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Stigmata Page 23

by L M Adams

  “Wearing such a naughty dress? Good girls don’t wear come fuck me dresses. Do they?” He asks, running his other hand up the back of my leg.

  “No.” I whimper.

  “With come fuck me shoes? No, Jaevia, you’re a naughty little queen, aren’t you?”

  Oh Goddess please, he’s driving me insane with wanting. He slips one finger into me and I almost come from the feel of it.

  “Say it.”

  “I’m a naughty little queen.” I moan.

  I feel him stand up behind me, the sound of him unbuckling his pants.

  “Would the naughty little queen like a bit of dick before she goes off to shake her ass?”

  I moan and nod. “Yes.”

  He pulls his finger from me and brings his hand up to my lips, stuffing the essence covered tip into my mouth, just as he stuffs my needy pussy with his perfectly made cock.

  “There’s my naughty queen.” He breathes out harshly as he begins pounding into me, reminding me of all the reasons I have to be a good girl tonight.

  He’s hard and slow, an easy rhythm as he gives me the dick. Goddess be he’s a good fuck, just hands down good fucking fuck. In no time at all my pussy is quivering around him, ready to come.

  He pulls his fingers from my mouth, “Now beg.”

  “Please,” I moan for him, “please, Jack.”

  “You want to come?”

  “Yes!” I yell and beg and demand and plead all at fucking once.

  “Mmm,” he hums and pulls out of me slowly.

  “I want you to give Demetri a gift for me, will you?” He slides back into me slowly, achingly slowly, stretching me open again, teasing the deep need inside of me again.

  “Yes,” I whimper.

  He groans low and spills his seed deep inside of me. I feel his body lay on top of mine as he brushes my braid over my ear, “You get a pass tonight Jaevia – a pass to be with him, this one time,” he hisses. “It never happens again, we never talk about it, he never mentions it, or alludes to it. You get this one time and if I ever hear of it, I will murder every member of his clutch and make him watch me as I kill them slowly… before I take his head and fuck his rotting corpse.”

  I whimper over his threat, the image of him murdering everyone and fucking Demetri to death is turning me on like nothing ever could… and also terrifying me. Goddess be I’m an evil whore.

  “Do we understand one another?”

  I nod, “Yes.”

  “Make sure he eats my gift before he fucks what I own.” He pulls out of me, “let him make you come… if he can.”

  And then he’s gone, simply gone, and I’m left in the room bent over, pussy full of come, with panties around my ankles as the sound of the door closes behind him.


  Now I understand his mood.



  I do my best to put myself back together again, but the smell of Jack is all over me and I feel freshly fucked, I look freshly fucked and I know it. I step outside the warehouse, Némion is standing near a pitch-black SUV stretch limo, waiting for me. Of course they’d find the most obnoxious way of conveyance to D.C., but I find myself smiling instead of feeling angry – I’m sure it was Harper’s idea.

  Two house hummers sit rumbling and waiting as well, I’ll have a full twelve person guard all night; that was non-negotiable. We’d discussed canceling my bachelorette party all together after the incident at I Vow, it was Némion that put an end to that discussion by raising one perfectly arched eyebrow and declaring that she welcomes anyone to show up and try to ruin our… fun.

  She’s probably one of the most terrifying creatures I’ve ever met in my life and every now and again I send up a small thanks to the Goddess for putting her on my side. There was no more conversation about canceling the party she’d really thrown herself into planning for me… even Lucien was appeased.

  Némion’s nose flares picking upping Jack’s scent as I come down the stairs to stand in the white gravel parking lot.

  “Would you like to go… freshen up? We have time.” She raises one of her perfectly arched eyebrows.

  I shake my head no, “Jack… he’s in a mood.”

  “That is one way to put it,” she opens the door for me, and I get into the limo doing my best to keep my thighs closed so that Jack’s… message doesn’t get lost.

  We’re underway pretty soon. The SUV limo is really nice, a large sunroof, lighting around the edges and under the seats, a mini wet bar on one side. The music is on but isn’t deafening. I know Harper helped Némion put all of this together, she was a bit ill-equipped to be my maid of honor, but she’s coming through in fine form. I was fine with having something small at Kiss, but she wouldn’t have it, and Astraea lends something to being a bit more… neutral ground. We’ve got the entire club to ourselves. Everyone that will be there has had a thorough background check by Frank no less. Once we got Frank’s approval it was an all go.

  I try to relax back into the plush leather seats as Dani pours drinks for us all. But I’m having a hard time distancing myself from what happened between Jack and I tonight.

  Why is he so damn insecure about Dem?

  “My Queen,” Dani whispers handing me a stemless wineglass of bloodwine.

  “Thank you,” I murmur and go back to looking out of the window.

  “This will not do. Harper says we must drink and laugh and have fun.” I look to Némion, she’s looking down at a tablet.

  “Did he really write an itinerary?”

  She nods with a hum, “He says they are helpful tips for me to socialize.”

  That actually makes me smile, Harper has been working on Némion, trying to get her to be a bit more… normal. In some ways it’s worked, in other ways, I don’t think she’s really going to change.

  She’s relaxed right now, there aren’t any men around. Men and Némion just have a complicated history, in all the time I’ve known her, Harper has been the only one allowed to get close to her.

  Even with us, just me and Dani, two women; she’s relaxed, but not truly comfortable. Némion doesn’t do well with being normal.

  But she is trying, “I’m sorry, it’s me. Jack is just…” I sigh and shake my head.

  “Maybe you could tell us what is wrong, my Queen,” Dani whispers.

  I smile again, “I’m not used to having women to talk about my man problems with. I always went to Tabari for advice.”

  Dani glances at Némion, “We are here… we want to be here for you.”

  “It’s complicated,” I glance at Némion.

  “Because of our Dark King’s past with me?”

  I nod, “You and Dem.”

  “He is insecure over Demetri,” Némion says.

  “You already know?”

  She nods once.

  “Do you understand why? I’ve been with other men, other vampires, other women… he’s never had a problem before Demetri.”

  Némion sighs and takes a sip from her bloodwine, “I believe at one time they were friends.”

  “What?” I hiss.

  She nods slowly, “Demetri does not care much for decorum. He is a pureblood that runs an all but illegal clutch. At times he would frequent The Secret and pay homage to Valentine, entertain her. Keep her from taking issue with his operation and its proximity to her territory.”

  “Okay… but how…”

  “To be the tainted blood means to be a pariah among our people. To still live and work and exist as one of us but to be treated with cruelty at every turn. This was no different for our Dark King… at least in the beginning, perhaps we were even crueler to him because of who he was.”

  “Everyone but Demetri,” I whisper finally figuring out what the problem is.

  Némion nods.

  Dani slides forward in her seat a bit, “Master Demetri is… unusual in the way that he rules his clutch,” she looks at me. “He can be unbelievably cruel – yet at the same time he makes sure we are taken care of. Heal
thcare… even a great dental plan. He covers the cost for our education and demands that we study a classical art. He is an oddity in the vampire world; I could very well see him as a man who tried to befriend our Dark King; yet ended up torturing him.”

  I look to Némion, “So how did it happen? How did Demetri end up helping you torture Jack? Did Valentine order him to do it?”

  Perhaps I’m looking for a way to absolve Dem of his part in this, and perhaps that counts as a betrayal to Jack. Shouldn’t I just hate who Jack hates, and love who Jack loves?

  I know the story of what happened… just not how. I know that Demetri once gave Jack fellatio, making him come again and again as Némion pegged a chained Jack… the more Jack orgasmed the more Némion would hurt him. I’ve seen Dem give head, he’s good, and I could see him making Jack come again and again and again – no matter the price Jack would have to pay for that pleasure. I know that Jack begged for Demetri to stop and I know that Demetri didn’t.

  Némion sighs deeply, “I do not know exactly, but I do know that Valentine would not abide by the kindness Demetri gave our Dark King – our Dark King was hers, and no one other than she would have him, or save him from me… Valentine plays to keep; and Demetri exists to entertain the powerful.”

  Well there’s no real arguing that. Maybe I’m going about this wrong, maybe I need to talk to Demetri about it, but how do I do that without betraying Jack’s trust?

  O’ but the world of vampire politics.

  Dani manages to lighten the mood by suggesting a game of ‘never have I ever’. Neither Némion nor I have played it before, but it seems simple enough. We take turns admitting something we’ve done, if the others have also done that thing – they drink, if not they don’t.

  We get fucked up in record time, especially when comparing evil deeds between Némion and I – that woman gives me a run for my money. We mutually agree to keep things away from the sex and sado-masochist realm.

  She changes tactics and is able to get Dani and I by using things she’s done in the flipping 1800s when she was still human – stuff like churn butter. Who in the hell has ever churned butter?!

  “No Némion! You can’t keep using that stuff.”

  She shrugs, “The rules were very clear.”

  Dani and I take another shot over never have I ever sheered a lamb.

  Next its Dani’s turn, “Never have I ever crashed a car.” She looks between Némion and I devilishly… I sigh and take a drink as Dani laughs and I even manage to get a smile from Némion.

  “I didn’t know you could use the brake pedal before the car came to a stop!” My defense only makes them laugh harder.

  Soon I’m consumed with the simple fun I’m having… I pause in my thoughts, surprised that I could still have this kind of fun. And that maybe I have girlfriends now?

  I look at the two women and know that I trust them, and like them, and want them in my life. Not for power or for sex, but because I understand them, and I think they understand at least parts of me. That’s all most people want, is to be understood and accepted as they are.

  The limo slows as we ride through the abandoned portion of the industrial section near the Potomac River. I gaze out at the water twinkling with the light of a heavy moon. More dilapidated and abandoned warehouses sit across the river, a few old ships, rust scarring their hulls. Before the collapse this was probably a boom of activity.

  Astraea was once some sort of large factory… probably textiles, it reminds me of my warehouse, Astraea is just bigger… a lot bigger.

  We get out of the limo, the music is already blaring from the club, a multitude of colored lights shine out behind the mini-paned windows of the building. If anyone were to stumble on to it, they’d just think it was a rave… but it is in fact a blood den. A full clutch of vampires with nothing but evil deeds masked as erotic desires.

  I spot my guards all around, dressed in black BDUs with eventide patches on, automatic rifles at the ready, eyes scanning, looking for any threat. I know all of them by face and name, but that’s where it ends. I don’t really know any of them. Not like I know Frank and the B-Boys.

  Carter is leading them tonight; I spot him by the front door. His face impassive, his stature strong and controlled. The energy rolling off of him is good. A solid don’t-fuck-with-me, but not in that unstable and dangerous way berserkers can sometimes have.

  I’d done that; not a pax, not Brianna… not anyone but me, his Dea, giving him the forgiveness and love and support he needed. Harper was right – sometimes they need me to love them back.

  Némion leads the charge into the building with Dani and I arm in arm, propping each other up a bit. The naughty queen goes to shake her ass wearing her come fuck me dress, with her come fuck me shoes, after already being thoroughly fucked by one of her fiancés.

  Stepping into Astraea is like stepping into a movie about vampire clubs – it mimics everything the human movies always have. Loud music, fetish wear, PVC and leather clad bodies; light shows, naked dancers twirling on ropes from the ceiling above the pit. The place is packed and I daresay… I don’t know any of them, at least not most of them.

  The full pit sits in the center of the club, the D.J. area in the rear with a bar, another bar here close to the front. Up on the second level around the edges are private rooms with glass viewing windows to look down into the pit. I have one, a private box.

  A light cloud of smoke settles around us… the smell of delicious sin in the air. Demetri is waiting for us; he stands arms open, welcoming us to his wicked world. Demetri is a painfully thin, ivory skinned man. He’s framed by a blood red patterned tux jacket, skintight leather pants and black diamond codpiece – what is it with him and these codpieces lately? Large diamonds glitter in his ears. His yellowish blond hair is long and curled beautifully in perfect Shirley-temples giving him the look of the cowardly lion from Wizard of Oz – my favorite movie.

  I can’t help it, I smile, he’s absolutely outrageous, “Dem.” I pull from Dani to give him cute air kisses.

  “Vee-Vee,” he returns the warm welcome.

  His hands flash with a multitude of rings, all jewels, all gaudy as he steps back, “My home is yours this evening… and always.” He bows low at the waist, when he stands his eyes are wide in shock, his nose flared… I’d almost forgotten.

  “Let’s talk in private,” I whisper.

  “My Queen,” he turns to lead me up the stairs and out of the pit.

  I turn back to look at Némion and Dani, “Have fun, I’ll be back in a bit.”

  When we reach the landing Kiah is there, full guard mode, “Kiah.”

  “My Queen,” he nods.

  Another rule was for me to take all of the guards with me with Carter running point. If Luey, Jack, Frank, Tabari and Harper weren’t allowed… then I got everyone left… which part of me feels bad about, and yet part of me understands. The B-Boys are my guards before they’re Luey and Jack’s friends.

  I follow Dem down the long black-painted hallway to my private box that sits near the fire escape where Adam is stationed, I give him a nod before I go into the private box.

  The room is a nice size, with one full size lounge sofa and another two-seater, a couple of chairs, tables and a wet bar on one side. It’s all done in deep purple plush leather and a black carpet that you can sink your toes into.

  All the furniture is new, Dem had the box redone just for me.

  “Would you like a drink, my Queen?” He turns to the wet bar on the side, I’m sure fully stocked with the best bloodwines money could buy.

  “In a moment, come here,” I sigh.

  Dem is cautious as he approaches me, but I’m not angry… I’m just passing on a message.

  “Jack marked me… and he left a message for you… to clean up,” I phrase it as delicately as possible.

  Dem licks his lips as he glances at my crotch.

  “Yes? What… what is the message?” He whispers with such longing it awakens my sacral.
r />   “Along with cleaning his come from me he wanted us to know that we have a free pass for tonight, if I want to have you. But it never happens again, and he never finds out about it or he’ll kill your entire clutch… and you after you watch them die.”

  Dem looks deeply into my eyes, “And do you want me Vee-Vee?”

  “No,” I whisper it plainly.

  He lets out a shuddering breath, “That actually hurts less than I thought it would.”

  “You never really thought…”

  “No… I know my place, and it is not in your bed.”

  I nod, “Good.”

  “He was testing us.”

  I sigh, “Probably.”

  “Does this mean we passed?”

  I nod, “I think so,” I whisper relieved, some part of me wasn’t really sure if given the chance I wouldn’t add Demetri to my list of conquest – now I know. “I’ll go clean up; can you tell Dani to bring me some fresh panties?”

  “Yes, my Queen…” he pauses, “may I have a boon my Queen?”

  I raise an eyebrow, “What?”

  He only smiles.



  Demetri is a sick fuck. Yes, I’ve always known that, but he just really finds new ways to surprise me.

  His boon? To use my dirty panties as a gag as he’s sucked off by one of his slaves and fucked by another. I choose not to unpack that request and instead enjoy myself and watch the show.

  I sit on the settee with a glass of bloodwine and watch them move. Vampires are just different, especially when they’re not trying to hide what they are. Their movements are fast until they’re achingly slow. They react deeper to scents and tastes, they’re aware of more and when they choose to feel, they feel those things deeper than humans, even for all of their cold and calculated ways – vampires are not an uncaring people, at least not purebloods.

  The two vampires chosen to torture their master cuff Dem’s hands behind his back while he stands before me. His shirt and jacket are both open, exposing that pure white skin with ribs pressed against his almost translucent flesh. The large pale skinned male vampire moves behind Dem as another smaller pale skinned vampire male kneels in front of Dem.


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