The Dark Elf

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The Dark Elf Page 13

by C C Morgen

  “You seem like you had a pleasant night,” I had my hand over my head and my throat felt parched as I spoke. “Did you sleep well?”

  “I did—thank you,” she answered. “I haven’t slept that good in a long time. You look like you have a hangover.” She reached behind her and set a canteen of water in front of me. “Drink lots of water. It’s fresh from the well, behind the Tavern.”

  “Thank you,” I said while sitting up and twisted off. I drank in large gulps until the water dribbled down my chest. “I forgot how strong my mix is.” I closed the canteen and set it off to the side. The sun was bright in the distance. “Might as well enjoy, right?” I glanced at her still lying on her side. “Looks like we will be back on the road soon.”

  “The men will be up shortly—but I rather be like this for a while,” Ali suddenly caught my attention. “It’s peaceful like this.”

  I laid on my side looking at her. “You’re so bright today. I like this part of you—so relaxed and at peace.”

  “I really had a nice dream last night,” she answered, and her face became flushed pink. “I don’t normally have good dreams.”

  “What kind of a nice dream?” I asked noticing she looked shy about it.

  “I was someplace—I thought it was my home, but it was different,” she answered with a puzzled expression. “I don’t know where I was. It was so real though, the dream. Everything felt vivid like now. The smell of seawater and feeling the grit of the sand on my feet… I saw the sun and moon share the sky side by side; day and night.”

  “Sounds like the beach of time,” I interrupted, answering the question she needed to know. “The place you described is the beach of time. It resides in the fourth realm. It’s where you can view the past and the future. Sometimes even catch glimpses of what’s coming.”

  “I met someone there,” Ali answered vaguely. “She greeted me like she hadn’t seen me in a long time, and she said she missed me. I had no idea what she meant. Then she—disappeared into a thick mist; and that was it. I woke up.”

  “Hmm—sounds very interesting,” it puzzled me about the person she spoke of. “Was she someone you know?”

  “Kinda,” she answered again as vague as possible, but I could see her ears turn red like it was something blissful. She couldn’t even look me in the eye after my question.

  “Well, you know anyone you meet in the beach of time is someone that’s supposed to be a part of your life. She’s probably from the future and she had access to the beach of time to meet with you. Maybe it was her only way of seeing you if she said she missed you. You’re probably absent in her life or maybe other reasons.”

  “That makes sense,” she answered. “I was just taken back by how welcoming it was seeing her. The beach itself was enchanting, seeing the sky that way. Night and day. Moon and Sun…”

  “It’s a romantic place, don’t you think?” I interrupted. “I’ve only heard about it, but I’ve always thought it was a romantic place to take a lover I adore. They might appreciate its serene beauty just as you are right now. The beach of time is someplace special. Not everyone finds it, because it’s in limbo. However—the great thing about that place is once you find it, you can summon anyone there just by thinking about them. Who desires it the most will find their way there.”

  “You know a lot,” she blurted. “You’re really knowledgeable on all of this. I think I wouldn’t feel as optimistic about this journey if it was someone else guiding us to the south.”

  “There are many others with the same knowledge as me,” I was flattered. “You’re just being kind. Thank you!

  All of a sudden, Eric shouted out the window. “Good morning love birds!” Ali turned around to give him a scold that made me laugh. “The men are just getting dressed. We will meet with you two shortly.” Eric shouted again, annoying Ali.

  “Can I not have a peaceful morning without your voice disturbing everything?” she hollered at him.

  “I’ll summon the Striders Eric,” I said to end their sarcastic feud. “Head back in and take your time.” I winked at him, playing around, as we needed the privacy.

  “Alright,” he took the hint. “I’ll let you two lovebirds have your privacy.” He stuck his head back inside and shut the window leaving us to ourselves.

  “Ugh,” Ali shrugged. “Love birds, huh. You know he will give us that silly smirk all day.”

  “Let his imagination satisfy him for a while,” I said. “I kind of indicated that we need some time alone.”

  “Oh, the ninth heavens!” She giggled. “I will never hear the end-of-it.”

  “Most likely not,” I said. “But that’s between you and me. Besides, would it be so bad if we did?” Ali’s face became serious. “I wouldn’t mind if you wanted to.” She remained silent not knowing how to answer. “I apologize if that was too forward.” I stood up from the ground after a few seconds of silence. “It’s ok. Forget I asked.”

  “You’re very attractive, Angelica.” she finally spoke. “I actually don’t know how to respond right now. I’ve never actually done those things with someone I didn’t know well. I’m sorry if you think I don’t find you alluring, because I do. Just so you know, being around you feels good. It’s a feeling I’m not used to.”

  “I’m glad you find me attractive,” I said. “I didn’t really know how you thought of me. Since we are alone. I want to say this. When Claudia told me she kissed you, I felt—jealous. Even after everything I said to you, being so cruel—I never thought I would feel weird over someone. I think my sister was more surprised than me about my reaction.”

  “My head still hurts from your sister slamming my head against the wall,” she rubbed the back of her head. “There was nothing to be jealous about.”

  “I only felt that way, because I wanted to be the one to kiss you first,” I answered. “My sister snatched it before I could realize how ignorant I was. It’s trivial to think in such a way. But looking back, now I know for sure I wanted you for myself.”

  “I understand,” Ali answered. “Like I said. The kiss didn’t matter. It shouldn’t really matter if I wanted to—but I didn’t. She forced it, and it was just a game to her. Cruel games I don’t play. I’ve seen how my mother plays with her victims, and it’s not something that’s tasteful to me as much as your sister enjoys it.” She touched her lips in a daze. “I would want something more intimate and meaningful.”

  “Hmm—where did your mind wander off to?” I asked. “Were you thinking of that woman in your dreams?” I became playful, kneeling in front of her, and grabbing her by the back of the neck to pull her close. I whispered in her ear, with my lips touching the tip of her lobe. “You’re making me jealous again.” Then I stood back up and packed my bag. Ali’s face was completely flushed and in shock. “Don’t just sit there. We need to get ready.”

  “Oh, right...” Ali focused and kicked dirt over pieces of wood burning in the fire pit until it went out. She then stood there for a while staring at me as I whistled for the Striders to come.

  They emerged from the shadows of the forest and galloped towards us in full speed until they braked to a halt in front of me. The one I rode lowered his head, so I’d pat his nose. “Good boy!” His black fur was silk to the touch as I rubbed his muzzle. The black particles of smoke floating around them felt like a cool mist against my skin as it rose from their hooves, up to their knee. “Beautiful creatures. Did you know my family created them?” I looked at Ali as she gave a puzzled expression. “We raised them to be cunning in the dark during the time of war. You cannot kill a Shadow Strider. Weapons go through them like smoke when they are at threat. It’s because we manifested them from the darkness. Just as Hades gave the powers to your grandmother. We took it from the same place. We used the same darkness to create these beasts. Like how your mother and grandmother can manipulate the dark matter to take shape. It materializes the moment they imagine it. No image, it disappears. Striders are similar. They can materialize and dematerialize at wi
ll. Amazing ability, don’t you think?”

  “I never knew that,” she responded with surprise. “I always thought it was a natural gift after being reborn.”

  “No, unfortunately.” I shook my head. “Your aunt’s and grandmother’s abilities were specifically chosen based on what Hades wanted them to have. Control over the darkness and shadows was meant for the one he wanted to become the strongest. Particularly over the shadows. Your grandmother I heard is quite skilled in the Shadow Arts, am I right?” Ali remained quiet. “Shadow Arts is a rare ability to have. It’s dangerous to be frank about it. Everyone fears it. One who can control the shadows can control everyone to their will. You can stop a battle by just paralyzing the shadows. You can change fate within seconds with just a slight bit of manipulation. However, with such power, you can have an entire village annihilate itself in a single night. A powerful Shadow Arts master can stop the heart of thousands with a single thought. It’s not a power someone is born with. It’s given. The storms, the wind, the dark. Hades gave your family the gifts to sway the realms—that’s why you’re feared. When one is feared, they are hated. By the way, has your mother learned yet…? Shadow Arts?”

  “She’s not that skilled yet,” Ali answered. “Not as powerful as my grandmother. It’s actually fortunate. If my mother had fully developed that ability there would be no one to stop her. You know that my mother has murdered entire villages in one night. Caused massacres I couldn’t even fathom. She was rogue based on what I found out. My grandmother’s power as Queen couldn’t sway her to stop. After my father’s death, my mother fell into a bloodlust far more terrible than her cravings. To stop her, my grandmother had to do something she hated more than anything else. She used Shadow Arts on my mother to paralyze her in the castle. I remember that day as if it was yesterday. She screamed with such rage, fighting the hold on her. The more she fought the more painful it was. My grandmother gripped her shadow so hard it broke the bones in my mother’s legs. I saw her kneel to the ground—still fighting the hold. Yuna had to take me away to prevent me from watching anymore—because it got worse. It lasted for three days until my mother broke in submission. They summoned a friend of the family to reverse the injuries. It was bad. My mother never went rogue again after that, my grandmother was never the same either.”

  “I’m sorry you had to witness such things as a child,” I responded with pure shock. “Your mother is really strong to withstand and fight the grip of a Shadow Arts master.”

  Ali laughed. “More like stubborn is the word to use. They have told me I’m the same.”

  I ruffled her hair. “I can see that.”

  The men barged out the tavern door, interrupting us. They stumbled out half-drunk from binge drinking through the night with no real limits to their health. They struggled to adjust their armor properly to look somewhat decent for the journey ahead. Eric was the only one that walked out bathed and had a clean appearance with his keen awareness, as if the wine and ale never affected his performance.

  “How far is the mountain from here again?” Eric asked while grabbing ahold of the reigns to the Strider he road before.

  One and a half day's ride from here,” I answered. “There’s one more village we could stop at before we reach the road to Ashhedge. After that we’re on our own.”

  “Fantastic,” Gabriel answered in his refined voice. “Another night of bliss before the fires of hell.” He laughed hysterically, and the men climbed on the Striders, grunting.

  “The last village we should buy some wine and ale to bring with us,” Eric suggested. “Our time in the wilderness should at least have enjoyment, am I right?” He glanced over at me. “What do you think of that idea, eighth warrior?”

  “It’s a brilliant idea,” I agreed. “The more ale the better.”

  I climbed into the saddle with my bag dangling over the side. Ali leaped up behind me but sat closer against my back than yesterday. Her hand gently found my waist as the Strider trotted forward, onto the trail leading into the woods.

  “You seem more confident riding today than yesterday,” she complimented. “Your balance is better.”

  “I am getting used to it again,” I answered. “In my youth, I used to ride all the time before other things called my attention. Then I didn’t ride anymore.”

  “That’s a shame,” she said. “You should do it more often now.”

  “Maybe I will,” I said. “I missed this feeling—the freedom.”

  We talked more on our ride to the next village in the south. The journey seemed shorter than usual with our long conversations. Eric even stared at us with a wide grin that didn’t seem to bother Ali. She rarely paid attention to him or the other men as if we were in our own little world sitting on the Strider. I barely had to control the massive creature as it rode naturally to where we wanted to go. We kept laughing at jokes and talked about random things we liked. I admitted my addiction to sweets. I loved all things that tasted sweet like honey. Ali loved the taste of salt since she grew up around the ocean and sweets was a new love after experiencing our desserts. It turns out that her grandmother’s kingdom didn’t serve such delicacies. We were like polar opposites that contrasted the things we enjoyed and the things we disliked. With that, our connection grew stronger the closer we got to the southern border.

  I wish for moments like these to never end. The journey will not have a happy ending the further we traveled towards the direction we both knew to be our untimely end. Ali… I want this to last forever.



  THE DAY HAS BECOME BLESSED every moment with Angelica during our ride. After last night, the journey didn’t feel awkward anymore when she was avoiding me. Time had no effect on our connection. Because of that my heart desired her even more with every passing hour, and the closer we became as friends.

  We reached the border of the last village earlier than expected. There was plenty of daylight left before dusk, so the men would spend the rest of the evening relaxing and most of all have fun. Which normally composed of drinking all day and night but at least Angelica and I had more time together before reaching the mountain.

  Just like before, instead of staying at the local Inn, we made camp on top of a foothill at the border of the forest that viewed a grass landscape ahead and the village. At this point, there were no longer any forests or a tree in sight. The further out the dryer the grass looked, and the heat had risen slightly indicating we were getting closer to the mountain.

  From the corner of my eye, Angelica appeared to be happy, smiling at me while we gathered wood for the fire at night. The others went down to visit the local tavern to buy crates full of wine and bottled ale to bring back to camp. They had planned to bring back meats and whatever food available to have a feast by campfire. However, Eric stayed behind with Angelica, prepping the pit by digging a wide hole in the ground and we gathered dry leaves and twigs; then piled them in the center of the hole.

  In a short distance from camp, he found an old tree with low thick branches dry enough to cut into logs. He took his axe and chopped near the trunk in three swings before I heard the branch crash to the ground.

  Angelica watched him in curiosity. “Your friend is skilled with the axe,” she complimented his quickness and how easily the blade of his axe cut through solid wood.

  “He’s even more skilled at seducing women,” I answered with spiteful sarcasm, because she was staring at him too long.

  “Are you sure you two haven’t ever…”

  “No,” I answered before she could finish her sentence. “No—thank the ninth heavens, no.”

  She giggled. “I’m surprised you haven’t, and you have been close. He’s quite handsome.”

  Anger suddenly rushed in my blood as it boiled through my veins. Did you say that on purpose to get a reaction out of me? “Hmm… If he’s your type, you should be able to have your chance now,” I answered back, trying not to show a sign of the jealousy that grew like an exploding flame.
“The men will not be back for a while. So, go right ahead.” I looked away for a moment to avoid her gaze. When I turned to look back, she was near my face. So close I could feel the heat of her breath on my cheek.

  “The one I want is right in front of me—why would I want anyone else?” She answered with a wide grin as devious as her sister when she tried to seduce me. As I stepped back, Angelica grabbed my arm tight and forced me close to her again. Her other arm slid around my waist until I couldn’t escape. She made sure I couldn’t move away as the strength in her arm became firm. My ears burned as I felt her body and her lips near mine. “You look so shy right now. It’s adorable.” Finally, my body relaxed in her arms like the night she embraced me in comfort. She noticed right away I would not fight her. “Are you submitting yourself to me?” She whispered in my ear. “I’m not going to do anything you don’t want to do.”

  “What do you think I want?” I asked while matching her discreet tone, no longer avoiding the words that wanted to come out of my mouth to provoke.

  “You want to kiss me,” she whispered even softer while her hand loosened and caressed my neck, over my scar, tracing a line and stroking my face. The warmth of her hand sent a shiver down my spine, becoming weak to her gentle touch. Her dark eyes drew me in, as I just wanted to get lost in her world behind the veil of her long captivating lashes. “Hmmmm—am I right?” she asked while moving even closer to my lips waiting for an answer.

  I stayed quiet to her lips nearly touching mine. The smell of her perfume was intoxicating and the warmth of her body; holding onto me left me no other choice to my desires. “Yes,” the word faintly slipped from my quivering lips.

  Before she could kiss me, the men roared loudly in their deep chatter while walking up the hill. It was too late. They had already come back, breaking the trance between Angelica and me. We pushed apart before we saw their faces over the edge, carrying three large crates full of food and drinks.


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