The Staff of Ira

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The Staff of Ira Page 14

by Carl Sheffield

  I asked Kayla, “May I see my son?”

  Kayla replied, “That’s why you’re here. Zin and Ira are together in the valley. “

  “Please, Kayla, may I hold him?”

  “Close your eyes, Leah.” Kayla took me beyond bounds, where only Zin and I were.

  “Mother, you’re here,” Zin said. Tears filled my eyes.

  “Oh, my sweet son, I love you so.” I was holding on to him as tight as I could.

  “I love you too, mother,” Zin said.

  I said, “You have grown so much.”

  Ira said, “Three inches.” I told him that was a lot.

  Zin asked, “Mother, where is my father?” I started to tell him. I looked at Kayla. She stopped me with her eyes.

  “Leah, it’s time to go,” Kayla said.

  I said, “Kayla, just a little longer.”

  Kayla said to me, “You must be strong, Leah.”

  “Kayla, my son.”

  “Leah, your son is fine.”

  Kayla said, “Leah, there are certain events coming. You will need to face the others. It’s time to go.” Ira stood, looked as he did the first time I saw him. Lifting a hand, I did the same. At a wisp of the wind, I was back in my bed at the palace. Kayla left. I heard her say,

  “Your child, Leah, will be a girl.”

  “What? my what?”

  I knew I was pregnant. Now I know for sure. I told Ellie, Candance, and Kira. They were so happy; the way Kira jumped around, sometimes I thought she acted like a child. I suppose since she was a small girl, she has been queen. I guess that would be passed on to Tressa or to Aries. I suppose to her it didn’t matter. She would have her world here with her husband. Her son has returned and now her daughter that is with my husband.

  The girls and I, after breakfast, went to our favorite tea house. I explained about the dream.

  Candance said, “Hell, I’m not surprised. Anything can happen here.” Ellie was more interested in the events to follow. I told them Kayla never said what was to happen. The three of us walked around the city. Everywhere we went, the humans and natives would bow to us as we were Royal Family.

  We were heading back to the palace when Candance screamed, “A ship.”

  I asked, “How did they come here without being picked up by our sensor?” Before we could reach the palace, the Xonian ship had settled above them. In a hard run, I screamed. We gathered hands; we shielded the city and palace. Two rounds exploded into the shield. The Xonian ship took them out. Mekon and Mea ran from the lab. What was left of the ship was falling to the floor of the planet.

  Omega shouted, “What is happening?” He looked at us gathered in a circle. Mea ran to us, it’s over. We stood with eyes closed, hands gripped.

  Mekon came to me. “Let go of my daughter.”

  I looked at Mea. She said to me, “You are my true sister.”

  Mekon said, “We had the Xonian ship to land.” Mekon led us to a part of the lab that had been renovated. Entering the room, it was amazing, a board of some kind. Omega looked at Mekon. “Explain what this is?”

  Mekon replied, “The whole planet is mapped out. We just had our first attack in a long while. I truly believe it won’t be our last.” Omega told me how that ship got here without being detected. The Xonian captain stood. “Mekon, may I?”

  “Omega,” the Xonian said, “The ship was not a Palatonian or a Centaurian. We’re not sure where they’re from.”

  “Captain,” I said, “Send word to your planet to watch for a ship, tell them what has happened here. Tell all in orbit to stay alert.”

  “When the ships come from hyperspace, they cloaked, we couldn’t detect them. I’m sorry,” the Xonian captain said. “We were passing when they come from cloak. We were lucky this time. If not for the three, the city could have sustained great damage.” Omega agreed, so did Kira.

  Omega said, “You three have saved us again. I bow to you, so did everyone here.”

  Kira said, “Today will be a day of all days. Our children, their children, down through the history of our planet. This day will be known as the day of the three. There will be a celebration from today and forever. If someone asks in a thousand years why are we doing this, the twelfth cycle of the moons will be the day of the three.

  Candance and Ellie stood beside me with tears in their eyes. We told Kira and Omega, my father, my sister, “Here is our home. We will defend our world and family forever. We must all stay on guard.”

  Ellie looked at me. “Leah,” she said, “looks as if Kayla was right.”

  I told them what bothers me is what is next. Mekon had the sentries to retrieve the parts, bring them to the lab. It took several weeks to gather the pieces. What was left was pieced back together. Mekon and Mea worked hard for over a month. One morning, Mea said, “It is complete.”

  I asked Mea, “Who were they?”

  Replying, Mea said, “I’m not sure, my sister. There’s writing.”

  Mea turned to talk to Mekon. “Father, look! I’ve seen this writing before.”

  Mekon answered, “Me too. Go to the archives, look under this title, bring me the book.”

  I told the girls to walk with me. We don’t need to be apart now. We never know what will happen.

  Mekon agreed. Going into the city, natives were asking what happened. We told them we were under attack.

  The native said, “You three saved us.”

  Candance announced, “You know why we saved you? Because we love you, all humans and natives.”

  The native bowed to us. She said, “You three are the greatest of all.” I thought to myself when April and Marie master their powers, nothing in the universe can stop us. My husband was right, we are powerful. I wish I could see him now.

  I thought of him often. Soon, he will be on Earth, then back to me and his new daughter. He will be so happy. I wish his son could be here with him. We walked on to the archives.

  The keeper was a native. “Ah, the three. Very nice to see you.”

  Candance asked, “How did you know who we were?”

  “Candance,” he said, “Everyone knows who you are. I see you three have saved us again. The natives and humans thank you. Some say, long as they can remember, humans have come here. Some stay, some go back.”

  Ellie said, “I never want to go back.” I told him Mekon has sent for a book. I gave the keeper the book title.

  Aries came in. “I thought I saw you come in. Have you seen Mi?” I told Aries he was with Omega. The keeper brought me the book.

  Walking back to the lab, Ellie asked, “Don’t you want to know what is in the book?”

  “I’ll see when I get back to the lab,” I told her. Ellie and Candance walked beside me as we made our way to the lad. Walking in, Mekon waved for us. I handed him the book.

  Mea took a piece of the ship and held it up. “Father, it’s the same.”

  I asked, “What do you mean?”

  Mea said, “Once, long ago, we were friendly to them.”

  I asked Mea, “How long ago?”

  Mea said, “When Dorn was little. In fact, he spent several years at one of their university. Somewhere in the Pegasus galaxy, the planet of trend, we built the ship.”

  “Then why did they attack us?” I asked.

  Mekon said, “Rebels trying to score.”

  I asked Mekon, “Do you think they will send another ship? If another ship comes, let’s try to capture it.” Mekon agreed. I told them I was going to the great room, I was hungry.

  Kira came to me. “Leah,” she asked, “What do we know?” I told her Mekon built the ship long ago. He said, when Dorn was young. The cloak comes from somewhere else.

  I sat in the great room thinking of Dorn, the first time we met. How he would push me away, how hard I tried to get his attention. I had to prove myself, I pushed b
ack. I was in love with an alien. Dorn was an alien, I knew I never wanted to be without.

  Ellie touched my shoulder. “Leah, Mekon is calling.” Kira saw us leave in a rush. She knew something was wrong. Kira and Omega were running to the lab.

  Inside the lab, Mekon said, “One of the chief patrols picked something up on the scope, a low flying craft. The craft came close to the city. We tracked it to the Marder-to-goes. It appears to be stopped. Leah, can you, Candance and Ellie reach that far?”

  I replied, “Further if you wish.”

  Mekon said, “You girls shield Mi, he’ll take a shuttle. Three sentries will go retrieve our guest.”

  Mi was one of the best pilots we had. He was my husband’s right- hand man. Dorn has worked with him for many years. I can tell he wishes for him to be here now. I wish he was here. It only took a short time before Mi had returned with our guest. They too were from the planet of trend. Kira waited in the lab to speak to them. Kira started to speak.

  One said, “I speak to no female.” Omega stepped from the hanger to hear what was said.

  Omega announced with a voice of thunder. “You will respect my Queen or die a sudden death.” The young beings both fell to the ground. Omega standing, “Now, who are you? Why are you here?”

  “We are just scouts. The others will come. They’re coming soon. You are doomed, all of you. When we do not return, they’ll come here and attack.”

  Mi spoke, “My Queen, I have a plan.” Kira looked at me. I kind of nodded my head.

  Kira said, “Mi, let me hear it.”

  Mi said, “I’ll take their craft, go back to their ship. They’ll need to uncloak to go aboard.”

  Ellie looked at me. “Is this what Kayla was talking about?” I just shrugged my shoulders.

  I said, “I’m not sure, Ellie, maybe.” Ellie didn’t like Mi going alone.

  She looked at me. “I’m going with him.”

  “Ellie, you must stay here with us,” I said.

  Aries said, “I’ll go. I know from Mekon’s training. I’ll be of help.”

  Mi agreed.

  Candance and Ellie looked at me. “They will be fine.” I told Mea to have Wil and Wald to take their ship to the other side of the planet.

  “Tell them to stay cloaked, they’ll both call when in place. The plan was set. When they uncloak, blast them out of orbit. They will not expect it.”

  The alien craft piloted by Mi and Aires lifted off to the alien ship. Everything was going as planned. In the lab, we held on to our guest. Mekon told the sentries to bring them to the lab. The two stood by and watched.

  “You don’ t understand. If you could take the ship out, others will come.”

  Mekon said, “We will take the ship out, then we will show you the power we have. We will send you back with a message, ‘We’re coming. We have a weapon to destroy your whole planet.’” I was scared. I wish Dorn was here.

  Mi watched on board as the craft moved to the place where the alien ship was supposed to be.

  A huge ship appeared. Aries said to Mi, “Look at the size of that ship.” When the ship came from cloak, so did ours. Wil and Wald fired at the same time, hitting both sides of the ship. The ship tried to move ahead. It was no use; it exploded in space. It did, however, get several rounds off that exploded into our shields.

  Kira said to the ones on the ground, “We won’t be defeated so easily.”

  Leah turned to their guest. “I am Leah, wife of Dorn. When my captain returns with your shuttle, you will be given a message of what he said. If you ever come back to our world, I will kill you myself. I will kill you with my bare hands.”

  One smiled. “Yeah, sure.” I had a small rock in my hand, I crushed it into powder. The two looked at each other.

  The chief justice called, “Should we stay on patrol?”

  Mekon told them to stay there for a couple of days. They agreed.

  Mi and Aries landed the shuttle. Ellie and Candance went to them. Mi gave his report to Kira and Omega.

  Kira said, “Leah, I never knew my mother,” as she embraced me. “I have no sisters. My children and my king are all I have. This is our home, as it is yours. We have come close to being destroyed so many times. I just wanted to say I love you, Leah. You, Candance, and Ellie.”

  I said to Kira, “I’m not your mother. I could never be. You will always be my queen. I’ll always try to be here for you if you ever need to talk.”

  Kira replied, “I know, Leah, I know.”

  Mi said to Mekon, “I hope it’s over.”

  “For now,” Mekon said.

  Our suns were going down. Ratio came alive with lights. From the stoop where Ira cut his Simons, I know why he sat here. The view from this place in the distances was breathtaking; all the way to the Marder-to-go’s, beyond the Valley of the Unicorn. Wait! Why did I say that? It was all true, I’ve been there. Could I find it or was it shield? It was a shield.

  Looking to the Marders, if I go again, could I remember my son. I miss him so. A sound behind me brought me back to reality. Candance and Ellie had returned with their men. I thought to myself, “In time Leah, in time, he will return.” I know he was needed. I jumped as Candance came up.

  “It was big now. It was almost time.” I smiled.

  “Feel Candance, she is kicking.”

  Ellie said, “I want to feel it too.” The men just looked.

  Ellie said, “She felt her baby move too.”

  “It’s a boy,” Mi said. “Right, Ellie?” I insisted.

  Ellie looked at me, then to Mi. “Maybe, I hope so.”

  I told Ellie to see Mea. “She can tell you.”

  The evening went on and on. We all were in the great room when Kira entered. I could tell Kira was troubled by something.

  I asked Kira, “Something on your mind, can I help?”

  She just said, “I’m sad, Leah. I miss my child. I feel she is in trouble.”

  Aries said, “Mother, she is on a ship. What can she get herself into?”

  Kira answered, “She is seventeen today. For the first time in her life, she is gone from me.”

  Omega stated as he took his queen’s hand, “I miss her too, Kira. Your father is with her, he will watch over her. There will be no harm to come to her. Dorn will die before he let anything happen to the ones on board that ship, this I promise you.”

  I excused myself to my sleeping quarters. I slept the best I have in a long time: no dreams, nothing. Lying in bed, my thought went to Candance and Aries. Candance felt left out, she wanted a baby too. Ellie was twenty-eight now. Sometimes we talk about the first time we met, the first time she met Dorn.

  She told me last week, “Damn Leah, that was a long time ago. Look what has happened.” Somewhere in my thoughts, I fell asleep.

  Waking up lying in bed, I heard someone on the stoop. Standing, I walked to the stoop. Kira was looking out across the valley.

  I said to her, “Kira, you’re up early.”

  Kira answered, “I can’t sleep.”

  I told Kira, “You look tired. Kira, Tressa is fine, I promise you from my heart. You’re right Kira, I do miss my son. If not for Kayla, I think I would go crazy.” I told Kira it was not like this on Earth.

  Kira said, “You know Leah, I truly would love to see that planet. I would love to see why it holds a bearing on my people. My father told me stories of Earth. He says he wishes never to go there again, yet he goes.”

  I said to Kira, “The only reason is to help others, this I promise you. I know him, he is your father, my husband. Dorn is the kind of man to help others.”

  “Yes, Leah, I suppose you’re right,” Kira said. Ira told me the same thing, so did Ren. I even miss him for some reason.

  Everyone was sleeping in; the suns had come to the early morning sky. I told Kira last evening, I would be going
to our cabin. I dressed, went to the great room for tea. I picked up a Simon, left the palace. Walking into the cabin, I never understood how it stayed so clean. There was never dust. I made tea, did some thinking of things with the humans coming here. The humans having children, we would grow to expand our population. I see things that will happen. This I would talk to Mekon about.

  I drank my tea while staring out the window at the two suns. Two suns, two moons, the purple haze that comes off the larger one; Dorn says humans live on the smaller one. He has been there several times. Dorn said there were a beautiful city and animals everywhere.

  I thought, if we lived there, would we die? I wondered about that. Dorn and Ira said we can’t die here. I wondered, can we be killed? If not, why do we try to keep outsiders out? It’s something I would talk to Mekon about.

  I poured my tea. Ellie came in. “Morning bitch, you finally drag your ass out of bed,” I asked.

  Ellie said, “Leah, I’ll kick your ass.”

  I looked at her and laughed out loud. “Ellie, you couldn’t do that on your best day.” I gave her a cup of tea. We talked about things from our past. Sometimes I really don’t understand things. Here in this world, I have become to love. Ellie and I talked for hours. The suns had reached midmorning when we returned to the palace.


  Several ships had appeared on the scope. Marie yelled, “They’re closing fast, Dorn.”

  I asked Zar, “Is everyone in position? On my command, go to impulse.” I watched the screen. Oh, they were coming fast. They thought they had us. They thought they had an easy kill.

  “Brace yourself, Zar, now.” We almost come to a stop. The other ships kept going.

  “UFO, identify yourself.”

  I answered,” I am Dorn, chief commander of the Royal Air Command from the planet Boldlygo.”

  “Ah, commander, good move you made yet not good enough. I’m under orders to escort you to Alpha Centauri.If you resist, we are to destroy you.” That was the last thing they said.


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