Bridling Lucy (Horse Mountain Shifters Book 3)

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Bridling Lucy (Horse Mountain Shifters Book 3) Page 4

by Sierra Brave

  “No, Sir, but I want one someday.”

  “You’ll need to learn some responsibility first.”

  “Yes, Sir.”

  “Get back into position.”

  She complied without comment, giving him a terrific view of her underwear stretching over her big butt with even more cheek than before spilling out from below this time. Chance’s dick twitched and he sighed before resuming her punishment.

  He smacked one side and then the other, continually alternating as he besieged her bottom with his heavy palm. Even when he spread his fingers, he couldn’t quite completely cover one of her bouncy lobes. During this round, she huffed, and he heard at least one whimper yet she still arched her back and raised her bottom to meet each powerful lick. He grabbed her waistband and pulled until her undergarment scurried into the divide between her two pert lobes.

  While standing back to admire his work, he decided the rosy hue wasn’t quite sufficient for him to move on to the next step. To ensure her punishment produced the desired effect, he needed to inflict the perfect mix of pain and humiliation. Dragging the process out would amp up both.

  He unbuckled his belt and as he pulled it out of the loops with a whooshing sound, he heard Lucy gasp. She peered over her shoulder, but after meeting his gaze, she quickly faced front. He folded the belt and held both ends in one hand before lifting his arm in the air. She bristled at the sound made as the implement resisted the air and she jarred forward as the leather made contact with her ass. The resounding swack hung in the air above them.

  He held off for a few seconds, allowing her a bit of recovery time before delivering the next lick. As the belt connected with her ass, Lucy let out a squeak and her legs trembled. Chance repeated the process twice more before placing his hand on her bottom and caressing the punished flesh. He traced the edges of her undies with his fingertips and rubbed the angry-looking stripes beginning to appear. He licked his lips as he admired the impressive contrast of her progressively reddening rump against her flawless, white thighs. He was so caught up in his examination, he lost track of how much time he’d spent comforting her, but when he heard her moan, the sound shocked him back to his senses and he jerked his hand away.

  Fuck! That was close. His dick swelled and stiffened, making his pants uncomfortable. He rubbed his temples with one hand. What’s wrong with me, and why does she smell so fantastic? “Raise up, Lucy.”

  She climbed off the horse and he twirled her around before placing a finger beneath her chin. He gently nudged her to make her look at his face. “You took that well. Do you think you’ve learned your lesson or do you deserve more?”

  Her plump, kissable lips parted and she averted her gaze as a fresh redness covered her cheekbones. “Um…I.”

  “Don’t look away.” He rubbed his thumb back and forth under her chin, and as she stared straight at him, her eyes welled with unshed tears.

  Her bottom lip trembled. “Please finish my punishment.”

  Chance’s heart pounded uncontrollably. I tried to let her off the hook…unbelievable. Having his tactics backfire left him feeling far more ensnared than dominant. His hands trembled as he reached for the hem of her shirt. His parched throat made it difficult for him to speak so he swallowed hard before managing, “Lift your hands up over your head.”

  Lucy’s arms shot straight up in the air. He slipped her shirt off and hung it on an empty peg on the wall. Her bra held her breasts high and pushed them together, leaving less visible cleavage. When he reached around her and unfastened the garment they dropped and separating, exposing the lily white skin between as well as the soft curves surrounding the area.

  Without the bra, her body looked less top-heavy and showed off an appealing softness he longed to squeeze. He closed his eyes, resisting the urge to kiss her protruding nipples. While letting out the breath he was holding, he went down on one knee.

  “Sir, may I lower my arms now?”

  Oh, my God…I’m such an ass. He palmed his face. “Yes.” He hooked his thumbs underneath the sides of her underwear. She pressed her thighs together tightly, her body trembling until he nudged them open again and then yanked her panties down over her wide hips, leaving them dangling just above her knees.

  From his perspective, he had a direct view of the fuzzy patch of red hair crowning her entrance. He balled his hand up in a fist as a defense against his impulse to run his fingers through the enticing triangle of fur. He glanced upward. “Are you a natural redhead?”

  She blushed. “Yes, Sir.”

  “I bet it was beautiful. Why’d you bleach it?”

  She huffed, sounding angry for the first time during the punishment session. “My mother made me.”

  “Huh?” His head jerked back and his jaw dropped. “What?”

  “It’s a long story I’d just as soon forget, Sir.”

  Curiosity nipped at his brain, but he decided against prying. She could have her secrets as long as she behaved herself while she was a guest of his matriarch. He stood and then took hold of her arm before leading her back over the carpenter’s horse.

  “I’m going to give you five on the bare.”

  “Yes, Sir.” Her voice was barely a squeak.

  He stood back for a better look. “Spread your legs.”


  “I warned you I’d see everything.”

  “Yes, Sir.” She parted her legs as far as she could with her underwear still around her knees. “Is that good?”

  “Perfect.” He swallowed hard as he eyed her swollen pussy, glistening with wet arousal. His cock twitched and his head swam as her heady scent intoxicated him. “Ready?”

  “Yes, Sir.”

  He raised his belt up in the air and brought the leather down across her already hot and no doubt sore bottom. As the belt made contact, her ass jiggled and she squealed. He waited a couple of seconds before raising his arm again. The second lick made an equally satisfying sound. Chance sucked in his breath. He had to finish up fast or he was going to lose his mind. As he landed the third strike, he noticed her pink folds dripping and dropped the belt. “Shit!”

  Startled, Lucy looked over her shoulder. “Sir?”

  “Slipped. My hands must be sweaty,” He lied. His palms were a bit damp, but he knew damn well he hadn’t dropped the belt because of it.

  His gaze returned to the curvature of her fine bottom and her sopping pussy. He imagined dropping to his knees to kiss her stinging flesh before lapping up her juices.

  “Sir?” Lucy’s voice was breathy. “Is something wrong?”

  Hell no. Everything is way too right except I’ve let myself lose count. “I believe I owe you one more.”


  “Excuse me?”

  “Didn’t you say five, Sir?”

  “Uh, yeah. I guess I did.” He rubbed his forehead.

  “Well, do hurry up and give them to the girl so she can come inside and wash up for dinner.” As the matriarch’s voice surprised him, he whipped around to see her standing in the doorway holding a tube of lotion.

  “Ms. Banks?” Lucy jumped off the saw horse so fast she’d nearly landed on the floor before she caught her balance and looked at the matriarch in horror. Her face was an even deeper red than Chance had seen before and she seemed way more upset about the old lady seeing her taking a spanking than she had been about the visual feast he’d just devoured.

  Carolyn Banks waved her hand in front of her crinkled up nose. “Oh my, this small space is lousy with shifter pheromones. It’s enough to make one dizzy.” She laughed before smirking. Chance stood frozen as Lucy looked to him for direction. The old woman shook her finger at Lucy. “Get your fanny back over and take your two licks, girl.”

  In a flash, Lucy returned to her prior position, and Chance wasted no time delivering the last two swats but in fast succession this time around. As the last crack of the belt came down across her rear, Lucy clenched and cried out. Without sparing her a glance, Chance put his belt back on and
tipped his hat to Ms. Banks. “See you in the morning.”

  She coughed before shoving the lotion at him and tilting her head in Lucy’s direction. “The girl’s had her punishment. Now let her know she’s forgiven.” She turned on her heal and walked away.

  “Can I get up, Sir?”

  “Sure.” His mouth was so dry he could barely spit out the word. Lucy stood and began rubbing her butt while trying to look over her shoulder to check out the damage. “You took your punishment well. You want some lotion?”

  She glanced at him with misty eyes and pursed lips before nodding. “Yes, Sir.” She sniffled as she turned and presented her bottom to him, arching her back slightly. Any inclination she had to cover up seemed to have disappeared when Ms. Banks left the shed. He squirted a dollop of the cool lotion on his palm before reaching for her ass.

  The second his hand made contact, his pulse raged. His body temperature shot up faster than it would have in a sauna and he could have sworn he felt a magnetic current flowing between them. He caressed the cream into her skin as quickly as he could before snatching his hand away. Afterward, he gathered her clothes and passed them to her. “Get dressed. I’ll pick you up tomorrow morning.”

  He hurried out, stepping into the wide open space and breathing in as much fresh air as he could. As he strode away on the double, the matriarch, who was standing by the back porch of her house, stalled his departure. “See, I knew you were the right man for the job.” Her mocking smile rubbed him the wrong way, but there wasn’t a damn thing he could do about it.

  “I’m still not so sure.” His voice was gruff.

  She snorted. “You’re mother said you’d be stubborn.” He kept walking, lifting his hand in a polite wave while he rushed to his truck.

  As he drove about a mile down the road, he approached Davis’s large home and the small cabin right next door, also owned by the Banks family. Angrily, he pressed down on the gas and sped into his old buddy’s driveway. He hopped out and slammed the door before stomping up to the entrance and knocking hard, determined to give Davis a piece of his mind. He had a few choice words picked out, none of them nice.

  When a cute, plump blonde opened the door, her friendly smile threw him completely off guard. “Howdy.”

  This must be Davis’s fiancée, Scarlett. “Hey,” he replied, his head of steam dissipating. “Is Davis around?”

  “Sure. We were just getting ready to watch some Netflix. Won’t you come in, have a beer and join us?”

  He removed his hat. “Um…thank you, ma’am, but I just need to speak to him in private for a moment. Would you mind terribly asking him to come out here?”

  “Not at all.” She slipped back inside and a moment later Davis emerged wearing a shit-eating grin.

  After he stepped outside, he closed the door behind him. “What’s up?”

  Chance narrowed his eyes and shook his head as he balled his fist up by his side. “You stinky, fart-knocking turd! You knew exactly what your Gram was playing at and didn’t even warn me.” Davis burst out laughing, slapping the side of his leg as he did. Chance stood still, glaring at his friend until the smart ass stopped howling. “I fail to see the humor in lettin’ your buddy get bushwhacked.”

  “Oh, God…I’m dying.” Davis huffed and puffed leaning on the door until he caught his breath. “That was some harsh language there. I think I’m shaking.”

  “Shut up. I had a lot more colorful stuff ready to go but when your little lady opened the door looking so happy and being pleasant, it all went flying out of my head.”

  “Yeah, disarming people is a gift of hers. Maybe it’s because she’s in sales.” He paused, rubbing his chin as he pursed his lips, likely to silence another laughing spell. “Look, Gram’s going to do what she wants anyway, and if I told you ahead of time, you would have resisted.”

  “You’re damn right I would’ve.” He clenched his jaw as he tapped his fist against the side of his thigh.

  “Come on now—this is a good thing. I don’t know how the hell she does it. Maybe it’s the wisdom and intuition that comes with advanced age or maybe it’s some crazy six sense, but Gram’s always spot on with stuff like this. Tell me…when you’re around that girl does your head start spinning?”

  Chance’s nostrils flared as he frowned. “No way.” That’s a lie. “It’s just super annoying to be saddled with babysitting. She’s maddening and I can’t wait for her to go back home. Another lie—My horse might turn me inside out trying to follow her if she leaves.

  “Really?” Davis grinned, obviously not buying it. “Cause Gram called Scarlett about ten minutes before you got here and said you’d had that girl in the woodshed for quite some time.”

  Chance’s eyes widened and his jaw dropped. “That gossipy, old—“

  “Hey! Hey now! Watch what you say.” Davis placed a hand on Chance’s shoulder and his expression grew serious.

  He held his tongue. “This is exactly why I decided not to live on the mountain. Everybody knows everyone else’s business.”

  Davis snickered. “Like that sprawling acreage inhabited by wolf shifters is any better.”

  Chance sighed. “True enough.”

  “How does Lucy smell?”

  “Fantastic,” Chance blurted out without thinking. Shit!

  Davis ran a hand through his hair and smiled. “My advice is don’t fight it. You’ll be happier.”

  “She’s way too young for me!”

  “You’re not even thirty yet. She’s a grown woman. And I’m pretty sure she’s your woman as in the one.”

  “Shut the gaping, flapping hole in your head. I swear I’ll get you for this one day.”

  Davis snorted. “I’ll be on the lookout for a dead fish in my truck,” He referred back to some of the prank wars of their youth as Chance stormed off.

  After dinner, which she had mostly picked at, and a warm shower, Lucy dressed in her pajamas and got into bed. She rested on her stomach and took a few moments to rub her sore behind as she recalled the events of the day. The shock of being hauled across Chance’s lap had thrown her for a loop, but after her initial anger wore off, the arousal had been palpable. He might not have wanted to admit it, but the bulge in his pants showed he’d felt the attraction just as strongly.

  She sighed, pushing her face into her pillow as her pussy throbbed. She closed her eyes, picturing Chance’s face, especially his piercing eyes and the thick, dark eyebrows that framed them. In search of relief, she rose up on her elbows and knees before slipping her hand beneath the waistband of her satin sleep shorts. She palmed her swollen, wet cleft as she imagined ripping the buttons off his uniform shirt and peeling it off his shoulders. Even with his physique fully dressed, she could tell he had a hard, muscular body. She pictured well-defined abs with a fabulous V leading down beneath his pants.

  Lucy panted, slipping a finger inside her opening, probing, looking for the best spot. She added another digit but her fingers weren’t long enough to get her off with penetration only. She needed a huge, fat cock inside of her…Chance’s cock, but she’d have to make do. Carefully, she rolled onto her back, grimacing as her fanny pushed against the mattress. She spread her legs and rubbed her juices over her folds and the nub of throbbing flesh above. As a moan escaped her lips, she covered her mouth with her free hand.

  Images of Chance lifting her up in his arms before driving his dick into her pussy sent her head spinning. She rubbed vigorously, bucking her hips, dreaming each movement was him pounding into her. Sweat tinged her skin as her body heated up like an inferno. Her thighs trembled and she pressed down on her clit as she reached climax.

  She pushed her covers off and sat upright to lower the temperature of her smoldering body as she panted. After a moment, she dropped backward, smacking her head against the pillow as she wiped the perspiration from her forehead.

  Why did I agree to be punished? Why did I like it? She contemplated her upbringing. Most of the time, her parents had seemed more like kids than she
had. She’d learned to be self-reliant early on. If she hadn’t, she’d have never had any clean clothes to wear much less graduated high school. Her stepfather ran his mouth a lot, demanding she obey him, but he never lifted a hand to her even when she acted like a total brat.

  She recalled times when Craw insisted she unload the dishwasher or perform some other menial chore, and she’d ignored him or told him to do it himself. She didn’t like him bossing her around while he sat on his butt tossing back beers and watching television, but in the end, she’d always ended up cleaning up everything when she ran out of bowls for her ramen noodles or needed a clean knife to spread some peanut butter over bread.

  More than half the girls she graduated with couldn’t change a tire or balance a checkbook, but she’d had to learn to do those things and more. Craw couldn’t be counted on for anything, and her mom wasn’t much better. Things were better before they moved to Nevada, but afterward, Lucy never knew if she’d come home to a hot meal or an empty house. As long as she passed her grade and her mama didn’t have to come to the school, Dora couldn’t have cared less if she made an A or a D. Maybe if I’d been encouraged to focus on my school work, I’d have gone to college. She sighed. Handing the reigns to someone else for a little while might be a nice break for me.

  She recalled the look on Chance’s face when she’d admitted she hadn’t done her best work at the ranch. Does he really care about me or is he just following orders? Her thoughts drifted to her trip to the woodshed, and the way he took his time, lovingly warming up her rear. He could have just picked up that razor strap and beat the crap out of me hard and fast. Until the last one, he even paused between licks to let me recover.

  Her stomach churned as she remembered the embarrassment of having been bent over, naked and completely vulnerable only for him to tell her to spread her legs. As a shifter nudity didn’t bother her much, but having him take control and strip her naked had been absolutely humiliating; yet, allowing him to be completely in charge had been exciting. I actually trusted him even though I knew he was going to hit me…it’s crazy. Why’s he so special? I scarcely know the man, and yet…Her heart pounded and she closed her eyes, afraid to contemplate the implications.


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