Kanes' Kisses: A Three Book Collection

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Kanes' Kisses: A Three Book Collection Page 1

by Loni Ree

  Kanes’ Kisses

  Copyright © 2019 by Loni Ree

  All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means, including information storage and retrieval systems, without written permission from the author, except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.

  Please respect the author and do not participate in or encourage piracy of copyrighted materials that would violate the author’s rights.

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events, locales, and incidents are either the products of the author’s imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.

  Edited By: Kendra's Editing and Book Services

  Kanes’ Kisses, Holly Kisses and Christmas Kisses Cover Design By: Karlee Fast at KL’s Book Designs

  Candy Kisses Cover Design By: Supernova Indie Publishing Services LLC

  Created with Vellum


  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Epilogue 1

  Epilogue 2


  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19




  Chapter 20

  Chapter 21

  Chapter 22

  Chapter 23

  Chapter 24

  Chapter 25

  Chapter 26

  Chapter 27



  About the Author

  Also by Loni Ree

  Chapter 1


  “I’m so happy to be home. The conference was a waste of time,” I lament as I drop my suitcase on the floor and look around for my furry baby. I find the little traitor sitting in Aunt Mabel’s lap, ignoring me. Milo will punish me for several days because I left him for my weekend trip. “Was my little sweetheart a good boy?” I ask, then watch as my aunt flips her long gray hair over her shoulder. For a sixty-five-year-old woman, Aunt Mabel is in wonderful shape. She owns the most popular yoga studio in town. Well, really, it’s the only yoga studio in our small town, but if there was competition, it would still be the most popular.

  “Of course, but never mind that. You want to talk about a nightmare. You have a nightmare happening right across the street.” When Aunt Mabel places Milo on the floor, the cat’s glare promises retribution, but I ignore him and concentrate on my aunt. She walks over to point out the front picture window, “You have a new neighbor. Saturday morning, moving vans came, and people were in and out all weekend long. And oh my God, it’s a drug dealer that moved in across the street.”

  I roll my eyes and drop down onto the sofa. “Aunt Mabel, what makes you think my new neighbor’s a drug dealer?” Since my aunt is known for her crazy theories, along with her yoga classes, I’m sure this explanation will be a doozy.

  “He’s got to be all of eighteen. How else would he be able to afford that house? I’m telling you, a drug dealer moved in across the street. One fine, young, hot as hell drug dealer, but still a criminal.” As she looks up toward the ceiling and shakes her head then looks sadly out the window, I barely contain my laughter. I’m sure there’s another explanation, but everyone in town knows that arguing with Aunt Mabel is pointless.

  “I’ll talk to Linda and Gary with the neighborhood association and find out all about my neighbor. Don’t you worry.” I try to assure Aunt Mabel.

  After I convince her it’s safe to leave me here with a drug dealer living across the street, she leaves and I attempt to find my angry cat. The little monster has gone into hiding to punish me. While he’s off sulking, I decide to get my things ready for the week ahead. When I walk by the window, I notice a new expensive car in front of my neighbor’s house, and for a second, I wonder about Aunt Mabel’s theory.

  Even though I’m running late the next morning, I search everywhere but can’t find the little terror anywhere. Milo avoided me all night, so I place a can of tuna in his food dish as a peace offering before leaving. Hopefully, he’ll forgive me sometime soon.

  As I open my front door to leave, my jaw drops open and I blink several times. My first thought is, Holy Cow. Is that my new neighbor? Things are definitely looking up in my neighborhood. The average age just went down by several years. Aunt Mabel was right. He is hot. Red freaking hot. But several years older than eighteen. I’d say he’s got to be in his mid-twenties, at least. Still young to own a home in this neighborhood unless he has very rich parents or a very good job. The suit he’s wearing probably cost more than my first car did, and it molds to every gorgeous inch of his body perfectly. When he reaches down to pick up an object from his lawn, the material stretches across his perfect ass and I check to make sure I’m not actually drooling. Staring at him short-circuits my brain. As he straightens and notices me gawking, an arrogant smirk flits across his face, then he waves, causing me to blush from head to toe from embarrassment. Before I can make a bigger fool of myself, I turn and dash to my car. As I’m driving away, I watch in the rearview mirror as the hottie walks toward his car.

  Samantha, my best friend and receptionist, isn’t at her desk when I walk into my office. The smell of coffee leads me to the breakroom where I find her sitting at the table, half asleep. “Busy night?”

  She jumps at my voice and groans, “The Tomases argued about freaking bills until one this morning. I was tempted to march over there and settle the freaking fight for them. I hate paper thin, apartment walls.”

  When she drops her head on the table and starts lightly banging it, I laugh and remind her, “Aunt Mabel is always looking for someone to rent her extra bedroom. I could arrange for you to move in there.” She lifts her head and snarls as I back out of the breakroom with her glare following me.

  By midday, Samantha has forgiven me for suggesting she might want to live with Aunt Mabel. At lunch, I tell her all about my new neighbor, especially his nice assets. “You know, it’s been a long time since you dated anyone. I think it’s time to go after a man with hot assets,” she points out before deciding to “drop by” and check him out soon.

  Chapter 2


  Holy shit. I hope the sexy blonde across the street is my Thong Santa. When I walked out and saw the beautiful goddess staring at me, all the blood rushed to my dick and I had to fight to keep from embarrassing myself. The delicate blush that covered her heart-shaped face aroused me even more, and I had to sit in my car and take several deep breaths before my hands stopped shaking. No other woman has ever affected me this quickly or this much. I have no idea what the hell is happening to me.

  I do know that ever since I moved in over the weekend, I’ve found a pair of thong underwear on my front lawn, every morning. At first, I thought it was a joke my brother and sister were playing on me, but they can’t get in the gated community without me knowing.

  After seeing an older woman coming and going from the house across the street over in the weekend, I prayed she wasn’t the mysterious owner of the undies. I knew my fantasies would die a horrible death if I investigated and discovered they belonged to a horny, elderly woman. Now that I’ve seen the blonde, my day is looking up. Time to investigate and pray
I unmask the right Thong Santa.

  I walk into my family’s law firm, Kane & Associates, and head straight for my office. As one of the newest and youngest attorneys, I have a small office at the end of the hall. I’ve only practiced a short time, but I love working with my family firm, most days. My uncle, who is a managing partner of the firm, encouraged me and my two siblings to follow in his footsteps and become lawyers. He raised us after our parents were killed in an accident when we were teenagers. Having teenage triplets thrust upon him was quite a life changing event for a thirty-something bachelor, but Uncle Harris accepted the challenge and helped us get past the trauma of losing our parents.

  “Hey, asshole. Own a watch? It’s after nine.” My brother strolls into in my office before I even have time to take my jacket off. After dropping into the chair in front of my desk, he continues. “You have time to work out after work?”

  Taking off my jacket and throwing it over the chair, I shake my head. “I can’t tonight. I have another meeting with Mrs. Lowe about her estate. It could take hours.” Jason winces in sympathy before heading toward the door. The Lowe Estate case is going to be the death of me. Mrs. Lowe changes her mind weekly on how she wants to handle her business.

  As he reaches the door, he turns. “By the way, Lola heard you bought a house in The Maples and are now lucky bachelor number one. I’d run fast.” When he wiggles his eyebrows and laughs evilly, I have the urge to throw my crystal golf ball paperweight at his head. After he ducks out the door, I look at my schedule and pray I can steer clear of Lola for the foreseeable future. Everyone knows the firm secretary is looking to marry a lawyer who can give her the life she thinks she deserves. That lawyer won’t be me. Just thinking about her makes my skin crawl. Hopefully, some other sucker will catch her eye soon.

  By the time I leave the office after spending the day hiding from Lola, then enduring a mind-numbing meeting with Mrs. Lowe, I’m ready to go home and drop into bed. The rest of the week ends up being a repeat of Monday: go to work, avoid the greedy secretary, come home exhausted, and find lacy thong undies on the lawn.

  Finally, the end of the week arrives, and I’m looking forward to a couple days of quiet. As I’m dragging my tired ass out of my car, a fat, ginger-colored cat strolls through my yard. The gorgeous blonde from across the street comes running right behind the little shit, yelling, “Milo, stop ignoring me and come home!”

  In an effort to be gentlemanly, I run after the troublemaker. The mystery of my Thong Santa is solved when the kitty suddenly stops and drops a little present on my lawn in front of me and his owner, who then screeches, “Oh my god! Milo, what have you done?” The little thief shows no remorse as he sits down and begins to lick a paw while his owner looks mortified. I don’t think I’ve ever seen someone’s face turn that color of red, but this gorgeous girl manages the feat. She snatches up the undies and shoves them into her pants pocket before turning to me. I blink several times as an unfamiliar feeling runs through my body. This is way beyond the lust I felt the first time I saw her at a distance.

  “I can’t believe the little jerk.” She glares at the cat then smiles at me.

  I realize she’s waiting for me to speak so I try to pull myself together, but my thoughts are buzzing around as I try to understand what the fuck is happening.

  Finally getting some control and wanting to put her at ease, I offer my hand. “I’m Jordan Kane. I moved in last weekend.”

  The cat decides to interrupt and hisses loudly in reply to me. She looks over her shoulder and glares at the cat for a few seconds before she turns back to me and smiles. “Holly Jacobs. Sorry about my cat. He’s mad because I left him for the weekend, and I guess he wanted to give you a welcome present, too.” Her eyes widen playfully, and she does a cute little tilt to her head as she explains, and I feel like a bomb explodes inside my chest. I shake my head, trying to figure out the unusual sensation, but I’m scared to examine what’s happening to me too closely.

  Without thinking, I inform her, “He’s actually quite the neighborhood welcome wagon. You might want to lock up your undies. He’s been leaving a pair in my yard every day since last Saturday.”

  “WHAT?” My ears are still ringing from her shout as she marches over toward the cat. Evidently, the feline is quite smart because he runs under my car before my gorgeous neighbor can reach him. When she turns back to me and bites her lip shyly, the funny feeling running through my heart intensifies even more. “I can’t even begin to apologize for him,” she laments as I hold up my hand to cut her off.

  “Don’t apologize. Your cat might need a bigger allowance to buy different welcome presents, but it’s not a big deal.” She snorts at my joke, and the unfamiliar sensation almost doubles me over. I’m so caught up in my thoughts, I don’t realize the cat is making a run for freedom with his owner chasing after him. As I watch her run after the little terror, the feeling in my chest tells me my life has changed. I’m just not ready to listen to it, yet.

  I spend the entire weekend hoping for another chance to see my gorgeous neighbor, but she’s never around. My dreams are filled with visions of her emerald green eyes smiling up at me as her gorgeous blonde hair is spread across my pillow while I fuck the hell out of her. The dreams lead to restless nights and cold showers. After a sleepless Sunday night, I barely manage to drag my ass out of bed Monday morning for my early jog. As I’m tying my shoelaces, a flash of golden hair moves quickly past my living room window, and I race over to watch Holly running along the street. I run out and catch up with her a few houses down.

  “Isn’t this a surprise?” My question startles her, and she spins and stumbles into my arms, shocking us both. The feel of her curvy body against my solid form short circuits my already non-functioning brain.

  Her tempting breasts rub against my chest as she gasps. “Holy sh-cow! You scared the hell out of me.” And my dick turns to stone in the silky exercise shorts. I groan in the back of my throat as she continues moving around, completely oblivious to my affliction. I finally set her back on her feet, and as she steps away, her eyes widen comically when she sees my unfortunate condition. In my mind, I come up with a name for what she’s doing to me.

  “Uhh…” She stammers, but I hold up my hand and interrupt her.

  “Let’s just run, and my problem will take care of itself.” I tilt my head in the direction she was running and start to jog.

  Holly easily catches up with me and mumbles, “I’m a doctor, so I know that has to be a little painful for you.” As we continue running, I hear her mutter, “Hell, it’s uncomfortable for me,” under her breath. But when I peek over at her, she smiles innocently and continues running, then suggests, “Maybe you should head home until your condition improves.”

  Making sure to only glance out of the side of my eye, I disagree, “You’re not getting rid of me that easily. It not great, but a run will actually help. I’m a lawyer, so I know how to argue.” She snorts and we continue running along. My problem eventually subsides, and we discuss her medical practice and my law firm. I keep waiting for the chance to ask her to dinner, but it never seems like the right time. I could kick my own ass for failing to issue my invitation before she suddenly notices the time and sprints home to get ready for work with a hastily muttered, “I’m going to be late. See you later.”

  Chapter 3


  After his little stunt, my feline housemate is now a prisoner since I’ve locked the kitty door until I can trust him not to share my unmentionables with the neighborhood. As an act of rebellion, Milo completely ignores me unless I approach him, then he hisses and prances away hauntingly. The spoiled brat.

  Hiding behind my bedroom curtain, I watch Jordan mow his lawn on Saturday morning. As the thin, white t-shirt he’s wearing turns transparent from sweat, I nearly drool at the sight of his muscular body. I’m terrified by the effect he has on me and spend the rest of weekend avoiding him. Heading out early Monday morning for my jog brings a shock when I run s
mack into Jordan.

  After my run, I shower and leave for work, realizing that I haven’t seen my cat lately. Milo’s food is disappearing, so I know he’s around, but it appears he is going to hold his grudge for a while longer.

  After work, I head straight to Hot Pose for my Monday night yoga class with Aunt Mabel. She’s sitting at her desk when I walk in the back door, and I toss my bag into the chair. “What’s got you acting all pissy, missy?” she questions as her eyes peek over the top of her cat-eye glasses.

  I drop into the wicker chair and complain, “My devil cat has been leaving my undies as a present for the new neighbor.”

  “The drug dealer? I thought Milo knew better.” Aunt Mabel gasps as she drops her glasses on the desk. “Did you meet him?” She grabs her chest dramatically, and I roll my eyes at her antics.

  “Yes, and he’s older than eighteen, and I seriously doubt he’s a drug dealer. Maybe a mob enforcer, but definitely not a drug dealer.” She rolls her eyes at my joke as I continue. “Seriously, he’s a lawyer in his family’s firm. I found out so you can stop worrying.”

  Aunt Mabel’s eyes perk up, and she wiggles her eyebrows. “If that hot specimen of mankind has a real job, it’s time for you to become a cheetah and attack him. He’s hot. And hey, it never hurts to have a lawyer in the family.”


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