Ching-ling protected by, 637n
death of, 663
Kissinger’s meetings with, 640–41, 643
at Mao’s meeting with Nixon, 642
in negotiations with KMT, 543
in peace talks with Nationalists, 573, 574
in Ping-Pong diplomacy, 640
and Sian, 270
Chow, Lien Hwa, 680, 681
Chow Chin-jou, 285
Christian Science Monitor, 417, 435, 671
Chu, Richard, 587
Chuikov, Vasilii, xii, 363–64, 368n
Chung, P. N., 369
Chungking, China, 1, 312, 313, 315–17, 320, 354, 357, 370, 443, 519, 523
Churchill, Winston, 283, 370, 371, 376–77, 378, 419, 431, 436, 440, 475, 493, 515, 523, 557, 666, 672
at Atlantic Conference, 365
at Cairo Conference, 469, 470–71, 475
at TRIDENT conference, 447, 449–50
Chu Ta-fu, 93–94
Chu Teh, xii, 197, 235, 237, 531, 534, 598
CIA, 580, 597, 603, 633
Cincinnati Times Star, 305
Cixi (Tz’u-hsi), xviii, 39–41, 42
Clapper, Raymond, 423
Clark-Kerr, Archibald, xii, 376
Clay, Lucius, 479
Clines, Francis X., 672–73
coal, 241
Coble, Parks, 188, 202–3, 337–38
Cohen, Morris “Two-Gun,” xii, 80, 130n, 368
Combined Anglo-American Southeast Asia Command, 519
Comintern, 83n, 84, 123, 148, 247, 305
Commerce International Corporation (CIC), 612, 613
Commission for Aeronautical Affairs, 288
Communist Party, Chinese (CCP), 104, 122, 124, 125, 128, 149–50, 151, 153, 155, 188, 258, 305, 365, 512–15, 583
in attempt to take over KMT, 135, 139–41
and Chiang’s takeover of Manchuria, 533
condolences for Ching-kuo from, 668
Mao’s purge of, 353
Nationalist defection to, 562, 573
opening congress of, 83–84
at San Francisco Conference, 517
and Sian incident, 270, 271
Soviet support for, 525, 547
uprisings of, 197–98
see also Chinese Civil War; Long March
compradores, 37, 103
concubines, 28, 39–40, 41
Confucius, 30–31, 61, 73, 83, 88, 215, 231, 314, 394, 445, 660n
Congressional Record, 600
Conner, Fox, 368
Considine, Bob, 424
Cooke, Charles M., Jr., 612
Coolidge, Calvin, 150–51
coolies, 14, 35, 36, 66, 74, 78, 91, 149, 224, 233, 240, 276, 309
Corcoran, Thomas, xii, 362–63, 392, 555
Cotton Goods Exchange, 336
Coward, Noel, xii, 494
Cowles, Gardner “Mike,” xii, 405, 409–10, 411, 433, 434
Cox, Tricia Nixon, 672
Cripps, Stafford, 318–19
Crozier, Brian, 197, 222n, 223, 269n, 291, 311, 313, 335–36, 350, 353, 366, 376, 535, 536, 555, 569, 590, 599, 613, 618, 620, 622–23
Cultural Revolution, 198n, 636–37, 662, 663
Currency Reserve Board, 336
Currie, Lauchlin, xiii, 317n, 360–61, 362, 365, 389, 395, 396, 400–402, 404, 432, 437, 458, 509n, 555
C. V. Starr, 648
Daily Mail (London), 503
Dairen, China, 516, 525–26, 534
Davies, John Paton, Jr., xiii, 402n, 411, 475, 476, 512, 514, 518n, 529, 730–31
D-Day, 457, 485
De Gaulle, Charles, 626
de Gobineau, Joseph-Arthur, 422
DeLacy, Hugh, 533
DeLong, Thomas A., 25, 69n, 119, 414, 440, 577, 619, 659
Democratic League, 542
Democratic Progressive Party, Taiwanese, 667, 671, 680n
de Montebello, Philippe, 674
Deng Xiao-ping, xiii, 232n, 569, 662
Des Moines Register, 421
Dewey, Thomas E., 430
Dill, John, 446
Disbandment Commission, 200
DIXIE, 511–12
Dole, Robert, xiii, 672, 673
Donald, William Henry, xiii, 228, 239–41, 251–52, 286, 306–7, 314, 318, 319, 404n
as aid to May-ling, 243–44, 260, 291, 296, 299, 304, 305, 313, 320
in car accident, 277
Chinese corruption criticized by, 227, 240, 241
departure from China, 338–39
hospitalization and death of, 546–47
letters on Japanese war to Theodore Roosevelt, Jr. by, 306–7, 310–11
manifesto proclaiming Chinese republic written by, 223
in Sian, 256–57, 259, 260, 262, 264, 270
on Sun Yat-sen, 56
on tour of China, 241, 242, 243
T.V. disliked by, 331
Dong, Stella, 575
Donovan, William “Wild Bill,” xiii, 458–59, 482
Doolittle, James H., 418
Dorn, Frank, xiii, 1, 380, 384, 390–91, 402, 453, 483–85, 507, 508, 509–10, 512, 514–15, 518, 519
Douglas, Helen Gahagan, 580
Dowager Empress of China, see Cixi
Dragon Throne, 34, 41
Drum, Hugh A., 372
Drummond-Hay, Grace, 305
Dulles, John Foster, xiii, 614, 618, 619, 620, 666, 731
du Pont, 309
Durdin, Tillman, 319
Du Vee-pin, 561n
Du Yueh-sen (“Big-Eared Du”), xiii, 105, 106–7, 151, 181, 186, 334, 336, 338, 344–45, 459, 560, 561n
Dynamo Electric Plant, 247
Dzungaria, 31n
Eastman, Lloyd, 180n, 218, 220, 558, 559
Economic Committee, 331
Economic Cooperation Authority (ECA), 558
Economic Information, Bureau of, 223
Economist, 666
Eisenhower, Dwight D., 544–45, 604, 607, 614, 618, 620, 621, 666, 672
Elgin, Lord, 34, 35
Elizabeth I, Queen of England, 488n
Encyclopaedia Britannica, 545
eunuchs, 28–30, 34, 40, 41
European Entente, 75
Ever-Victorious Army, 42
Executive Yuan, 225, 331, 332, 338, 465, 481, 522, 570, 582, 591, 612
“face,” concept of, 39
Faina (Ching-kuo’s wife), 248
Fairbank, John, xiii, 57, 58, 78, 103, 104, 405, 445, 446, 469–70, 477, 625
Faison, Seth, 679
Falkenhausen, Alexander von, xiii, 310
Fang, Doctor, 249
“Farewell Leighton Stuart” (Mao), 574
Farley, J., 424
Farmer, Rhodes, xiii, 294–95, 299, 302, 355
Farmer’s Bank of China, 334–35, 573
Farrar, Straus & Company, 619
fascism, 207, 218–19
FBI, 555, 577, 582, 600, 619, 628
Federal Trade Commission, 557
Federation of Commercial and Industrial Bodies, 151
Feis, Herbert, 541
Fenby, Jonathan, 105n, 225, 359, 412n, 508, 512n
Feng, Mrs. C. T., 441
feng shui, 31
Feng Yu-hsiang, xiii, 76, 77, 162–63, 187, 193, 194, 199, 203–5, 212, 246, 343, 482
Fessenden, Sterling, 151–52
Film Censorship Committee of China, 70
Financial Times, 675
Fish, Hamilton, 630
floods, 202, 222, 240
Flying Tigers, 283, 369n, 380, 403–4, 446, 452, 672
foot binding, 12, 91
Forbidden City, 31, 32, 40
Ford, Gerald, 655
Foreign Affairs, 639
Foreign Affairs and Relations Committee, 554
Foreign Affairs Ministry, Chinese, 32, 41, 121, 190, 205, 225, 248
Formosa, see Taiwan
Fortune, 143, 331, 358, 364, 427
Fou Foong Mills, Ltd., 16
Four Queens, The (Lary), 488
Fox Movietone News, 224
France, 34–35, 43, 122, 136, 283, 341, 357, 358, 359, 516, 626, 652
Free China Fortnightly, 624, 625
Fudan University, 317
Fukien, 230, 596
Fulbright, William, 631–32
Fussell, Paul, 460
Fu Tso-yi, 568
Gabrielson, Eric, xiii, 6
Gandhi, Mohandas, xiii, 376, 377
Gang of Four, 637, 663
Garvey, Dorothy, 506, 576, 619–20
Gauss, Clarence E., xiii, 243, 375, 376, 405, 406, 479, 489, 490, 500, 509, 517n, 533
Geary Act, 20, 422
Gellhorn, Martha, xiv, 325–27, 340n, 465
General Jewish Workers’ Union, 123
Genghis Khan, 242
George IV, King of England, 272, 340
German Military Mission, 218
Germany, 43, 59, 75, 218–19, 284, 339, 399, 413, 475, 516
Gettysburg Address, 618
Gittings, John, 420
Gleason, Frank, 495
Globe, 52
Gluckman, Ron, 677
gold, 452, 524, 536, 556, 560, 570, 588
Gold, Martin, 711
Good Housekeeping, 616
Goodwin, William J., 578
Gordon, Charles G. “Chinese,” 42
Gould, Randall, xiv, 321–22, 481, 563
Graham, Billy, 655
Graham, Katherine, 665
Great Britain, 32–34, 36, 43, 106, 122, 128, 129, 135–36, 146, 147, 152, 206, 275, 280, 334, 357, 358, 359, 385, 389, 415, 436, 445, 515, 577, 652
Chinese differences over Burma with, 370–71, 385, 389, 390, 404, 448, 492–93
Lend-Lease to, 400
Great Depression, 221–22
Great Wall of China, 32, 192, 429–30
Greece, 552, 553
Green Gang, 93, 104, 106, 149, 151, 152, 160, 344–45
Grew, Joseph C., 292
griffin, 36–37
Guam Doctrine, 639
Guangxu, emperor of China (Kuang-hsu), 42, 44, 231
Guerry, Judge, 19, 22–23
Guideposts, 675
Gunther, Frances, 414
Gunther, John, 77, 414
Hahn, Emily, 148, 170, 197, 325, 332, 595, 596, 605
Hainan, China, 5, 10, 11, 596
Hakka General, xiv, 93, 94, 95, 97–98, 125, 129, 133–34, 136, 154, 246
Halliday, Jon, 83n, 237n, 243n, 352, 357, 559n, 640
Hand, Lloyd, 628
Hankow, China, 146, 151, 152, 161, 296
Hann Hong Jos’k, 7–8
Han Suyin, 93n, 127, 145, 202, 204–5, 276, 354, 356, 368
Harper’s, 113
Harriman, W. Averell, xiv, 490, 523, 525, 526–27, 601, 622
Hart, Robert, xiv, 41, 58, 104
Hauser, Ernest O., 339–40
Hawaii, 47, 50
Hay, John, xiv, 43, 659
Hedin, Sven, 243, 269
Helms, Jesse, 672
Hemingway, Ernest, 325, 326, 327, 708–9
Hill, Lawrence, 180n
Hillcrest, 675–76
Hiroshima, Japan, 527
Hitler, Adolf, 207, 218, 291n, 308, 320, 340–41, 358, 364, 365, 421, 424n, 524, 579
“H.K.” (suitor), 67, 68–69
Ho Chien, 259, 260, 384, 521, 574
Hoffman, Paul G., 431n, 566
Ho Hsiang-ning, 172
Holbrook, Roy, II, 283
Hong Kong, 34, 50, 54, 280, 323, 324–25, 361, 367, 368, 447, 561, 575, 582, 599, 613
Hong Kong and Shanghai Bank, 275
Hoong Lok, 134
Hoover, J. Edgar, xiv, 619
Hopkins, Harry, xiv, 342, 366, 395, 400–401, 413, 414–15, 448, 450, 454, 470, 473, 475, 492, 498, 517, 525, 555
Hopper, Hedda, 429
Hornbeck, Stanley K., xiv, 450, 602
House Beautiful, 113
House Foreign Affairs Committee, 553
Howard, Roy, xiv, 221, 563, 618
Ho Ying-chin, xiv, 313, 314, 402n, 461–62, 482, 493, 497, 500
Hsiang, Colonel V. S., xiv, 611–13
Hsien-feng, emperor of China, 39, 40–41, 42
Hsu Chung-chih, xiv, 97, 98, 134–35, 154
Hsueh Yueh, 486
Huang, Mama, 88–89, 91
Huang Jin-rong (“Pockmarked Huang”), xiv, 104–6, 107, 151, 160, 210, 344
Huangpu Military Academy, 208
Huang Shao-hung, 571n
Hu Han-min, xiv, 128, 133, 136, 137
Hu Lin, 547–49, 562
Hull, Cordell, 339, 342
Hull, Helen, 624
Hump (supply route), 397–98, 404, 446, 449, 451–52, 457, 474, 485, 487, 492, 517n, 523, 556
Hunan, China, 53, 83, 141, 142, 161, 162, 200
Hupeh, China, 200
Hurley, Patrick J., xiv, 496, 497, 498, 499, 500, 509–10, 512–15, 517, 518, 523–24, 526, 531–32, 533, 557, 730
Hu Shih, xiv, 83, 610
Hu Yin, 133
Hwai-hai, Battle of, 569
ICHIGO, 485–87
Ickes, Harold, 564–65
Imperial City, 31, 32, 39, 40
Imperial Household Department, Chinese, 39–40
Imperial Maritime Customs Service, 41, 104
Imperial Palace, 29
India, 32–33, 106, 344, 376–77, 385, 386, 390, 391–92, 397–98, 405, 439, 451, 454, 492, 640
Indonesia, 5
inflation, 335, 360, 383, 479, 485, 488, 524, 536, 552, 553, 556, 558, 559–60, 589
Institute for Foreign Languages, 41
International Anti-Opium Association, 343
International Banking Consortium, 58, 59
International Famine Relief Committee, 373
International Monetary Fund, 505–6
International News Service, 576
Isaacs, Harold, 161, 494–95, 511, 520, 522
Isherwood, Christopher, 280, 296–97
Italy, 218, 239, 283, 284–85, 341
Ito, Masanori, 312
Jacoby, Annalee, 210, 371, 384, 394, 482, 510, 511, 530, 541, 552
James, William, 666
Janeway, Eliot, 427
Japan, 32, 36, 52, 59–60, 65, 75, 78, 80, 89, 90, 114, 130, 152, 179, 190–91, 192–93, 200, 213, 215, 219, 221, 241, 263n, 272, 334, 359, 376–77, 413, 469, 474, 475, 479, 515, 529, 640, 666
boycotts of, 81–82, 160, 225, 227, 297–98, 308–9
Chinese tariffs on, 332, 333
Depression in, 221–22
and Hitler, 340–41
opium grown by, 346, 347
Pearl Harbor attacked by, 323, 367, 368, 370, 412, 422, 424n, 447, 477, 546, 673
Shanghai attacked by, 225–27, 274–75, 276–80, 281
Soviet neutrality agreement with, 363–64
Taiwan ruled by, 587–88
see also Sino-Japanese War (1894–95); Sino-Japanese War, Second (1937–45)
Japan Times, 191
Jardine, Matheson & Co., 35
Java, 5
Jehol, China, 227
Jespersen, T. Christopher, 5
Jing Chiang-chuan, 214
Joffe, Adolf, xiv, 121, 164
Johnson, Lady Bird, 628, 629
Johnson, Lyndon B., 626, 635
Johnson, Nelson T., xiv, 235, 243, 290, 299, 318n, 364, 374
Joint Chiefs of Staff, U.S., 490, 562, 603
Joint U.S. Military Advisory Group, 559
Judd, Walter, xv, 426–27, 496, 557, 577–78, 611, 630, 660
Kalgan, 548–49
Kang Hsi, Emperor of China, 365
Kang You-wei, 43–44
Kapital, Das (Marx), 123
Kellogg-Briand Pact, 279
Kendall, Don, 640
Kennan, George, 523
Kennedy, John F., 622, 634
Kennedy, Joseph, 424, 440–41, 506
Kennedy, Thomas L., 184
Kerr, George H., xv, 481, 588, 590, 591, 597
Khayyam, Omar, 565
Khrushchev, Nikita, 640n
Kiangwan International Race Club, 100
Kissanka, xv, 138, 140
Kissinger, Henry, 625, 639, 640–42
Kitchen Debate, 640n
Knowland, William, 577, 578, 600
Knox, Frank, 404
Kobe, Japan, 21, 50, 60
Koen, Ross Y., 555, 612
Kohlberg, Alfred, xv, 557, 577
Kong, Prince, 41–42
Koo, Wellington, xv, 131, 206n, 423–24, 425, 448, 563, 580, 612, 614
Korea, 42, 81, 241, 474, 587
Korea (ship), 20–21, 22
Korean War, 579, 598, 600, 601, 602, 603, 604, 617, 631
Kriebel, Hermann, 218
Kung, David (Ling Kai), xv, 138, 417, 425, 432, 441, 442, 447–48, 454, 459, 463, 490, 505, 561, 563, 629, 659, 660, 662
Kung, Hsiang-hsi (H.H.), xv, 60–61, 109, 131, 138, 158, 159, 171, 173, 174, 175, 182, 217, 259, 269, 290, 313, 314, 318, 323, 325, 327, 360, 406, 456, 459, 476, 498, 505, 547, 660n, 675
accusations of corruption against, 478, 521, 564
American aid sought by, 342
article against Yuan, 62
death of, 645
European aid sought by, 340–41
as finance minister, 333–34, 335, 336–38, 339, 350, 479
inflation caused by, 335, 383, 479
marriage of, 61–62
Oberlin started by, 62
replaced as finance minister, 521, 536
resignation of, 331
T.V.’s rivalry with, 328, 329, 330, 331, 332, 333, 361, 522, 535, 645
wealth of, 600
Kung, Jeanette, 417, 425, 441, 454–55, 463, 505, 521n, 614, 634, 646, 650–52, 671, 672
Kung, Louis, xv, 504, 505, 572, 579n, 580, 631, 638
Kung, Prince, 34, 35
Kung, Rosamonde, xv, 508, 674, 676, 677
Kung, Soong Ai-ling (Nancy), xvii, 18–19, 62, 65, 66, 101n, 109, 111, 113, 120, 147, 159, 249, 305, 330, 356–57, 411, 415, 456, 591–92, 649, 651, 675
ambition of, 60, 173, 330
birth of, 16
charity work of, 323
Chiang’s negotiations with, 173–76
in corruption scandals, 290–91, 327, 336, 337–39, 340n, 489, 521, 556, 564
death of, 650
education of, 18, 19, 20–23, 24, 56, 341–42
escape from Hong Kong, 369–70
luxuries enjoyed by, 305, 325, 339, 342
marriage of, 61–62
May-ling’s marriage arranged by, 169, 172, 174–76, 177, 180
Mussolini’s meeting with, 341
personality of, 17, 169, 173, 323–24, 336
religion of, 118, 605
Stilwell’s meetings with, 460–62, 463–64, 469, 476–78, 507–8
at Sun’s death, 131
as Sun’s secretary, 56, 60, 62
as teacher, 62
in trip to Brazil, 503, 504
Kunming, China, 452–53
Kuomintang (KMT), 58, 59, 77, 84, 85, 90, 92, 104, 121, 125, 128, 132, 151, 165, 182, 194, 231, 316, 375, 551, 659
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