Bridling Lucy (Horse Mountain Shifters Book 3)

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Bridling Lucy (Horse Mountain Shifters Book 3) Page 13

by Sierra Brave

“She’s staying in a huge mansion with some old guy. I figured she’d come home after she was done fleecing him.”

  Lucy pinched the bridge of her nose as her face burned with embarrassment and shame. Parker and Joanie had to think they were watching the world’s trashiest reality show. “Classy. I thought you two stopped trying to pull that shit after we had to flee Biloxi.”

  “I thought so too, but why else would she come back here after so long?”

  She gritted her teeth. “To beg her father to pay your gambling debts and keep you from selling me into marriage.”

  Grayson’s head jerked back and he lifted an eyebrow. “Don’t worry, babe. I’ll cover what your dad owes. Since he’s going to be family, I’ll let him pay it back at his leisure without any interest. I promise I’ll do everything possible to make you happy.”

  She glanced at the huge bear shifter as he peered at her with puppy dog eyes. He wasn’t horrible-looking, but he wasn’t her type at all. Plus he was such a dork she’d never be able to stand living with him. Her stomach sank as she pictured staring at his dumb-looking face across the breakfast table every morning. She couldn’t even imagine kissing him, much less going to bed with him.

  Craw interrupted to respond to her accusation. “I’m not sure how sunbathing out by the pool while drinking Patrón on ice is begging. Your mama’s been living large, and you will be too once you marry Grayson. As far as being sold goes, it’s customary in our clan for the groom’s family to pay a bride price to the bride’s family.”

  Lucy frowned. “No offense, Grayson, but you’re a pimp. I know it’s legal where we live, but…I’m not with it.”

  He wagged his head while waving off her comment. “That’s just business. It wouldn’t have anything to do with our marriage. Besides, I own a brothel but I'm no pimp. I take good care of my girls, but it’s all very professional. These women are independent contractors and they make bank. No one is there that doesn’t want to be.”

  One side of Lucy’s lips pinched as she lifted an eyebrow. “Since you like them so much, why not marry one of the ladies working for you?”

  He scrunched up his nose. “They’re humans. Didn’t you hear about that mixed couple in Mobile? A were-bear mated with a human and they had a baby who couldn’t even shift.” He shuddered.

  Lucy waved him off. “Bullshit. That’s just shifter-purist garbage. You can’t believe everything you read in an internet chat.”

  Grayson shrugged. “I’m not one of those prejudice douchebags, but I’m not attracted to humans either. They smell funny.”

  She held up her palm toward him as she looked at Craw with narrowed eyes. “Let’s just put a pin in that discussion. How did you know where we were?”

  Craw tapped his fingers on the couch cushion. “Didn’t take no genius. Your mama’s got kin here. I didn’t think too much about you two taking off until I didn’t hear from either of you for over a week. Got worried. Tracked you down. Let’s go home, girl.”

  She glanced back and forth between Grayson and Craw. There was no way in hell she was going to marry Grayson, but since she’d been found, there was no reason she couldn’t return home. It’s not like anything’s tying me here. Chance will be glad to be rid of me since I’m such a burden and imposition, especially after his cousins fill him in on what kind of upbringing I had. She turned her head and met Joanie’s gaze. “Thank you for looking out for me, but I think I need to go.”

  Chance and Davis moved the two medium-sized boxes filled with Lucy’s stuff from Davis’s truck to Chance’s vehicle. “Is this all she had?”

  “Apparently, she traveled light.” Davis smirked.

  Chance studied his friend’s face. “What’s with the look?”

  He lifted one shoulder and then dropped it while chortling. “I’m impressed you managed to convince her to move in with you.”

  Chance looked down at Davis’s feet while rubbing the back of his neck. “About that…it’s complicated.”

  The smirk faded from Davis’s face. “What the hell did you do?”

  “What’s that supposed to mean?” His voice was shriller than he’d meant for it to be.

  “I mean you were always a great guy to have blocking for me on the football field, but for as long as I’ve known you, compromise has never been your thing. Every relationship requires some give and take. You can’t always have your way.”

  Chance frowned while wagging his head. “You mean the right way?”

  Davis laughed. “You’re hopeless, and you’re fucking up.”

  “Bullshit. I just need to keep her safe to fulfill your gram’s request. Soon enough she’ll go back to Las Vegas, and once she’s gone, my horse will stop going nuts inside me. One true mate, my ass. She’s too young for me. She puts herself in danger, and she won’t listen to reason.”

  “And you’re in love with her.” The expression on Davis’s face made Chance want to punch him.

  “Shut up.” He stuck up his middle finger. “The bachelor lifestyle suits me just fine.”

  “No offense, but you have no idea what you’re talking about. When Scarlett travels for work and has to spend the night away from home, I can hardly sleep, and my stomach feels so sick I don’t want to eat.”

  Chance released a heavy sigh as he threw his hands in the air. “What am I supposed to do? I guess I pushed her a little too far. Now she hates me.”

  Davis removed his hat and pushed his hair away from his brow. “I doubt she hates you. She’s just pissed. I recommend apologizing and begging for forgiveness.”

  Chance’s eyes bugged out as his jaw dropped. “Yeah, that will be suave and oh, so cool.”

  As Davis’s laughter filled the air between them, Chance’s nostrils flared and he gritted his teeth. “It’s pretty much your only move.”

  Before Chance could reply, his cellphone rang. He looked at the display and saw his cousin, Dominic’s name and number. He’d put in a call to him earlier asking him to use his police contacts to track down the cellphone number he’d gotten from the men looking for Lucy. “I need to take this.” He waved goodbye to Davis as he walked around to the driver’s side of his truck. “Hey, did you find them?”

  “I’m a deputy sheriff. You think I can’t track a cellphone?”

  “Of course, you can. Where are they?”

  “That’s the bad news. Cell phone coverage is spotty around the mountain and the farther up, the worse it is, but I was able to triangulate a general area.”

  Chance sucked in his breath. “And?”

  “They appear to be headed toward your neck of the woods.” The words hit Chance hard, nearly taking the wind out him. His heart seized and he saw red as thoughts of those two jackasses hurting Lucy ran through his head.”

  “Thanks for your help. I’ve got to go.”

  “Sure thing. Remind your daddy he owes me a darts rematch.”

  “Will do.” As he rushed to climb behind the wheel, he dialed Joanie’s number. She answered on the first ring. “Is Lucy safe?” He could hear the desperation in his own voice.

  “I don’t think she was ever in any real danger, but you should get here right away if you ever want to see her again.”

  “Understood.” Chance hung up before starting the engine and driving off as fast as he could. Even with the air conditioner on full blast, his uniform shirt was soaked with sweat. His body was on fire, and his ears were ringing. What the fuck is wrong with me? I can’t let her go. I won’t.

  He pushed down on the accelerator, gunning down the road as fast as his vehicle could go. He even turned on his patrol vehicle’s flashing lights, but with the way his head was spinning, he was afraid to blare the siren.

  Not much longer. Nearly there. Normally, he was an excellent driver, but his hands were shaking and his chest felt as if it could explode at any moment. The truck hit a pothole hard and nearly veered off the road. Chance managed to correct and keep her on the road, but a loud pop told him he’d lost his front right tire. Son of a mother f
ucking bitch!

  He pulled over to the side of the road before putting the gear shift in park and then banging his fists on the steering wheel. I don’t have time for this crap…I’ll have to call one of the Lowrey boys to tow me back home later. He surveyed the area. He was on a rural road only about a half mile from his place and the closest house was owned by horse shifters.

  I’m going to get killed if any humans see me shift out in broad daylight. Fuck it. He stripped off his clothes before sliding to the passenger side. He hopped out and then crouched behind his truck. Normally, he liked to stretch before transforming but as elevated as his body temperature was, a cold shift wouldn’t be a problem. He took a deep breath and as his limbs morphed, he hit the ground running as the rest of him changed.

  He charged up the street as fast as he could. Luckily there wasn’t any traffic at the moment. He was almost home when he recognized the vehicle headed his way.

  Lucy sat in the back seat of Grayson’s jeep as he drove to the house where they’d last seen her mama. Craw rode shotgun. She looked out the window at all the pretty scenery. She’d miss the natural beauty of the mountains when she got home. If she was being honest with herself, she’d miss Chance too, but now wasn’t the time for self-awareness. “Ugh! What’s that smell?” She pinched her nose while Craw rolled down his window.

  Craw looked over his shoulder. “Grayson had a big breakfast.”

  “Gross.” She scrunched up her nose as she glared at Grayson in his rearview mirror. “You’re disgusting.” She pointed at him. “You disgust me.”

  The edges of his mouth turned upward and he laughed. “You’re just too sensitive. You’ll get used to it.”

  There is no way in hell I’m marrying that jackass. She resumed looking out the window as she tried to think of a way to break it to the idiot that he’d traveled halfway across the country for a woman who wanted nothing to do with him. She rubbed her temples as a dull ache spread over her forehead.

  “Fuck!” Grayson bellowed as he slammed on the breaks. Lucy’s seatbelt tightened across her chest and she gasped as she saw Chance’s horse blocking the path. “These rustic motherfuckers around here need to learn to keep their damn livestock off the street.”

  As the bear shifter honked his horn, Chance reared up and whinnied. Lucy’s heart pounded, and she tugged at her collar as her temperature rose. “That’s no ordinary horse. Go around.” She struggled to fill her lungs with air as she rubbed her chest.

  Grayson attempted to maneuver the jeep, but the horse turned sideways. “I’m going to fuck that horse up.”

  “Don’t you dare,” Lucy managed to utter as she hyperventilated.

  Craw turned around in his seat. “You okay, baby girl?”

  She shook her head, unable to make a sound. Craw grabbed his bottled water from the cup holder and then handed it to her. After she unscrewed the cap, she gulped down most of what was left.

  “Do you need to go to the hospital?” Craw reached back and then patted her hand.

  “No.” Her voice was low. She pointed behind her as she opened her mouth again. After a few seconds, she forced the words out. “Go back.” He took off in reverse before whipping the vehicle around and heading in the direction they’d come from. She turned and watched as Chance’s horse chased after them.

  Soon enough they pulled into Chance’s driveway, but Grayson drove around behind the house to park. As the bear shifter hopped out of the jeep, Lucy noticed his hands as they morphed into paws with formidable claws. No, no, no—this is bad.

  After Craw exited the vehicle he turned around to help Lucy. “Do you need to rest?”

  The sound of hooves beating against the concrete driveway rang in her ears, and she shook her head while trembling. “Stop them.” As much as she wanted to burst out of the car and halt the train wreck about to happen, she couldn’t make her body move.

  “What’s your fucking problem?” Grayson took an imposing stance as he sneered at the horse. The beautiful equine trotted around toward the back deck before morphing into an even more stunning man with flowing black hair and a naked body to die for. “Hey, aren’t you…yeah, you’re the game warden.”

  “That’s right. What the hell are you doing with my filly?” Chance’s nostrils flared as his muscles rippled.

  “You mean my fiancé?” Grayson opened his arms the way an eagle spreads its wings as if to challenge Chance.

  “She’s mine, and you’re not taking her.” His words nearly took Lucy’s breath away.

  I’ve got to stop them. She swung her legs around toward the open door and reached for the hand Craw was offering her.

  Grayson’s voice boomed. “You really want to do this? I could rip you to shreds.”

  “I know, and you’ll have to. I’ll die before I let you take her.” He put up his hands in front of him and crouched in a defensive stance. Two wolves Lucy suspected were Joanie and Clay rushed out, already howling.

  Lucy found her voice as tears flowed down her face. “Grayson, you don’t want to see how a pack of wolves take down a bear. Please…don’t hurt him.”

  The sounds of more wolves howling seemed to come from every direction and Lucy saw a few already closing the gap between their position and the action. Grayson shifted his hands back to normal before balling them into fists. “No need for anybody to die, but we can still do this like men? Come at me, bro.”

  As Chance launched his body toward Grayson, Lucy rushed over and put herself between them. “Stop it.” The words had barely left her mouth when he rammed into her like an eighteen-wheeler smacking into a tree. The impact stole the breath from her lungs, but somehow Chance managed to tuck her into his arms and maneuver their weight sideways so he took the brunt of the fall. After they hit the ground, he rolled over on top. His hard body crushed her beneath him, holding her down and preventing her from inhaling enough air. A dizzy haze filled her head as she instinctively wrapped her legs around his body. As his lips pressed against hers, she opened her mouth, allowing his tongue inside to pair with hers.

  She could hear Grayson screaming and cussing but couldn’t make out what he was saying. Time seemed to stand still as her heartbeat and respiration synched with Chance’s. Any doubts about him being her fated mate melted away. After he broke the kiss, Lucy peered up at his handsome face while she sucked in as much oxygen as she could. “I love you. I won’t let anyone else have you.” Chance’s voice was breathy. “I’m sorry. I was stubborn and a complete asshole. I’ll do whatever it takes to convince you to stay.”

  She licked her swollen lips and rubbed her head. The world seemed to phase back into perspective just before her ears picked up on Grayson’s voice. “Get off of her!”

  She attempted to squirm out from under Chance’s firm body but couldn’t budge. “You’re heavy.”

  “Sorry.” He rolled off of her before standing and then helping her up. He ran his hands along her body, pressing gently as if examining her. “You okay?”

  She rubbed her shoulders and stretched. “I’ll be sore tomorrow, but I’m tough as nails.”

  He grabbed her around the waist and pulled her to his chest. “Good.” He kissed her on the side of her head. “So sorry…I would never…”

  She pushed him away, flailing like a fish as she pounded her fists on his chest. “You need to learn to control your temper. You could have been hurt.”

  “Me? I’m fine.” He flinched allowing her to vent some of her anger.

  “Yeah! Kick his ass and tell him you’re going home with me.” Grayson’s words washed over her like a bucket of ice water dumped over her head. Chance caught her gaze and his facial expression made it was obvious they were thinking the same thing.

  How can anyone be so stupid? She turned to face her unwanted suitor. “Grayson, I’m so sorry you came all the way here for me. I feel bad for you, but regardless of…even if I didn’t love Chance, I couldn’t…wouldn’t marry you.”

  The bear shifter’s entire body seemed to shrink
a bit as his lips curved downward and his eyes filled with sadness. He looked away from Lucy and then focused his gaze on Craw, his brows lowered and his lips pursed together. “You told me she wanted to be my wife.”

  Lucy’s stepfather shrunk back in fear as he shrugged. “I thought she did.”

  “You’re a fucking idiot.” Grayson pulled off the ball cap he was wearing and started smacking Craw with it. Lucy reached over and snatched the hat from him. “Stop acting like a kid.” She turned her attention to her stepfather. “Go get, mama.”

  Craw nodded. “Alright.”

  Once Craw and Grayson headed down the road, Chance took Lucy’s hand and led her into the house and then to the living room sofa. As they sat down next to each other, Lucy enjoyed the view of his bulging biceps. He glanced her way and ran his hand through her hair. “We should talk.”

  Lucy bit down on her bottom lip as she squinted. “We can try, but you are very naked and frankly, it’s distracting.”

  A cocky smile turned the edges of his mouth upwards as his face light up. “Is that right? I thought nudity was nothing to you.”

  She shrugged while absently licking her lips. “Usually. I guess you’re special.”

  He brushed his thumb across her cheek. “You know…I think I heard you say something about being in love with me out there.”

  She turned her head, hiding her face. “I don’t know what you’re talking about. I don’t remember saying—Mmm.” He cut off her lies with a peck on the lips.

  A smacking sound intoned as he broke the kiss. “So...I guess that’s what you were hiding from me—a fiancé?

  She scrunched up her nose. “Ew, no. Give me a little credit.”

  Chance held her hand. “I don’t know. Some women wouldn’t find him terrible looking and it seems like he comes from money. A lot of girls would go for that sort of thing.”

  She snatched her hand away from him as she looked at him with wide eyes. “Oooh, no, no, no.” She waved one finger back and forth as she wagged her head in time with the movement of her digit. “First off, I’m not most girls. Second off…did I say ew? He’s such an idiot.”


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