His Fairy Tale Ending

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His Fairy Tale Ending Page 9

by Casper Graham

  “The Marquess’s name is Colin Thompkins, and the Earl’s name is Crawforde Langston.”

  “Aren’t members of the peerage supposed to be loyal to the reigning monarch and his or her family?”

  “Things aren’t the same as it used to be,” he replied simply. “Back in the late nineteenth century, members of the peerage manipulated one of my ancestors into signing away some of his powers. Ever since then, the relationship between them and my family has been complicated.”

  “What are you going to do now?”

  He stared straight ahead and clenched his jaws. “I’m going to shake things up. The Marquess and the Earl are of lower ranks than me as the Crown Prince of Gefrington. I’m also the Duke of Kaiserbourg.”

  “You are the Duke of the county where I used to live?”

  He turned toward Tristan and smiled. “I am. Anyway, the Marquess and Earl have plenty of influence over the majority of the members of the peerage.”


  He smirked at Tristan. “They’re also the poorest members of the peerage.”

  “How…I mean, I thought all of you own properties everywhere in Gefrington and even in some other countries?”

  “We do, but the Marquess and Earl have made terrible investment decisions over the years. To be fair, most of their wealth has begun to dwindle from the times of their grandparents or probably even before then. Nevertheless, they have enough to lead comfortable lives. Then again, some people are never satisfied. I’m well-aware they’ve been trying to get me to marry either one of their children, but I’m not interested.”

  “Oh, I see. What about you and your family?”

  “We’re some of the richest members of the royal family in the world.” He winked at Tristan. “I promise you that if you marry me, you’ll never have to worry about money.”

  Tristan blushed. “I don’t care about the money. I mean, it’s nice to have a bit of savings just in case of an emergency, but I’ll love you with or without any of it. I’m used to a life of hardship.”

  Leonardo stopped walking and tugged Tristan closer toward him. “I’m sorry, baby. My joke is in poor taste. I’m only teasing you. I believe you’re not a gold digger.”

  Tristan nodded. “Thank you, and I accept your apology. By the way, do you have an inkling about the purpose of them coming to the palace?”

  “I think I do, but I won’t know for sure until I meet up with them.”

  “Are you sure you want me there?”

  “Oh, yeah. This involves you, too.” Leonardo then gestured toward the living room a few feet away from them. “Shall we?”

  Tristan nodded. “I’m nervous, but I trust you. If I’m a part of the problem, I guess I should attend the meeting, as well.”

  “Don’t worry. I’ll protect you.”


  Leonardo wrapped one arm around Tristan’s waist as they got closer to the formal living room. It was the room where members of the royal family held most of their official meetings with members of the peerage or visiting government officials, both from Gefrington and from other countries. He tilted his head slightly in silent acknowledgment when the Marquess and Earl stood and bowed to him.

  He watched their faces as they took in the sight of Tristan by his side. It wasn’t obvious to the untrained eyes, but he could tell they weren’t pleased at Tristan’s presence. They barely even looked at Tristan as his lover bowed to them. It took every ounce of his self-control not to snap at them. They were such pretentious snobs.

  He took the couch across from the two men and patted the spot next to him, indicating to Tristan that he wanted his lover to sit next to him. After that, he invited the two men to resume their seats. He was aware they were furious. Based on formal protocol, they should be seated first before Tristan. After all, Tristan was nothing more than a commoner. However, Leonardo couldn’t be bothered to worry about how they felt at the moment.

  He glanced at Marquess and Earl in silence for a few seconds before speaking. “Lord Thomkins, Lord Langston, this is an unexpected surprise. How may I be of assistance to you? Tristan and I were enjoying ourselves in the garden when you arrived.”

  Colin didn’t even look at Tristan when he responded. “Your Highness, do you think it’s wise to have a stranger participating in a meeting with the three of us?”

  Leonardo narrowed his eyes at Colin and Crawforde. “Lord Thomkins, Lord Langston, Tristan is my lover. It may not be public knowledge yet, but I have every intention of marrying him someday. I suggest you choose your words carefully from this point onward.”

  Crawforde smiled at him, but he could detect the insincerity in the man’s eyes. “Your Highness, that sounds like a threat.”

  He smirked. “It’s a gentle reminder.”

  “Your Highness, the members of the peerage have the power to veto any marriage decision of the future monarch of Gefrington.”

  “That may be true, Lord Thomkins, but I believe I can persuade you to do exactly as I tell you to.”

  He heaved out a sigh of relief when Isaac entered the room. Colin, Crawforde, and Tristan got up on their feet to bow at Isaac immediately. Once everyone was seated once again, Leonardo pointed toward the pile of folders Isaac carried.

  “What are those, Your Highness?”

  “Lord Langston, the one on top belongs to you. Lord Thomkins, you may take the one right underneath it.”

  He waited for the two men to do as he instructed. He observed with the utmost satisfaction as they browsed through the documents inside their respective folders and their countenance grew paler by the minute.

  “These…these…” Crawforde stuttered in shock.

  He leaned forward on the couch and glared at the Marquess and Earl. “Your ancestors used the same underhanded tactic to grab onto some of the powers that belonged to the reigning monarch. I’m simply paying back in kind. Listen to me carefully. I have more than enough materials to send most of the members of the peerage to jail. Bribing local politicians is considered as corruption, but when it involves a foreign politician, it’s called treason.”

  Colin placed the folder back onto the original stack with a defeated sigh. “What do you want from us?”

  Leonardo cocked his head at Isaac, who nodded in understanding. He watched as Isaac pull out a copy of the document their ancestor signed back in the late nineteenth century before placing it in front of Colin and Crawforde. He leaned against the couch as the two men glanced at him in confusion.

  He suppressed his annoyance and explained the situation to them. “You will all agree to restore the powers that belong to the reigning monarch by signing a new document that my lawyers are working on at the moment. It’s not a request. If you abide by my instructions, you will all get to live the rest of your golden years in peace at home. Otherwise, I hope you all enjoy the spectacular downfall that follows. Prisons can be tough on your old bones.”

  “If we fall, the royal family will be affected, as well.”

  He sneered at Crawforde. “True. However, my family’s reputation will only sustain a temporary hit. Your families, on the other hand, will never rise again. In fact, if any of you is sent to prison, the reigning monarch has the power to remove your titles and any of the wealth that has been bestowed upon your families, including the antiques. The royal treasury has a list of everything that has been gifted to your families over the years. We will take them back or the monetary equivalent.”

  The ensuing silence was broken a few moments later when Colin finally spoke up. “We will pass on the messages to the other members of the peerage. There’s no guarantee they will agree to your terms, Your Highness.”

  He leaned forward again. “I’m not negotiating, Lord Thomkins, Lord Langston. You will all do well by remembering that I’m not my parents. They’re willing to compromise with you, but I’m not.”

  He thought that would be the end of the conversation, but Crawforde attempted to get one last jab at him.

  “Your Hig
hness, Mr. Tristan here is a commoner. Are you sure it’s a good idea to marry him? The citizens of Gefrington may not like the idea of a commoner becoming the husband of the next monarch.”

  “Lord Langston, thank you for your concern, but I assure you there are things about Tristan you’re not privy to. Besides, our relationship is a private matter.”

  Crawforde looked suitably chastised. “Of course, Your Highness.”

  Leonardo stood and offered his hand to Tristan to pull his lover up onto his feet. Isaac got up, as well. Leonardo waited until Colin and Crawforde did the same before addressing them both. “Lord Thomkins, Lord Langston, thank you for stopping by. Please see yourselves out.”

  Colin and Crawforde bowed at him and Isaac while ignoring Tristan altogether. He couldn’t relax until the two men were escorted toward the entrance by the guards. Once they were out of sight, he plopped back down onto the couch. The tension in his body disappeared when he felt Tristan’s hand on his thigh. Isaac’s abrupt laughter startled him, but he couldn’t help himself and join in seconds later.

  “Remind me not to mess with you, big brother.”

  He snorted at Isaac. “Whatever.”

  “May I inquire about something to do with your ancestor?”

  He turned toward Tristan. “Of course, baby. You can ask us anything within reason.”

  “Why didn’t members of the peerage simply force your ancestor to abdicate back then? Why did they only take away some of the powers from your family?”

  Isaac shrugged. “The House of Winthrope has always been popular with the citizens of Gefrington. The peerage from the past was aware of that. They all knew they wouldn’t be able to put someone else as the new monarch without any negative impact.”

  “What did they use to blackmail your ancestor?”

  Leonardo chuckled. “The ancestor in question was my great, great grandfather. According to the palace record, he was a gay man. Members of the peerage discovered his secret, so they blackmailed him into giving up some of his powers. People weren’t as accepting back then, so he didn’t have any alternative.”

  “It’s ironic that you’re the one to set things right.”

  “I’m not a gay man.”

  “But you’re a bisexual man,” Tristan retorted. “You’re still a part of the LGBT community.”

  “True,” Leonardo conceded. “You don’t seem excited, babe.”

  Tristan shook his head. “I can’t stop thinking about what Lord Langston said earlier.”

  “About your status as a commoner?” Isaac interjected. “My parents and I don’t care about that. Leo certainly doesn’t. Otherwise, he wouldn’t have dated you at all.”

  “But the citizens—”

  “Baby,” Leonardo interrupted. “Do you trust me?”

  “I do, but—”

  “Then you have to believe that I don’t care about your status. I have everything under control. Isaac is helping me investigate certain things. We will let you know once we’re able to confirm the information.”


  Leonardo noticed Tristan was about to question him further, but he was relieved when his lover decided to let the matter rest for the time being. Instead, Tristan snuggled close to him. He wrapped his arm around Tristan’s shoulders and enjoyed the intimacy. Isaac beamed at him and gave him two thumbs up. He was thankful his younger brother was so supportive of him. It made him even more determined to be an excellent monarch someday.

  * * * *

  Tristan was relieved when he made his way back to Leonardo’s wing of the palace. Leonardo held his hand as they walked there in silence for the first few minutes. He had been wary and tense throughout the meeting with the Marquess and Earl. When it was over, he was inexplicably exhausted. He didn’t understand the reasoning, but he felt as if he had completed a marathon when the meeting ended.


  He nodded at Leonardo. “Very.”

  “I’m sorry, babe.”

  He glanced at Leonardo in bewilderment. “What for?”

  “It’s all my fault. If you aren’t dating me, you won’t have to deal with anything like this.”

  He shrugged. “I think all relationships are tough. Being with you just comes with even more responsibilities, but I don’t regret us being together.”

  Leonardo beamed at him. “I’m glad to hear that.”

  The two of them were quiet again, but it didn’t last. He had a question he needed to get off his chest.

  “Are you checking into my past?”

  Leonardo hesitated for a second or two, but it was more than enough of a clue for Tristan. “I am. It’s…I promise you I’m only doing it for our sake. I’m sorry for not telling you, but I don’t want to get your hopes up just in case the investigation falls through.”

  Tristan pondered everything that occurred since he entered the palace before the realization dawned upon him. “It’s…it’s my ring, isn’t it?”

  Leonardo’s breath hitched before he nodded. “Yeah. Isaac will let us know of the results as soon as he obtains them. As the first in line to the throne, my movement is limited. There are more eyes on me than on Isaac. Moreover, Isaac doesn’t have as many obligations to take care of as I do. I beg you to wait patiently. I won’t keep you in the dark for much longer.”

  “Okay. I appreciate what you’re doing, though. I hope you know that.”

  “I do.”


  He and Leonardo spent the rest of the day with the twins. He even got an invitation to join Leonardo’s parents for dinner. It would have been much more awkward if he didn’t have Leonardo, Prince Isaac, and the twins on his side. Not that Leonardo’s parents were cold toward him, but he was hyper-aware throughout dinner that he was having a meal with the Queen Regnant and Prince Consort of Gefrington. Nevertheless, he was much more relaxed when dessert was over and Leonardo’s parents left the table to return to their bedroom. He didn’t think he could deal with any additional excitement for at least the next month. Not that he was anticipating anything else to occur. Not at all.

  Chapter 12

  After the whole situation that went down with the members of the peerage, Leonardo felt it would be a great idea to take Tristan out on a date. After all, they had only gone out once together, but he didn’t think a charity event counted as much of a date, especially when they were surrounded by so many strangers and all their movements were scrutinized throughout the entire few hours they were there. He mentioned the idea to Tristan as the two of them were taking a stroll in the garden while the twins were taking their after-lunch nap, but he was astonished when his lover didn’t seem to be as enthusiastic as he was.

  “You don’t sound excited.”

  Tristan blushed and looked away. “I…I am, but I’m also terrified.”

  “What? Why?”

  Tristan heaved out a loud sigh. “As long as we’re inside the palace, I can sort of pretend the outside world doesn’t matter, but I can’t do that if we go on a date someplace else.”

  “So, you’re ashamed of me?”

  Tristan’s eyes widened in shock. “Of course not. I’m the one who’s not good enough for you.”

  Leonardo gritted his teeth, pushing down the surge of irritation that bubbled close to the surface. “Did I ever make you feel that way?”

  Tristan shook his head. “No. Leo, we have to be realistic. You’re going to be the future king of Gefrington. You also have a lot of wealth and power at your disposal. I’m a—”

  Leonardo narrowed his eyes at Tristan and cut the man off midsentence. “If you’re going to end your statement with ‘I’m a nobody,’ I suggest you stop talking right now. I’m not going to listen to anyone insulting the man I love. Not even when it comes from your own mouth. I won’t stand for it.”

  Tristan gaped for a moment before nodding. “I’m sorry. You should read some of the things they say about me online and in the media. I’ll never be a suitable match for someone like you.”

/>   Leonardo approached Tristan before wrapping both arms around his lover’s waist. “Let me be the judge of that. Okay?”

  Tristan hesitated for a few seconds before emitting a nervous laughter. “Yeah. All right.”

  Leonardo pressed his lips briefly against Tristan’s before smiling. “I know about the articles and most of the things on the Internet. The palace has people in charge of public relations and images whose main job revolves around making sure that members of the royal family aren’t being maligned. They will step in if things get out of hand.”

  “But I’m not a member of the royal family.”

  “You are,” Leonardo insisted. “I told you I’m going to marry you someday.”

  “Leo, I—”

  “Unless you’ve changed your mind about us.”


  “Then it’s settled.”

  Tristan was flabbergasted for a moment before he guffawed. “Fine. I’ll look forward to your proposal then.”

  “Are you going to wear pure white on our wedding day?”

  Tristan snorted. “Perish the thought. I’m no longer a virgin. Except for my first kiss, you’ve taken everything else.”

  Leonardo couldn’t help the smug feeling that burst deep inside him. “I have. I guess you’re stuck with me then.”

  “I hope so.”

  “Great. Now, about that date. How about we have dinner outside this evening? Just the two of us.”

  “Sure. What should I wear?”

  “Something nice. You don’t need to put on anything formal, though. It’s not going to be a fine dining restaurant, but the food will be delicious. I promise you that.”

  “I can’t wait.”

  “Me, too.”

  Leonardo leaned closer toward Tristan and brought their lips together once again. He could never get enough of kissing Tristan. It was getting more difficult each day to leave the palace for his appointments with some government officials or a charitable organization. He yearned to spend all of his time with Tristan, but he knew it was impossible. That was the reason why he treasured every spare moment he had with Tristan. It was precious to him, and he hoped Tristan felt the same way.


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