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Unwrapped Page 7

by Evelyn Sola

  He’s back in an instant, and I can do nothing but stare at him as he approaches. He grabs my hand and puts a key in it.

  “Go. I have a meeting, but that won’t take more than an hour. I’ll leave right after. Please, Miranda. Say you’ll go home and wait for me.” He grabs my face again, leans down, and rests his forehead on mine. I let out one shaky breath, and with all the strength I can muster, I step away from him.

  Still unable to speak, I nod. He exhales, his shoulders relaxing at my acquiescence. He walks back to the door, and instead of leaving like I expect, he looks outside the door, comes back, and kisses my forehead before finally walking away.

  “I’ll text you the code for the alarm.”



  I hold my breath the entire ten-minute drive to my house, only exhaling when I see her car parked in my driveway. Instead of opening the garage and pulling my Range Rover inside, I decide to park behind Miranda, effectively blocking her in.

  Not surprising, with the lack of furniture, the first floor is void of her presence. I toss my bag in the corner, and without even bothering to take my coat or my shoes off, I take the stairs two at a time and sprint to my bedroom only to find her fast asleep under my down comforter. As quietly as possible, I take off my coat and shoes, and slide in beside her. As soon as I put my arm around her, she nestles into my body, fitting me perfectly.

  She stirs in my arms and turns. Our eyes lock the minutes she opens hers.

  “Hey,” she says, smiling.

  “Hey,” I say back as I stroke her cheek. I’ve thought of nothing but her since she left here, and since she ended things on Monday, all I’ve done is envision her in this bed. Finding her in the office today saved me a trip. It was only a matter of time before I tracked her down at her job. Unable to wait any longer, I kiss her again, pulling her closer.

  We manage to undress each other, only breaking the kiss for a fraction of time. Once we’re naked, I climb on top of her, desperate for more, desperate for the contact of our skin. In one swift movement, I sink into her wet pussy.


  “You hungry?” I ask about an hour later, having my fill of her for the moment. She lays her head on my chest as I glide my fingertips across her hipbone. She lifts her head and wiggles her eyebrows at me.

  “I can go for dessert,” she says as she grabs my dick. It went from soft to semi-hard in an instant, but I grab her hand and move it away. “Something thick and creamy. And sweet.”

  “We need to talk first,” I tell her.

  “First? I know what we did first, and it didn’t involve talking. Maybe some moaning.”

  She reaches for me again, and this time, when her hand wraps around me, I turn to granite. I move her hand away and climb out of the bed and walk to my closet. After putting on some comfortable clothes, I grab a robe for her.

  She’s still lying comfortably under the covers with her eyes closed, arms behind her head, and a smile on her lips.

  “Let’s go downstairs. I’ll make us a late lunch while we talk.” She gets out of the bed and holds out her hand for my robe. I can’t help but admire her perfect breasts as she covers her body.

  I hold my hand out to her, and when she takes it, I lead us down the stairs.

  “You know what?” I ask a few minutes later after opening the fridge several times. “I need to go grocery shopping. How do you feel about pizza?” I pull out a menu from the drawer right next to my dishwasher and spread it out in front of her.

  After deciding on a large pepperoni and two small side salads, I take the stool next to her. The room goes quiet, and she does her best to avoid my gaze, but I grab her chin and force her to look at me.

  “Staying away from each other doesn’t work for me, Miranda.” She opens her mouth to speak, but I put my hand against her lips, silencing her. “I know. I’ve heard all of your concerns. Your mother works for me. The age difference and my lack of melanin.” I give her a smile to let her know I’m kidding, and she rolls her eyes at me. “Did I get everything?”

  “It’s not funny. We have some serious issues, Nick. We only stayed away from each other for two days. Maybe we didn’t give it enough time. We didn’t even know each other a week ago.”

  “I gave it as much time as I could. If I didn’t run into you today, I was going to the mall to find you. The issues shouldn’t stop us from being together. A week ago doesn’t matter. I know your main concern is the fact that I’m your mother’s boss, but I meant what I said two days ago. I don’t want this to be a secret. Let’s tell her.”

  “Tell her what exactly?” she asks.

  “That we’re in a relationship. Look, the way you were upstairs tells me you didn’t like being away from me either.” I brush the hair off her forehead and stroke her cheek. She leans down and kisses my hand before she looks into my eyes. “We have a connection. I know you feel it. I felt it the instant I looked into your eyes. We can figure everything else out. I promise.”

  She lays her hand on top of mine as I stroke her cheek. She closes her eyes, and I imagine she’s thinking about what a relationship between us would look like.

  “I feel the connection too. I haven’t stopped thinking about you since I left here Monday morning.”

  Relief washes over me. I pull her from the stool and place her on my lap, kissing the side of her neck.

  “I’m glad to hear that.” I kiss her neck again and feel her shudder against me. I slide my hand inside her robe, giving her small breast a hard squeeze.

  “Did you think about me?” she asks.

  “Every second.”

  “This is crazy, right?” She turns in my arms, stands up, and puts her forehead on mine. “We just met. We should be able to walk away from each other. When I broke up with my last boyfriend, I just went on with life. I was more upset at losing my old job than him, but when I ended things with you, I was miserable.”

  “Let’s just go with it, okay?” I run my hand over her body, and even with the thick robe covering her, I still feel her curves.

  “Is that your old man advice? Just go with it.” She runs a hand through my hair at the exact moment I slap her hard on the ass. She lets out a little yelp, and the impact of the slap pushes her closer to me. She starts to say something, but I stand, pick her up, and toss her over my shoulder. She yells and laughs at the same time, and I tease her by spinning around.

  I do it several times as I laugh right along with her. The only thing causing me to stop is the ringing doorbell. When I put her down, she’s so dizzy, she has to hold on to the counter.

  “Keep calling me old,” I tell her, slapping her butt again before I open the door and grab our food.



  “I need some furniture,” I say between bites of pizza. I reach over and adjust Miranda’s pillow. Once satisfied with it, I grab both of her legs and lay them across my lap.

  “I know this floor can’t be good for your old man back.” She wiggles on the hardwood floor to make her point. I tickle one of her feet, catching her off guard and causing her to drop her slice of pizza on her plate. While she’s still distracted, I lift one of her legs and spread her open, getting a great view of her pussy.

  “Hey! Perv.” She makes no move to pull her leg from me. In fact, she spreads wider, and I can’t help but run my knuckles over her clit. She sighs at my touch and when I see the lust in her eyes, I drop her leg.

  “When’s your next day off?” I ask her.

  “Friday, but then I have to work the entire weekend.” She does this adorable pout.

  “You and me then. I’ll take the day off and we’ll go furniture shopping.”

  Her eyes light up at the thought, and I find myself getting excited right along with her.

  “And a Christmas tree and decorations.”

  “Deal,” I tell her. “When do you want to tell your mom about us? Tomorrow?”

  She stops chewing, her eyes widening at my questions. She
drops the half-eaten slice on the plate and reaches for my hand. I prepare myself for whatever she has to say, knowing I’m not going to like it.

  “Let’s give it some time before we tell her.” She squeezes my hand, but when I don’t reply right away, she says, “You might be sick of me in a week.”

  I pull my hand out of hers, stand up, and take my plate to the kitchen. She follows me, her bare feet tapping against the hardwood.

  “I just want us to get to know each other first. If I were dating anyone else, I wouldn’t introduce him to my parents just yet. Let’s give it a few weeks.” She drops her plate on the island and wraps her arm around me, resting her head between my shoulder blades. “Trust me, you’ll want to run and hide when she finds out.”

  “No, I won’t. We’re both adults, and we’re not doing anything wrong.” I turn to face her. “I think we should tell her now, but if you want to wait, we’ll wait. Not for long, though.”

  “Okay,” she readily agrees. “Not for long. I don’t want to hide you either.”

  “Good.” I lean down and kiss her lips. I can feel her relax against me, and with her breasts pressing against my chest, I feel my cock start to stiffen in my sweats.

  I pick her up with one hand and run up the stairs, the mess in the kitchen forgotten.



  It was hell leaving Nick last night, but after asking me to spend the night about a dozen times, I told him I had to go home. He reluctantly let me leave, but we’ve been communicating nonstop since.

  After receiving a call from my mother telling me she and my father are going to spend the weekend with my aunt and uncle in Hartford, I knew exactly what I needed to do. I feel slightly guilty for feeling relief that my parents had to go to Connecticut for the weekend, especially considering it’s because my uncle had to have emergency surgery, but they’ve freed me to come and go as I please without the need to explain, or in this case, lie.

  “Hey, Mom.” I have the phone on speaker as I put some clothes in an overnight bag. “Is Uncle Lee okay?”

  “He’s going to be fine, baby girl. They got his appendix out and he should be good as new. I’ve got to run, but I’ll see you Sunday. I’ll call you tomorrow.” Relieved at the news, I go back to my packing and think of how surprised Nick will be when I show up tonight.

  The plan is for me to meet him at his house in the morning, but things have changed. My phone vibrates and a text with from Nick pops up.

  Nick: Can’t wait to see you tomorrow.

  Me: Neither can I. Leaving work. Will call you soon.

  He sends a kiss emoji, and after freshening my makeup, I throw my duffel bag over my shoulder and practically run to my car.

  His driveway is empty when I pull in. Unsurprising, since he tends to park inside the garage. Just as I turn off my car, my phone vibrates.

  Nick: Are you home yet?

  I smile wide as I run to his front door and pull out the key he refused to take back yesterday. As expected, the downstairs is dark and empty. I hear his footsteps as I punch in the code to his alarm. By the time he makes it to the bottom step, I’m already across the room, and I jump into his arms, barely having any time to admire his bare chest.


  He doesn’t ask any questions. He simply kisses me as if I’ve been gone for months instead of one day.

  “I thought I wasn’t going to see you until tomorrow?” He puts me down, walks over by the front door, picks up my duffel bag, and throws it over his shoulder. He follows me upstairs to his bedroom and puts the bag in his closet. As soon as his hands are empty, I jump into his arms again and wrap my legs around him.

  “I thought I’d surprise you.”

  “Best surprise.” He kisses me senseless. “But you have on way too many clothes.” He puts me down and helps me undress before he pulls off his sweatpants. I reach for him, and he takes me back into his arms.

  He walks backward to the bed and lies on his back, never breaking the kiss the entire time.

  “Straddle me,” he says, but he doesn’t let me go right away. He kisses me deeply, holding the back of my head, sucking the very air from my lungs. When he finally lets go, I straddle his hips, reaching to grab his hard cock. I lift my hips, ready to slide down on him, but he lifts me, placing me on his face.

  “Oh,” I say, exhaling at the unexpected movement and even more unexpected sensation. His tongue circles my lips, and when he sucks on my clit, I slide off his face and nearly fall off the bed.

  “Stay still, sweetness.” He lifts me and places me back, and this time, I hold on to the headboard for support. I close my eyes and throw my head back as he feasts on me. I let out a little shriek when his tongue enters me, but soon he changes tactics and starts sucking on my clit again.

  “Oh, Nick. Oh. Don’t stop.” I can feel the build up from my lower belly. It takes over my entire body. I tremble on top of his face, losing complete control of myself. His strong hands on my hips are the only things that keep me steady. When he does one last suck, I scream and shudder. He doesn’t stop, and I’m too lost in ecstasy to focus on my embarrassment. I shudder one last time, and this time, I feel myself blush when a gush of fluid coats his mouth and chin.

  Completely spent and out of breath, I collapse on top of him, but he gives me no time to catch my breath. He flips me onto my back and climbs on top of me.

  He kisses me deeply, forcing his tongue into my mouth.

  “Why do I have the feeling that no one’s ever made you come like that before me?” he asks against my mouth.

  “No one’s ever done that to me before you.”

  “I’m the only man who’s ever eaten your pussy?”

  I nod, not willing to break the kiss again. I suck on his tongue, all embarrassment from earlier gone.

  “Spread your legs for me.” I spread as wide as possible, and with no other warning, he plunges his cock inside of me.



  “What about this one?” She sticks my iPad in my face, and I pretend to look at it for a second before waving it off.

  “That’s like the millionth sectional you’ve shown me today.”

  She mutters something under her breath and continues to flip through photos. Unable to help myself, I reach over and wiggle the glasses on her face.

  “You look really sexy in those. How come I’ve never seen you with glasses before?”

  “I wear contacts, but I forgot to bring them with me. How about this one?” This time, I don’t bother to look at the iPad. I take it from her and lay it on the nightstand. She crosses her arms, doing her best to look angry, but all I can do is laugh when she gives me her sternest look.

  “Really? You’re going to get mad at me while you’re sitting on top of me in nothing but my T-shirt? And no panties.” I whisper the last part, and she rewards me with a blush. I pull her crossed arms apart and pull her on top of my body. She lands on my naked chest with a thud and a squeal.

  “Why put on panties when you keep taking them off?” she asks. I run my hand down her spine and cup her bare ass. I know the exact moment she feels my hardening against her stomach because her eyes widen.

  “You’re so beautiful,” I say as I pull her to my side and kiss her temple. “The most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen.”

  “Stop,” she says.

  “It’s true.”

  “You might need these.” She takes off her glasses and hands them to me. I grab them and put them on top of the iPad. “Why don’t you tell me why you live in a house that only has furniture in the master bedroom. Where were you living before this?”

  “Chicago. I went to Northwestern for college and never came back east permanently. I had made a life there, and then it turned to shit.”

  “What happened?” she asks, lifting her head to look at me. She reaches up and pushes hair off my forehead.

  “I was in a relationship and it fell apart. I sold my business. I was planning on go
ing to Bali for a year, but then I got the call from Uncle Joe, so here I am. And here we are. I traded Bali for snow and a girl who is obsessed with all things Christmas. Do you think I made the right choice?”

  She furrows her brows and nibbles on that luscious bottom lip, deep in thought.

  “Travel? But I thought—” She stops talking when her phone vibrates on the nightstand. “Shit! It’s my mom. Let me take this.” She hops off the bed, grabs the phone, and runs into the closet.


  “What’s wrong with Bob’s Discount Furniture?” she asks. I give her a look before turning back to the road. “Not even Jordan’s Furniture? They have the Enchanted Village and the Polar Express ride!”

  I shake my head at her again, but I can’t help the laugh that escapes.

  “Your Christmas leggings and matching sweater aren’t enough? What about these Christmas carols you’re forcing me to listen to? Now you need Christmas rides on top of everything else?”

  “Yes, Nick! Christmas is magical, and it only happens once a year! You need to get into the Christmas spirit, and stop wearing so much gray.”

  “You wear enough red and green for the both of us, but,” I reach over and put my hand between her thighs, “maybe we can sneak away for a night. I know a place in New Hampshire that a Christmas addict like yourself would love.”

  “Maybe,” she says, giving me a sly look before glancing away. When she sees where I’m heading, she looks back at me in surprise.

  “You’re getting on the turnpike? Where are you taking me?”

  I ignore her and skip to the next song. “Not even someone as beautiful as you can get me to listen to the Chipmunks.”



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