Chihon groaned. She knew Tass had the egg, and if it was in Veldwaite, there were sure to be other priests around. It wouldn't be easy to get past them to steal the egg away. The whole priesthood was sure to be watching for them. Especially after what Lorit had done in Quineshua.

  "Come on, Lorit," Chihon said. "We'd better get some sleep. It will be a long day tomorrow." She stood, but Du'ala stopped her. "No. You and the boy."


  "Yes. The boy."

  "Why not Lorit?"

  "He must work on the Charm." She looked at Lorit. "Not sleep."

  Chihon ducked out of the hut. She was tired and needed her sleep before she stormed the temple, even if Lorit was going to stay up all night working.

  The next day, Du'ala awakened Chihon before the sunrise. "Time," Du'ala said.

  "Time for what?" Chihon mumbled.

  "To go fetch the egg."

  Chihon blinked back the sleep from her eyes. "Now?"

  "Now. People sleep."

  "All right." Chihon looked around. Kedrik was already awake and had a small pack slung over his shoulder. He wore a sword on his belt that almost touched the ground. He had one thumb tucked into the belt and in his free hand he held a wizard's staff.

  "Ready?" Kedrik stretched out his hand to Chihon.

  "Where's Lorit?" Chihon asked. She wanted to see him before they departed.

  "Lorit sleep." Du'ala motioned them toward the door.

  Outside the hut, the tribesmen lined the path that led to the clearing. They stood still, spears held straight and stiff. As Chihon and Kedrik passed between them, they reached out and touched Chihon's shoulders. "Egg Mother," they repeated, one after another.

  Once they reached the clearing, Kedrik tucked his staff under his arm and extended his hand to Chihon.

  "Ready." Chihon grasped his hand and prepared herself for the wrenching of the travel spell. The clearing faded slowly from view and the streets of Veldwaite materialized around her, no wrenching, no disorientation. Chihon wondered about the smooth transition, but before she could utter her amazement, Kedrik interrupted.

  "There's a side door that we can use to enter the temple. I know the way." He led her to a plain door with no handle or knob. He rapped it with his fist. The door was solid. It hardly made a sound as Kedrik struck it.

  Chihon focused her magic on the door, but before she could act, Kedrik uttered a spell and the door opened quietly. Kedrik held it for her with a half-smile that faded quickly. "Wait. I should go first."

  Chihon let Kedrik enter and followed him into the dark interior of the temple. She sensed the direction they needed to take to find the egg and guided Kedrik toward it effortlessly. Du'ala was correct; everyone was asleep. Chihon breathed a sigh of relief. Maybe this would work after all.

  They soon reached a door where the presence of the egg was strongest. "It's in here," Chihon said.

  "Let me see." Kedrik placed his hands on the door. Chihon felt him extend his senses into the room. Her dragon magic was growing, but it was not yet as strong as Kedrik's magic was.

  "The egg is in there, and it feels safe." Kedrik grasped the knob and slowly opened the door.

  The room was immaculate, every scroll and parchment in its place. The egg rested in the center of the desk, cradled in a towel that had been wrapped around it to form a nest. It looked shiny and new. It no longer had the dull, aged appearance it had had when Chihon first encountered it. She reached out with her weakened magic to probe the egg. A strong golden glow emanated from within it that felt similar to the magic of Du'ala and the Arda'um.

  "Let's get it and go." Chihon reached for the egg. She picked it up and cradled it to her breast, right where the arrow had penetrated. The wound flared with a twinge of pain. She wasn't sure if it was real or just a memory of the last time she'd held the egg.

  The door flew open and a black-robed priestess burst in. Chihon recognized her immediately. It was Tass.

  "Thought I wasn't watching?" she demanded. "Thought you could waltz right in here and take what's mine?"

  Chihon tried to raise her shield, but her magic failed her.

  Tass extended her hand and a violet light leaped forth. The light struck Chihon, thrusting her backward. She held onto the egg, cradling it tightly to her as she struck the wall and slumped to the floor.

  Kedrik stepped between the two women. "Stop," he shouted. A golden fireball sprang from his palm to strike Tass, washing the priestess with a shower of sparks and causing her to stumble. Tass grabbed the desk to steady herself but continued the fight.

  "Stop," Kedrik shouted again. This time the fireball was even larger and more powerful. He thrust it at her, but it exploded in a shower of sparks without harming her.

  "Only once will you catch me off guard." Tass gestured with her arm and Kedrik went sailing back into the wall next to Chihon.

  "Now. If you please." Tass reached for the egg. Chihon hugged it even tighter to her breast. She tried again to raise her shield, but the magic wasn't there. Chihon knew she had to do something, but she was out of ideas and out of magic.

  As Tass reached for the egg, a stir of magic came from deep inside of it. It was as if the egg were a doorway to some vast realm and Chihon sensed the world of magic behind it. Magic flared as if a river of
power flowed through the egg and into Chihon and a blinding white light burst from the egg that threw Tass back against the wall.

  Chapter 42

  Once again, Lorit found himself alone in Du'ala's hut. The stench of the lizard dung mixed with smoke from the cook fires caused him to cough as he focused his efforts on the Charm of the Joiner. He had succeeded in removing most of the spells, but one remained that he was unable to defeat. It was strongly reminiscent of Sulrad's magic, but contained traces of Zhimosom and Rotiaqua's too. Lorit focused his energy on the Charm, when a sudden surge of power overcame him. A searing white light flared, scorching the interior of the hut with its heat. Before Lorit had time to react, Chihon and Kedrik appeared in the middle of the hut. Chihon clutched the egg to her breast.

  "You found it!" Lorit shoved the Charm off to the side and rushed to Chihon. He hugged her, happy that she was back safe.

  "What was that flash of power?" Lorit asked. He turned Chihon toward the door that led outside. He wanted the rest of the Arda'um to see that she had rescued the egg.

  "I...I don't know. Tass attacked me and I defended myself. When I did, the egg flared up and I was filled with magic."

  "I felt it, too." Lorit's dragon magic had increased in strength along with hers and he was even more connected to Chihon. Not in the usual way of the pairing, but he could sense her more clearly, and she was still worried.

  "What's the matter?"

  "Tass is still alive."

  "She's in Veldwaite. I scarcely think she can find us here."

  "I'm not so sure about that."

  Lorit escorted Chihon out of the hut to the crowd of gathering Arda'um. Du'ala sat on a short stool smoking her pipe, relaxing, but when she saw Chihon cradling the egg in her arms, she jumped up, stashed the pipe in her pocket, rushed to Chihon, and fell to her knees. She bowed her head to the ground.

  "Egg Mother," Du'ala said.

  When the rest of the Arda'um heard her, they too fell to the ground and bowed their heads. Chants of "Egg Mother" came from all around the camp.


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