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Antares Page 6

by Yvonne Nicolas

  Only she couldn’t see who or what they were scuffling with.

  The thing moved like lightning, leaving a streak of silver in its wake. A cloud of snow whipped up in the commotion, once again, obstructing her view. But her ears picked up on everything.

  Growl-snarl, slash, growl, slash-slash…

  Something warm and wet splash across her face. Backing away from the brawl, she wiped the substance from over her brow. She looked at her gloved-hand to see dark blood smudged across the fabric.

  Oh God, I gotta get outta here! She glanced at the wall and the many miles she had traveled to get away from it. I gotta go back. She wouldn’t make it into the next day with wolves creeping around the region. Dammit, and after all the trouble I went through to get out. Every inch of her body hurt like hell. Nevertheless, she climbed to her feet and took off toward the wall.

  Two beasts came out of nowhere and bounded toward her.

  She raised her pistol, ready to fire. A hand grabbed her arm and yanked it upward, lifting her off her feet. The shot fired off into the air, just as two beings dropped from the trees and sunk their blades into the massive creatures’ necks, decapitating them on the spot.

  Another scream jumped out of her, but it was cut short when a gloved hand slapped over her mouth. She slid her eyes to the right, where the stranger still had a firm hold on her arm. Her feet dangled inches from the ground. A haunting gaze held her petrified. It was the only thing she could see, given that the rest of its face was concealed. However, judging by its tall and robust stature, this creature was indeed a male.

  Large sea-green pupils sat in a pool of blackness. Around his eyes, his skin was a dazzling lavender color. His long eyelashes and brow were silvery white. Just that part of his face alone was undeniably beautiful.

  “What are you?” she heard herself ask on a breathless whisper. “A…an alien…ninja?”

  A sudden haziness came over her. Her legs got weak, and her body became heavy.

  As her eyelids drifted shut, a deep, silky voice entered her mind. “More like a figment of your imagination.”

  The civilian’s body went limp. She hung from his grip, completely unconscious.

  Asenna carefully laid her down on the snow. Annoyed, he cut a glare over his shoulder. “Which one of you idiots set off an explosive?”

  The two warriors exchanged nervous glances, then pointed at each other.

  Rolling his eyes, Asenna bit back a growl. “In case you’ve forgotten, this is a silent, stealth operation. Had any of the guards within the walls got wind of what was taking place out here, our mission would be in jeopardy. For the last time, don’t make me kill you.”

  Again, they passed nervous glints at each other. “Sorry, Captain.”

  Whizzing noises zipped by above the trees. The drone had returned. And it brought friends.

  Hissing out a sigh of aggravation, he cast another heated glower at the two dumbasses who were more of a headache than they were worth. He lifted his hand to the sky and drew an Elvish hieroglyph in the air. It flickered, then vanished. A second later, a glowing wave dashed across the transparent shield above the trees.

  Good, the illusion is still intact. But just to be sure…

  While this spell was often used out in the field to hide the truth from the public, creating one strong enough to deceive a high-tech device was tricky. Fooling one drone was difficult enough. But deceiving many drones with different scopes would prove troublesome. Though not impossible.

  “Check the bodies,” he ordered as he stroked the air with a series of lines and curves. The symbols appeared and disappeared just as quickly as he drew them. He repeated the spell several more times. Hopefully, this would be enough to fortify the illusion.

  “She called us alien ninja.” Chuckling, Donnus whipped his katana to this side. The blood of his prey leaped from the blade.

  “Yeah, I caught that.” Omeko rubbed his steel along the wolf’s fur, wiping the dark substance from his weapon.

  “I feel like we should be a little insulted by the ‘alien’ part.”

  “Well, to her, that’s what we are. We do kinda operate like ninja though.”

  “Ninja don’t fart and give away their positions. Just saying.”

  “You shut it! I have a sensitive stomach.”

  “Both of you shut it,” Asenna grumbled, bringing their banter to an end.

  The creature near him began to change. Its muscle mass deceased. The fur sunk into its flesh. Its limbs shrunk and contorted as it shed its animal shape for a mortal one. The bodies of its cohorts did the same.

  Briefly closing his eyes, Asenna envisioned the arrows he’d released during battle. He did a swift series of hand signs.

  They dislodged from the bodies they hit, whirled in the air, and blitzed across the forest. His dagger followed closely behind.

  He reached up, caught the arrows mid-flight, then thrust his right hand out. The handle of his dagger slapped against his palm. “Omega?” he asked, sheathing his short blade.

  “Omega team reported no action,” Donnus replied.

  “Gate scouts?”

  “Untouched. None of the dogs made it past us.”

  Asenna glanced at the wall, then to the naked Lycans scattered about. When they attacked, his first thought was a distraction. He figured the head-on assault was a tactic used to disturb their formation and keep them busy while a stealth team moved in on the side entrance. That would’ve been an effective plan. However…he kneeled near a bloody, detached arm, then curled his hand around it and closed his eyes.

  Miles of wooded terrain emerged in his mind. Pawprints in the snow were highlighted bright blue. He mentally followed the trail until the pawmarks became footprints. About eight klicks out, they shifted into animal form and moved in against the flow of the wind. Smart move. The wind created a blind spot to his senses. That was, until the breeze changed direction and their haste got noisy.

  Still, he needed to beef up the outer perimeter forces and position some soldiers further klicks out. “They knew this was the opportune time and location to infiltrate…”

  “Pretty sure they got that bit of intel from the traitor on the General’s special ops squad,” Omeko pointed out. “But what he didn’t know was that the General had positioned scouts around the perimeter of the territory.”

  Donnus made a tsking sound. “The General’s no fool. You really think he was gonna disclose everything to his team so that flea-infested mutt could relay the info? Collar!” he announced, examining one of the mangled bodies. “I see a collar.”

  “Yeah, got one over here too. That’s new. I thought dogs hated collars.”

  Asenna collected the device from around one of the Lycan’s neck. A small scarlet light flashed on a miniature screen. Tracker. Probably was equipped with a camera. “This was a recon wave. They baited us to show ourselves.” He crushed the device in his grip. “They needed to know if there were opposing forces in this area that could hinder their invasion. And now they know. More will come.” Asenna gazed over at the unconscious woman.

  Donnus stood over her with his katana resting on his shoulder. “Looks like a clear case of being caught in the wrong place at the wrong time. She’s obviously not a knight, which is why she almost became breakfast. Why was she out here?”

  Omeko moved to Donnus’s side, gazing down at her. “The real question is HOW. How did she get past us?”

  “Yeah, that’s a damn good question.”

  Good question indeed. Their forces had the perimeter covered, but this girl who possessed no magic, nor combat training, managed to make it four klicks from the walls, past their senses. Either she was incredibly stealthy, or she knew a way to get in and out without being detected. A secret passage, perhaps.

  Omeko peeled the labels of her hood open, exposing her face. “Hm, she looks like an Exotical and smells like a Royal.” He pulled a lock of her curly, amber hair from beneath her burly coat. “Wonder why she left the sanctuary behind the wall

  “Not like she’s better off in there than out here. Either way, she’s food.”

  “She was running from something. A Noble, maybe. Why else would she take the chance of coming out here?”

  “Doesn’t really matter at this point, does it?” Donnus cocked his blade back. “Such a shame. She’s a cutie.” His sword went into motion, its sharp edge aimed for her neck.

  Asenna’s feet moved him across the short distance. A clash and a screech sounded as Donnus’s strike collided with his saber.

  Confusion bunched Donnus’s brow. “She’s seen too much.”

  “When she awakens, she won’t remember a thing. You know that. Sheathe your blade.”

  “We can’t just leave her out here to become Lycan fodder. It’s better we give her a merciful, painless death.”

  “Sheathe your blade, warrior,” Asenna ordered, his voice low and his gaze narrowed. “I won’t say it again.”

  Donnus’s eyes shifted nervously. He then stepped back, slid his sword into its casing, and dipped his head. “My apologies, Captain.”

  “Send in the cleanup crew, then tell Kato to position more warriors about ten klicks out from our location. Also, send out the message for all teams to strengthen the lines and prepare for battle. I’ll contact Alpha about our findings.”

  “And the girl?” Omeko dared to ask, his gaze flicking from her to him.

  Without offering a reply, Asenna said, “You die before they get to the gate. Clear?”

  “Crystal, Sir!”

  “Good. To your positions.”

  They both placed their fists on their palms and bowed. “Yes, Captain!” They then leaped into the air and vanished.

  Asenna glanced down at the girl. He remembered the terror in her dark eyes upon looking at him. Nothing unusual about that, especially since he was certain she’d never laid eyes on his kind before. But a second later, all the fear faded from her gaze. It was the look of relief on her face that struck him as odd. Perhaps that’s why he intervened. It wasn’t their job to save unsuspecting humans who got caught in the mix. People like her made it difficult to get the job done because they were always in the way, and the enemy loved to use that to their advantage. Given the circumstances, she was better off dead.

  Then why did I step in?

  He placed his palm on her forehead. A string of images shot into his mind, triggering his clairvoyance. He snatched his hand back and instantly drew his saber.

  Maybe Donnus had the right idea.

  Squeezing the grip, he stared into her unconscious face and reared back. With the simple sweep of his blade, he could make her a casualty. His hand trembled. Kill. He’d done it many times, eliminated without a second thought.

  Then why is this so hard? Why am I hesitating?

  He huffed out a quiet sigh, then shoved his weapon back into its scabbard. Stupid, girl. You just made my job so much harder. Bending his knees, he hoisted her over his shoulder and ascended into the trees. “Alpha-one, this is Bravo-Overwatch reporting from the west sector. We have a problem.”

  Chapter Six

  Blood Kiss

  3 Years Ago

  “Tristan, wake up. Please, m’love, open your eyes. It’s almost time.”

  “Almost time for whuut,” Tristan drawled as his eyelids slowly fluttered open. “Lexi? Baby, are ya there?” Her smiling face faded from his thoughts. He clutched at his chest as his heart dropped. Yet again, he was forced to leave her in his dreams.

  Slightly lifting his head, he took one look at the dark, dank room and had to draw back tears.

  Nothing had changed.

  He was still locked away, and chained to a cum-stained bed as a prisoner, a fucking pet.

  He tugged on the thick metal links, making them clank against each other. A searing sting bit into his palm. He snatched his hand away and groaned out a defeated sigh.

  Every night he awakened, he hoped God would free him from this dark life. And when he opened his eyes, he was always cursed with disappointment.

  This nightmare is my reality, this nightmare is my eternity.

  It hurt to move. As he lay there, balled up in the fetal position, a cold substance trickled from his rectum. He didn’t know whether it was semen or blood.

  Probably both.

  The bitter taste of despair lingered on his tongue. It commingled with the stinging in his gums. He tongued the slots where his fangs should be. He fought every night with every ounce of energy he possessed, but it was never enough.

  The Noble repeatedly overpowered him, both mentally and physically. As punishment, he was defanged on a nightly basis.

  A shuffling resounded beyond the door. Something scraped across the stone floor. The door opened with a long, whining creak.

  Clenching his teeth, Tristan tensed up. The ache in his body increased. Wait, the person that just entered the room…couldn’t be Him. His arrogant voice always led the way to his presence.

  Tristan closed his eyes and focused on his other senses. A pleasant fragrance reached his nose, a scent of pleasure and escape. “You shouldn’t be here,” he croaked out.

  “I can’t stand seeing you like this,” she whispered.

  “Leave, Helena, before he finds you here.”

  The bed moved. Her curvy body drew in close to his, her soft breasts pressed against his back and her lean leg looped over his waist. Warmth radiated from her flesh. That meant she’d fed plenty before coming to him. She sliced her wrist and slipped it over his mouth.

  “You shouldn’t—”

  “Feed,” she demanded on a hushed whisper.

  The scent of the blood and her sweet flesh lured him in. He locked his chapped lips over her open veins, desperate to siphon enough before the floodgate closed.

  The hot life fluid burst into his mouth, feeding his inner beast. His teeth tingled and a fresh set of incisors dropped in place. The pain soaring through his body eased up.

  He rolled onto his back and gazed into her beautiful, pale face. With a weak hand, he reached up and palmed her cheek. “This is madness, Helena. He will kill you.”

  “You’re worth it.”

  He didn’t expect to get this attached to this mysterious beauty. Mainly because he didn’t really socialize with the other Swans. The rare times he was allowed to go around them, he kept to himself. They were all zombies, loyal to the Noble, so anything Tristan did was under watchful eyes.

  However, Helena was different.

  Months ago, she came into the fold after an underground soiree for the Nobles. The high-classed vampires loved to get together to show off their prized Black Swans. Per usual, his Noble wanted his fellow sex slave owners to see Tristan in action. He would pair him with another Swan to fuck, usually male. But not that time.

  That’s when Tristan was introduced to Helena.

  She had everyone at the party caught under her spell. Including me. Last time he enjoyed the pleasures of a woman’s body was when he was with…Lexi. He missed Lexi so much that he poured every ounce of passion he held for her into Helena. Beneath the spotlight of anxious, demonic stares, he made love to her. The crowd wanted to see him fuck her mercilessly. Nevertheless, they were still entertained. This pleased his Noble so much that he purchased Helena from her owner on the spot.

  He and Helena had been together ever since.

  Blood tears filled her bright blue eyes as a joyous smile spread across her lips. “I did it.” Excitement lifted her voice. “I did it all for you.”

  “Did what?”

  She climbed on top of him. “Our suffering will soon be over.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “You’ll see.” Her hair pooled at the sides of his head as she leaned in and kissed him. “I love you, Tristan.” Hot liquid traveled between their lips, washing the taste of semen away.

  A blood kiss.

  He sucked on her pierced tongue, taking every bit of what she offered. Monstrous hunger took ahold of him. He sunk his hand into her hair and pulled
her head to the side. His mouth found her neck, and his freshly sprung incisors found her veins. The hot nectar filled his mouth, drawing out a throaty moan from them both.

  “I don’t remember giving you permission to feed him,” came a venomous hiss from the shadows.

  Gasping, Helena jerked up.

  A snap sounded. The bladed lash whirred through the air.

  Tristan grabbed Helena by the arm and yanked her out of the path of the striking rod. As he swung her to the side, he reached out and caught the whip. The bladed prongs sunk into his palm, drawing blood. Clenching his fangs, he hung onto it for dear life. “Do what you want with me, Camrath. But you will not touch her.”

  “Ah, ever the gentleman.” The Noble tried to snatch the tail of the whip back. “Such an adoring trait, my pet.”

  Tristan squeezed the blade as he bit back a cry. “Fuck. You.” He gave the whip a hard yank.

  The Noble was drawn from the shadows. “Fuck me? Now that’s more like it.” A fang-baring grin spread across his face. His eyes grew maddening wide. Savage laughter exploded out of him. “You’d think after all of this time you wouldn’t be this defiant. But that’s what I love about you.” Blood-laced drool trickled from the corners of his thin lips as he salivated over the memory of stripping Tristan of his dignity. He ran a shaky hand over the bulge in his pants. “Ohh, my sweet Tristan, the wonderful things I have planned for you…” His expression suddenly changed.

  Beyond the walls, a multitude of footfalls lit up the airways.

  “What…” Panic swept his demonic grin away. He shot a glare at Helena. “What have you done, you sneaky, conniving bitch?!”

  “What I was sent here to do. Find, and stop you,” Helena replied, her tone cool and smooth like butter. “You will never hurt him again.”

  The double doors flew open, and a gang of soldiers charged into the chambers. They all wore uniforms and helmets, adorned in brilliant gold and pearl white. A dragon symbol was engraved on their breastplates.

  Scowl imprinted on his face, Camrath spun into the form of mist and took to the air. He soared close to the vaulted ceiling, too far for anyone to reach him.


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