Baby I’m Yours

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Baby I’m Yours Page 26

by Elks, Carrie

  “It’s hospital policy. We don’t want you falling down and suing us.” Ellie winked. “As soon as you’re outside the door you can stand up and walk, I promise.”

  Harper sighed, but sat down in it anyway, balancing her overnight bag on her lap. She was wearing a pair of soft maternity jeans and a billowy blouse, disguising her still-bulging stomach. Ellie had assured her that was normal – it took nine months to get up to this size, it was going to take a few more to get back down.

  “Good luck,” Ellie said, hugging Harper and James. “I’ll see you in a week. But you’ve got my number if there are any problems – call me day or night. And you’ve set up your first appointment with the pediatrician, right?”

  “Yep. It’s all covered.” James smiled at her. “Thank you for everything.”

  Ellie shrugged. “Harper did all the work. I just got to assist her.”

  When the orderly pushed them through the double glass doors, Harper found herself blinking at the brightness of the sun. Alyssa must have had the same reaction – she started to moan, and James turned her so her face was in the shadow.

  “Welcome to the world, little one,” he murmured. “That’s the sun. You should probably get used to it. We see it a lot in California.”

  When they reached James’s car, Harper climbed out of the wheelchair and watched as James strapped the baby seat into the back of his car. She smiled, remembering how they’d both practiced when she first bought the seat, neither of them able to work out the complex straps. Now, though, James was a natural.

  “I’ll head off,” the orderly told her. “Good luck.”

  “Thank you.” Harper smiled at him, and turned to James. “Do you think she’s too warm in that onesie?”

  “I’ll put the air conditioning on,” James said, taking her bag and putting it in the trunk. “You need help getting into the seat?”

  “I think I can do it.” Harper held on to the doorframe as she slowly lowered herself to the seat. “There, I’m in. No guarantees I’ll be able to get out again.”

  James laughed. “I’ll carry you.”

  “You will not. I don’t want to break your back.”

  He slid into the driver’s seat and pulled the door shut. “Okay, so where are we going?” he asked her.

  “Home?” She quirked an eyebrow. “Unless you were thinking of taking us to Disneyland. Though I think Alyssa might sleep through it all.” She grinned at him, and he shook his head with a smile.

  “Home,” he repeated softly. “But which home. Yours or mine?”

  She looked up at him, her lips parting, but no words came out. Because the way he was staring at her took her breath away. She could see the emotion in his eyes, the hope, the fear, and the love. They matched her own. They pulled at her, like a rope lassoed around her body, forever tying her to him.

  “I want you to come home with me,” he continued. “Not because it’s easier, or cheaper, or there’s more space. But because I want to wake up with you every morning. Hell, I want to wake up with you every time Alyssa cries in the night. I want to hold you and take care of you and protect you. I love you, Harper. And I love our daughter. I want us to be a family. Starting now.”

  She swallowed, feeling the emotions overwhelm her. Her chest felt tight, her throat scratchy, and her eyes were stinging all over again. The fear she’d been feeling, that she wasn’t worth it, that she didn’t deserve this, was melted by the intensity of his stare. And she knew what she wanted more than anything else.

  She wanted this. Her two loves. Her family.

  He’d opened himself up to her in a way she’d never expected. Laid himself bare and vulnerable. And it touched her to her core to know he wanted her enough to risk the pain, the hurt, the rejection.

  He was willing to risk everything for love.

  And so was she. Right here, right now. She leaned forward, cupping her palm against the roughness of his jaw, feeling the heat of his skin leach into her own. “I love you, James Tanner,” she whispered. “I want us to be your family.”

  He reached up, covering her hand with his own. “Thank god,” he whispered, leaning forward until his lips were only inches from hers. “I was considering kidnap.”

  His words were warm against her mouth. She closed her eyes, smiling hard. Then she felt the brush of his lips against hers and the curl of his hand around her neck, the sensation sending sparks down her spine.

  Her whole body tightened at his touch. It was gratifying to know things still worked. That she could still feel desire, need, overwhelming love. Maybe stronger than she ever had before.

  “James,” she murmured as he broke their kiss, his eyes still capturing hers.

  “Yeah?” he muttered, swallowing hard, as though he was as overcome by the sensations as she was.

  “Alyssa’s watching us,” Harper murmured, looking at Alyssa’s face in the mirror aimed at her carseat.

  He grinned. “She can’t see this far. Not yet.” He kissed her again, his lips curling against hers.

  “She will soon. We better be careful.”

  “She’ll get used to me not being able to keep my hands off her mom. Or she’d better.” He winked.

  Harper laughed, shaking her head, and took a deep breath to center herself. “We don’t want her to think it’s normal to make out in cars.”

  A look of alarm shot across his face. “No.” He nodded solemnly. “We most certainly don’t. She won’t be making out in cars, not ever. Or anywhere else for that matter.”

  “It’s okay, Alyssa, I’ll help you sneak out when you’re a teenager,” Harper mock-whispered to the baby. “Daddy will never know.”

  “Daddy will. For sure.”

  Alyssa let out a cry. “She’s hungry,” Harper told him.

  “Yeah, we should get going.” He reluctantly released her.

  “I think we’re ready. Why don’t you take us home?”


  “There,” Harper said, pulling the tiny hat over Alyssa’s head. “Now we’re ready for the beach.” She looked down at the huge bag full of things she’d packed for the baby. Towels and blankets nestled next to bottles and diapers, along with a change of clothes and sunscreen to protect the baby from the California rays. “You ready to feel some sand between your toes?” she asked her.

  Alyssa blinked as she looked up at Harper. She wasn’t quite babbling yet, but she always looked as though she understood everything her mommy said.

  “Oh look, we nearly forgot Ned.” Harper grabbed the tiny teddy bear Alice had sent for the baby when they’d told her of the birth. Sara’s family hadn’t been back to Angel Sands since that disastrous trip a few months ago, but James had sent them photographs of Alyssa and they’d sent a card congratulating them both.

  Unlike her own grandma and mother, who hadn’t even acknowledged the birth announcement Harper had sent them. She was surprised to find it didn’t hurt. Not one bit.

  Because they weren’t her family; not any more. Now that she had Alyssa and James, she knew what the word really meant. It was about caring, loving, always putting the other person first. Something her grandmother and mother had never done.

  Stuffing the teddy into the bag, Harper slung it across her shoulder, cradling Alyssa in her other arm. She turned to walk out of her daughter’s room, but Alyssa lifted her hand. “What’s that, sweetie?” she asked her.

  Harper looked up in the direction of her daughter’s gesture, her eyes catching the framed photograph of baby Jacob hanging on the wall. “That’s Jacob. Your big brother. One day Daddy’s going to tell you all about him.”

  “All about who?” James asked, walking into the room. He took the bag from Harper’s shoulders and slid it over his own. “The basement’s all finished. I just signed off on it.”

  “It’s done?” Harper smiled at him, her heart leaping.

  “Yep. All ready for when you want to start back at work. Everything’s baby-proofed and the crib and play area are ready. I’ll give you the tour w
hen we’re back from the beach.”

  “Thank you.” She rolled to her tiptoes, Alyssa still cradled in her arms, as she pressed her lips against James’s. “I can’t wait to see it.” She pulled back and adjusted Alyssa’s hat. “And I was talking about Jacob. I said you’d tell Alyssa all about her big brother one day.”

  His eyes met hers, the skin at the corners crinkling. “I will.” He nodded. “When she’s older.” He reached out and tickled Alyssa under her chin. “You all ready?” he asked Harper.

  “Yep.” She nodded, still smiling at him. It was strange how excited she was about this outing. Not just because it was Alyssa’s first trip to the beach, although she couldn’t wait to see her daughter’s face when she got to experience the sand and sea. But because they were meeting all of her friends – the people who’d taken care of her during her pregnancy and made her feel so welcome after her move to Angel Sands. She’d arrived here afraid, alone, and with a tiny little life growing inside her.

  And now she had a family she loved fiercely.

  “Then let’s go.”

  * * *

  When they pulled into the parking lot behind Paxton’s Pier, it took them a few minutes to unclip Alyssa, make sure she was covered from head to toe in sunscreen, and unpack the trunk of all their equipment. As well as the bag Harper had packed, there was a blanket for the sand, an umbrella, and a little pop-up tent where Alyssa could snooze away from the glare of the sun.

  “How long are we staying again?” James murmured. “We look like we’re moving to the beach for the month.”

  Harper grinned. “We’ll probably stay for a couple of hours. I don’t want her tender skin to be outside for too long. She’s still only three months.”

  James lifted Alyssa from her arms and pressed his lips to her chubby cheek. She smelled of sunscreen and baby shampoo. He breathed her in, feeling his body relax. He loved holding her, playing with her, making her smile. His current project was trying to make her laugh. She wasn’t there yet, but he wouldn’t give up until she did.

  He passed the baby back to Harper and took the blanket, umbrella, and beach bag, flexing his muscles to keep them upright as he closed the trunk. “I’ll have to come back for the tent,” he told her. “I don’t have enough arms.”

  “Story of my life. And no worries, we’ll get it if she gets sleepy.” Harper kissed him. “First of all, I want to take her in the water.”

  They made their way along the sand, heading for their crowd of friends on their blankets alongside Paxton’s Pier. As they approached, they were greeted by loud hellos and lifted arms. Lucas stood and came over to take some of the equipment from James.”

  “Thanks,” James said, as Lucas put the blanket down on the sand alongside the one he and Ember were using.

  “No problem. Us dads have to stick together.” Lucas winked. “It took me three trips to get everything from the car.”

  He didn’t look like he resented it one little bit. In fact, he was grinning from ear to ear. James recognized that look. It was one of contentment and pride, wrapped up in overwhelming happiness. Of everything finally falling into place.

  And he loved it.

  He looked down to where Harper was sitting on the blanket, adjusting Alyssa’s swim diaper and tiny pink sparkled swimsuit. She pulled the hat down a little firmer on her head, making Alyssa’s face wrinkle up in protest.

  “I’m just looking after your skin,” Harper told their daughter. “You’ll thank me when you’re older.”

  He loved watching the two of them together. The love for their child shone out of Harper, somehow making her even more beautiful than she’d been before. She lay Alyssa down gently on the blanket and pulled her own shorts and tank off, revealing a grey and white striped bikini that fit her perfectly.

  He swallowed hard, trying to not ogle her body. It was tough, because she was perfect. Rounded breasts, curved hips, and a stomach that still had a little bump to it, crisscrossed in silvery stretch marks.

  “You look beautiful,” he told her, pulling his own t-shirt off and throwing it onto the blanket.

  “Thank you.” Her eyes sparkled. “It’s easy to feel beautiful when you look at me like that.” She reached out to trace his bicep. “And you don’t look so bad yourself.”

  “Shall we go in?” he asked her, leaning down to pick up Alyssa. She nestled her warm body against his chest. With his free hand, he patted his pocket to check that the waterproof pouch was still there, smiling when he felt the outline.

  “We’ll see you guys in a bit. Unless any of you want to join us?”

  “Oh no,” Ember said loudly. “This is your special time.” She caught his eye with a grin, letting him know without words that Lucas had told her his secret. Not that James cared. He didn’t plan on it being a secret for very long.

  “Ready?” he asked Harper.

  “Yep. Let’s take our little girl for a swim.”

  * * *

  Harper watched as James walked toward the water, his arms holding Alyssa against his broad chest. His skin was toned, tan, and it made her fingers twitch with the need to touch him. How the heck did she get so lucky? As he reached her, his eyes met hers, his lips curling into a broad smile. Alyssa kicked her legs against his chest, as though she was impatient to get this over with.

  “Do you think she’s going to like it?” Harper asked him, reaching out to stroke Alyssa’s cheek.

  “She’s going to love it. Shall we dip her toes in?”

  “Okay.” Harper grinned as he turned the baby in his arms and crouched down, slowly lowering Alyssa until her feet were right above the surface of the ocean. He had one hand beneath her, the other across her stomach as she faced Harper, her eyes wide.

  Then he lowered her further, until her tiny toes met the water. She kicked again, making the water splash. He dropped to his knees, until Alyssa was up to her waist in the water, and she looked up at Harper with delight.

  “You want to swim, little one?” he asked, moving Alyssa through the water, swooshing her left and right. Alyssa hiccupped, or at least it sounded like a hiccup, but when she did it again, Harper realized it was a laugh.

  “She loves it,” she said, grinning.

  “A water baby.” James kissed Harper’s head. “Hey look, do you see that?”

  “What?” Harper asked him.

  “There’s something down there on the ocean bed.”

  Harper leaned down to look at where James was gesturing, and sure enough there was something down there. It caught the light of the sun, glistening beneath the gentle waves. “I think it’s a shell,” she said. “Or maybe a pebble.” She reached down to pick it up, intending to show it to Alyssa, but her finger touched a thin metal band. She lifted it out of the water, turning it in her hand.

  “It’s a ring,” she said, watching the diamond catch the rays. “An engagement ring by the looks of it. Do you think somebody lost it?”

  “It’s not lost.” James’s voice was scratchy. “I think it’s exactly in the right place.”

  Harper blinked. “It’s not…” her words trailed away, her breath catching in her throat. “James?” she asked, wondering if she was going crazy.

  “Harper Hayes, from the moment you exploded into my life things have never been the same. I’ll never be the same. You make everything better. Right. And it would be the greatest honor of my life if you’d agree to be my wife.”

  Harper tried to swallow, but her throat was too dry. “You want to marry me?” she asked him, still breathless.

  “Yes. I want you to be my wife. I want the world to know how much I love you.” His eyes softened as he took the ring from her and slid it onto her finger. “I want to shout it from the rooftops, take an ad out in the goddamn paper. Because you and Alyssa are everything I’ve ever wanted.”

  She grinned at him through her tears. “Then the answer’s yes.” She laughed, her head tipping back.

  James turned toward the shore. “She said yes,” he shouted, his words
carried by the breeze. A loud cheer came from their friends sitting on the beach.

  “They knew?” Harper asked.

  “I told Lucas. I’m guessing he told Ember and the rest was history. The Angel Sands grapevine is strong.” Still holding Alyssa against his chest, he lifted her hand, kissing the ring on her finger. “And I’m glad. I hid you away once. I don’t intend to ever do it again. I want the world to know you’re going to be my wife.” He took a deep breath, his eyes warm. “There was a time when I thought nothing good was ever going to happen to me again. But you showed me that everybody deserves to be loved.” He leaned over, still cradling Alyssa against him, as he pressed his lips to Harper’s. “Thank you for making me the happiest man alive.”

  Harper kissed him back, feeling the joy overwhelm her. A year ago she’d visited this town and spent the night with a gorgeous man whose eyes were full of clouds. Now those clouds had disappeared, replaced by a brightness that touched her heart.

  For the first time since she was eighteen years old, she felt as though she truly belonged. In a town she loved, with friends she cared about, and a family she adored. Was it possible to have everything?

  As James kissed her again, and murmured sweet words against her lips, she thought it definitely was.

  Thank you for reading! If you enjoyed this story, be sure to look out for Pieces of Us, the next book in the Angel Sands series, featuring Griff and Autumn, releasing June 2020


  And if you’re looking for your next un-put-downable read, check out THE HEARTBREAK BROTHERS, my brand spanking new series, featuring a rock star who returns to his small home town after ten years.

  Book 1, TAKE ME HOME releases April 7, 2020



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