Engaged to the Boss: A Billionaire Fake Marriage Romance

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Engaged to the Boss: A Billionaire Fake Marriage Romance Page 5

by Nikki Bloom

  I pulled away, lightheaded from the lack of air.

  She grinned. “Damn. You’re one hell of a kisser. Why didn’t you tell me when you were making your proposal? It would have sweetened the deal.”

  “I know something that can sweeten the deal even more.” Without thinking, I took her into my arms, holding her in a bridal carry. In that moment, I was hit with the image of us as partners, laying underneath the nighttime sky, pointing out all the different constellations overhead. We’d laugh and hold hands, confident that there was a future for us full of endless conversation and unforgettable adventures. It was crazy to think this way when I had only known Poppy for a couple of hours, but it didn’t take a rocket scientist to figure out that she was different from most girls.

  She liked to eat. She liked to laugh. She didn’t take life too seriously. She was a free spirit just looking for a good time. And I wanted to be a part of that – to let my rigidness loosen up – to find freedom in her laughter.

  And maybe it was too big a leap to think this way. Maybe that was why I had brought my grandfather into the picture. It was a crazy notion but it seemed to make more sense than to admit that maybe I was falling for this girl because such emotions aren’t supposed to develop so quickly. It just doesn’t happen.

  So, why did I feel this spark? This connection of our heartstrings every time she told me something about herself?

  She giggled. “Where are you taking me?”

  “Are you staying at the hotel?” I asked.

  “I think so.” She pressed a finger to her temple, trying to think. “But I can’t remember what room number I’m in. Maybe you could let me stay in your room?” She tugged on my tie, loosening it. I looked down at her and saw a certain glossiness in her eyes. She was still tipsy. Kissing her was one thing, but I wasn’t about to score a run at her expense. I’d wait until she was sober. Besides, sex is so much better when both parties are active participants and I had a feeling that Poppy was one hell of a firecracker in bed.


  It was Jenna. “Oh, hey, Jen.” I tried to sound casual even though I held her friend in my arms.

  “Jenna!” Poppy leaped forward and by some miracle, she managed to land on her feet. “One hell of a brother you’ve got here. He just saved my life.”

  “How much has she had to drink?” Jenna whispered in my direction.

  “I’m not entirely sure, but I was planning on getting her back to the hotel room.”

  “Good idea. She’s a liability whenever she’s even a little bit tipsy. Honestly, I’ve never seen such a lightweight.”

  “Hey! Who are you calling a lightweight?” The pout on Poppy’s face just made her look a thousand times cuter. “I’ll have you know that I’m completely in charge of my faculties.”

  “Of course, you are,” I whispered into her ear, lips grazing against her lobe. She became stiff. I heard the hitch of her breath against the back of her throat. The DJ had finally finished playing his infernal playlist and was packing up for the night. “Come on, the party is over.”

  Outside, we waited for the shuttle that would take us to the hotel. Poppy rubbed her arms. I took off my suit jacket and draped it over her.

  “I really don’t understand you,” she said.

  “Why’s that?” I asked.

  “You’re this drop-dead gorgeous guy who owns a successful business, that’s one thing. But then you come at me with a sense of humor. I’m not saying you’re perfect, but you’ve proven you can be pretty damn sweet. I’ve smiled more today than I have in a long time. I can’t let myself believe that you haven’t made other girls feel this way. So, why the hell are you asking me to marry you?”

  “That,” I said. “That right there.” I kissed the top of her head and spoke the words that had been on my mind all day. “You’re different. You’ll actually say what’s on your mind – maybe with a little coaxing, sure,” I said, remembering the hiccup where she thought I was flaunting my money like some sleaze. “But I value honesty in a person and I can tell you’re not the kind of girl to tell a lie.”

  “Oh, I know how to lie,” I said. “Come Sunday, I can lay in bed all day!”

  I chuckled. “That’s a good one, but you might want to work on your execution. You messed up your tense there.”


  Poppy stood in the middle of my hotel room looking like she had been struck by a truck. Her jaw hung agape as she took in the sight of the crystal chandeliers and the 72-inch TV above the fireplace. “I don’t even want to know how much you’re paying for a room like this.”

  I shrugged. Poppy had made it clear that she didn’t like it when I showed off my money and that was perfectly fine with me. “Can I make you some breakfast?”

  “Breakfast?” she asked. “What time is it?”

  “Quarter past three,” I answered.

  Her eyes widened. “Jeez. I had no idea it was so late. Usually, I’d be passed out in my bed at this hour, but I’m wide awake.” She took a seat at the kitchen island while I turned on the coffee machine. I checked the mini-fridge and found some yogurt. On the counter sat a gift basket complete with biscuits and aged meats.

  “Help yourself,” I said.

  “You sure? Hotels usually rip you off with this stuff.”

  I answered her by biting into a chocolate-filled croissant.

  “Right.” She grabbed a package of saltines. “Mind if I turn on the TV while the coffee brews?”

  “Be my guest.”

  Her hips swayed from side to side as she made her way to the couch. Was she doing so on purpose? Was she trying to get me riled up? If it was intentional, it was working. I adjusted myself and tried to focus on working the coffee machine. It was one of those higher-end models capable of making espressos and cappuccinos. I looked around for a set of instructions but found nothing. I guess I was on my own.

  Suffice to say, I wasn’t used to making my own coffee. The first couple of attempts proved as much. The cappuccino came out pitch black despite the fact that I had opted for steamed milk. I tried again only to have the whole thing hiss like a feral cat. In the end, I managed to reset the setting to default and I settled for whatever the machine wanted to spit out at me. It certainly wasn’t the best cup of coffee, but it was serviceable.

  “Milk and sugar?” I asked but there was no answer. Glancing into the living room, I could no longer see Poppy. Perhaps she had gone into the bathroom.

  I went to check but the door was open. I peeked into the bedroom next, but she wasn’t there either.

  Huh, I would have heard her leave, I thought. That’s when I saw her passed out on the couch. She was holding one of the decorative pillows against her chest. I smiled at the innocence written on her face. Once again, I couldn’t help but think that this girl was different. She didn’t get on my nerves like most. I found myself wanting to be next to her just to share in her company. Why was I feeling this way? It was much too soon for these thoughts to be filtering through my head and yet, there they were because if being with her felt this good now, I could only imagine what the future would hold.

  Gently, I slipped my arm underneath her and picked her up, careful not to wake her. She mumbled something before snuggling her head against my chest. For the second time that night, I kissed the top of her head. I don’t know why but it felt like the right thing to do.

  I laid her down in my bed and pulled the covers around her. I didn’t think it would be very comfortable for her to sleep in her bridesmaid’s dress, but I didn’t want to put myself in a sticky situation by changing her out of it. I would have a lot of explaining to do in the morning.


  At first, I didn’t recognize the sound but then it dawned on me that my cell phone was still between her breasts. “Please, don’t wake up,” I whispered as I went for it. I held my breath, feeling like a jewel thief. At any moment I could touch one of those infrared tripwires and raise the alarms. I felt it between my fingers and grabbed hold,
slowly wiggling it out of place.

  Poppy went to turn over. Knowing I would get my hand trapped underneath her if she did, I pulled out as fast as I could. Thankfully, I was able to keep hold of my phone. I glanced at its screen. It was lined with notifications. I nearly checked them, my thumb hovering over the nearest one but then I thought against it. “Not tonight,” I said as I threw it on the charger.

  There was some moonlight coming through the blinds, illuminating Poppy’s face. The sight of it took my breath away. To say she was gorgeous would be an understatement.

  I thought about joining her, but I wanted to prove myself the gentleman. She was more likely to say yes to my proposal if she thought I was a good guy. So, I pulled up a chair and grabbed one of the books I had bought at the airport. I wasn’t the least bit tired and it was difficult to think about sleeping when Poppy was the only thing on my mind.

  You’ve lost your mind, came my voice of reason. Proposing to a complete stranger. What are you, nuts?

  But I shoved aside these thoughts. I wasn’t going to listen to them – not this time – because for once in my life, my heart spoke louder. I didn’t quite know what it was saying but I knew well enough to listen.

  Poppy snored lightly. It was a sweet sound. I chuckled. That was the thing about Poppy. She was human – real. She wasn’t like all the other girls with their heaps of makeup and stiff curls. Poppy was authentic and unafraid to be herself. Even a single night with her had been enough to learn that. What I wanted, however, was to learn all the little details that made up her personality. What were her telltale quirks? Did she take her coffee black or was she a latte girl? Was she right-handed or left-handed? I wondered through the night, always looking up to make sure she was still real – that I wasn’t caught up in some dream.

  Come dawn, I was drawn to the window. I hadn’t slept a wink, but it didn’t matter. Poppy was safe in my bed, sleeping the morning away. After hearing her cough a few times, I had been scared she would vomit in her sleep and choke on it, so I had moved her onto the side. I had even slipped the decorative pillow between her arms, so she had something to hold. The pillow seemed to do the trick because she didn’t stir for the rest of the night. So, she liked to cuddle, then. Good to know.

  I looked back but her face was buried. All I could see was the halo of her hair, messier than ever. I smiled, thinking of how I could make it look positively wild.

  Outside, the sun was cresting over the horizon, painting the landscape with the same fiery red as Poppy’s hair. I was usually so busy with work that I had never really stopped to admire a sunrise. I had thought it overrated and a waste of time, but now I saw how wrong I truly was. It was mesmerizing. In those moments, I forgot about everything else.

  “Morning.” Poppy was rubbing her eyes, blankets drawn up around her. “Have you been up long?” she asked.

  “I never slept,” I answered.

  “Huh?” Poppy saw the light coming through the window. “But, it’s morning, isn’t it?”

  “It is.” I sat down on the edge of the bed. “I wasn’t sure how much you had to drink, and I wanted to make sure you’d be okay.”

  “I just had a couple of cocktails,” Poppy replied as she stretched out her arms. “You didn’t have to worry.”

  “Better safe than sorry. I would really hate to lose the opportunity to slip a ring on your finger.”

  Her eyes widened. “So, that whole conversation actually happened? It wasn’t a dream?”

  “No, it wasn’t a dream.”

  She pushed off the covers and looked down at her dress as if she were expecting something else. Her brow twitched slightly.


  “You stayed up all night to make sure I was okay?”

  “You sound like you’re surprised.”

  “I kind of am,” she said. “Most guys aren’t so…considerate.”

  “I’m not most guys.”

  “I can see that.” She flashed a smile. “You know, the idea of becoming your fiancée is getting rather tempting. But there is one thing I have to figure out first.”

  “And what might that be?”

  In an instant, she was upon me, arms flung around my arms. She kissed me with a passion that was even hotter than the night before. It sent my blood racing through my veins, awakening the hunger I had felt on the balcony.

  Her teeth nipped at my bottom lip, pulling gently while her eyes burned with her every intention. “Take a wild guess.”



  I had promised myself some fun at Jenna’s wedding. Maybe I was a day late, but I was still going to cash in on that promise. I owed it to myself. I hadn’t felt the heat of someone’s body against my own in much too long.

  Connor threw me onto the bed. He pinned my arms above my head. “I’ve got a few ideas,” he growled, going for the side of my neck.

  I turned my head, exposing more of my skin. His lips traced out a path to my ear. He bit down on the lobe while his hand slipped under my dress.

  My legs came apart, eager for his touch.

  His fingers found my slit, not yet wet but quickly getting there. “Oh, and here I was thinking you wanted me…” He pinched my clit, rolling it back and forth. I pressed my hips into the air but for some reason, that made him stop. There was a devilish grin on his face. This guy was a teaser. Well, two could play at that game.

  I pushed him off of me and straddled his hips like I was ready to ride him into next week. Matching his grin, I slowly unbuttoned his shirt. His chest was chiseled with muscle as hard as a rock. I traced his midsection. “Don’t you know that good things come to those who wait?”

  “I’m a very impatient man,” he said, pulling down the zipper of my dress. “When I want something, there’s nothing that can stop me from getting it.”

  “Then prove it.”

  And he did.

  With my chest exposed, his mouth found my nipple. His tongue flicked back and forth, occasionally circling around it. I threw my head back, goosebumps covering most of my body for I had never felt anything like this before. His touch was divine. My thighs quivered and we were only at the start.

  I had wanted to figure out whether we shared any chemistry. I think the answer was now obvious. At least as far as the bedroom is concerned, we were made for each other.

  He took control, attacking my other breast with his teeth, marking his conquest.

  I did the same, raking his back with my nails, leaving red lines that would tell the story of our lust. Somehow, we had gotten rid of our clothing, strewn all across the room. My panties had been ripped right off my body. Looks like I would be leaving the hotel room commando.

  The morning sun lit up the room. I took in the sight of Connor’s naked body. My body mounted. I had never scored this good before.

  He paused, hand on my cheek. “You sure you’re okay with this?” he asked. “All you have to do is tell me and I’ll stop–”

  I kissed him before he could say anything else. I could appreciate what he was doing, but the last thing I wanted was for him to stop. The sparks were flying, and I was ready for an all-out fire. I pulled him in with my legs, locking around the small of his back. There was no way I was letting him go. Our eyes connected in silent understanding.

  He pressed himself against me. I felt him throbbing.

  I reached down and wrapped my hand around his base. He was much thicker than I thought and as I slid my grasp along his length, I discovered he was much longer, too. “Someone’s packing,” I whispered, my voice raspy. “With a tool like that, what are you waiting for?”

  Suddenly, there was something inside me but it wasn’t his cock. Two of his fingers were pumping in and out. His thumb found my clit, rubbing it in circles. I cried out, shaking. Maybe I was out of practice, but I couldn’t remember anything ever feeling this good and this was only the appetizer. I could only imagine what would happen during the main attraction.

  “You’re going to regret all this teasing.�
�� My legs tightened around his waist as I tried to grind into his length.

  “Maybe that’s what I’m hoping for.” He added another finger, twisting them around, searching for my g-spot. This guy certainly knew what he was doing. “Maybe I’m just winding you up so you can do some bad, bad things to me.”

  “Careful what you wish for.” Using my legs for leverage, I flipped us around. Once he was on his back, I got between his legs, crawling forward, back arched, ass swaying from side to side. I loved that he couldn’t keep his eyes off of me. There was a hunger in his eyes, but he kept it in check, seemingly wanting to know what I would do.


  I wrapped my lips around him first. Then my tongue came into play, as I swirled it around the tip. He twitched inside my mouth just as soon as I squeezed his balls. I guess he wasn’t expecting me to be quite so bold on our first night – or rather, morning – together. But I wanted Connor to remember me. I wanted to go down as the girl who had blown his mind and left him a melted pile of putty.

  Slowly, I eased down his length until he was pressed against the back of my throat. I paused and tossed him an innocent look like I didn’t know what to do next.

  His fingers found their way into my hair, encouraging me to keep going – to get right down to the base, but I wasn’t going to give him that satisfaction just yet. I still had to pay him back for all the teasing. It was only fair.

  I pulled back. He groaned and bit his bottom lip, clutching at the sheets. As soon as he pressed his hips into the air, I made my move, licking every inch until he was slick with my saliva. I took my time, tickling those most sensitive areas with the tip of my tongue. His eyes were starting to roll into the back of his head and his toes curled up. Nothing feels quite so good as knowing you have complete control over someone. I continued my dance, pushing him to his breaking point.


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