Sacred Water, Book 2, The Time Before

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Sacred Water, Book 2, The Time Before Page 9

by Charles Kaluza

Chapter 8

  Morning light arrived accompanied by the sounds of woodwork. Daniel and Heather lay together, savoring the moment. The worries of the present soon intruded on their peacefulness and Daniel began to think of his injured patients and Heather of the planning she needed to do. Daniel arose first saying, "I wish to leave you not but I should check on the injured. I would break fast with you in about an hour."

  After her morning ritual, Heather went to meet with Captain John. He was happy with their progress, saying, "We should be ready to apply the first layer of pitch by midday. She'll be good as new in another day."

  Heather said, "This is good. We of the Forest would like to proceed on with your voyage of exploration."

  Captain John’s eyebrows went up just the slightest as the implication of the "we" sank in. He did not respond for several minutes as he considered the challenges of sailing on with extra bodies on board and limited supplies. Heather waited patiently for his response. At last he spoke, "The repairs should be adequate but it would be better to have a master shipbuilder inspect them before beginning the journey. We would also need additional supplies. The journey may be quite dangerous."

  Heather replied, "The times themselves are dangerous. We would accompany you to see these lands where Daniel was to be taken. Better to know the danger we as a people will face. Could we not stop at the Southern Kingdom and have their shipbuilders inspect the ship?"

  "Aye, we could, but what of your father?"

  It was Heather's turn for contemplation as she recalled the visit from her grandmother. She replied, "I would send a message to my father from the guard camp in the normal passage. I was sent on this journey, with my father's blessing, to rescue Daniel. I fear for the times ahead and expect that continuing the journey may help rescue our people from a great danger. My father will understand."

  Captain John responded, "My crew and I are pledged to your service. We will do as you ask. We sail at first light on the morrow."

  Heather asked, "What help can those of the Forest provide?"

  "Manning of the pumps has been a great help, but that task should be ending. My crew would appreciate more fresh meat if it would be possible."

  Heather smiled, saying, "I think my hunters would be happy for an excuse to be ashore, and if game is available we will have fresh meat."

  One of the crew needed to ask a question and their meeting was ended. Heather left and returned to where those of the Forest were having their morning meal. Daniel had just arrived from checking on the injured. He handed Heather a plate with some meat and bread and asked, "How was the meeting with Captain John?"

  "We will sail at first light with a stop at the guard station in the normal passage and again at the Southern Kingdom for a complete inspection of the ship. He has asked if more fresh meat could be obtained."

  Jeremy spoke up saying, "This is something we can handle. We may be able to find some deer along the shore as well as the lion of the Sea."

  Before he could go on, Heather interrupted saying, "I would that only half go ashore and the other half stay aboard to help with the pumps and continue as lookouts."

  A discussion ensued about who would go and who would stay. All would have preferred hunting, but they quickly divided the task and Jeremy left to prepare. Elrod continued to organize those who would stay aboard. As the room emptied of people Daniel asked, "What does the day hold in store for my love?"

  Heather's expression changed from a faraway look of planning to the radiant smile of a young bride. She replied, "I would have some time for planning but mostly I would spend time with Daniel of Issip, my husband. And what are your plans my husband?"

  "The injured are doing well and I would hope to spend the day with my wife. The weather holds and I would walk on the beach with her."

  The short day went quickly as Heather and Daniel explored the small beach. Daniel was like a little boy picking up every shell he came across and trying to picture the creature who had used it as a home. Heather was content to hold his hand and breathe deeply of the salt air. The worries of the past several days melted away, and the worries of the future were distant enough not to intrude on her present. They sat just below the snow line and watched the sun set between the ocean ahead of them and the mountains extending to the right. There were enough clouds to make a spectacular but short-lived sunset. The night settled quickly and they returned to where the dinghy was waiting. Several of the hunters were also returning and they would indeed have fresh meat tonight.

  The evening meal included fresh venison and the atmosphere was festive. Captain John and his crew shared in the meal and the stories that followed. People came and went as duties called, but the evening itself was a celebration of Daniel's rescue and of the adventure that was about to begin.

  Morning came and all were awakened by the raising of the anchor. The ship began to move as the deck and mast creaked. It was a good day with a steady breeze and only moderate seas. Near nightfall, the lookout identified the headland of the normal passage. Captain John was confident enough of the ship and his knowledge of the water that he sailed on as night descended. They sailed past the guard post of the Southern Kingdom and on to the northern narrows with its guard post of the Northern Kingdom. They were brightly lit to identify themselves and were met by a small craft from the guard post.

  Captain John hailed the craft saying, "We sail for the King of the Northern Kingdom and request permission to drop anchor."

  The official aboard the boat replied, "Before you decide to drop anchor, I bring you an envoy from the King with a message for the Princess."

  Captain John called our orders for trimming the sails to maintain their position and responded to the official by saying, "We welcome the envoy on board and will hold our position."

  The small boat approached and a rope ladder was lowered. A man began climbing the ladder with only a short hesitation. As he reached the gunnel, helping hands reached out to bring him aboard. He had no sooner stood up when Heather recognized the young priest. She said, "We welcome you aboard. I would hear the message from my father."

  The young priest bowed and said, "Princess, I bring you greetings from your father and his Queen." Seeing Daniel, a smile appeared on his face and he said, "To see the healer from the Forest is a good thing. Your mission has been successful and for that I give thanks to the God of the Sacred Water."

  Heather asked, "Do you have other news?"

  The young priest looked somewhat embarrassed before replying, "I have a message for you from your father, but only for your ears."

  Heather nodded and led the way to the cabin of the Red Ambassador. She opened the door and the small lamp was burning. She turned up the lamp as the young priest closed the door. Looking around he said, "The ship is yet as it was when we brought your father home. Seeing you and your Daniel both well is an answer to my prayers."

  "And the message?"

  The young priest looked up and began to speak in a voice which almost sounded like her father saying, "Tell my daughter that the times are more dangerous than I had thought. There are those in the palace whose loyalties are not with the kingdom. It would be best if you did not return to the palace until your and Daniel’s safety can be assured. I will miss you mightily but your safety is more important. I have sent one whom we both trust to deliver this message."

  Heather asked, "My father, is he all right?"

  "His strength continues to improve but his spirits suffered when he discovered some in the palace had betrayed Daniel and the kingdom."

  "Were they of the church?"

  A look of deep sadness came upon the young priest as he replied, "Some were. It appears the agents of the Red Ambassador have infiltrated both kingdoms. It is a dangerous time."

  Heather changed the subject saying, "We will be departing on a voyage of discovery. Do you wish to join us?"

  "I like not the sickness of the sea but yes, I would join you."

  "I need to send a message back to my father. Would those who brought you be willing to carry the message?"

  "I was brought on one of the military ships which awaits word from you. I would trust the captain because I sense no disloyalty in him."

  Heather handed him the letter she had already written and said, "Deliver this letter to the captain and obligate him to deliver it to my father. Return to us and join our journey."

  Heather walked with the young priest back to where he had boarded their ship. Daniel came up to her side and they watched the young priest descend the ladder. The small boat had no sooner cast off and Heather said, "We need to meet with Captain John."

  They met with Captain John in his small cabin. Heather summarized the message from her father and requested permission to bring the young priest along. Captain John was thoughtful before responding, "I have not much use for those of the church but your young priest is special and I would welcome him aboard. I agree with your assessment but would recommend we take our prisoners to the Southern Kingdom rather than leaving them here at the guard station. I know firsthand how secure the dungeons are in the palace of the Southern Kingdom."

  Heather said, "I would meet with King Jason and Arthur, but in secrecy. How much time will we have in port?"

  "If the shipbuilder is available, three days should be plenty for any final repairs and obtaining additional supplies."

  "Those of the Forest will want to go ashore, but perhaps it would be best if they stayed aboard and contact was limited. I would expect agents of the Red Ambassador will be around. I will plan on a way of contacting King Jason."

  Daniel spoke up saying, "It will be hard on those of the Forest to keep them closed up. Maybe we could drop them off before we arrive in port so they could do some hunting."

  Heather was torn between the security of having her hunters aboard and their need of freedom. She replied, "Could we stop at the place you called Smuggler’s Cove and allow some of the hunters to go in search of game?"

  Captain John responded, "It is somewhat out of our way, but doable. How will you make contact with King Jason?"

  "I will ask Betty to be my envoy. She will attract little attention and be trusted by the King and Arthur."

  The discussion turned towards the amount of supplies needed and how to procure them without causing significant suspicion. They had little money or trading goods with them because of their unexpected departure. Daniel finally interrupted saying, "The God of the Sacred Water will provide."

  The lookout called the approach of a boat and they returned to the deck to watch the young priest come aboard. He came only with a small knapsack. Daniel said, "You travel like one of the Forest."

  The young priest responded, "I have learned some of the ways of the Forest. I had little time for preparation and mostly brought what I had used before. I put my trust in the God of the Sacred Water."

  Captain John began calling out orders and the ship gradually began moving forward as the sails filled, turning back to the south. The weather mostly held with only brief squalls of rain mixed with snow and moderate winds. They arrived at the secluded Smuggler’s Cove and half of the hunters departed the ship to ply their trade and obtain more meat. Captain John admonished them to be ready for pickup in four days, just after midday sun. Heather assured him they would be ready. The crew and the rest of those of the Forest proceeded on to the shipyard in the Southern Kingdom. Captain John was not comfortable sailing up the river in the darkness, so he turned out to sea and the safety of the deep water.

  With the coming of morning light, they turned again toward shore and soon found the river mouth. The tide was ebbing strongly and Captain John did not cross the bar until the ebb had almost stopped. The crossing was smooth and as the flood tide began their progress up the river improved dramatically. Heather stood with Captain John but could not discern the code of the river as he steered around sand bars. He explained, "The surface of the water reveals what is upstream from what you see. Rocks make the water tumble just downstream but sandbars are subtler and make the water currents curve like a ribbon. I just follow the ribbon upstream. Coming downstream is harder because the ribbon is less distinct."

  Heather imagined one of her mother's ribbons gently curving away from her and could actually see the current flow. It wasn't anything definite, just a feeling of the water’s character. She stood for over an hour watching the water ahead and imagining her ribbon. Her thoughts were interrupted when Captain John asked, "Which way ahead?"

  "The ribbon flows to the right past the point ahead and then turns fairly sharply to the left."

  Captain John replied, "We will make you one of the Sea yet."

  Heather replied, "I am learning not to fear the sea but I think I will always be more comfortable ashore. I have learned to appreciate the skills of those of the Sea."

  "We all have much to learn of the sea. She does not tolerate arrogance. A wonderful mistress she is, but the most demanding one. We will reach the shipyard in about an hour."

  Heather said, "I will take my leave to finish my planning. Thank you for the lesson."

  Heather saw just the slightest nod from Captain John as he acknowledged her departure. She went and found Jeremy, who was regaling Daniel and some others of the Forest with a story. She sat quietly next to Daniel, listening as the story was finished. When the laughter and comments had settled down she said, "Jeremy of Issip, I would send Betty as an envoy to King Jason. Do you think you could deliver her without detection by those in the palace?"

  Jeremy thought for but a minute before replying, "Two ways seem possible. Using Daniel's old man camouflage would work but I'm not sure I can look as old and decrepit as Daniel. It would seem simpler to just scale the high wall and enter his chamber window directly."

  "Have you your climbing rope?"

  "No, but the rope those of the Sea use is good. If they will let me use a long coil it will be sufficient. Betty is good on the rope and we will have no trouble."

  Heather looked at Daniel for confirmation and he simply nodded his head in agreement. She asked, "And how will you recognize his chamber window?"

  Jeremy replied, "His chamber is just to the east of the high north wall. I will scale this wall and then listen."

  Heather then understood as she remembered the loud snoring of King Jason. It seemed a good plan. She said, "I leave to work with Betty on the message. When would you depart for the palace?"

  "If we left a bit early we could stop at a tavern for some refreshments."

  Heather had to smile at the suggestion and replied, "This would be part of staying unrecognized?"

  "No, just a thought. If we skipped the tavern, we would need about three hours to position ourselves for the climb. Jason is not early to bed, so perhaps about nightfall we would leave."

  "I would you would take another with you to keep watch."

  Jeremy looked at Daniel but Heather shook her head saying, "Maybe another of the Forest would be better."

  Jeremy smiled his big smile telling Daniel, "I tried to spring you for awhile; you could do with a trip to the tavern following your basket adventure." Turning towards Heather he said, "It is a good plan. I will have another of the Forest with us."

  Heather left to work with Betty on the message. It was a simple request for a secret meeting to discuss the developments and request help. Betty practiced reciting the message several times before she was happy with her ability to relay Heather's request. They had a couple hours before heading out and Heather suggested she try and get some sleep.

  Heather left Betty in the cabin and sought out Captain John. Some of the workmen who had originally built the ship had already arrived and were working to rebuild the damaged areas to original strength. Captain John noticed Heather standing by and moved to her side saying, "These men do good work. What do you need?"

  Heather replied, "I would create a list of supplies we will need for our

  "Already done." Captain John handed her a sheet with columns carefully drawn. Most of the requested items were quite logical but the final item was listed as "trading items" and she was unsure what they were.

  Captain John explained, "We know not what sort of people we may encounter. Having gifts to share may be important."

  "What sort of gifts?"

  "If you tell me what sort of people we will be meeting, I will tell you what sort of gifts we should bring."

  Heather now understood and replied, "If we discover people more primitive than ourselves, we will need simple gifts. If those we meet our more advanced, different gifts would be appropriate. A decision best left for King Jason, for he is the philosophical one."

  After a minute of silence Heather asked, "And if we meet people like the Red Ambassador?"

  Captain John looked down at the deck and without raising his head replied, "I would expect major problems."

  Jeremy and his two companions left after the evening meal had been taken. Heather watched them depart, feeling some anxiety for their safety. Daniel was at her side and she asked, "Would you have gone with Jeremy?"

  "It would have been a good adventure, but I am not the best on watch. No, your plan is better and I needed not more adventure right now."

  Heather snuggled under his arm as they watched the last of the color disappear from the evening sky. The days were getting longer but the change was not yet much noticeable. They returned to the area used for eating and listened to the stories of the evening. Without Jeremy the level of laughter was somewhat more subdued, but the stories of the old times were well worth listening to. Heather found her thoughts wandering to Betty and questioning her decision on secrecy. She was brought back to the present when Daniel whispered into her ear. She found herself smiling and blushing at the same time. They excused themselves and returned to their cabin.

  The morning sky had just the earliest tinge of pink when Heather heard the commotion of Jeremy's return. They arose and she attended to the morning ritual while Daniel left to meet Jeremy. The nighttime fast was being broken when Heather joined them. The meal was not yet completed when Jeremy began regaling them with their adventure. It seemed Jason was not easy to awaken and when he did awaken to Betty's persistent shaking, his first words were about his fear of heights. Seems he was afraid he was going to have to be lowered with the rope again.

  Betty chimed in, after first making herself seem big by blowing up her cheeks and holding her arms part way out and speaking in a low voice, "I don't like heights. Betty, what are you doing here? Where are we going? I'm not sure I can do the rope." Only after Jason was fully awake to did she deliver her message.

  Jeremy took over again, describing his wall climbing. While the story went on, Betty moved next to Heather and handed her the letter Jason had written. Not until the story was finished did Heather take her leave to read the letter in private. It was beautifully written despite the late hour and began:

  "To Heather of the Northern Kingdom,

  I find this name given you by those of the Forest to have so much more meaning than any other name you would be entitled to. I as an individual and my country as a whole owe you and those of the Forest a debt which is beyond payable. Of course we will provide the supplies you seek. I would hear more of this adventure and would prefer a grand reception but understand your desire for secrecy. It would seem we should meet here as I have with your Betty, for I find myself almost as much a prisoner now as when you rescued me; as King I can go nowhere without attracting attention. I will have Arthur join us.

  In friendship,


  Heather sat and planned until Daniel returned. She handed him the letter and waited while he read. When he looked up she said, "Would you come with me to the meeting?"

  "Yes, I will accompany you, but perhaps a couple others of the Forest should also come to help man the ropes."

  Heather nodded and replied, "I agree, enough to make the work lighter but few enough not to attract attention. It will be good to see Jason again."

  "Not nearly as good as seeing you, when I awoke from being nearly frozen."

  Heather threw her arms around Daniel's neck and laughingly replied, "How can I plan when you distract me so?"

  The day went quickly and as soon as the evening meal was complete, their small troop set off. Those of the Forest moved ahead as scouts in their leapfrog fashion. Heather had not considered how they would enter the city proper and when she asked Jeremy he replied, "The south gate remains open to allow those of the northern army access to the taverns. I just walked through the gate backwards while they were coming out. Some of the soldiers had enough trouble walking that I wasn't noticed. I found a section of the wall which was easy to scale, and lowered my rope for Betty."

  Heather was quiet for a moment as she considered a longer journey to the more porous eastern wall. Several more miles of travel would be required. Jeremy's direct approach seemed to make sense and she said, "Yours is a simple plan which should work. If the gate is not accessible, we may have to continue around to the eastern wall."

  Heather could not yet keep up with the loping gait of those of the Forest, but her speed was much improved from the time of their first adventure. Daniel was between her ability and that of Jeremy and tended to try and keep her in conversation. Heather needed her breath for walking and her responses were short and almost curt at times. Daniel asked, "Is something wrong?"

  "Nothing’s wrong, I'm saving my breath for traveling."

  Jeremy had dropped back and overheard the terse conversation and asked, "Are we moving too fast?"

  "Our gait is about right if I save my breath for walking instead of talking. My husband seems to have enough breath for both."

  "Your Daniel has always been one for talking. Made hunting with him almost impossible. We will take a rest after the next bend in the river trail."

  They arrived at the southern gate after about three hours of travel. The city lights and sounds had mostly retired for the night. The southern gate was yet open with the last of the northern soldiers straggling through in various stages of intoxication. Jeremy said, "I will try entering through the gate again. About 300 yards to the right is a rough section of the wall which should be easy to scale using the rope."

  Heather watched and listened but no alarm was raised as Jeremy moved through the gate. The remaining five of them moved to the section of wall Jeremy had indicated and after several minutes the rope appeared. Another of the hunters scrambled up the rope and the second rope was lowered. The remainder of her party quickly ascended the wall. They were adjacent to a cluster of taverns with which Jeremy seemed quite familiar. They moved silently in the darkness to the high palace wall. There they waited while Jeremy scaled the wall.

  Jeremy was soon lost in the darkness of the night and Heather could but wonder how we could climb the wall with such ease. Soon the rope appeared from above and another of those of the Forest quickly ascended. A second rope with a loop appeared, which Heather placed over her head and arms. With traction from above, she was able to move easily up the wall. She heard Jeremy's soft voice say, "Move to the left about ten steps and that is the window to enter."

  Heather moved herself to the left, using her toes to maneuver along the stones. Light was visible coming from the window, and she pulled herself through. Jason and Arthur were in conversation and despite expecting her, they were surprised when she appeared. She undid the rope, gave it a single tug to signal Jeremy, and the rope disappeared. Jason said, "You move as quietly as those hunters of yours."

  Heather smiled at the complement and replied, "King Jason, it is good to see you again. I apologize for the secrecy but the treachery of our times has also reached the Northern Kingdom." Turning towards Arthur she said, "I am glad you were able to join with us."

  Arthur replied, "Princess, meeting with you seems to always be an adventure. I am
disappointed our security is so easily breached."

  Heather was about to respond when Daniel appeared in the window. He undid the rope and secured it to the drapery rod. Jason asked, "Who else is going to appear out of the night?"

  Heather said, "A few of those of the Forest are standing watch but will not be joining us. I wish to bring you news of the treachery and our proposed adventure."

  Arthur replied, "We had heard of Daniel's kidnapping but no word on his rescue."

  Heather let Daniel tell of his ordeal. The story was brief but Daniel did emphasize that his captors had planned to sail for three weeks before he would be taken ashore. Jason wanted to know more details of the voyage; Daniel had no further information to share. Heather then recounted the message from her father and the involvement of those of the church in the treachery. When the stories were finished it was quiet for a time, as Jason and Arthur contemplated the ramifications of the news.

  Arthur spoke first saying, "It would seem the people of the Red Ambassador have been in communication and understand the power you represent with your powder. I would know how this line of communication works."

  Heather replied, "I would expect Captain Dirk has been the go-between. Travel over the mountains and the icefield would not be feasible in the winter. There must be a sea connection between our lands and those of the Red Ambassador."

  Jason asked, "Your voyage of discovery is to learn of this sea connection?"

  "Yes, if our lands are reachable by sea it means we are vulnerable to an invasion from the sea. We need to know."

  Jason turned to Daniel and asked, "Will you also make this voyage?"

  Daniel nodded in the affirmative and said, "I would see this land which may exist so far from my homeland."

  "What do you hope to see?"

  "I would see the land and the rocks upon which it is built. I would also see what sort of creatures would inhabit a land so far removed from my own. I would also learn of the medicines used by any peoples living so far removed."

  Jason responded, "I too would see these things but alas my position as King keeps me prisoner here. I would hope the danger is not too great."

  Arthur spoke up saying, "The greatest danger may be losing the knowledge of your powder to an enemy."

  It was Heather's turn for thought as she recalled the visit from her grandmother. She replied after a moment, "You speak with good insight. I know the risk is real but I can not keep my husband in a cage; he is of the Forest and would wither and die. There is great danger for all and not knowing puts all of our peoples at risk. I need to evaluate this danger and my husband has chosen to be at my side."

  Daniel spoke up saying, "Those of the Forest Council know of my methods for making the powder. The ingredients are rare and I do not know from whence they came. The danger of losing my secret would seem to be minimal."

  Arthur responded, "I accept your decision but I think you underestimate your value. I would ask you take no unnecessary risk and return safely to our civilization."

  Jason said, "As a young man studying the charts of our world I always wondered what lay beyond the great desert. All of our charts end at about a day sailing south but I remember hearing tales of islands where the birds did not fly. I know not if they exist; a wondrous thing to see if they do. I will have a copy of our best chart provided along with the supplies."

  The discussion turned to the supplies needed, especially the trading goods. Jason understood the need to be prepared for meeting different types of peoples. He was explaining in great detail why he had chosen different items for trade. Heather finally interrupted saying, "It would be good to have you with us on our journey because you are capable of thinking of possibilities. We will trust your decisions. Our ship should be ready to sail at sunrise after the morrow. Will the supplies be ready?"

  Arthur spoke up saying, "Preparations are almost complete and the supplies will be delivered by sunset after the coming sunrise. The wagon will be old and the driver will be one of my men so as not to attract attention."

  Heather stood and said, "The night is getting long and we best return to the ship. I thank you for your friendship and your help."

  Jason stood and said, "To have friends such as you is truly a blessing of the God of the Sacred Water. I wish you gentle seas and following winds; may you return safely to us."

  They departed as they had come.


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