His Temporary Mistress

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His Temporary Mistress Page 15

by Bethany Sefchick

  Dory made certain to hold her head up high as she followed Adams through the darkened entryway and into the large, open vestibule that would allow her to access any part of the club she chose. Even here, everything was done in the teal and emerald tones that she had come to associate so closely with the masquerade. Everything she saw was mostly fashioned from dark, heavy wood paired with gold gilt and some sort of green marble that she thought might be French in origin.

  Beautifully carved statues of Aphrodite, the Greek goddess of love, fertility, and yes, even prostitution, sat at the base of the central winding staircase that twisted upward into a thick darkness that loomed above the mossy green marble floor. Statues of the goddess Tyche molded in weathered bronze sat to her left, likely guarding the entrance to the gaming floor and the erotically graphic “Dionysus Doors” themselves. And to her right? There was a single statue exquisitely carved from a single piece of that same odd green marble. A statue of Zeus, the king of the gods in ancient Greece. A statue that left no doubt what lay down that hallway.

  That hallway led to the masquerade ballroom and beyond that? Jeremy’s quarters.

  “He didn’t believe you would truly come, my lady,” Adams whispered in her ear as they came to a halt in the center of the vestibule. “He isn’t prepared.”

  “Where is he?”

  Here in this shadowy area where a single choice could lead to a different vice, Dory felt eyes watching her. Probably some of the same staff members who watched her each Thursday as she took part in the debauched masquerade. As if on cue, a man in a bejeweled Bengal tiger mask appeared, muttered something about taking a wrong turn and then disappeared – but not before eyeing her for a long moment.

  For the first time, Dory felt a bit of uncertainty and wondered if she had made a mistake in coming here. If she had? Well, it was too late to change her mind. She was here and she would not simply turn back around and go home, even though her good sense was urging her to do just that.

  Adams hesitated a moment before answering her. “He is on the gaming floor, my lady and can’t be interrupted just now. If you would only wait a moment…”

  “No.” Dory shook her head as she gathered her courage. “He challenged me to come here. To use the front door and not the Peacock Door.” She glanced around the vestibule again. “He believes I will simply go home if he is not here to escort me about. That I will call an end to what is between us because I am not brave enough to fight for what I desire. To take the risk.”

  “Something like that, my lady,” Adams offered weakly, as if he knew he was fighting a losing battle to keep her away from Jeremy.

  “Well, I won’t just go away, Adams. In fact, I refuse. My world is closing in around me like a noose, and I’ll not give in to my fate until I absolutely must.” Reaching up, Dory undid the fasteners on her cloak. “Please see that this is stored away. I shall need it later but not for some time.”

  Then, with far more confidence than she felt, Dory turned and headed directly for the darkened hallway guarded by the statues of Tyche, and beyond them the Dionysus Doors, very well aware that Adams probably made no move to stop her because he was so shocked by her gown. Or rather her lack of a gown.

  And if he was shocked, Dory could only imagine how shocked Jeremy would be.

  Hopefully too shocked to do little more than stare.

  Which was, of course, what she was counting on.

  Dory was here. Somewhere.

  Jeremy didn’t need his staff to tell him this time. He swore that he could sense her presence merely by a change in the air within the club.

  That was, of course, utter nonsense, but something had changed a few moments ago and Jeremy had no doubt that his little hellion had taken him up on his challenge from earlier.

  He hadn’t expected her to, of course, though he had hoped. He had actually assumed that she had more sense than to risk her neck, her body, and her reputation to come here alone. He should have known better, however, mostly because it seemed that when it came to him, Dory had no sense at all.

  Which of course was perfect because when it came to Dory? Jeremy didn’t have a lick of sense either.

  The only questions that remained were whether or not she was brave enough to enter the gaming floor itself. And, of course, what he would do if she did?

  Jeremy was still pondering those questions when a flash of sapphire silk caught his eye and he turned to see a vision of feminine perfection standing on the small set of stairs that dropped down into the gaming table area itself.

  It was Dory. And she was exquisite.

  Her gown, obviously one of Madame LaVallier’s more risqué creations given the bit of golden lace at her waist, was cut so low in both the front and the back that it would have been beyond scandalous even for a courtesan. The gown revealed far more of Dory’s delectable breasts and her creamy shoulders than Jeremy was comfortable with other men seeing. He didn’t even want to think too much about the slightly exposed expanse of her upper back.

  The hem of her dress was scandalous as well. Though it was drawn up no more than an inch or so, that inch was enough to reveal her delicate ankles and gold spangled slippers. And, of course, a flash of her shapely calves. Even a street harlot would have the vapors simply from looking at her!

  Dory’s hair had also been drawn up into an elegant chignon, wound through with both sapphires and emeralds, so that everyone could see the gentle curve of her neck. A string of larger and more opulent sapphires encircled her throat tightly, and matching ear bobs dangled from her lobes. And where the faces of everyone else in this club were bare? She wore a raven’s mask that sparkled with sapphires, emeralds, and diamonds, a near twin of his own mask that also kept her identity well hidden from the too-interested crowd.

  Or he hoped it did. If he could tell from a mere glance that the enchanting creature before him was Dory, would anyone else be able to as well? Possibly.

  A surge of longing slammed into Jeremy as he stared at Dory, and around him, time and space seemed to slow. Voices became muffled and conversation dropped away until she was all he could see. The air became thick and he found it difficult to breathe. She had him enraptured and she had done nothing more than enter the room. But, oh, what an entrance it had been!

  “Gentlemen? If you would excuse me? There is something I must, er, attend to just now.” Jeremy stumbled as he rose as quickly as he could, but that was somewhat difficult as he also now had cockstand so painful that it was impossible to hide his arousal.

  Well, what did it matter? Most of the men and likely a good portion of the women in this club were probably suffering the same as he was just then.

  “Brought us a party favor, did you, Dunn?”

  That lecherous remark came from Lord Stillborough, who was standing next to an unknown man in a zebra mask who obviously preferred to retain his anonymity as well. Not that Jeremy could blame the man, for being seen in Stillborough’s company would be enough to damage anyone’s good reputation. Hell, the bastard could even damage someone’s bad reputation if given enough time!

  After the first night, the disgraceful lord had entered Dionysus, hadn’t taken Jeremy long to understand why the man had been banned from Noroc, the gaming hell owned by several prominent lords of the ton, including the Bloody Duke. Jeremy now wished he had taken Richard’s advice back in the beginning and banned the disgusting lecher as well but now, until the man actually did something truly wretched – beyond pouring a drink on a serving girl which was bad enough but not quite bad enough – Jeremy was stuck with the fool.

  “No. I did not.” Jeremy’s voice was ice cold now and he pinned Stillborough with a black look. “She is mine and mine alone. Do not ask again.”

  His voice dripped thinly veiled anger and something of that must have penetrated the other man’s liquor-soaked brain for Stillborough held up his hands in a show of innocence. Or perhaps it was simply because he didn’t wish to get tossed out of the club again.

  “I meant no of
fense. Just that she’s a tasty piece.” He squinted at Dory, though Jeremy knew his eyes must be unfocused after so many glasses of scotch by this point. “I say, she does look familiar. Do I know her?”

  “Unlikely. She is not of your kind.” Jeremy’s voice took on a dark quality, and the soused lord pulled back to peer at him. “Now do not ask me again.”

  Once more, Stillborough’s hands went up in a protest of his innocence, though Jeremy noted that the other man’s eyes still traced the curves of Dory’s body. They would have to be careful. Stillborough was already angry about being tossed out the other evening and he wasn’t in a very manageable mood this evening. All of that coupled with his losing streak at the faro tables could spell trouble for Jeremy and Dory later on. It would serve them all well to be on their guard. Not just from this man but from anyone else who might want a bit of her for themselves when Jeremy’s back was turned.

  And especially since Dory shouldn’t even be here.

  On the other hand…

  She was here and she looked like sin incarnate.

  Which meant that she was either braver than he thought, or she wanted him more than he had realized. Either way, she had proven herself to be an extraordinary woman in so very many ways and he would be an utter fool to turn her away. And Jeremy, despite his nagging conscience, was no fool.

  It seemed as if it took him an eternity to cross the gaming floor to where she stood waiting for him, though it could not have taken more than a few moments in reality. The normal ear-splitting cacophony of the club was diminished to a murmur in Jeremy’s brain, and he was aware that likely every word he was about to speak would be heard by all. Therefore, he would have to choose his words carefully and hope that Dory did the same.

  “Sweet. You came. I did not think you would.” Jeremy reached for her the first moment that he could, threading her fingers through his and claiming her as his in front of everyone.

  “I promised, did I not?” she teased, her eyes glittering beneath her raven’s mask.

  He nodded, his throat so thick that he could barely speak. “That you did.” He slid a single finger down the darkly feathered mask. “This is new.”

  “It was necessary,” she countered softly. “For a number of reasons.”

  Jeremy wanted to know exactly what those reasons were, but he didn’t want to ask her here, where anyone could overhear them. No, he would ask those questions when they were alone in his chambers. Preferably naked.

  Because he had made it clear to Dory earlier that if she came to the club tonight? He would bed her before the sun rose again. His cock in her cunt. No excuses and no exceptions. His legendary self-control only went so far and did not extend into self-punishment. He wanted her and he would have her. The end.

  Glancing around, Jeremy spotted Richard who was conversing with a serving girl, possibly the same one from the other night, as his friend had taken a liking to her for some reason. He made a gesture that indicated he was leaving the club floor for a bit and, thankfully, Richard responded in kind. Jeremy hesitated for only a moment after that, but when he was certain that his precious club would be well attended to, he placed his hand at the small of Dory’s back and began leading her away from the prying eyes that were all likely still trying to discern who she was behind her raven’s mask.

  Once they were alone in the hallway that would eventually lead to his suite, Jeremy leaned down and licked the shell of Dory’s ear. “You surprised me, sweet. I did not think you would come.”

  “And I knew that I would,” she replied, though he heard a small hitch in her voice as if something was troubling her. “You need to learn to trust me, my raven. I am stronger and more determined than you know. There is very little that would truly break me.”

  “I am beginning to realize that,” he confessed, trying to think of another woman he knew, including any number of courtesans, who would be bold enough to stride into the middle of Dionysus as Dory had just done, unflinching and seemingly without fear.

  Abruptly, Dory stopped and turned to face him. “That does not mean I did not come here without fear. I am afraid. What is on the inside and what is on the outside are two very different things. But I came because I needed to do so. Because I needed you.”

  That was all Jeremy needed to hear. Instead of replying, he took Dory’s hand in his and raced through the corridors of his club, desperate to reach his private suite of rooms. He had no idea if Dory meant that she needed him physically or otherwise. All that he knew was that she needed him and that was enough to turn his normally rational brain into a hazy pile of lust.

  Because Dory couldn’t possibly know how much he burned to be needed. By anyone, really. But especially by a woman like her. No. Scratch that. Not just “a” woman like her, but her specifically. And that realization was the point at which Jeremy knew he was in very, very deep trouble. He also knew that he didn’t care.

  Chapter Eleven

  Dory felt as if she was flying through the halls of Dionysus, her hand grasped tightly in Jeremy’s. She hadn’t meant to inflame him like this. All she had hoped to do was tease and tempt him into kissing her and perhaps allowing her to spend some time with him on the gaming floor until they could be together later.

  Well, were she being honest, Dory had hoped for a little more than that. Though she hadn’t wanted to hope for too much.

  She had also understood what coming here tonight would mean. And what they would do together. Even if Jeremy didn’t believe that she did.

  Dory just hadn’t imagined that this – whatever “this” really was – would happen so quickly.

  “Slow down, my raven,” she panted when he stopped briefly to look behind them and make certain the upper corridors were empty. “We have all night.”

  Turning, Jeremy looked at her with dark, hungry eyes. “We don’t have all night. At best. we have a few hours.” She watched the muscles in his throat move as he swallowed hard. “I meant what I said, Dory. I won’t put you at risk again. While we might be together this evening, you will not spend the night in my bed again. Not because I don’t want you, but because I do not want to see you hurt.”

  Dory was about to argue that she could take care of herself and that since the Tillsbury household was in a bit of an uproar just now, no one was likely to notice her comings and goings. However, before she could utter a word, Jeremy had his hand in hers again, and they were off, speeding through the dark corridors that were still somewhat of a maze to her. Finally, they reached the door to his chambers and, just as he had the other two nights, he paused before opening the door.

  “Last chance, sweet. If you are standing here when I open this door, you will be giving yourself to me. All of you.” Jeremy’s eyes were full of desire and something far more heated that Dory had never seen before.

  Reaching up, she traced his lips with her fingertips, just as she had when he still wore the raven mask. “I meant what I said, Jeremy. I want you. I desire you. And I have no idea how else to prove to you that I want this time with you. That, to me, you are worth the risk.” She paused to cup his cheek. “Other than this.”

  With another suitor – not that Jeremy was her suitor, of course, for that could never be – there would be balls and soirees, musicales and garden parties. They could stroll together in Hyde Park or go driving along Rotten Row when the weather was fine. But not with Jeremy.

  Like Persephone and Hades, their coming together could only be confined to the darkness. Never in the light. He was a rogue who owned a gaming hell and was not accepted in polite circles. She was an overlooked wallflower bound to another man out of duty, mostly because no one else in polite Society would have her. Outside of these walls, they could not exist. Not like this. But inside? They could do and be anything they wished.

  That included becoming lovers.

  “Are you certain?” he asked again, his eyes searching hers as he removed her modified raven’s mask. “Once we do this, Dory? Once I make you mine? It can’t be undone. No
t if I have you as I desire.”

  “Do I look uncertain?” she asked, reaching for him again. “There is so much more to me than you know, Jeremy, and I hope that in time, you will learn that. But if you never do? Then know this much, at least. Other than that which I am forced to do by social constraints? I do nothing unless I choose it. And tonight? I choose to be with you. Because this is what I want and not what someone else tells me I should desire.”

  Once more, Jeremy seemed to hesitate, but only for a moment. Then, he swept her into his arms and pulled her through the door to his chambers. “Thank God,” he breathed as his hands began to explore the curves of her body, more revealed to him now than they had been before.

  And oh, what hands he had! Unlike the soft hands of most gentlemen that Dory knew, men that were unaccustomed to work of any kind, Jeremy’s hands were rough, his fingertips abrading her skin where they touched her. Not that she would have complained about anything, for his hands on her body felt marvelous.

  “I need you to touch me, Jeremy,” she breathed as she arched into him. She had been aching for him ever since their meeting at Mr. Okey’s toy shop earlier in the day. When she had first pressed her body against his in that dark and quiet corner, the same familiar passions had ignited within her. Then she had felt the press of his erect cock against her thigh and she had become inflamed.

  That was why she was here tonight – to either cool this fire or make it burn brighter. She was tired of pretending this passion between them didn’t exist or that it could somehow be tamed into submission. It would either burn bright or it would burn out. But she needed to know so that she could either move on with her future or remain where she was for as long as she could. Her mother’s bout of madness that afternoon had only reinforced that notion.

  “I thought I was touching you, sweet,” Jeremy crooned as he kissed the side of her neck, his hot breath a sensual contrast to the cool fire of the precious stones that encircled her throat. “Or would you like something more?”


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