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Ghost Page 13

by Mackenzie, Carson

  “I was in an accident. I remember coming to in the ambulance,” I said.

  “Yes, you came to on the ride here. The EMT talked with you briefly before you went back out. That would be the concussion you sustained from hitting your head on the window. It’s also the reason the bright lights hurt. You can open your eyes now, Luna. The nurse turned the overheads out.”

  “Did I cut my head?” I asked and eased my eyes open. My head still hurt, but with the lights out it was tolerable.

  The male doctor stood at the foot of the bed writing in a chart while a nurse stood on one side of the bed and Dr. Monroe stood on the other.

  “Not your head, your brow was lacerated and deep. Dr. Meaznan stitched it up. He was the ER doctor who examined you when they brought you in. We are waiting for a portable ultrasound to be brought down, then we will make sure the baby is doing okay,” Mac said, and patted my arm.

  “Since you’re here with her, Dr. Monroe, I’m going to go check on one of my other patients, and I will be back.” Dr. Monroe nodded, and Dr. Meaznan waved the curtain aside and stepped out.

  I moved my hands to rest on my stomach. If something happened to the baby, I wouldn’t be the only one destroyed.

  “Is Brax in the waiting room?” I asked.

  “I was told he and the others are on their way.” Mac looked at her watch. “I’m sure we will hear when they arrive.”

  “He is going to be out of his mind,” I said and closed my eyes.

  “With what he has been through, he is going to want to see for himself that you are okay. Just a few bumps and bruises,” Mac said.

  “I forgot, you know him through the others.”

  “Yes, though I don’t know the men as well as I do the women. I came after Carly called Bailey at the office. Bailey said she will come after she reschedules my patients. Carly is in the waiting room pacing. She’d been at the sheriff’s station when the accident was called in.” I opened my eyes.

  “How long have I been here?” I asked.

  “Maybe an hour. I arrived right after the ambulance.” Mac turned as a nurse rushed in.

  “Dr. Monroe, we have a very irate man in the ER demanding to see Ms. Madison. And he’s with several others,” the nurse said breathlessly. It seemed Brax had arrived.

  “Show him back, Deborah,” Mac said, and as the nurse turned to walk out, the curtain was drawn to the side as a man pushed a machine into the area.

  “Here’s the ultrasound machine that was ordered. I’ll come back and get it later,” the man said, and Mac nodded.

  Mac plugged in the machine and hit some buttons. “Well, as soon as daddy gets here, we’ll take a peek and see how the baby is doing.”


  “Don’t ask for problems, Luna. This is just a precau—”

  “Luna,” Brax said, cutting off Mac as he stepped through the curtain and walked straight to me. “Goddammit, you scared ten years off my fucking life.”

  Brax ran his hand over my head, then held my chin and gently moved my head back and forth. I raised my hand and cupped his cheek, and his eyes met mine. I saw worry and fear, and it broke my heart that I was the reason for it.

  “Doc, fill me in?” Brax asked, and Mac informed him of everything she knew.

  “The lump she got from the window, the brow not sure. Dr. Meaznan cleaned out a couple shards of plastic from the laceration. Figured the airbag’s force could’ve broken sunglasses and she’d been cut that way.”

  “I’m going to be okay, Brax,” I said.

  He cleared his throat, then I watched his nostrils flare as he took a deep breath. “The baby?”

  “Well, you showed up just in time. We are about to check on it,” Mac said as she moved beside the bed and rolled the machine closer.

  Brax moved until he stood by my head and faced the screen. I grabbed his hand as Mac lifted my gown and adjusted it after she propped my legs in the stirrups. Once she inserted the wand, she turned the machine on.

  “Ready, Mom and Dad?” she asked, and neither Brax or I spoke, we only nodded. “Alright, here we go.”

  “I don’t know how you tell what is what,” I said and squinted at the monitor.

  “I’m with you there, baby,” Brax said and squeezed my hand.

  “Everything looks good. I’d hoped since you are going into your seventh week we’d get to see a good picture. Couldn’t be much better than this,” Mac said and looked at us and smiled.

  “Thank God,” Brax said and leaned over and kissed my forehead. “Want to tell us what we are looking at.”

  “Well, first let’s see if we can pick up heartbeats.” Mac messed with a couple of buttons, and the thump-thump thump-thump sounded.

  Tears filled my eyes as I listened to the sound and focused on the screen. It was hard to believe the sound was coming from the little spot on the monitor.

  “Oh my God, it does look like a raisin. I knew I was pregnant and a tiny life grew inside me, but I don’t really think the magnitude of that had sunk in until now,” I said in awe.

  Mac pointed out the head and the spots where the ears, nose, and mouth were. After she had done that, it was easier to see.

  “Does their shadow always reflect like that?” Brax asked as he leaned in closer to the monitor. Mac grinned.

  “No, that isn’t a shadow. That would be baby number two,” she said and looked at both of us and waited.

  Brax straightened and looked at me, then back at the screen. If I hadn’t been overwhelmed myself, the parlor of his skin would have had me worried.

  I looked back at Mac. “Twins don’t run in my family. Brax?” I asked, and he blinked a few times, then ran a hand down his face.

  “Shit, sorry. This has been a helluva roller coaster day. And no, not in my family either,” Brax answered, and he and I both waited for Mac to explain.

  “First, twins come the mother’s side. What you are looking at is monoamniotic twins. It happens when the egg splits. They are always identical, and they aren’t as uncommon as you would think. The average is three to five out of a thousand births.”

  Mac continued to explain how identical twins were almost always the same sex. Not that there weren’t document sets with one of each sex, they were rare. I listened as she said she was going to admit me overnight because of the concussion and she’d feel better if I was where they could monitor me. She printed a couple pictures from the ultrasound, then removed the wand, and helped me get situated in the bed.

  “I told you at your appointment today that we would get an ultrasound scheduled to determine a delivery date. That date is on the picture. I will have Bailey schedule you another one, though. You’ll be far enough along we should be able to tell the sex. Well, unless they move around and hide that particular information from us.” Mac winked, and I laughed.

  Mac sent the nurse to arrange a room for me, then wheeled the machine outside the curtain.

  “Mac, will you go to the waiting area and let my brothers, and I’m sure by now their ol’ ladies know about Luna? And that she’ll be in a room soon. I don’t want to leave her,” Brax asked.

  “You bet. But I’ll leave the little surprise for you guys to share. Congrats, both of you,” Mac said and walked out.

  Brax framed my face with his hands and kissed me. My life had changed so much in under two months because of this man. I wrapped my arms around his neck and enjoyed the feel of his mouth on mine. He broke the kiss and let go of my face only to tuck his between my neck and shoulder. The whispered “Thank you” was said hoarsely.

  “Ah, sweetie, I think I’m the one who should be saying that. But seriously, Brax, what the hell are we going to do with two babies?” My question had the right effect, he straightened and smiled.

  “Hell, I guess a day at a time.”

  “At least I know why my jeans were tight this morning. My ass is going to be huge.”

  “Gives me more to hold on while I take you from behind.” I smacked his stomach, and he placed his hand
on the spot and rubbed as if I’d hurt him. When it was my hand that stung.

  “If one time without a condom has me popping out duplicates, I’m going on the pill, AND you will be wrapping up after these babies are born.” The man had the audacity to chuckle, and I glared at him.

  “Baby, I was a SEAL. I was trained to do things right the first time.”

  “Oh my God, Lance said something like that to Bailey.” I laughed.

  “Hey, the military trained us well,” he said and winked.

  “Ready to move to your room?” a nurse asked as she walked in with an orderly behind her. I nodded, then she turned to Brax. “If you’ll give us about twenty minutes to get her settled, you can join her in room 312.”

  “Sure. See you upstairs, baby. I’ll go out to the waiting area and let the others know where they’re moving you to,” Brax said, then leaned over and kissed me.

  The nurse and orderly unlocked the wheels on the bed and rolled the bed out of the cubicle behind Brax. I wondered as they pushed me down the hall to the elevators how long it would take Brax to spill the beans about the babies. I’d find out soon enough when the women were allowed to visit my room.

  I was settled in my room, and the nurse had just filled my water pitcher when Brax walked through the door followed by Max.

  “You look no worse for wear,” Max said, then leaned over the bed and kissed me on the cheek. “Congratulation, honey.”

  “Get your lips off my woman before you need a hospital bed, Flirt,” Brax said, and the nurse smiled and winked at me on her way to the door.

  “Figured I’d see her before the others get here and the women take over,” Flirt said, and Brax sneered.

  “Seeing is not your lips on her.” Max chuckled at Brax when he shoved him out of the way to take his spot by the bed.

  “Does anyone know if the person in the pickup was hurt?” I asked.

  “Gunther Thurman. Hell no, he wasn’t hurt. The bastard is too mean for that to happen,” Carly said as she walked in with the other women behind her. Each carrying something. Carly set a vase with flowers on the table by the bed. Sami brought magazines, and Bailey carried snacks.

  “Can we hug Luna and congratulate her on the twins before you go into details?” Sami said as she and Bailey came to the bed and hugged me.

  I looked at Brax, and he grinned. I smiled back. I’d called it. He wouldn’t be able to keep it to himself.

  “The brother folded as soon as he walked in the waiting area and I asked how you were holding up. He sang like a canary.” Max laughed when Brax punched his arm.

  “At least he didn’t tell all of us to not say anything as if we didn’t know like Lance did,” Bailey said and rolled her eyes. “I thought my mom was going to disown me. Yelling she was the last to know.”

  When the women had first visited and helped me unpack, Bailey had confirmed Carly’s suspicion and told Carly, Sami, and I that she was pregnant, we’d thought we knew something the guys didn’t. We’d been wrong. It seemed even though Bailey and Lance talked about waiting to tell everyone, Bailey was the only one who had kept it to herself because Lance had already shared it with his dad, and his brothers. Claire, Bailey’s mom, had been upset about that but hadn’t been able to stay that way when she thought about it not changing the fact she was going to be a grandma.

  “Hey, if it helps, she ripped Dad up one side and down the other, because he knew and hadn’t said shit,” Flirt said and laughed. “I’m kinda sorry I missed it.”

  “Since they’re only keeping you overnight, the guys said they’d check on you at home tomorrow,” Carly said, then sat on the edge of the bed on one side and Bailey sat on the other side. Sami moved and sat in the only chair in the room.

  “And Shakes, Sue, and a few of the other women are cooking, so you can rest. Said to tell you they will be by to see you,” Bailey said. “Mom said she would drop off a cheesecake.”

  “I can feel my hips growing wider with just the thought of that cheesecake,” I said and felt Brax’s hand run over my hair.

  “Baby, while the women are visiting, I’m going to go check on a few things. Be back in about an hour.”

  “Okay,” I said, and he and Max left.

  “God, he looks and sounds a lot better than when he walked into the ER.”

  “Carly,” Sami scolded.

  “Well, he does. His face was pale, and he had a stricken expression on his face. When he came back out after getting to see you, his color was back, and he wore a huge smile. It’d been like witnessing Jekyll and Hyde,” Carly said and did a mock shudder.

  “Mac said you were at the sheriff’s station. Did the other driver, whatever you said his name was, call in the accident?” I asked.

  “Yes, I was picking up the paperwork needed to return to work when the call came in. The car behind you saw the whole thing happen. Gunther, the asshole was going to flee the scene. His plan was changed when Roscoe and Bull pulled up to the scene though. They’d been heading to the club. Roscoe said you came to a couple times in the truck while they were waiting for the ambulance to get there. He was the one who gave the EMTs your name and informed them you were pregnant,” Carly said.

  “I remember coming around the curve and he was in my lane. Knee-jerk reaction on yanking the steering wheel,” I said and touched the bandage at my brow.

  “Oh yeah. Found out why the dumbass was doing there. About four months ago, Gunther was busted for running a puppy mill. It was a huge operation, he had something like six or seven adult German Shepherds he bred. Authorities went in and took possession of the animals to include two litters, but he must have hidden a pregnant female. He was in your lane because he had tried to toss a garbage bag over the embankment there. Roscoe and Bull found the bag. It had six puppies in it,” Carly said disgustedly.

  “Oooh, poor babies.” I never understood how people were capable of mistreating animals.

  “I know. Thank God the little things were found. Roscoe said he checked them out and they didn’t seem harmed. They were taken to the local animal shelter to be examined. The sheriff went to Gunther’s place and picked up the female dog. She was half starved. Some of the guys were talking in the waiting area about adopting one. I don’t expect the pups to be homeless long. The momma will take longer to find a home. Hell, if I wasn’t going back to work soon, I’d adopt her,” Carly said sadly.

  “I love dogs, but one would have to spend a lot of time alone, and that isn’t fair to it,” Bailey said.

  “Ally would love one if there are any left. I’m going to talk with Kane,” Sami said and rubbed her hand over her stomach. “I always wanted a dog growing up, but my mom got sick, then my dad was busy with Haven and trying to raise two kids, so Reed and I never had any pets.”

  “Same with me. It was just my mom and me. She worked to support us, so she always said she didn’t need another mouth to feed. But I hate that the momma dog may not find a home. I had to have hit my head really hard for even saying this, but I’m going to tell Brax that I want the momma when she’s cleared to be adopted,” I said, and the others chuckled.

  “Well hell, you better ask now while he is still reeling from your accident,” Carly said.

  “That’s mean, Carly,” Sami chastised.

  “Uh, no it isn’t. I’m just saying, don’t give him time to think about them having two newborns or he may not say yes to taking on a dog, too.”

  “Carly’s got a point as much as it pains me to agree,” Bailey said, then laughed at the glare Carly turned on her.

  “Well, considering he didn’t want me to work, which looks like he might get his way now—at least after the babies come. I might get my way with the dog, though,” I said and smiled. The women looked at me, then started laughing.

  “There you go. And Sami says I’m manipulative,” Carly said.

  “I like to call it inventive.” I grinned.

  The women stayed until Brax got back. He brought me a change of clothes and personal items wit
h him. Other than a mild headache, I felt fine and would have much rather been sent home even if I understood why they wanted to keep me overnight. However, having Brax to myself and stretched out beside me in the small bed, made the experience tolerable. Not that it was something I’d want to repeat.

  Chapter Twenty


  My lungs burned as I ran on the path that snaked in different directions on the club’s land. At one time it had probably been a trail when the place was a lodge set up for people who liked the outdoors and everything to do with it. Leaves crunched under my feet as I pushed myself deeper into the surrounding forest, turning in the direction the path took me.

  Besides my labored breathing and the thudding of my feet hitting the ground, the only other sounds were the occasional bird or small animal that was disturbed by my presence.

  It’d been five days since Luna was run off the road. Five days since the doctor said Luna and the babies were fine. Five days of the woman making it harder to resist her. Like it hadn’t already felt a lifetime since I laid her down and sank into her. How the hell was I expected to put aside the thought of how close I came to losing it all again? Especially, when every night I shut my eyes, I saw the caved-in side of my truck?

  “Jesus, I should get a goddamn medal for not hunting down and killing that fucker,” I yelled as I started to slow down. When I finally stopped, I bent and placed my hands on my knees and worked to slow my breathing.

  My phone vibrated, and I straightened and pulled my phone out of my pocket.


  “Have we not discussed your phone etiquette?”

  “Fuck you, Flirt. What’s up?”

  “I should be asking you that. Saw your big ass running in the woods behind the pond. Had to look twice, thought it was bigfoot at first.”


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