Viridian Gate Online- Absolution

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Viridian Gate Online- Absolution Page 11

by N H Paxton

  “You won’t know until you try to put it on.” Eberand’s eyebrow was raised higher than should have been possible.

  “Okay, okay, give Vlad some minutes, da?” I stepped away from the group of them, wanting some sort of privacy as I unequipped my old robes [Impervious Robes of the Royal Alchemist (Augmented)] and struggled to unfold the new set of gear.



  You are about to equip a piece of armor that will be permanently bound to you and you alone. Do you want to proceed?



  I had never seen that notification before, but I knew I needed to go ahead and equip the gear. I needed to know what this Keeper business was all about.

  I muttered yes as I equipped the robe, the appearance of it shifting and adjusting to fit my frame. The sleeves shortened, and the weight of the robe as a whole was reduced.

  There were several ties in the front of the robe that I worked with my dexterous fingers. They laced into corresponding places on the opposite flap of the front. There was a hood attached to the robe as well. I pulled it down and it covered the entirety of my face, but it allowed me to see through the cloth by some magical means, though everything I saw through the hood was tinged with a slight red. This must have been the Shadow Vision that the descriptor stated.

  I was about to pull the hood off my head when I felt a sudden thrum work its way through me, starting at my head and flowing down to my feet. An intense wind built in the room, blowing against my body. It was so strong that I had to lean into it to prevent myself from being blown off my feet.

  “Gah!” Ken shouted as he was blown backward and knocked to the ground.

  The sound of metal landing on stone made me think that perhaps Garret and Eberand had suffered the same experience.

  “What the hell!?” Garret’s voice was muffled by the wind.

  It lasted another second, then it was gone. It disappeared as abruptly as it had begun.

  “What did you do?” Eberand asked from a good distance away.

  I looked at my arms. The robe fit my frame perfectly. The plates that were along the forearms, elbows, and shoulders were clean and shined in the light of the torches that were still lit around the room.

  “Vlad put on robe, then wind.” I shook my head as I turned toward them all. The robe was light and flowed as I moved.

  It was almost like it was made to be worn in combat.

  “That’s not all that happened, dude. You glowed super bright for like, three seconds.” Ken was dusting his cuisses off as he leaned against a stone pillar.

  “Did not know.” Another notification covered my vision, this one announced by a fanfare of trumpets and some kind of stringed instrument.



  You have awakened to your power as The Last Keeper!

  Being a Keeper is an enormous responsibility. Your task is to keep things at bay, to prevent that which should not from affecting the entire world of Eldgard. It is a tremendous task, but you have been chosen from many, and not without consideration.

  As a result of this new awakening, you have been granted the class skill list of the Keeper, as well as improvements to your currently active skill classes. Furthermore, you have been granted (8) additional proficiency points as a result of unlocking your new class.

  You have (8) undistributed proficiency points!


  The Keepers are a mysterious and enigmatic organization that is rarely heard of and less often seen. They have been considered myths throughout history, and as a result, tend to be missed or ignored in situations where their presence would otherwise cause complications. They are considered to be Eldgard’s greatest defenders, as they work behind the scenes to maintain peace and defend against those things which would destroy the very fabric of reality. Keepers are often tasked with a single space to maintain, whether that be within the natural fabric of Eldgard or without.

  Game Play

  The hybrid class of Keeper is strictly available to those who are chosen by the Elder Gods for the safekeeping of deep and terrible secrets. As a result, they are relatively unknown, and their class skills are considered to be unconventional, though some have called their abilities “pure evil.”

  A Keeper must first be awakened through an initiation, wherein their body is tested upon being gifted their first piece of Keeper Attire. If the prospective Keeper passes the initiation ordeal, they are accepted and allowed to continue their education and training. With every piece of Attire gifted, the Keeper is tested again, each time being more intensely tried than the last. Should a Keeper fail any of the ordeals, they are banished to the In-Between.

  A Keeper has a “True Neutral” alignment, preventing them from receiving additional damage from, or causing additional damage to, other individuals of various alignments. This is both a blessing and a curse. A Keeper cannot have modified reputation with any faction due to their absolute neutrality.

  There are no class kit specializations for Keepers.


  Keepers specialize in complex and complicated combat techniques, borrowing from the powers of all sides of the elemental pedagogy. They are capable of utilizing ranged and engineered weapons to their highest capacity in order to maintain distance, but are also capable of using bladed and blunt weapons for close-combat requirements. Their ability to dole out elemental damage is enhanced by their skill levels in Alchemy. Keepers may borrow one spell from each of the Sorcerer skill trees at will, but suffer a 72-hour cooldown period once they have chosen, and a 7-day cooldown when swapping those skills. These skills are reduced in effect by 10% and have a 10% higher Spirit cost.

  Keepers are intended to maintain peace and prosperity for Eldgard and, as a result, receive severely reduced XP when involved in combat against other players or the peoples of Eldgard. In diametric opposition thereof, however, Keepers receive increased XP when fighting monsters of the “Aberration” class or similar unnatural beings, including Spirits, Demons, Angels, all creatures from the Shattered Realms, and those from the In-Between.

  Advantages: +15% increased damage and XP when fighting aberrations or other unnatural beings

  20% chance to be forgotten (erased from memory when no longer in an individual’s presence—only works on NPCs, monsters, aberrations, some restrictions apply)

  Immune to Morale Failure

  +10% increase in naturally clearing debuffs (Includes Death’s Sting and Death’s Curse)

  May specialize in all weapons except heavy bladed and heavy blunt

  +20% resistance to elemental damage from all sources

  Access to Keeper-only skills, spells, and abilities

  20% chance to be ignored while in Stealth

  Free access to the In-Between

  May access one skill from each of the Sorcerer skill trees with 10% decreased effect and 10% increased Spirit cost

  Elemental Damage output increased by 1% (+ 1% per Alchemy level)

  Disadvantages: 15% decreased damage and XP when fighting players or persons of Eldgard

  Unable to modify reputation with any organization due to nature of Keepers

  Cannot wear Medium or Heavy Armor

  Typical Skill Allotment: Intelligence: Attack damage with engineered weapons is calculated as a “Wizard” class

  Dexterity: Melee weapon damage is calculated as a “Rogue” class

  Spirit: Increases Spirit supply


  Nature of the Keeper(s) (Keeper)

  As a Keeper of Things Which Should Not Be, you are provided with an arsenal of abilities that allow a wide variety of combat techniques and strategic allowances.

  Effect 1: 15% increased damage and XP from fighting aberrations and unnatural beings

  Effect 2: 15% decreased damage and XP from fighting players and peoples of Eldgard

  Effect 3: True Neutrality: All reputations are permanently set to Indifferent

fect 4: Immune to Morale Failure

  Effect 5: Debuff Resistant: Debuff duration reduced by 10%

  Effect 6: Forgotten Wizardry: One spell from each of the Sorcerer skill trees is available for use

  Effect 7: Alchemical Wizard: elemental damage is increased by 1% for every Alchemy skill level

  Effect 8: Cannot wear Medium or Heavy Armor

  Effect 9: Passing Like a Shadow: 20% chance to be ignored while in Stealth, 20% chance to be forgotten

  Effect 10: May specialize in any weapon except Heavy Blunt and Heavy Bladed


  I stared in awe at the intense changes I had just undergone. I had a new class kit, I had new abilities, and I could finally be a sorcerer—well, sort of.

  There was a new buff in the corner of my vision, next to the one from having Gamma equipped. It also had no cooldown and read as the Nature of the Keeper. I had another series of notifications I needed to get to quickly so we could progress with this incredibly profitable dungeon dive.


  Reputation Change Alert!

  Your reputation with the Villagers of Val’Fore has decreased to Indifferent.

  Your reputation with the Villagers of Cressfal has decreased to Indifferent.

  Your reputation with the Ever-Victorious Viridian Empire has increased to Indifferent.

  Your reputation with the Crimson Alliance has decreased to Indifferent.

  Your reputation with the Keepers of Eldgard has increased to Paragon.


  Skill Tree Unlocked: Keepers of Eldgard


  THE SKILL TREE WAS impressive, especially the final ability: Universal Alteration. I was very much looking forward to playing with that skill in the future.

  In all of this sudden newness, I had completely forgotten about the ring I had received from the fight with the queen. I pulled it from my inventory and slipped it on my finger. I immediately felt, well, nothing. I didn’t feel anything different at all. The stat bonuses were nice though.

  “Done leveling?” Eberand had found his way to standing next to me without my knowledge.

  He smirked as he crossed his arms across his chest. Ken and Garret were behind him, looking my way as well. They had apparently finished their leveling maintenance faster than I had.

  “Yes, Vlad is finished. Sorry for delay.” I closed down all of the interfaces I had pulled up simultaneously and gave a quick smile. I would choose my spells later.

  “Alright, we need to get moving. Ken, scouting detail. There’s some nasty shit down here if what we’ve already fought is any indication.” Eberand gave orders and we moved out.

  I pulled up Gamma’s skill tree. It had been a while since I had seen it, and I was impressed to see that he had put points into it of his own accord.



  Ability Unlocked!

  ABILITY: Spiteful Spirit

  Along with the incredibly powerful connection you enjoy with the Living Weapon, it is also slowly becoming a part of your consciousness. Spiteful Spirit allows you to draw on the power of the weapon at all times, increasing your damage output with Engineered weapons while injured by 10%.

  Ability Type/Level: Passive/Initiate

  Cost: None

  Range: N/A

  Cast Time: N/A

  Cooldown: N/A

  Effect: Increases Engineered weapon damage output by 10% while below maximum Health.


  Spiteful Spirit was definitely something that I liked. Having a constant damage increase when I was injured, on top of my already powerful increase to Engineered weapons from my Keeper and Alchemic Weaponeer classes, was a welcome bonus.


  Ability Unlocked!

  Ability: Infinite Object

  Through the gathering of Aetheric currents within the Living Weapon’s charging chamber, rounds fired from the weapon no longer have a maximum distance and will continue indefinitely until they strike a solid object. After all, an insubstantial object in motion will stay in motion, unless acted on by an outside force.

  Ability Type/Level: Passive

  Cost: None

  Range: Infinite

  Cast Time: N/A

  Cooldown: N/A

  Effect: No maximum range on the Living Weapon’s attacks.


  Skill Unlocked!

  Skill: Power Overwhelming

  Combining the Aetheric Currents and Chaos energy of your Living Weapon and attuning them to your own, you overcharge your abilities for a short period of time. Of course, what goes up must come down, and when the skill ends, there is a massive kickback from the damage to your mental and physical wellbeing.

  Skill Type/Level: Spell/Initiate

  Cost: 900 Spirit

  Range: Self

  Cast Time: Instant

  Cooldown: 2 hours

  Effect 1: Increase Strength, Dexterity, Intelligence, Spirit, and Vitality by 50%. Duration, 30 seconds.

  Effect 2: Damage Spirit, Stamina, and Health by 25% at end of ability.

  Effect 3: Spirit, Stamina, and Health regeneration rate reduced by 50% at end of ability. Duration, 30 seconds.


  “Shit, get down,” Ken shouted suddenly.

  I didn’t react fast enough to Ken’s words. I was rewarded with a face full of paralytic powder for my efforts.

  I didn’t quite feel the sudden hit of my face on the floor, but I could see the entire thing rushing up to meet me and then the sudden stop where my body refused to put my arms out to stop me.

  “Ow.” I managed to mutter through paralyzed lips. I didn’t actually feel the fall, but the word came unbidden. I saw a countdown timer spiraling in the corner of my vision and a flashing debuff notice in the center of my sight.


  Debuff Added

  Paralytic Powder: You have inhaled paralytic powder and are now completely paralyzed. Duration, 1 minute, 40 seconds.


  Well, at least my debuff protection was working out.

  “Ken, what the hell?” Eberand had his arms under mine, pulling me from the floor and holding me up.

  “Sorry, man, I wasn’t paying as much attention as I needed to be.” He sighed heavily as he looked down at the floor.

  My eyes followed his, and I saw a small pressure plate in the floor. It was depressed into the floor panel, but still obvious. How had he missed it?

  “Damn straight. Come on, man. You’re our traps expert. Get it together.” Garret stepped up to Ken and smacked him in the back of the head.

  “At least we’re almost to the back of the chapel.” Ken rubbed the back of his head, then nodded to a hallway that began to narrow to the width of a single body.

  A staircase descended at the end into absolute darkness.

  “Oh good, more darkness.” Garret grumbled something under his breath and downed another one of those disgusting potions he had given me when we first started this insanity.

  The countdown on my paralysis ended, and my knees buckled under me. I fell to the floor out of Eberand’s grasp but caught myself.

  “Traps first.” I shook my head hard to clear the haze from the paralysis.

  “Sorry, man.” Ken sounded truly sincere. It made me feel bad for being upset.

  “Is no problem, we keep moving. Need to be discovering end of temple.” I stood carefully, making sure my legs would keep me balanced.

  Finite Time, Finite Life

  THE STAIRWELL WAS COMPLETELY dark. There were no torches that reached this far into the temple and the steps descended into oblivion. I pulled my hood over my face, activating Shadow Vision. I counted myself lucky: I wouldn’t need to drink any more of that disgusting blueberry poison.

  “How far does this thing go into the ground?” Ken was in the lead, stalking down the steps.

  “I don’t know, dude, but these temples are crazy. I don’t think we’re really in the temple anymore either. Have you seen the
walls?” Eberand’s large frame kept him completely pressed against either side of the stairwell. His armor scraped along the stone as we descended.

  “I saw something about a god at one point, Ridiculous or something. The carving was really decaying.” Garret was in the far back, his educated eye constantly probing for something of interest to read.

  I hadn’t known he was scholarly until our discussion in the library at the Keep. He seemed to try to hide it from the others. I wasn’t about to betray his trust.

  “Old temple, sunken from corruption. Hard to understand.” I stared ahead, surprised at how well I could see in the darkness. It had to be the power of the hood.

  Ken was in Stealth at the front of the line, but I could still see his figure. It wasn’t the normal Stealth outline of a party member, it was almost complete visibility. What strange power had I been granted?

  We arrived at the foot of the stairs to complete silence. The previous portion of the temple we had been in was filled with undead zombie-like creatures. The silence of the underground was almost unsettling.

  “That’s weird?” Eberand intoned it as a question.

  “Yeah, I expected something to—ack!” Garret shouted loudly as a crunching sound erupted all around us.

  The ground shifted, the very dirt the floor was made of beginning to crack and split. We all drew our weapons quickly while watching arms rise from the ground, clawing and grasping the air.

  “Damnit!” Eberand hacked at an arm that managed to get its fingers around his ankle. He missed his assailant but sliced another hand off at the wrist. The hand flopped to the floor, righted itself, then scurried off into the darkness.

  “Watch the hands!” Ken jumped through the air in an acrobatic way, launching a flurry of knives at the floor.

  They struck a few of the hands to no effect. The floor continued to writhe with the decaying appendages.

  “Anyone else hear that?” Eberand had stopped slashing at the ground, both of his ankles now firmly held in place by zombie hands.

  An unusual rustling sound was starting to grow from somewhere in the darkness, along with a huffing that was rhythmic.


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