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Stigmata Page 13

by L M Adams

  Jaevia turns to me, purple eyes lighting up… just for me, and some of my anger seems to dissipate.

  “Demetri?” I say his name in question.

  “My Dark King,” he bows his head and flitters out an arm as if we’re holding full court in 16th century England. From the looks of his outfit perhaps he really thinks this is 16th century England. Who wears a codpiece and ruffle blouses? Especially in the light of day.

  Blood King save me.

  I busy myself making a fresh pot of coffee and pulling down travel mugs for everyone.

  Jaevia stands, looking like a vision in the purple slacks and blouse, her hair full and thick, shining purple in the light. She even bothered with eyeliner and a bit of lipstick and I didn’t have to browbeat her into it.

  I watch her out of the corner of my eye as she closes the distance between us. When she reaches me, she stands on her tiptoes to give me a gentle kiss on my cheek.

  “You’re a sexy bit of vampire,” she whispers “…and I feel Lucien’s thoughts echoing the same.”

  Flashes of what Lucien and I had just done enter my thoughts and I feel the rolling embarrassment come.

  “Well done.” She whispers gently, laughter in her voice.

  “Jaevia,” I hiss.

  She turns away laughing to rejoin Demetri at the table and the glimpse of favor is gone already.

  “Dem is coming with us for the fitting.” Jaevia informs me, her joy in the idea obvious.

  “He is, is he?” I ask trying my damnedest to sound nonchalant when all I want to do is throat-punch the slimy fucker.

  “Well you and Lucien can’t see me in the dress, and I want a man’s opinion.”

  ‘A man’s opinion.’ I’d bet my last drop of blood Demetri gently suggested he go along with her. He’s determined to weasel his way into Jaevia’s life, and I hate him for it. And I hate her for allowing it.

  It would be one thing if she just fucked him and moved on, or if we fucked him and moved on – but he doesn’t push for sex with her, not ever, he never turns those lascivious desires in her direction. No, he does something far more devious… he entertains her.

  Jaevia doesn’t understand the ways of the vampire, no matter what she may think. As I slid my eyes towards the pomp and pompous pureblood, I can’t help but to flex my powers.

  I feel his soul, his sin, crawl on the surface of my thoughts, permeating my own soul. I wish the filth I saw there would be something I could use against him, but Jaevia already knows he’s a knave of the worst sort and still she welcomes him to her bosom.

  He bows his head and his long dark blonde hair with black roots swings forward with so much artistic flair I know he’s practiced the maneuver.

  “Does my king require service?”

  He offers something for me to clean his sin, to pay the cost for him and leave him unburdened in the here even if not in the after, to give him favor and power, to taste Vayrá – but there is nothing he could offer me that would cause me to show him any favor, except perhaps to die a gruesome death.

  Lucien takes that moment to join us in the kitchen and I tuck away my anger at Demetri. The last thing I want to do is express my distress and have Lucien come to my rescue – reinforcing the fact that I cannot protect myself.

  “We’re running late, have you talked to your parents, Jaevia?”

  “They’ll be here in a few minutes; we can meet them outside.”

  I turn back to making everyone’s coffee just so and because the need to serve others has been bred and beaten into me… “Would you like a coffee, Demetri?”

  “Why yes, I take it black… and strong, my King.”

  I bite my tongue until it bleeds; is he going to try and move in on everyone I love?

  Lucien being oblivious to everything just walks over to Jaevia and kisses her gently. I’m a bit mollified by the fact that he moves directly towards me, ignoring Demetri.

  I hand Lucien his coffee, double strong, sweetened with honey.

  “What is on the list for the day then?” He asks low.

  I recite our itinerary.

  “You packed it in.”

  I give him a curt nod, “It is easier to get everyone’s schedule to align together in one long day rather than multiple days.” And I know I sound defensive when I shouldn’t, he was just making a comment in passing.

  “Aye Bloodsucker, you are master of such things.”

  He takes a sip of the coffee from the travel-mug and hums with appreciation. That small bit of pleasure warms my heart. I hate how addicted I am in wanting to be useful, how much I need to see everyone happy with something I do – no matter how large or small.

  I make my own, black and two sugars, and Jaevia’s extra-extra cream one sugar and a splash of cinnamon to remind her of me.

  If I had poison on hand; I’d put a double shot in Demetri’s coffee – not enough to kill him, just take him out of commission for a few days. I wonder where Kitty is, she’ll have poison at the ready I’m sure.

  I try to reassure myself; I’m not being a jealous shit. His presence only bothers me because today was supposed to be about us alone with Jaevia’s parents – a bonding for the family. Now here is Demetri tagging along.

  His smile is sly as he takes the coffee. “I need to also go over security plans with that delicious Franklin. I am, of course, more than happy to lend you all of my people for the wedding.”

  Jaevia smiles, “I’m sure Frank would love to talk about security, it is his favorite topic,” she laughs. “Thank you again, Dem.”

  “Whatever our Dark Queen needs.” He murmurs graciously.

  Again he reminds me, that I am the one that needs him. In some ways, he’s more loyal than any other pureblood alive. He is the only one to risk the ire of my stepfather by still associating with me.

  So, I swallow the acidic bile and give him a generous smile, “My thanks, as always, Demetri.”

  Goddess help me, the things we do for power.



  We finally make it out of the house and gather in front of the building to greet Jaevia’s parents who have just made it into town. They’re still working as ambassadors of the Eventide Queen. Jaevia wanted to call them back. Her parents wouldn’t hear of it.

  Even if the human population doesn’t allow the citizens of Ra’suá to come to Terra – the supernaturals already here need a leader, they need a queen to speak on their behalf and also keep them in line. The Kindred has left the supernatural populace persona non grata to do as they will and that just doesn’t work. Most monsters can live alongside humans with little to no problems, but there are some who would victimize any lesser being they came across – vampires being the worst offenders on that list.

  Jaevia’s parents explained to her, in very frank terms, that she has a responsibility to the people that stayed behind to support her when the Kindred closed the portals, that she has a responsibility to the supernaturals of Terra and the humans.

  Sidra and Kendon Knightley, Jaevia’s parents, are Kindred royalty – now dissidents. They understand with great power comes great responsibility. When it came down to it, they chose to stand by their daughter rather than stand with the Kindred.

  Perhaps this would seem like the natural choice to most, but I’ve learned a lot about the Kindred; for Sidra and Kendon to have done this speaks to their courage in untold ways.

  All Kindred are born and raised with only one goal, only one purpose in life – the Kindred must prevail. No pain or betrayal, no death or sacrifice is too great – as long as the Kindred prevails.

  Kendon sacrificed his son to the Kindred, he’d almost sacrificed Jaevia as well. But when the Kindred decided to turn their backs on Jaevia, decided to offer her up to Hornigold and the berserkers in exchange for the power to repair their sunstone – then the Kindred had taken things too far in his eyes. And he walked away.

  Walking away wasn’t easy for him, a melancholy had settled around his heart when he had to look
back at how far he’d gone, how much he’d sacrificed for a belief that he could no longer have faith in.

  To see him choose Jaevia did much to repair my opinion of the man. Kendon never really took to me or the idea of his daughter marrying me. Lucien he could see – Lucien is a warrior, her Kindred mate. He accepted me at the level of a piece of random tail his daughter would enjoy but not as a life partner. He thought me superfluous; like one of his wife’s hidden lovers that he knows about but doesn’t acknowledge to save his pride.

  Sidra, on the other hand, warmed to me immediately. She saw the joy I’d brought to her daughter’s life and for that reason alone I was good enough in her eyes. Sidra knows very well the way the Kindred can tear a heart apart. She wasn’t born Kindred, instead she’s cambion, a half succubus, born outside the order of things. She knows absolutely nothing about her parents, her people, where she comes from. But she’s been hellbent on building her own family and giving them all the love she could.

  She is kind, gracious, and strong. Everything she has she’s built, every obstacle she has defeated; no loss she’s suffered has made her heart bitter. I see Sidra Knightley and I see what Jaevia could be.

  To look at Sidra and Jaevia together, you’d think them sisters.

  Sidra tends to wear her hair with the wild curl pattern shining true – the way I love Jaevia’s hair. Jae thinks it ‘poofy’ – and gives an enemy too much opportunity to grab hold of – so more often than not I keep her hair straight, a loose curl if I just must dress her up, but mostly she likes it in a single French braid.

  Sidra, although just finishing a long car drive, looks a vision in a simple cream dress, black heels and a long necklace of amethyst and moonstone.

  She turns from hugging Jaevia and holds her arms out to me.

  “Jack,” she smiles welcoming me.

  I smile and walk forward to hug her to me warmly, “Madame, vous êtes une vision qui brille même l'étoile la plus brillante.”

  Yes, I flirt with my future wife’s mother. Not in truth, but just to show her how much I love and appreciate her – vampires don’t really do platonic love.

  Her laugh is throaty and full, she slaps my arm, “comme tu m'as manqué.”

  “You know I hate it when you two speak French,” Jaevia pouts.

  “Then you, my dear daughter, should have paid more attention in your lessons.”

  Jaevia rolls her eyes, but she can’t mask her smile.

  “I only told your mother that she outshines even the brightest stars.” Because I have no intention of actually making Jaevia angry with me.

  “You are gorgeous Mama, are you happy? You and father do not have to keep doing all of this traveling.”

  “Your mother and I could not be more pleased to help our daughter secure her future and the future for our kind in this new world.” Jaevia’s father cuts in.

  He holds out a hand and I give him a solid handshake.

  The greetings for Lucien come next, I try to detect in any way that they like him more, because no matter what, I’m still an insecure shit.

  I’m left disappointed. His hug with Sidra is warm, his handshake with Kendon formal, identical to my own greeting. But then Kendon and Lucien are both so stiff I wouldn’t be able to detect any warmth between them at all.

  “Mistress Knightley, please let me introduce myself, we did not have a chance to speak at Yule.” Demetri bursts into the circle we’d made. He takes her hand and bowing low at the waist. “My name is Demetri and I am but a loyal servant to the Eventide Council… and you.” He fawns.

  Sidra looks at me in question, I guess I can’t keep the displeasure from my face because her features shut down as she withdraws her hand from his grasp.

  “You must not know proper etiquette. If my sons or daughter wished for us to be acquainted – one of them would have introduced us.” She says acidly, eyebrow raised.

  I could weep with joy.

  “Oh Mother, I wasn’t standing on ceremony. This is Dem, he’s become a friend and a great help.”

  My heart drops as Jaevia immediately sticks up for him.

  “Do you really need two vampires, Jaevia?” This from Kendon.

  “You know Da, you’re a bigot when it comes to vampires… which is really surprising, especially with you being half of one.”

  Please tell me I’m not about to find myself on Demetri’s side just because he is a vampire and so am I! Like hell I want to stick up for that fucker, but how can I not?

  “Now! Now!” Sidra shouts cutting off the argument before it starts. “We are here to enjoy a visit with our daughter, our sons, and … their friends. I will enjoy this day, and none of you will ruin it for me! Is that clear?!”

  A round of mumbled yes Ma’ams and that is that. But I know in my heart Sidra will keep an eye on Demetri for me.

  Before Demetri decided to tag along, we could have all fit in Lucien’s hummer comfortably, now we have to take two cars.

  Since Sidra and Kendon want to visit with Jaevia, it’s decided they’ll ride together. And because neither Lucien nor I really care for Demetri he’s tagging along with them.

  I don’t mind riding with Lucien at all, but not with Demetri now having an hour to work on and charm Sidra and Kendon.

  There’s nothing much I can do about it without looking childish.

  “Do you mind driving, Bloodsucker? I would like to read,” Lucien asks.

  “Read?” I raise an eyebrow.

  “Aye.” I just notice the small brown leather-bound book clutched in his hand.

  He has been slowly working through the massive library of books his tutor, Master Henenu, left him. It’s slow going, most of them being in long dead languages he’d only begun to learn as a child – but he’s determined.

  Kendon is actually driving one of my Range Rover SUV’s I gave him and Sidra on loan for their travels across the United States. I wanted to just buy them a truck, but I don’t want to seem like I’m trying too hard or trying to buy their affection. Jaevia’s father already frowns upon ‘the general lasciviousness and lavish lifestyles found common with vampire Blood Masters and Mistresses.’ I do everything I can to downplay the money. Still, I’m sure he sees me in much the same way I see Demetri.




  The simple fact, for the finer things, the things fit for a Queen – we have to go to D.C. – it’s still a cultural hotspot and the best of the best of designers and fashion icons that still existed after the collapse of man settled there.

  Sidra sniffed out the best and got Nicole White. One of the best designers since the Fall. She dresses the upper echelon, including Kieran Monicue.

  I couldn’t really argue with the choice.

  We also have a scheduled meeting at the wedding planner’s office also located in D.C. at I Vow with Elizabeth Martel or Izza for short, we must make a final selection for the menu and a million other details that are driving me insane.

  At first, I’d chaffed at hiring a wedding planner at all. I thought Lucien and Jaevia had lost their faith in me to care for them in this way. But they’d reinforced my value, reminded me that they did not love me for those things and that asking for help would do much to ensure I could just enjoy our wedding as well. They took the whip to me until I agreed with their opinion.

  After meeting Izza, I actually folded, she’s a capable and warm young woman… and daemon. She actually comes from Ra’suá – migrated to Terra some hundred years ago or so. She has to move and change identities every so often because she is such a long-lived creature, or at least she used to.

  She doesn’t have much actual magic, other than of course having a certain touch when it comes to event planning – especially weddings.

  Izza has done well for herself in this human world, especially now that she’s ‘out’. Like quite a few supernaturals, being ‘out’ has helped her business tremendously. Her selling point is that she is a descendant of the Goddess Hera – the Godd
ess of marriage herself and a light fae; her slogan is I vow a touch of magic. I don’t know how much of that is true – she may have just made it up and had it printed in the brochure – but as a vampire, I can’t really fault her for having flair.

  Before I Vow, our first stop is at To Die For, to get everyone’s final fitting for the wedding.

  I pull out in front with Kendon behind us and behind them Frank and Harper in Jaevia’s purple Audi.

  We never take Jaevia’s safety lightly and although it would be preferable for her to either be riding with Lucien and I, or with at least two guards – like hell anyone was going to tell the Great Kendon Knightley – Reaper of Legend, he can’t keep his daughter safe.

  I turn on some music and try to ease past the collection of press at the top of the gravel roadway. If they only knew what we do to their kind when they push too hard; perhaps they would not be so eager to be near us.

  One of the younger male reports bangs against the window and Lucien begins to growl.

  “How are the repairs for the observatory progressing?” I ask quickly to distract him.

  We don’t need another… incident.

  “Well.” Lucien nods. “Kitty is there today to begin planting and I’ve arranged for a group of pixies to bolster her efforts. It will be a garden Eden herself would be jealous of.”

  “What about the stone patio?”

  “I will have it repaired by midweek before the furniture is delivered, do not fret, Bloodsucker. All will be ready for our nuptials.”

  I ignore him, “And you’re going to get Tabari to check Kitty’s wards? Make sure they’re nonlethal?”

  He shrugs.

  “I mean it Lucien!”

  “I do not see why they must be nonlethal.”

  Blood King please, “Because we can’t kill people for trespassing, or have you so quickly forgotten the bunny incident?”

  He huffs in that irritating way that he has. That – I’ll do what the fuck I want – way. That – I hear you perfectly, but I’ve made up my mind – way.


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