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Stigmata Page 51

by L M Adams

  Jack clears his throat, “Yes.”

  Nassor grins as he sits straight up on the back of his horse again, “I want a leash one day, but not yet. Very well, I will not pursue the favors of your husband, but that does leave the matter of you…”

  I finally snap, “What is going on here?!”

  Lucien turns around to look at me, “it is Ha’mara.”

  “That doesn’t explain it!”

  “This is the time when… people come together and… mingle… single or married… as long as it is agreed upon by all. We shall discuss our boundaries later, but I can already tell you, Nassor will not be on the acceptable list for either of you.”

  “Hari!” Nassor rides forward to talk to Lucien in hurried whispers.

  Jack leans over towards me, “What is happening, Jae?”

  “I know this festival… not as Ha’mara, but it is something I know as a child of Lilith… or Ishtar. This is the time of love… to plant the fruits of babes… or hell, just to enjoy it.”

  “A festival of fucking?”

  “Pretty much.”

  “And they’re trying to claim dibs?”

  “Looks like we’re hot items on the menu.”

  “Oh goodie.”

  I huff, “Being desired has never bothered you before.”

  “Sure, as long as I’m not being used as a steppingstone to get to someone else.”

  He means Lucien.

  “You think that’s what they’re doing?”

  “I would if I was them.”

  But I’m not sure these people think the same way vampires do.



  Soon the Ha’mara is explained to us. It is more than a ‘festival of fucking.’ It is the time leading up to the solstice. A party that lasts for days upon days where people from across the lands come to the great city state of Atum to meet, to greet, to arrange… something like handfastings, or to marry/claim. Their idea of marriage is not the same as humans… or even the Kindred, it is an intent and commitment to share your life with another. You can have multiple partners, partners for different reasons… and it doesn’t always seem to be with a sexual connotation. The only requirement is to share who you are with another; it is a commitment to connection.

  The Ha’mara is filled with more than mating rituals as well. Warriors will come to compete with one another. Others will declare their purpose or look for new trades or skills to learn… or just to try. In simple, the Ha’mara is a celebration of… change.

  Instead of fearing change, they choose to celebrate it. They believe limiting themselves to one thought, or mindset, or even one pursuit in life will not lead you to happiness. That life is about the journey and we each have a responsibility to search for the ever-changing purpose all of our lives.

  This time is also set aside to decide and settle disputes and ask for forgiveness if there has been discourse among the people. The goal is to leave every Ha’mara a different, and hopefully better, person than you were before.

  All of this massive party leads up to the main event, the Solstice. That makes all three of us look at each other with curiosity. In our timeline, we’ve already passed the solstice. But none of us say anything. I think collectively we need to agree on what we’ll say and how much we’ll say about anything.

  I’m still not sure why we were transported here. Maybe because Lucien needed to experience home again, maybe this time is another steppingstone in our journey to become who and what we were meant to be. My life, our lives, have a touch of destiny to them. There is no denying that any longer.

  I look back towards the Sahara, it was a brutal journey, it was hard and exhausting and… wonderful. My heart has learned much, my spirit has opened to the beauty and terror of the gods.

  The long grass begins, and the horizon is spotted with trees as we enter the gentle brush of the savanna. Above us Ra begins his descent and the sky is filled with the glorious orange color that seems to dip the universe in gold. We are in a time before the eventide, the beginning of the middle.

  Often one of our escorts will stretch their arms out and throw back their heads, seeming to worship the sun, or the setting, or the air, or the magic, or the existence of life in itself.

  Everyone seems quiet and contemplative and instead of opening my big mouth to ask what’s going on, I stay quiet and respect this time with them. When the magic of the Eventide comes, I breathe it in, let it roll into me. I don’t run or try to block it out.

  I surrender to it, letting my arms fall to my side in worship as I’d seen them do. I’m filled with the breaking, the sun and the moon… and something more, the earth – and I know all things and nothing at all.

  Since the very first time my body and mind have known of the Eventide, I understand it. It is more than power of Ra or power of Neoma, it is the joining, the connecting, and that happens within Gaia. She is the connective tissue where the powers of the two meet, she is the connective tissue of man and monster and even god – for without her there would be no purpose in any of this.

  Looking back, I may never understand why I do what I do, only that in this time, I knew what I needed to do. My thighs squeeze the horse’s side, speeding her up, urging her forward to run with the wind. I keep my eyes closed, trusting her, trusting the universe, trusting myself – for the first time in a very long time.

  Music fills my heart, a gentle wooden flute over the steady thump of a drum, the voice of a woman singing in a language I don’t know… but don’t need to know, because I understand the intent.

  I keep my eyes closed as I do something I haven’t done since I was a child. I lean forward and bring up my legs, finding my balance has never been so easy before as I stand on the back of the galloping horse. Knees bent as I balance and sway with the horse. My heart fills with peace, such everlasting peace. Arms open wide, hair flowing in the wind, I reach for the universe, I reach for them, and they… they reach back.

  Goddess I cry out, I cry out from the pain and from the sorrow. I open my soul and let the sun and moon shine on those wounds that still bleed within me.

  Healing is not a destination… it is a journey.

  I scream with the release of energy, I scream in a broken voice with thunderous force and I let myself fall… fall away and into, I let myself fall and I feel the arms of Lucien catch me, because he… he would never let me fall too far.

  He straightens on the back of the horse, bringing me up to cradle in his lap, I wrap my arms around his waist, and I cry into his chest. I feel the horse slow down and my heart seems to follow suit.

  “Shh,” he pets me gently, “shh.” He tries to soothe the everlasting ache in my heart.

  I feel Jack draw closer as Luey stops his horse, “Are you okay, Jae?”

  I nod into Luey’s chest, emotions still raw and open.

  “Aye, Bloodsucker, she just needed a good cry, hmm? Nothing wrong with having a good cry every now and again.” He holds me to him and gives me that feeling of safety… of belonging… of love.

  “Nothing wrong with it at all.”

  “Sorrow and joy,” I sniff.

  “Sorrow and joy, Wench,” he sighs. And I realize that my outburst probably had a lot to do with the emotions that Lucien was feeling and projecting into our link.

  He’s home… he’s finally home, but he knows the end of his people is coming, he knows we cannot stay here, and they cannot come with us… he knows of sorrow and joy.

  Jack reaches over and grabs my hand, giving me a sad smile, he may have lost his powers, but he is still connected to us, he knows what we’re feeling… he is ours.

  “You are happy to be here… aren’t you Lucien?”

  “More than words can describe… they’re alive, my people, they are alive.” His voice is filled with wonder.

  “How did…”

  “We shall talk tonight, when we are alone, hmmm?”

  Jack gives me a look and then nods, “I’ll get Jae’s horse,” Jack says leading hi
s horse away.

  I peek around Lucien, there in the distance, I see the others galloping towards us.

  “How fast was I riding?” I ask in shock.

  “Fast, Wench, very fast, near gave me a heart attack. You seemed to run with the wind, you began… phasing.”


  He sighs, “Joining the spirit world, I thought you wouldn’t come back.” He sounds afraid.

  “Do not worry, I’ll always come back to you.”

  “Damn right you will,” he says in that adorable gruffy way he has.

  I smile, happy that in an ever-changing world, some things stay the same.

  Not wanting to seem like a damsel in distress I shift until I’m sitting astride the horse with Luey. He’s not ready to let me out of his arms, and instead of fighting it, I just let him have his way – see I’m learning. Right now his emotions are very raw and flowing in every direction, that’s why opening myself up brought a flood of power into me. Lucien is calm on the outside, but the core of him rides a dangerous current.

  Jack returns with my horse and waits beside us, he seems sheepish.

  I pull away from Luey and lean towards Jack, “Kiss.”

  He smiles and leans towards me to give me a quick kiss, “I’ve got to stop being so obvious.”

  I lean back on Luey, “Don’t worry, you hide it well around others.”

  He huffs, “Yet to you two, I’m an open book… there goes my street cred.”

  “This is the way it should be between husbands and wife,” Lucien proclaims.

  “Still… sometimes it’s hard.”

  Lucien grunts, “It is hard to learn a new way to be, I know this Capaneus.”

  Jack laughs, “Oh yeah? And what exactly have you changed about yourself?”

  “I am much more patient now that we are married. I take time to explain why my way is better instead of expecting you two to immediately do as you’re told.”

  I laugh as Jack looks at me, shock covering his face, “Is he serious?” he asks aghast.

  I nod laughing as my eyes water.

  “Disrespectful slaves,” Luey grumbles low.

  I pat his hand in apology, he is very sensitive after all.

  Jack shakes his head, “You’re a lot to unpack some days.”

  “Unpack?” Lucien asks, “What is this… unpack? I am not a suitcase.”

  Jack doesn’t get to respond because we’re rejoined by the others, and some things should just be kept in the family.

  Nassor and Nyrobi are the first to join us again.

  “Great gift sister! A great gift!” Nassor cheers.

  I smile, “You’re welcome?”

  He looks to Lucien, “A great conquest indeed brother.”

  Lucien huffs, “Still not happening.”

  Nassor gives me a saucy wink and I laugh – I do believe Nassor is only flirting with me to pick on Lucien.

  Nyrobi, however, is not – she’s flirting with me all for herself. She brings her horse up to ride bedside Lucien and me.

  “You are more than a daughter of Ishtar?” She asks using a statement.

  I’m not sure of how much Luey wants us to share, but I don’t really want to lie to these people either.

  “A bit more.”

  She looks at me oddly for a moment and then nods, seeming to let the matter rest.

  Her aura is familiar, but she isn’t a succubus, not like what I am. I still can’t place what it is that’s different, but her magic feels more like an echo of power, a memory of it rather than a real thing.

  The remainder of the ride is uneventful and peaceful. The wild lands of this ancient time are breathtaking. I know that the Africa of human earth, Ra’suá, and here… are not all identical… similar, but not identical.

  Here, or in this time, the magic of life feels wilder, newer… filled with potential.

  Gazelle sprint in the distance as explosions of birds erupt suddenly, flocks taking flight… without warning, filling the sky with sound and color.

  Being here, just for this bit of time, shows me why Lucien’s heart has always ached for home… how could it not, when you were born in the cradle of life?

  My heart leaps in my chest as I spot a herd of oliphants. I even notice Jack sitting up a bit straighter as he spots them, his eyes seem to fill with wonder… for a moment, he forgets about how miserable he is.

  The mighty beasts with large tusks and large trunks belt out like a horn, seeming to also celebrate Lucien’s return.

  “Beautiful,” Jack whispers low.

  “Aye, Capaneus… beautiful,” Lucien’s voice has gone rough with love.

  Jack turns to look at Lucien and he must see something there he’s very uncomfortable with. He lowers his head shyly, “Please… not in front of others.”

  Lucien only sighs.

  I pat his arm gently – slow and steady will win the race Luey, I think towards him.

  Master Henenu comes up to ride beside Lucien.

  “There, Raja, the people welcome you…” Henenu points out and there in the distance are silhouettes of four people, “they will run ahead and tell the others, they will spread the fire… the Raja has returned.”

  “Raja?” I ask.

  Lucien sighs, “King,” he mutters low.

  “Pharaoh… god-king,” Henenu corrects Lucien’s translation, but I don’t think Luey likes that one either.

  A king has responsibilities, a king is supposed to protect, a king has to save his people from the coming destruction… and we can’t… we cannot disturb the timeline… we just can’t.



  I’m not sure what I was expecting when Luey said ‘village’, but it was not this. Me’tangua is a city, the buildings are large, multiple levels, made with mud brick, large dome roofs with gardens, most of the city seeming open with large windows, doorways, and causeways to let the river breeze flow through the buildings. Colorful cloths dance in the wind, torches lit and burning brightly to light our way.

  I can smell the river on the air.

  Henenu was right, people are gathered on the pathway to the village, cheering wildly, they welcome the return of the Pharaoh… the return of the young lion.

  Drums beat and voices sing. Smiling bright faces filled with joy. All of them look as if they’re god touched. Tall, muscular, dark skin, shimmering skin, not everyone has their hair in locs, some are bald, or have their hair braided back, some wear bantu knots.

  One thing I do notice, men seem to outnumber women three to one. I tuck that bit away for later.

  We enter the village with nothing but cheers and joy following our steps. The buildings are even more gorgeous close up, with hieroglyphics carved into the mud brick. It may be enchantments, or stories of heroic deeds. It may be the recipe for chicken soup for all I know… but whatever it is, it’s gorgeous.

  And… “Does this remind you of the Cerberus section of the Kindred palace?”

  Lucien nods, “Yes, Wench.” His voice sounds odd, as if he’s holding back tears – I didn’t even think Lucien was capable of that sort of emotion.

  I pat his arm gently and he seems to exhale slowly, rubbing his chin in my hair… being careful of my horns.

  Henenu leads us down the main road, it’s then I notice there aren’t separate buildings, not really, all of it is connected, different levels with small patios and gardens here and there, open causeways tiled with pretty painted designs. It’s organic, as if the city grew to make what it needed… but there was no plan – it just followed its heart’s desire.

  More people wave at us from the balconies, or out of the windows, ululating in a joyful song.

  “They welcome you, brother,” Nassor beams with pride.

  “It is good… good to be close to home.”

  Nassor sighs, “We did not rebuild, the Raja would not allow…”

  “We will have time for that later,” Henenu calls back over his shoulder, cutting Nassor off. “For now, let us get them t
o their rooms so they may wash, eat, be filled with peace.”

  “Yes, Master,” Nassor says immediately.

  Lucien squeezes me slightly and I glance at Jack, he’s looking at me with such sadness in his eyes.

  How can we protect Lucien? He’ll want to see the ruins of his mother’s home… his home… he’ll want to see it, how could he not? And what an ugly memory that will bring.

  I scramble with ways I can protect him, or at least help soften the blow. But there is nothing I can do… nothing but be here for him. It is always a hard thing when you cannot protect someone you love from the heartbreaks of the world.

  Lucien’s journey here will be hard, and I don’t think there is any escaping it.

  Henenu leads us through the city, almost to the river’s edge. The laid stone ends right at the parting of land and water, a stone laid dock. On the mighty Nile, the black waters, both large and small boats sit on the water, bobbing gently.

  A large building sits on our right, torches in holders peppered about on the outside, the building made of the same golden mud brick. It’s three stories, the top two floors are mostly open with pillars and gentle arches wrapped in pretty vines with flowers everywhere. There are only long airy drapes for privacy it would seem.

  Henenu dismounts and we follow suit. A young boy dressed in a simple black wrap skirt comes to take our horses, he can’t stop grinning at Lucien. It is easy to tell people are happy to see him, happy to have him home. But why wouldn’t they be? He is a lost son.

  Another man comes to speak with Henenu quickly and we are lead into the building. The first floor a welcoming living area, filled with large cushions spread on the floor with low tables. Gentle torch light and candles are spread about lighting up the decorative painted walls, blue and red with touches of gold. It is easy to see the paints were done with love and care.

  To the left the flower wrapped archways are uncovered and the Nile river flows by steadily, dark and reflecting the torchlight from the city. Small dinghies bob up and down, secured to the dock. The sound is gentle… peaceful. Everything here is just so damn… peaceful.


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