Adoring the Architect

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Adoring the Architect Page 2

by George H. McVey

  From beside her, she heard her Da groan. “What is that dunderhead eejit doing? The lad’s a right fine man, and Edwin should be happy he wants to be introduced to you.”

  Nevertheless, Edwin wasn’t happy. He went on and soon the two men were arguing, their voices growing louder. Edwin accused him of courting several of the women in town and never proposing to any of them. Her Da grew more irritated with every name Edwin threw out. “Half that ain’t even true. That brother of yours appears ta be jealous of the man still. Just because he had set his fancy on Millie, and she took her time to decide which man she wanted, is no reason to keep you from finding happiness.”

  Aileen startled at her Da’s announcement and whispered to him. “Ye mean he courted Millie at the same time Edwin was?”

  The angel nodded. “Aye lass. But they both realized very quickly that they weren’t right for each other.”

  As she was listening to her Da, it looked like Edwin and Mr. McCormick were about to come to blows. Then the preacher stepped between them and spoke “Gentlemen, you are in the Lord’s House; this is unacceptable.”

  Mr. McCormick nodded to Reverend Bing. “I apologize Reverend, I’ll be leaving so there is no further disturbance to your services.” He pushed past Edwin and slowed for a moment as he drew close to Aileen and smiled at her, setting her pulse to racing. She shyly smiled back at him hoping her brother didn’t pick up on it. Thankfully, she could watch him walk out the door without upsetting Edwin as almost every person in the church watched as the man she now knew was named Sterling McCormick stomped away.

  Before she could say a word to Edwin about how rude he had been, his new wife was there doing it for her. She couldn’t help but grin as Edwin took the quiet dressing down that his new bride gave him all the way to the front of the church where she sat them all. All through services Aileen wondered how she could meet the man officially and if he would listen to her eejit of a brother and stay away. She tensed at the thought. She was almost thirty-five and didn’t have many more chances at a marriage at all and Sterling McCormick took her breath away. She determined right then that she would find a way to meet the handsome builder and pray his interest in her continued; despite Edwin and his boorish behavior.


  Sterling woke sore from all the work he had done the day before. He’d gotten a lot of the front second story framed and some of the siding up as well. He pounded nails and manhandled wall boards that should have taken two men all by himself all the time burning with anger over the way Edwin McRae had treated him. When he’d finally fallen into bed back at his rental shack, he’d been asleep dreaming of red hair and emerald-green eyes almost before his head hit the pillow.

  Climbing out of bed, he washed his face and dressed for the day. Normally, he’d cook himself some eggs and bacon, but today he realized he was out of both. He’d need to make a trip to the mercantile before he could cook for himself. Since he had to go to a restaurant for breakfast anyway, and he was still so upset with Edwin, he thought he’d go to the Hearth and Home just to make the man cook for him. As an added bonus maybe he’d be able to see Aileen for a few seconds, even get to talk to her. He knew from listening to others talk after the wedding that Edwin’s sisters came to help him with the restaurant. Hopefully, Aileen would be a server not a cook.

  He grabbed his hat and headed to the Hearth and Home, when a man who was dressed in a kilt that looked an awful lot like the tartan that Edwin had worn at the Votes for Women March, walked up beside him. “Well lad, you should be asking her iffen ye can court her after ye meet her today.”

  Sterling frowned, the man had a serious Scottish brogue that was so thick it was hard to understand. “I’m sorry, are you talking to me?”

  The older man nodded. “Aye, who else would I be talking to? Are ye daft or something?”

  “No I’m not daft. However, I am confused; who are you and what are you talking about?”

  The Scot laughed. “Who I am isn’t consequential, it’s Aileen that’s significant. You should ask her to allow ya to court her.”

  “I haven’t even been introduced to her.”

  “Well I expect ye’ll be getting an introduction at breakfast, lad. Pay attention now and don’t be putting your courtship on its beams end afore ye get off the starting line.”

  “Who are you and how do you know who I’m interested in?” Sterling asked as he looked over at the man who was suddenly not beside him. He stopped and looked all around. The stranger was just gone, there was no sign of him anywhere. He shook his head and started walking to the boarding house and restaurant.

  Sterling opened the door to the Hearth and Home and was greeted by the smiling face of the very woman he was hoping to see. “Good morning, Mr. McCormick. Are you here for breakfast?”

  He smiled back at her, pulling his hat off his head as he did so. “Good morning to you, Miss McRae. Yes, breakfast would be delightful, though I must say your lovely smile has almost made me forget my hunger this morning.”

  As if to call him a liar his stomach proceeded to grumble loudly causing the delightful woman to giggle like a schoolgirl. “I think your stomach has something to say about that blarney your mouth is spouting.”

  He grinned and shrugged his shoulders. “I did say almost, Miss McRae.”

  “Aye, that ye did.”

  She led him to a table along the inside aisle where he wasn’t visible from the kitchen when the door should open. He looked into her grey eyes causing her to blush a bit. “Are you trying to keep your brother from seeing me here, Aileen?”

  She gasped at his use of her first name, and he grinned even bigger. “We may as well use each other's given names, lass, as I plan on courting and making you my wife.”

  Her hand flew to her chest. “Sterling, you presume too much. We haven’t even been introduced and if my brother has his say we never will.”

  He turned to her and took her other hand in his. “Then let's make sure he doesn’t get his say. Allow me to introduce myself. I’m Sterling McCormick, the local architect and builder. I’m also the man who is asking to court you and eventually marry you.”

  She leaned close to him. “I am not opposed, but my brother seems to be. We should meet somewhere away from here and the prying eyes and ears of my family.”

  “I am not opposed to that, yet it will need to be someplace where your reputation will be safe. Are you serving all day?”

  She smiled at him. “Today I am, well except I have a trip to the mercantile planned for between breakfast and lunch.”

  “I myself need to go to the mercantile around that same time. Perhaps we can meet there and make a plan for a courtship while we shop.”

  She bit her bottom lip causing Sterling to want to kiss her so badly, yet he knew if he attempted that somehow Edwin would find out, and their plans would be stopped before they even got started. The bell on the front door rang as Reverend Bing stepped in looking frazzled. “I shall meet you there.” Aileen whispered before she went to welcome the Reverend. Sterling settled into the seat and waited as her younger sister came to take his order. He smiled and ordered, then ate quickly and left, determined to check on his builders at the various projects they were working on around town before meeting Aileen at the mercantile.

  Aileen watched as Sterling finished his breakfast and then left with a nod of his head and a secret smile just for her. Her heart raced thinking about meeting him later that morning at the mercantile and planning how to court in secret. She turned her mind to that as she worked for her sister-in-law, who had taken her husband and went with the Reverend Bing to do something in the town of Topaz. Millie had come back from meeting with her brother during the breakfast rush and asked Edwin to come with her to Topaz, and then asked Aileen and her sisters to keep the kitchen running until they returned. Aileen had promised them that they would and when the breakfast rush was over, and the dishes cleaned she turned to Rhona and Isla

  “Will the two of you finish preparing the lunch
es for the miners and workers? I need to run to the mercantile really quick and order some things. When I return one of you can go and pick up more clothes and necessities, and we will each take turns today so two of us are here at the restaurant at all times until Millie and Edwin get back.”

  Isla looked at her and smiled. “Would your going first have anything to do with a certain gentleman who came to see you during breakfast?”

  Aileen knew she was blushing. “I don’t know who you are referring to, and even if I did nothing could come of it. You saw how Edwin was yesterday. I don’t know who he thinks he is dictating who I can court or not. Anyway, I will not allow my personal life to become fodder for your gossip, sister.”

  She looked pointedly at Isla, who just laughed. “Get on with ya then. But I’d be careful or ye will be testing that determination about Edwin sooner rather than later.”

  She nodded, knowing that Isla spoke the truth. As much as she was determined to make her own way here in this new land, her little brother would be a typical highlander man thinking he had some say in her future. She, however, had led this family since their Mam died, and she refused to let Edwin think he had any say in who she courted or married; if an old maid of thirty-five could marry.

  That thought still rattling around in her brain, she grabbed her reticule and placed her bonnet on as she headed for the mercantile. She crossed the street and was greeted by the very man she knew she would be seeing at the store. Sterling surprised her by asking, “Miss McRae would you do me the honor of having a cup of tea at the tea shop with me before I escort you to the mercantile?”

  “Aye, a spot of tea sounds lovely, Mister McCormick; I didn’t know that Creede had a tea shop.”

  “It does. Two sisters from England opened it just a few months ago. The tea there is very good and the scones and biscuits, as they call them, are divine.”

  They took a turn away from Main Street, and Aileen took Sterling's arm. The handsome builder smiled at her before giving her a word of warning. “I know you were just planning on going to the mercantile but please be careful. There are some very bad men in Creede and as much as Marshal KC and his deputies try to keep everyone safe, women are still being snatched right off the street. Make sure you go nowhere alone.”

  She was a bit put out at his attitude, but before she let her temper get the best of her; she took a moment and realized he was trying to keep her safe. “I’ve been on me own for quite some time, Mister McCormick, I can take care of myself if need be.”

  He opened the door to the tea shop for her and leaned close as she entered. “Of that I have no doubt, Aileen. However, I want you safe and cared for. If not for Edwin being an idiot about me, I would escort you personally any, and everywhere you wished to go.”

  His comment caused a warm delicious feeling to settle in her core as she knew he meant every word. “My brother is an eejit and has no real say over who I see or court or whom I walk out with. I am a woman; full-grown and able to speak my own mind.”

  “Yes, you are but it was you who wanted to meet and discuss courting away from your brother's eyes and ears.”

  She nodded, “That I did, but more for your sake than mine, Sterling McCormick. My brother has a bit of a temper as you saw yesterday. What I don’t understand is that from everything I’ve heard, you and he got along fine until he started courting Millie. No one understands his anger over you trying to get an introduction to me. Millie and a few others said he acts as if he’s jealous of you.”

  Sterling smiled at her. “Did they now? Well, I honestly don’t know why he reacted the way he did yesterday. Millie made it very plain to me who she wanted, and I stepped aside the moment she made it clear that she was in love with Edwin. I hold them no ill will and pray they have a happy life together and are blessed with many offspring.”

  She smiled at Regina Honeycutt as she came up to them. “Aileen, it’s good to see you again. I see that despite your brother’s attempt to keep you and Mr. McCormick apart yesterday, you found each other anyway.”

  Aileen blushed as Sterling laughed. “How is it that you know already about Edwin’s little tantrum, Regina?”

  The Englishwoman smiled. “You’ll learn very quickly here in Creede that even though the town is growing, gossip makes the rounds faster than a windstorm. Why, all the ladies knew by supper time last night how Mr. McRae and Mr. McCormick almost came to blows over you in Bachelor’s church. I also know that Mr. McCormick spent the day taking his frustrations out on his house instead of your brother. Now what can I get the two of you?”

  Sterling smiled up at the woman. “A pot of your Earl Grey and a plate of those wonderful lemon blueberry scones your sister makes, if you have them, Mrs. Honeycutt.”

  “A perfect choice for courtship, Mr. McCormick. I’ll be right back with them.”

  Aileen blushed. “Keeping our plans quiet seems like it’s going to be quite the feat in Creede.”

  Sterling nodded. “I imagine sooner or later your brother will get wind of it. Does that bother you?”

  She thought for a moment before answering. “Only in that I don’t like to see him upset. He needs to realize that while he was here making his fortune, I was back home running our family. I’m not going to let anyone, including him, tell me whom I may or may not court or even marry. That decision is mine and mine alone to make. You’ve not shown me any reason to turn your suit away, and we both know there is something here so I will allow you to court me. Just not where it will cause a fight every time you come to call on me.”

  “I will agree to that for now, but I won’t pretend not to be courting you if he asks me, Aileen. I’m not ashamed of who I am nor will I hide from your brother as if courting you is wrong.”

  Just then Regina came over with the teapot and scones on a try. “Oh, courting in secret; how very romantic. Why it’s like those stories my sister is always reading. Star-crossed lovers and secret rendezvous.”

  She winked at Aileen. “Don’t worry, I’ll keep your secret but know that eventually the word will get out, and your brother will know about you two.”

  Aileen nodded. “Aye, I’ll deal with that when it happens.”

  The shop owner nodded and left them to their tea. They talked and got to know each other and sooner than she wanted it was time to hurry to the mercantile and get her dresses and things so that she could get back and help her sisters prepare for the supper crowd. As they parted ways, Sterling asked if he could see her again on Wednesday. “Aye, maybe we can go for a late picnic.”

  His face went white. “How about I take you to the hotel restaurant for a late dinner or early supper? Picnics and I don’t work out very well.”

  She nodded and was shocked when he pulled her to the side of the Hearth and Home out of sight of the main boardwalk. “May I kiss you, Aileen, before we part?”

  Her heart raced as she looked at his lips. “Aye, Sterling McCormick, I wish you would.”

  Then her world exploded in heat and color as his lips captured hers, drinking their fill. When he released her, she swayed for a moment not remembering where she was or even knowing if her legs would hold her up. Then she straightened herself and rubbed his cheek with her hand. “That was lovely.”

  He smiled “Yes it was. I hope to get more wonderful kisses on Wednesday then, my dear.”

  She smiled at him as she walked back around.

  “We shall see, lad, we shall see.” She hurried inside the restaurant and got back to work all the while feeling his lips against hers in her memory.


  Aileen was tired after the supper service and took herself to the small room in the attic of the boarding house she had claimed as her own. Both Millie and Julianne had tried to talk her into taking a room on the second floor like her sisters, but Aileen knew those rooms were meant to be used by guests. She was perfectly happy in one of the small worker's rooms up in the attic. In reality, her sisters should have taken two of them as well, but she was sure that her younger, pr
etty sisters would soon have men come calling, men looking for a wife. Men her brother wouldn’t have a single problem allowing them to court.

  No, only the man she was interested in, the man who was fascinated by her, would be the one her brother would refuse to even consider as a match for any of them. She still couldn’t get the feel of that kiss off her lips. Her sisters had pestered her all day for the reason for her dreamy expression after she came home from shopping, so she knew they realized something more than shopping had taken place. She just prayed that they’d not say anything to Edwin or there would be a battle. Sterling was the man for her. She knew it, and her Da had all but confirmed it by showing up and telling her what a good and fine man he was. She was going to let him court her, kiss her and when he asked she was going to marry him, even if her brother didn’t approve.

  Just as she was preparing to change into her nightgown there came a knock at her door. She sighed and walked over to open it to Edwin’s smiling face. “I have good news for ye, lass.”

  “What are you yammering about, Winnywin? I thought you were out with Millie helping Reverend Bing meet up with his wife-to-be.”

  Her brother smiled. “Aye, I was and that’s where your good fortune comes in. After we rode to Topaz and the lass agreed to marry Callum, we followed them over to South Fork for their wedding, and after that I ran into an old friend of mine, Angus MacGregor. He owns a spread over in South Fork. I didn’t know he’d settled here. He and I came over on the boat from the old country. He’s a fine Scottish highlander, lass, and he’s looking ta find him a good Scottish lass for a wife. I told him all about ye, and he’s downstairs waiting ta meet ya.”

  Fear shot through her at Edwin’s words, followed by anger. “Ye brought him here with ye, brother? Without talking to me first to see if I was even interested in meeting the fella?”

  Edwin’s face showed his confusion. “I just thought of you when he mentioned looking for a Scottish lass to wed. He’s a bit too old for either Rhona or Isla, lass. Nevertheless, he’s just forty years old and would be perfect for ya. Now come downstairs and meet the lad, for crying out loud.”


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