Gun Meister Online: Adult and Uncensored

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Gun Meister Online: Adult and Uncensored Page 33

by Noah Barnett

  A few minutes later the ship's intercom crackled to life, and a voice said, "The ship has been captured, congratulations." Charlie lifted his weapon with the others and cheered. They didn't get booted off the ship this time. Instead, darkness closed in.

  [Event Complete]

  The arena lobby was swarming with players. He felt a mixture of relief, triumph, and mild surprise at the last minute victory. Charlie checked for his squad, but it was unlikely he'd run into any of them again tonight. Everyone would be splitting up anyway. He headed over to a free console, and checked his stats.


  Player ID - NA1339872

  Registered Competition Name - Charlie

  Clan - None

  Hours played - 268

  Wins - 56

  Losses - 20

  Kills - 82

  Deaths - 29

  K/D Ratio - 2.8

  Battle Rank - Gold One

  Player Score - 1710

  Credits - 102,931c

  "Gold rank!" Charlie shouted jubilantly. He pumped his gloved fist in victory. Over the course of two days, he’d acquired almost forty kills, and his player score had risen two hundred points. The best part was the hundred thousand credits in his account.

  It was time to head home, clean his weapons, and drag that beautiful redhead into the sack. He closed the screen and strolled from the Competition Center. Outside the street lamps did their best to dispel the darkness of the night. The sky was a panorama of twinkling lights. He strolled through the lot to his Mustang and placed Fara between the seats. The beast started with a roar, and he peeled into the street.

  Charlie wasn't sure how the girls knew, but they crowded him as soon as he entered the house. The five women clung to his jacket like drunken fairies. Maybe they could detect the free contract slot like a powerful aphrodisiac, or it could have been the metallic stink of spent gunpowder and the aroma of battle. Their eyes devoured him as hands felt up his chest and arms. Sofie hugged him from behind and wrapped her arms around his neck. Her cheek pressed to the top of his head as she drank in his combat cologne. It was like being mobbed by a clutch of beautiful kittens, and Charlie found it impossible to get past the small foyer.

  "Ladies, give me a minute to clean Fara and Elva. You wouldn't want to be neglected, now would you?" He asked. All except Sofie backed away a few feet.

  She clung to him like a lovesick puppy and Charlie struggled to the couch. The redhead sank down next to him, and draped herself over Charlie while the others took up places in the living room. Sofie watched him, committing his every movement into memory.

  He unloaded Fara first because she'd done the lion's share today. The M16 came apart like a clamshell, and he withdrew the bolt carrier. It was covered with a thick layer of residue, and he sprayed the weapon parts down with solvent. Black grime came off as he started to scrub with a wire brush. After the carrier group was shiny, he worked on the receiver and rifle bore. Then he oiled her and slid the pieces together.

  Next was his 1911. Elva had been silent most of the day, but she moaned noisily as he started in on her. Fara could contain herself when she wanted. His first weapon though was as vocal as a porn star. She panted as Charlie scrubbed her slide, and especially the grooves. Her voice rose in volume as he reached the dirty breech face. Elva loved this part most of all. He oiled the pistol and assembled her like a hundred times before.

  She started to glow, appeared in his lap, and sank back against him panting for breath. Fara still sat in her M16 form on the table, but Charlie suspected she was secretly recovering as well. The girls were trying not to stare at him like a bloody piece of meat.

  "I think Sofie and I need some private time in the bedroom."

  "Would you like me to join?" Elva asked still laying against him.

  "I'd prefer to concentrate on Sofie tonight. She's waited long enough, so I'd like to give her a proper contracting." Charlie replied glancing at the giant. Elva kissed his cheek, stood, and headed into the kitchen to make dinner. He gathered the cleaning supplies and wiped his hands free of solvent. Then Charlie walked into the master bedroom. Sofie followed him inside as if on an invisible leash.

  "Maybe I should shower first," he suggested pulling off his jacket and armor.

  "Mmm, nyet. I like zee way you smell." She growled grabbing Charlie, and pulled him into her heaving bosom.

  Her hands dug under his t-shirt, and she raked her long fingers across his stomach. Sofie smelled different than his other guns, and it was hard to pin down why. Her body odor was something halfway between sweet and waxy. It tickled his nose. Much later he discovered it was called Cosmoline, and most Soviet-era weapons were stored in the substance.

  He managed to wrestle the giant red-haired woman onto the bed. She fell onto the mattress pulling him down as well. Charlie wanted this night to be a little special, so from the bedside stand, he retrieved the handcuffs. Sofie was too distracted kissing and licking Charlie's lean body to notice. He crawled atop the giant, grabbed a wrist, and worked the cuff over it. Soon both her hands were restrained to the dark oak headboard.

  Her long muscled legs closed around his waist and her damp crotch ground against him. Charlie pulled his shirt off and folded it in thirds. He approached Sofie’s head, but she turned it to the side.

  "Nyet, I vant to see you when we contract," Sofie said.

  "You don't always get what you want with me," He replied tying the cloth around her head. Charlie parted her legs and climbed from the bed to fetch some of the supplies by the nightstand.

  "Vhat are you doing?" Sofie asked listening as he opened a green colored spam can. Inside were several hundred rounds of Soviet surplus ammo. He brought the container to the bed and poured the contents out onto Sofie. Bullets bounced off her breasts. More hit her hardened stomach and slid between her legs, but most rolled onto the mattress. Charlie tossed the empty can to the floor. The many metallic cartridges clinked and rang like bells as he mounted the bed.

  He looked at the woman before him. Sofie was a tall girl, made more so with her arms pinned above her head. She had skin the color pale cream, and her hair was like a pool of blood against the white sheets. Unable to see him Sofie shifted, and her legs quested for Charlie.

  "Do you want to contract with me, Sofie?"

  "Da," Sofie breathed.

  "I just demonstrated you don't get everything your way. I might even hurt you." He replied.

  "I vant you. I know you are special." Sofie panted.

  "Don't flinch," he ordered picking up her right leg. Charlie held her ankle and bit into the flesh. Sofie gasped at the pain, but she didn't move. Charlie alternated between kissing, licking, and biting his way down her long leg. The bullets on the bed danced as the woman squirmed under his advance. Her bikini bottom was drenched, and a little pool was forming on the sheets. He pulled on the string with his teeth.

  Her sex was larger than life, with thick lips that crowded her leaking entrance. Finally exposed to the air, Sofie's strong smell hit Charlie in the nostrils, and his erection strained against the fabric of his pants. He lowered his face between her legs and kissed her pussy tenderly. Then he licked up the center drinking in her flavor. She tasted earthy like pumpkin pie with a sweet undertone. Sofie had a grape sized clitoris, and its head was already poking from under the protective hood. Charlie closed his teeth gently over it.

  "Nyet!" Sofie cried closing her legs. Charlie’s head was squished between her muscled thighs, and Sofie refused to release him.

  "Alright, I promise not to bite you." He murmured, and she reluctantly released him. Charlie rewarded her courage by licking and sucking on her clitoris. Sofie's hips bucked and she drew in deep, ragged breaths. Lube leaked from her in a steady, unrelenting stream, and the bed sheets quickly grew slick.

  "Now, now… I vant it."

  Charlie unbuckled his pants and tossed them to the floor. Then pushed himself into her glistening oversized sex. It was like plunging into a hot lake as liquid slid
past his shaft. His cock sank all the way inside without any effort. At the end of her hot tunnel was a tight pocket, like a special little room made just for him. Sofie gasped, unprepared for the sensation, and her legs wrapped around his waist.

  He watched this time as a clear plastic collar circled Sofie's neck. It snapped closed and the woman's back arched. Around his shaft Sofie's sex tightened, squeezing down, and pulled him in deeper. Charlie slowly built up speed and a rush of lube spilled onto the bed. Each thrust into her extraordinary pussy made his mind tingle with pleasure. The bullets bounced, jingling together as the headboard banged against the wall. Sofie's wet sex slapped like a chime and her ragged moaning added to the chorus. It was almost musical. Charlie set the rhythm to ultra fast as he pounded into her frictionless pussy.

  "Sil'neye," Sofie begged straining against the handcuffs. The metal bent and the chains slowly pulled apart. Why did this game have to make sex feel so damn good? Charlie struggled with his own desire to climax, and he fought back against the wave of pleasure, but it was like holding back a river.

  Charlie dragged Sofie's bikini top off. Her huge breasts bounced, and he tossed the black cloth away. Her dark nipples were like sunken ICBM's, and both were half launched already. They tasted salty and waxy, and just a touch oily as he sucked the first into his mouth. Sofie groaned as she rocked against him. He was seconds from finishing and there was no way he could hold back anymore. Thanks to Fara, he'd discovered a small secret. A little pain made the pleasure all the better, like a foundation which launched the weapon to new and glorious heights.

  "I lied about not hurting you," he admitted.

  Charlie bit down on her nipple as his climax began. A river of bliss raced down his spine, and his skin tingled as it flooded through him. Sofie gasped, shrieked, then cried out, and despite herself, squealed like a svin'ya. Her legs tightened around his waist as her sex spasmed on his cock. The metal links of the handcuffs snapped, and Sofie grabbed him. For almost a minute Sofie was a woman possessed, and the bullets on the bed went flying as Sofie shook uncontrollably.

  Finally, she released him. Around her neck, the black collar glowed with his numbers. She reached up with a trembling hand to pull the blindfold off and looked down at him.

  "Ozornoy vladelets," She said in a thick husky voice. Charlie smiled and withdrew from her drenched sex. He glided across the slick sheets and fetched several shopping bags from near the nightstand.

  "You may want to shower first, but these are for you."

  The surplus ammo clinked together as the giant Russian climbed from the bed. She reached out, but Charlie didn't let the bags go right away. He hung onto them and said, "Welcome to the family."

  Sofie's eyes danced as she bent and kissed him. "I so confused," she growled taking the offered bags. "You are so sweet, and so mean in the same breath. Why do I want more of both?"

  Charlie laughed turning the woman around. He slapped her ass hard sending the giant toward the master bathroom. Sofie swayed drunkenly across the carpet before clinging to the door jam. Her steel eyes looked back at him, searched his face, and memorized every detail. He made a shooing gesture, and she closed the door. A few seconds later the shower turned on.

  Turning back to the scene of destruction, and Charlie let out a long sigh. The bed was an ocean. A five-foot diameter stain marked the place the Russian redhead had lost her virginity, and slimy bullets covered the mattress like golden Koi. Everything about Sofie was big, including the cleanup.


  Testing Range

  A few days had passed since they'd taken the alien dropships. The Roth had been so angered by the losses they'd immediately burned Los Angeles, London, Paris, and Shanghai to the ground. Afterward, the aliens had sent a dozen more raids, though they were far more careful with their landing craft. Humanity had started the ‘Emergency Roth Channel’ to warn players when they'd arrive and where. However, it was impossible to predict if you’d encounter a patrol during a game.

  Charlie was finally able to play a match since the alien invasion, and he was eager to try out Sofie in battle. The private lounge was dimly lit. All the screens were scrolling the same warning, “Roth activity detected across the globe.”

  Sofie straddled his lap as they waited for the countdown timer to hit zero. She combed her fingers through Charlie’s hair, and he looked up into her steel colored eyes. The tall woman wore a single one-piece leather outfit with a zipper running down her front. A pair of broken handcuffs from their first contracting circled her wrists, and she'd refused to take them off. The NPCs had didactic memory, but she liked being reminded that Charlie was both; pain and pleasure. Her shockingly red hair was tied back with a piece of cloth, also from that night.

  They weren’t alone though, and the other party members were waiting nearby. Charlie needed to stop Sofie before things got too heated. He pushed the Russian giant away slightly and said, “Weapon form.” The woman pouted, but began to glow. Her skin flashed brilliantly and a long SVD sniper rifle fell into his lap. Charlie picked up the lacquered weapon, and slid his hand over the frame. A Russian made PSO scope hung above the upper receiver. At least now he had a better idea how to use it since Sofie had taught him the basics.

  Remy, Jen, and Tobias were all sitting together on the opposite couches. Remy was dressed in a blue one-piece bathing suit with light armor strapped over her flat chest. She was grinning at Charlie as he tried to adjust the bulge in his pants. Tobias’s armor was covered in scriptures again, but he had removed his heavy helmet. More symbols were etched into his cheeks and forehead. Jen looked the most professional of the group. She had tan colored shorts with a desert-camo vest.

  Finally the last person entered the room. The male player had a set of medium armor, and wore Kevlar kneepads over a pair of slacks. Across his back was an automatic shotgun, and in his hands was a heavily scoped M14 scout rifle. He had no backpack or molle vest, but instead, carried several pouches around his waist. The player threw himself onto a couch, and waited while the timer quickly ran down.

  [Match Start]

  The air smelled like old decay. The buildings nearby were slowly being torn down by kudzu vines and the weather. Charlie was standing in a shallow marsh along with the rest of his squad. Water immediately filled his combat boots, and soaked his pants all the way to his waist. A pint-sized gator glided away from them and into a deeper pool. They had to be in the south, somewhere in Louisiana probably, but it was hard to tell. The wetland was slowly retaking the crumbling city.

  The final man—a random add to the group—was scanning the weed ridden marsh in either direction. This was Charlie’s first gold match since ranking up, but Remy had once been platinum.

  “Remy where’s the center?” He asked.

  “No idea yet, the maps are ten kilometers wide at Gold.”

  “Fine, we stick together and look for some high ground.” Charlie said glancing at the fifth group member. “You OK with that.”

  “I’m just peachy, o’illustrious leader.” The man replied. Charlie rolled his eyes and gestured toward the sniper.

  “Jen, the usual formation. Mark up one block ahead. The rest of us will anchor on Tobias.”

  Jen’s noble face pinched as she tried to keep from falling into the muck. Out of instinct she held the fifty-caliber rifle over her head and picked out a tall apartment building in the distance. At least she was wearing shorts, and the scum only came up to the knees. Charlie got into position near the back of the squad, and held Fara at the low ready as he scanned the reeds behind them. Tobias struggled through the swamp under his colossal burden. Remy kept pace next to the man in her skimpy swimsuit, and together the five slowly moved toward the city center.

  Forty-five minutes passed at a snail's pace, which was matched by their progress forward. There was no sign of the enemy, Roth or Human. That specifically made him nervous. Finally, swamp gave way to cracked weed-ridden pavement, and several small buildings leaned like drunken sailo
rs. The foundations were broken and sinking into the ground. Jen led them toward a twelve-story condo high-rise which rose above the decay. One corner of the building had been pulled down by the weight of kudzu vines, and Ikea furniture lay in a pile of broken memories.

  Jen stopped a block ahead with a fist in the air, and pointed upward. It took Charlie several seconds to spot the sniper barrel sticking out of a broken window. It was hidden with kudzu vines, but nothing could hide the thick suppressor. Everyone immediately scanned the surrounding buildings, and Charlie turned to guard their retreat—if they needed it. He backed up slowly as the scout returned.

  “Go around?” Jen asked.

  “That sniper has the high-ground, and we need it. If the enemy is in the building we might surprise them, kill a few then retreat.” Charlie said, and no one argued. Remy or the new guy would be the best choice to lead the way. They both had shotguns designed for close range. He pointed to the random player. “You lead the way.”


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