Kanes' Kisses: A Three Book Collection

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Kanes' Kisses: A Three Book Collection Page 5

by Loni Ree

  “You’re stuck with us now.” She smirks as I lift my head.

  I place another small kiss on her nose and disagree, “Happily attached. For life.”

  “I hope you still feel that way when you hear about my new ailment. Big Dick-Caused Expanding Stomach Syndrome that turns into Loud Little Human Syndrome in about eight months.”

  As her meaning sinks in, tears of happiness fill my eyes. I didn’t think it was possible to be any happier, but my heart feels like it’s about to explode. “Holy shit, Baby. You’re going to give me Exploding Heart Syndrome if you make me any happier.” She laughs and throws her arms around me as my brother tries to figure out what is going on with us, so I lean over and tell him, “You beat me to the altar, but I’m going to beat you to the delivery room.” My words carry, and a gasp goes through those around us.

  “BEAT YOU TO THE ALTAR!” is shouted from behind me as my sister hears my comment. The next think I know, Jason is ducking Candace’s bouquet as she swings it at his head and cries, “You got married and didn’t invite me? Your sister? I shared the womb with you for seven and a half months, and you betrayed me this way.” Then the rest of my statement sinks in, and she turns to Holly and cries, “You’re pregnant and didn’t tell me? I’ve been left out of everything.” Jackson rushes up from the front row to comfort my wailing sister.

  Uncle Harris and Aunt Mabel are standing in the front row with Sophie, who is evidently Jason’s wife. Aunt Mabel shakes her head as she turns to Uncle Harris and sighs. “And they say I’m crazy. Look what this wedding turned into.”

  Later, we’re getting ready to leave for our honeymoon and can’t find the flea bag. We need to drop him off at Aunt Mabel’s on the way to the airport, and the little shit has hidden somewhere. “I’ll call Samantha and ask her to come by and find him later.” Holly sighs. Since I’ve already loaded everything in the car and we need to leave now or we’ll be late, I’m just about to agree when the little asshole strolls into the living room. After grabbing him, we rush to Aunt Mabel’s.

  Getting the cat from the car into Aunt Mabel’s house turns into an ordeal. Milo hisses and scratches the entire way until Aunt Mabel opens the door, then the animal lays calmly in my arms. “Oh, my little man. I’m going to spoil you rotten. You deserve it for your successful matchmaking,” she coos to the flea bag, and I swear he smirks at me over his shoulder as she carries him inside. I barely resist the urge to flip the cat off. What am I doing? This crazy family is rubbing off on me.

  “We’ll pick him up on our way back into town,” I call out to her before rushing back to the car. There’s just enough time to make our flights. Two weeks away with my gorgeous wife. Life is good.

  Epilogue 1

  Holly—Eight Months Later

  “How the mighty have fallen,” Aunt Mabel laments from beside my hospital bed as we watch my husband and his brother stare down at the tiny bundle cuddled in his arms. Candace snorts, and Jackson gives her a side eye. He’s firmly on the male side of this issue. Uncle Harris is watching proudly but staying clear of the drama.

  “What the fuck? A girl? I can’t handle a girl.” Jordan’s mumbled the same line over and over again for the last four hours. All of our family is gathered in our hospital room to see Claire, and he hasn’t let anyone hold her yet. Fourteen hours of labor, and I’ve gotten to hold her while feeding her, and that’s it.

  “You poor fucker.” I roll my eyes as Jason gives his brother hell again. I’m tempted to warn my brother-in-law not to tempt karma but then change my mind. As Sophie looks over at me and winks, I hide my laugh. Maybe karma is circling another Kane brother right now.

  Finally, Uncle Harris steps in and tries to make my husband see reason. “Okay, Jordan. It’s time to let someone else hold your daughter.” Jordan’s eyes narrow as he prepares to argue with Uncle Harris, and I sigh. This is going to be a long day.

  A couple hours later, Jordan is sitting next to my bed, holding my hand with Claire still tucked tightly in one arm. Our family left a little while ago with promises to come see us after we’re released from the hospital.

  “I’m glad you at least let Uncle Harris and Aunt Mabel hold her.”

  Jordan’s eyes narrow as he huffs, “She’s a few hours old. I don’t want to pass her around like a sack of potatoes.”

  I wait until he looks down at the baby to roll my eyes. This is going to be so much fun. I thought he was overprotective during my pregnancy; looks like that was nothing.

  “She looks just like you. I have no idea how the fuck I’m going to keep all the little fuckers away from her. Maybe a convent somewhere.” I decide to wait until he’s had a little more rest and time to get used to the idea of having a daughter before I try to argue.

  Epilogue 2

  Jordan- Six Years Later

  It’s Sunday bible hour. Holly scheduled Claire’s private dance lessons on Sunday afternoons to give me a few hours alone to watch my games. I take protecting my gorgeous wife and beautiful daughter very seriously, but Holly demands that I allow the girls to have mother-daughter time every Sunday while I enjoy quiet time with the cat and my football games. When the doorbell rings, interrupting my solitude, I clench my teeth. This better be good.

  Throwing open the door, I find one of the neighborhood kids smiling up at me. “Mr. Kane, can Claire play at my house today?” the little shit asks, and I realize in a few years he’ll be one of the fuckers I have to worry about.

  “She’s at dance class right now. I’ll tell her you were looking for her, Tommy.” Holly has warned me against slamming the door without answering the neighborhood kids, so I answer his question then shut the door in his face. By the time I return to the living room, Milo has stolen my place on the sofa. Just fucking great. He’s gotten to be a pleasure to deal with in his old age.

  Figuring it’ll be easier to sit somewhere else, I sit at the other end of the sofa and un-pause the football game just as the doorbell rings again. I open the door to find Tommy standing on the front porch again and almost lose my mind. “Tommy, what did you need now?”

  “What time is Claire coming home, Mr. Kane?” When he smiles, showing his missing front two teeth, I have a hard time slamming the door in his face.

  “Do you want to come in and watch football, Tommy?” Did those words really come out of my mouth? I think to myself. The kid beams the biggest smile I’ve ever seen and bounces into my house. Milo actually makes room on the sofa for Tommy, and we watch the game, rooting loudly for our team.

  So begins my weekly football dates with Tommy. Turns out the kid knows his football and he actually roots for my team, unlike my wife. After a few weeks, I realize Tommy is pretty smart and funny, but I’m a little concerned. “Tommy, does your mom know you spend every Sunday with me?” I want to be sure that everything is okay. I know Tommy and his mom live with his mom’s parents.

  He nods his head and smiles around a mouthful of popcorn. “Yes, Mr. Kane. My mom’s working. Grams said I can come if I’m good and say thank you.” Tommy smiles and continues. “Grams said it’s a shame you’re taken ‘cause you would make a good fish for mommy to catch.”

  Holly smirks and raises an eyebrow as she walks into the room with Claire just in time to hear Tommy. My daughter runs over and gives me a hug then pats Milo on the head. The cat looks bored but always allows Claire to do whatever she wants. When she looks up at Holly and asks for a cookie, Holly smiles and heads to the kitchen to grab cookies for the two kids.

  “Is your grams trying to find a catch for your mom?” Holly asks the little boy as she hands him a cookie, and I groan under my breath. Claire sits back and watches the exchange while eating her cookie.

  Tommy thanks her then nods yes. “My grams says mommy’s too old to be picky.” I barely contain my laughter, and I glance at Holly and see that she’s in the same shape. After finishing her cookie, Claire comes over and asks Tommy to play a game.

  While the kids are occupied, my wife smirks at me. “You’re alre
ady my catch. Don’t you forget it.”

  “How could I forget? Milo leaving your little presents in my yard was the best thing that ever happened to me. It led to me getting Holly Kisses for life.”



  “Sweetheart, watch how much you drink tonight. You don’t want another ‘Lennox rumor’ for everyone to spread, now do you?”

  While Mom shakes her head sadly, my sister, Megan, rolls her eyes and mouths, “Don’t worry.” It’s a well-known fact that the Lennoxes don’t do well with alcohol.

  The last time Megan got drunk, she’d spent the whole evening at Lucky’s pouring cheap margaritas into her best friend, Tricia, who needed support because she’d just discovered that her husband was sleeping with his secretary. Somehow, while inebriated, my sister and her sidekick hatched a brilliant plan to get back at the asshole. Now, months later, the whole town still talks about the anniversary party from hell with the very special dick cake. Megan’s bakery, Sweet Treats, created a cake with a huge fondant dick displayed across the top, with the message, “Wanted you to finally have a big dick. Our accounts are now as small as YOUR dick,” and presented it to Tom at what should have been his and Tricia’s second anniversary party. Instead, it turned into a party to announce their divorce. Tricia is much better off without the jerk, and there’s yet another tipsy Lennox story to tell.

  Tonight, Megan and Tricia are dragging me out to celebrate Tricia’s freedom since her divorce became final yesterday. We’ll see how this turns out. At least, where we’re going, no one should know us so there won’t be any new Lennox stories!

  Chapter 11


  My head is pounding to the beat of the music that’s blaring through the dimly lit room. Since we arrived several hours ago, Megan and Tricia have danced and flirted their way through the bar while I hold down the table. Partying isn’t something I do well. When they stumble back to the table, Megan notices the empty glasses and starts looking around for the waiter.

  Knowing I’ve hit my limit, I decide to head her off. “I think I’ve had enough. You know two margaritas is pushing it for me.”

  As usual, Megan ignores me as she rolls her eyes and signals for the waiter to bring another round of drinks. Since my legs are feeling like rubber, another round is a very bad idea.

  I’m trying hard to have a good time, but I’m still missing my little buddy. My jerk neighbors complained about the adorable German Shepherd puppy I was fostering, and my asshole landlord forced me to find a new foster family for him. Ever since I dropped him off, I’ve missed the little puppy like crazy. Megan’s right; I need to find a new apartment, but I never have the time or desire to look.

  While my mind is wandering, Megan hip checks me to get my attention. “Hey, stop pouting. We’re here to have fun.” When the next round of drinks arrives, I promise myself this is the last.

  Midway through the bad idea drink, my thoughts are interrupted. “You see that mistletoe hanging over there?” Megan slurs as she points to the green sprig stuck above the hallway leading to the private dining area. “I bet you my blue Louboutins that you won’t kiss the next guy that walks under the mistletoe.” My mouth drops open in shock as Megan raises her eyebrow and smirks. She knows I love those shoes. I practically drool every time she wears them.

  After considering my options for a moment, I decide to find out more details on her bet. “How involved does this kiss have to be?” I need to make sure I won’t get myself arrested for a pair of shoes. Fabulous, expensive, way out of my “still paying student loans” price-range shoes. In the back of my mind, I know I’ll regret letting the alcohol and Megan talk me into this insane idea.

  “Just a kiss, on the mouth.” Megan smirks, and I look over at Tricia, who’s shaking her head. Tricia realizes this is another Lennox story in the making.

  As the silent message passes between me and Tricia, Megan screeches, “Oh my God, he’s perfect! Get your ass over there before he gets to the mistletoe,” and shoves me off of my barstool. After barely managing to catch myself, I turn and stumble again when I see Mr. Drop Dead Gorgeous walking in the door of the bar.

  “Holy shit, he’s hot,” Tricia mumbles behind me, and I nod in agreement. This guy is tall, and I mean really tall. And he’s hot. Smoking hot. I’m betting his business suit is custom made, the way it fits his tall, muscular body so perfectly. His arrogant face has just enough stubble to give him a little bit of a bad boy look.

  Before I realize what’s happening, I’ve made my decision and am moving toward my prey. Since I don’t have a solid plan, I decide surprise is my only option. When I get close, I look up into his chocolate brown eyes and point above his head. “Look, mistletoe.” He blinks several times, then his mouth drops open in shock, and I take that as an invitation to wrap my hands around his neck and pull his head down for my kiss. The second our lips meet, my body lights up from the inside as electricity moves through me. He groans in the back of his throat and pulls me into his strong arms. While his tongue explores the inside of my mouth, he drags me closer, and I feel every inch of his hard body up against mine. As I melt into his strong frame, his hardness presses into my stomach, causing me to lose sense of our surroundings until I’m rudely reminded that we aren’t alone.

  “Sorry, bud, but you’re taking up the whole fucking hallway,” is slurred as my mastery man jerks out of our kiss suddenly, and I blink several times to clear the fog from my mind. A very drunk jerk is holding on to my guy in an attempt to stay on his feet.

  When my guy looks back at me apologetically and winks, mouthing, “One second,” mortification overrides the alcohol as the realization that I just passionately kissed a stranger in the middle of Old Timer’s Tavern washes through me. While his back is turned, I overhear his conversation. “Let me help you to a barstool…” Without considering the consequences, I run for the exit. Luckily, Megan and Tricia catch up with me out on the sidewalk.

  “Hey, why did you run? That guy looked like he was really into you.” An out of breath Megan grabs my arm as I hail a cab.

  “How could you let me kiss a stranger?” I turn and blast her.

  “It’s not a big deal. We’re miles from home. No one knows us around here. There won’t be any new Lennox stories back home in Naverton. You don’t have to worry about Mom hearing about this.” She tries to reassure me as memories of the kiss run through my mind. During the cab ride to Tricia’s house, regret blasts through me. I don’t even know my mystery man’s name.


  Rushing to a work dinner party after a busy day at work, I’m shocked when my dream girl walks up and kisses me under the mistletoe. Looking into her bright green eyes sends my senses into overdrive. The urge to kiss all the freckles on her cheeks and follow them down past her collarbone to see how far down her body they go slams through me. Unfortunately, she slips away while my back is turned. I spend the rest of the weekend pissed at my crappy luck and wanting to kick my own ass for letting her get away. I should’ve let the drunk asshole hit the ground after he plowed into my back. She ran while I helped the bastard to a barstool. Afterwards, I searched the Tavern and asked around, but no one knew the beautiful brunette or her friends. The girls paid cash for their drinks, so there’s no way to trace their credit cards.

  By Sunday afternoon, I’ve given up hope of finding my girl, which has turned me into Scrooge himself. I never did make it to the dinner, and Jordan has tried to call several times, but I keep ignoring him. After I Jordan’s attempts to reach me go unanswered, Candace starts calling every hour. Being one of a set of triplets is awesome until you want time alone. Then, it’s impossible to hide from other two. After those two fail, my uncle’s calls begin. My nerves can’t take the unceasing aggravation, and I finally turn my phone off to get a little peace.

  “You’re an asshat for letting me worry all weekend long. At least pick up your phone and say I’m alive,” Candace screeches as I walk through the lobby of Kane & Associates.
As I get to my office door, I turn and smile at my sister. “I’m alive.” Luckily, Uncle Harris is walking past and starts talking to Candace before she has the opportunity to follow me.

  Shortly after the three of us graduated law school, we started working at Uncle Harris’ law firm. It’s a little annoying at times, working with close family, but I wouldn’t give it up for the world. When we were teenagers, our parents died in an accident, and Uncle Harris stepped in to finish raising us. He managed to get us past the turmoil caused by losing our parents.

  I’m staring at the computer screen, trying to get my head on work. When my office door flies open, I roll my eyes as Jordan strolls in. “Candy is on the warpath now. She woke me up at six a.m., wanting me to call the police because you never showed up at the dinner. I convinced her that you were fine, just being an asshole, but I’d hide out for a while if I were you.”

  “I met a girl,” I blurt out.

  Jordan’s mouth falls open before he stutters, “You blew off a dinner with a client because you met a girl?”

  As I shake my head no, Jordan raises an eyebrow and waits for me to continue. “I met my Holly.” Jordan should understand what I’m feeling since he instantly fell in love with his next-door neighbor a few months ago. Our family has given him hell for how fast their relationship is moving, but we’re also incredibly happy for him.

  Understanding dawns in his eyes, and he whistles under his breath before he smiles widely. “I’m so happy for you.”

  “Don’t be. I lost her.” He blinks several times as I tell him the whole story. When I’m done, he suggests using our investigators to look for my girl. Figuring I have nothing to lose, I ask for a meeting with the head investigator and initiate a search for my gorgeous, mystery woman. A search that’s basically a needle in a haystack since I don’t know anything about her except a vague description.


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