
Home > Fiction > Reconnected > Page 10
Reconnected Page 10

by Bethany Daniel

Chapter 9

  Liam relaxes against me and smiles softly. "Do you remember the first time we had to dance together?"

  "I remember I was very mad at you for picking on me, and we were at someone's wedding and our moms made us dance together because it was "just so cute"."

  He laughs and I laugh along with him. "We were what, like 15 then?"

  "Mmm, something like that. You were a big jerk then.” I tease him and look up at him as the music picks back up.

  "I was not....I was just already falling for you and you wouldn't give me the time of day."

  I roll my eyes, "If I remember right, you were dating that Lindy girl then."

  "Yeah...because I wanted you to be jealous!"

  I laugh and start moving to the music again and laugh even louder when he spins me around quickly and brings me back to him with my back to his front.

  "We're good together baby.” Liam whispers and puts his hand across my stomach and kisses from my ear down.

  I close my eyes and sigh, "We were....” He turns me back to face him and places his hands on my hips again to hold me tight. “We can learn how to be again."

  When he opens his mouth to say something, Krista appears towing Scott behind her.

  "Oh my gosh, Kate, this place is like the best ever!” She bounces on her toes and grabs me and spins us both around.

  "Whoa, Krista...Kris,” I stop us and look at her hard, "Are you drunk? What did you drink?"

  She giggles and I glare over at Scott. "Just a little bit Kate, I promise."

  "Scott...why did you let her get drunk?” I glare and look between him and Krista.

  "I'm sorry! We were just sitting and talking and the bartender just kept refilling her drink when it got low.” he looks down sheepishly.

  "Well, as you can tell, she's a light weight! Look...we need to get her home before she just crashes. Can you have the car brought around?"

  Liam nods and steps to the corner to make a phone call and I sigh holding onto Krista's arm as she stumbles around.

  "I really am sorry, Katy.” Scott says, "We were just having a good time."

  "It's don't know how she gets sometimes, right Krista?"

  "I just really really liked the drink the nice bartender gave me.” She giggles again and adjusts the top of her dress.

  "They'll be here in a couple minutes.” Liam comes up to tell us and rests his hands on my hips.

  "Good.” I smile softly at him and lean into Krista's ear, "Do me a favor and don't throw up all over the pretty limousine seats or your dress, ok?"

  "Of course not!” She slurs and Scott moves over and takes her into his arms.

  "Alright, sweet heart. Let's go get you some fresh air....our next date, no drinking allowed, that sound good?"

  "Mm-hmm” I hear her hum as he walks towards the exit meeting Eric and another security guy along the way.

  "Looks like our night got cut short.” Liam says sadly and I nod as I stand on my tip toes to kiss his cheek.

  "Rain check?” I ask softly and tuck a piece of his hair back.

  "You bet.” He smiles as we start towards the exit and see the limo drive up. "Don't forget, duck your head!"

  I do as a bunch of camera flashes go off and I hear people yelling my name trying to get the perfect picture for their precious magazine.

  Once we're safely in the back again and Scott has gotten some water in Krista, I relax a bit. I feel safer the further away we are from the cameras.

  "So, when will we be able to get together again?” I ask resting against Liam's side.

  "Well, we're finishing up final scenes and things this week, so maybe by the weekend we can cut loose."

  I bite my lip and nod not knowing how broach the conversation about what happens when he's all done here. Will he be done with me too? The future of our relationship seems so unattainable right now.

  Just a few minutes later, we've pulled up to our dorm and Krista is already clutching her stomach.

  "Oh God,” she moans and quickly gets out and makes a dash for the door.

  "Oh boy...sorry guys, I better go help her."

  "Call me when everything gets settled, ok?” Liam yells as I chase after her.

  "I will!” I call back and dart inside and hear her heaving and groaning.

  I pull my heels off and lean against the bathroom door. "You’re going to get that pretty dress all dirty.” I say with a smirk and duck when she throws a toothbrush at me.

  "Shut up....God, I'm never drinking again!” She rubs her face and I go into the kitchen to get her a glass of water.

  "That's probably a good idea.” I tell her as I set the glass down. "You’re lucky Scott thinks you’re cute even if you’re drunk."

  She groans and covers her face with her hands, "He didn't see me like that, did he?"

  "Not sick, no."

  "Oh thank God....are you sure he doesn't hate me now?"

  "Positive. He mentioned another date."

  That puts a smile on her face and she slowly gets up off the bathroom floor and goes in search of comfortable clothes and I follow behind.

  "Did you at least have a good time before I ruined it?” Krista asks me after we're both changed and sitting on our beds.

  "I did...we danced...and talked and stuff. Liam's actually a pretty good dancer, he did all the leading.” I laugh softly and lean back.

  "I saw him leading you on that dance floor missy; he had his hands all over you. There's no question he was showing everyone that you're his!"

  I blush slightly and shrug. "Like I said, we had fun. What about you? Did you and Scott still hit it off?"

  "Uh-huh....and that boy is a very good kisser.” She grins and tucks a stray curl behind her ear.

  "Oh really? Anything else I should know about?"

  She pauses to stop and think and shakes her head, "No, just lots of sneaking kisses and dancing all up in each other’s space.” she laughs and seems to be lost in the memory of it.

  "Well good, I'm happy for you, Kris."

  "I'm happy for you too, Kate....we've worked hard and got good grades to get our degrees and all. I think it’s about time we have some men to come home to so to speak."

  "You know what? I agree with you."

  "Good, you should.” She smiles tiredly and climbs up to her pillows. "Nighty night, Kate."

  "Good night, Krista.” I whisper as she drifts off to sleep and I pull out my phone to send Liam a text.

  "Will call tomorrow, I'm beat, had a good time tonight though. Next time, maybe we can have an alone date?” I send him and sit back anxiously waiting his reply.

  "For sure, I had fun too. Can't wait to see you again, night baby, I love you."

  Those last three words both made me extremely happy and very nervous. Part of me never stopped loving Liam, but another part of me is very scared to give him my heart again.


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