The Beast Within

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The Beast Within Page 8

by T. L Smith

  The alpha and his second took a seat in the corner near the front of the pub and motioned for two beers. Once they'd been delivered, Adam thanked the waitress and turned to Luke. "So, tell me, what's next? What do you plan to do once you get back to Summerfield?" he asked, then took a big swallow of his drink.

  "Well, sir, I plan to track down Julie and try to get a feel on what's happening with her. I've followed her so much that it feels like I have a slight connection with her. I thought I felt a strong wave of distress today and I need to see if it's pushed the transformation any closer", he replied.

  Adam nodded his head, acknowledging the wisdom in that decision. "Are you going to make yourself known anytime soon, and I mean making contact with her when I say make yourself known," said Adam. Nodding his head, Luke replied "Yes sir I am. I think things are going to be changing very soon and I'd rather not come at her brand new when things start rolling."

  They talked for a little while longer, comparing opinions on how things should be handled with both Levi and Julie once she arrived, and discussing what types of problems either felt they may be facing. They both seemed to be on the same page on most everything so, with the last swallow of Luke's drink, he dropped a tip on the table and got up to leave. "Ok then, by your leave I'd like to change clothes and get going, sir," he said. "Of course!, Good luck, and let me know if you run into any trouble," said Adam. With a nod, Luke was gone.

  * * * *

  Upon arriving home, Julie changed out of her uniform and prepared to get dinner ready. Before she got too settled in for the night she decided to get the trash out to the curb before she forgot and it took another week before it got picked up. Slipping on her slippers and grabbing the bag, she went outside and circled around to the side of the house to grab the large, rolling can. As it loudly rolled down the driveway, Julie noticed a rather tall man walking down the sidewalk towards her. He wasn't watching where he was going as he had his face buried in a map. He seemed to be nicely dressed, casual but stylish. She gauged him to be about 6 foot 2, with a very muscular build. Something about him seemed familiar yet she couldn't place from where she might have met him. She position the can at the curb and was just turning to head back in when she collided with this tall stranger. "OOPS! Dude, you need to watch where you're going before you get hurt, or hurt someone else!" she said with a touch of irritation and humor in her voice.

  "OH! Pardon me!" the stranger hurriedly said. "I'm so sorry! Did I hurt you?" As he looked up to meet Julie's eyes, she noticed their color, unlike any she'd ever seen before. His eyes seemed to be a shade of Gold with brown flecks. No one had gold eyes, she thought! Even though they were very unusual, she was deciding that it was a good unusual! They seemed to almost flicker with his movements and emotions.

  He had dropped his map when they collided and he now reached down to retrieve it, only to bump into her again because she had bent down to get it as well! They both pulled up, rubbing the shoulder they had bumped and started laughing. "This is something that only happens on TV," Julie chuckled.

  The stranger chuckled as well saying, "Well, clearly, it's not limited to only TV, as we have proven this very night! Please accept my sincerest apologies for my clumsiness. I'm good at a lot of things but maps don't seem to be one of them. By the way, my name is Luke Shaefer."

  "Julie McCallister," Julie said as she shook his out stretched hand. Now why did she just give her complete name, she wondered?? There was something very welcoming and yet disarming about him. Again she had a moment of recognition and decided to ask about it. "Tell me something. It feels like we've met before but I can't remember where. HAVE we met before?"

  "Well, it may be that you've seen me before. I have been wandering this neighborhood at various times while I've been researching the area", he said.

  "Oh, maybe that's it. Tell me, why are you researching the area, if it's not too forward of me to ask," she inquired.

  "No, not at all," Luke replied. "I am considering moving my business into the area and this seemed like a nice neighborhood to buy a house in. But I don't make snap judgments on first sight. Because it may be quiet at one time of the day, doesn't mean it's always quiet. I've tried to pop in at all times to see if there is anyone that could be a problem with wild parties or domestic fighting and such. Maybe you've seen me on one of those earlier visits."

  Julie pondered for a moment. "Well, that just may be why you look so familiar. What have you decided about the neighborhood? Does it meet the requirements you're looking for?"

  Luke seemed to study her more closely. "It is definitely showing more promise, now", he said while smiling at her. "I don't mean to be too bold but I was wondering, I mean if it's ok with you, . . . I was wondering if I could buy you a drink, or a cup of coffee so I could ask you more questions about the area. If you have time that is?"

  Julie was surprised at the bold request. They had just bumped into each other and didn't know a thing about the other. Yet, there was something about Luke that definitely enticed her to get to know more about him. When he had shaken her hand, it almost felt like a little electric current had run up her arm. She had written it off to the dry air and hoped he hadn't gotten shocked as well. Now, with him studying her as he seemed to be, she considered the very thing that most of her male friends warned her against. . . going out with someone she didn't know. Though she knew appearances weren't everything, she couldn't help but feel that with as nicely dressed as he was, and with as refined as he seemed to be, he surely wouldn't be a threat. Besides, it wasn't like she hadn't been trained to fight if the need arose, and with that thought Julie made her decision.

  "Yes, I think I would like that. I've been in this area a long time. I'm sure I could help you find whatever it is you're searching for on that map that nearly got you killed," she teased. Luke chuckled. Julie continued, "I'll have to go change first. When I changed out of my uniform I just threw on something comfortable. Let me get back into something more appropriate for getting coffee in. Since I don't know you at all, you'll have to wait right here for a moment while I change, is that ok?" she asked. That was going to be at least ONE piece of advice she would follow right now.

  "Absolutely! I'd be happy to wait right here for your return," Luke said with a slight dip of his head. Julie smiled and turned to run back inside to get changed.

  He found himself smiling as he thought about what a lovely person she seemed to be, and how anxious he was to get to know her. It appeared that the connection he felt to her just may be felt by her as well. That would make things so much easier when her transformation time came. He only hoped that he had enough time to befriend her before it happened!


  The whole journey back to Julie passed quickly, as things always did when Luke thought of her. He pondered how he would connect with her once he arrived. It was time. He could feel it. The pull of the moon was always strongest with the new moon. Since that's when transformations occurred, and having felt things change with her lately, he knew it wouldn't take another cycle for her to change. Luke had assisted many new wolf transformations through the years and he knew the signs when it was pending. Julie was showing those signs. The dreams he's heard her cry out from, the longer than normal runs and even a very subtle change in her body, were all signals that her time was near.

  It was imperative that he connect with her tonight. The tricky part was how to do it without scaring her and ruining any chance of the trust he needed her to have in him. Though it would begin on a false premise, he would come clean soon after and explain to her what was coming. He only hoped she was strong enough not to run away screaming!

  Coming into town he passed a corner gas station and saw a map display on the counter. Perhaps he could appeal to her "community service" tendencies and be the lost citizen new to the area! He knew she had a good heart, and community service was what she did for a living after all. He'd have to wing it from there, see how things go at first contact to know where to go next. He'd a
lso have to see if he could get her talking about her past. Knowing that her memories have been suppressed all these years could make this harder than usual, but, she seemed strong and capable. He didn't take her for the type of woman who couldn't handle a bit of stress in her life. He just hoped it wasn't more than she could handle.

  After buying the map, he turned towards her neighborhood. Having been there many times he could get there with his eyes closed. Playing this "lost boy scenario" he had decided to use, was going to be interesting, if not a bit of fun! Finally being that close to her was what he'd been waiting for, for a very long time. Finding himself smiling about what was to come, he thought, "What is wrong with me!? I'm acting like a love sick school boy and I haven't even met her yet. I need to get my head in the game! This could easily go badly and we could end up with a female Levi Rigland running around." Stopping short, he shook his head. "NOPE, that is not an option," he said out loud. He'd never let that happen to Julie. If he had to throw her over his shoulder and take her off someplace secluded to be sure it was done right, then that's what he'd do! He just hoped it wouldn't come to that.

  * * * *

  Julie ran back into her house and headed for her bedroom. She could feel the butterflies fluttering in her stomach at the thought of going out with him, and that was the craziest thing she'd ever done!! Being so attracted to a stranger, a heart-stopping, hunk of a stranger at that, was probably one of the most foolish things she had ever had happen to her. They say the heart wants who the heart wants, but don't you at least have to get to know someone before it can do that?? She had never been one of those kind of girls that thought she loved everyone and everyone loved her! Nor did she ever fool herself into thinking that every guy would want her. She knew she was pleasant to look at, but there were many other women around that were drop dead gorgeous. However, . . . she had seen the way Luke had checked her out. She had caught the slight, very sexy, smile that had graced his lips when she had teased him. And oh those lips! Julie could just imagine how firm, yet soft, they would be and how much she would love to nibble on that bottom lip, then pull it into her mouth . . . "WHOA ... where the HELL did that come from???"

  Julie stopped moving, eyes wide, frozen from the shock of where her mind had just taken her. "Alright, girl, get a grip on yourself!" she scolded. Shaking her head like she could shake those thoughts out, she stripped out of her clothes then turned to pull on a clean pair of dark blue skinny jeans and a soft, light blue, form fitting, sweater off the shelf. She knew what this sweater would do for her eyes, and it gave her confidence whenever she wore it. If he checked her out before, she knew this outfit should really grab his attention. Slipping on some low ankle boots, she headed to the door with a smile on her face. At 5'6", sometimes she had to be careful with the size heel she'd wear. But with Luke's height, it was pretty much a green light for whatever she wanted to wear, and she was loving it!

  Looking out the window next to the door, she saw him sitting on the front steps. From this view she could see his wide shoulders and narrow hips. He had an air of confidence that she found very attractive! This was going to be a very interesting cup of coffee!

  Stuffing her ID and a few bills into her back pocket, (because she never assumed that the guy would always pick up the bill), she grabbed her house key and pushing it deep into her front pocket, flipped the lights off and reached for the door handle. She was as ready as she was ever going to be.


  Closing the door behind her, Julie turned to smile at Luke. "Ok, all ready. Let's get something to drink!" He chuckled at her enthusiasm and said, "I am yours to command my dear! Lead the way!" Julie secretly liked the sound of that! As she started down the sidewalk Luke came along side and matched her strides. They chatted about the neighborhood as they walked. She pointed out landmarks, frequented resting spots, where the local parks for various activities were as well as which neighborhoods seemed to be the quietest and most preferred. Most of it was only pointing in a direction for him to go, noting how many blocks and what turns might be involved. Luke appeared to be listening intently and nodding when appropriate, when actually all he could do was admire her delicate features and contagious enthusiasm. He found he really liked spending time with her already. He hoped there was much more of it in the future!

  Once they arrived at the chosen coffee/bakery shop that she knew to be the best in the area, they found a seat and placed their order. "I probably need to apologize for talking so much," Julie said, slightly blushing. "I've just lived here for so long and know so much about it and the people, it just comes flowing out when anyone, God forbid, should ask a question about anything!" She laughed, then lowered her gaze to her drink so she could gather herself a bit. Staring into Luke's eyes for so long had such an addicting affect that she worried if he'd noticed that she had barely looked away during her 'tour'.

  He chuckled and the rumble deep in his chest was so amazing that she couldn't wait to hear it again. "Not at all! I loved hearing about everything and I have been so fortunate to have run into you, . . . literally!" Now both laughed, and a feeling of comfortable silence slipped over them as they sat sipping their drinks. It was now or never, Luke thought.

  "So, tell me Julie, how'd you come to live here so long in the first place? Were you born here?" asked Luke. "Well, actually, almost. I wasn't born in Summerfield but I was born not far from here. Oakville is just about 7 miles from here and is close enough for the Three Forks National Park to have been our playground for many years. My family use to take weekend trips into the Park to go camping and hiking. My brother was great at the physical stuff. I was more into the research of things," replied Julie.

  Luke listened carefully, nodding and smiling, while taking note of the locations she'd been to and wondering where it was exactly that she'd had her run in with Levi. "And you work out of the Ranger station at the edge of town?" asked Luke.

  "Sure do! I love it there! I got a position there a long time ago, while I was still in high school. They started a Junior / Senior program and my best friend's dad was, and is, the Senior Ranger. They got me a place in the program and when I graduated I took the training to become a real, full fledge Ranger and... well, the rest is history!" Julie's face beamed with pride.

  "I'm sure your family is very proud of you," said Luke. "Not many women choose to go into such a rugged profession."

  Julie's smile dropped a little at the mention of her family. Luke noticed and said, "I'm sorry, did I say something wrong?"

  Julie shook her head, reassuring him it was ok. "My family died about 17 years ago, when I was about seven."

  "Oh, I'm terribly sorry. May I ask how they died?" Luke inquired. Now she did pause as her smile was replaced with obvious sadness. "They were murdered in the Park one evening during a camping trip."

  Luke could see that the loss of her family still weighed heavily, and he was loath to bring it up, but knew that it was the first step to reconciling her past with her present. Since her present would be taking her into her new future, it was an unfortunate undertaking that must be done. "Wow, I'm really sorry! I didn't mean to overstep my bounds. That just isn't something anyone would expect to hear," he said looking embarrassed to have reached too far into her life.

  "No, it's ok. It happened a long time ago. I find that I have trouble remembering all the details of their faces and voices sometimes. That's what really makes me sad. I mean, they were my family! I should remember everything about them!" Julie looked more anguished at that then the actual loss. Oh, she loved her family and missed them terribly, but to be forgetting them seemed unforgiveable.

  "It's nothing to be ashamed of or worried about. You were just a little girl who was only seven years old. Seventeen years is a long time for one so young to remember so much," Luke said, trying to reassure her. For some reason he found that he didn't like her being in pain, of any kind. He had a strong desire to wrap his arms around her, to give her comfort, and perhaps the love that she was missin
g from the family she lost so long ago. "I'm sure your last memories of them will be something you'll carry with you through the years, even if not in exact details," he said, while cringing inside with the pain this conversation would surely bring her. "Would you like to talk about that instead? Sometimes sharing good memories helps those left behind."

  Now Julie's face drained of color. "I can't," she said softly, "I don't remember anything about that night." Luke put a look of confusion on his face.

  "Well, how would you remember something like that? It's not like you were there . . . were you?" When Julie didn't say anything, Luke laid his hand on her arm and asked, " Julie, what's wrong? Are you ok?" When she still didn't look up, he put the tips of his fingers under her chin and raised her head to meet his eyes. His gaze locked onto hers and she found that somehow, they offered her a feeling of comfort and safety. Not understanding how that was possible, she wondered if she should excuse herself and end the evening.

  Something about Luke encouraged her to talk. She felt like something had been hanging around her heart for all these years, begging to get out, but she could never find a safe path in which to release it. Perhaps, with this stranger, a path was being offered without repercussions of judgments or changed beliefs in the strengths she'd struggled so long to prove she had. She knew Joe and Roger loved her, but that didn't mean that a great weakness (that may just break her if she's not careful) couldn't change their impressions of her inner strength. All of a sudden she felt everything closing in on her, giving her a feeling of claustrophobia. Luke sensed a feeling of panic building within her and knew he'd better do something before the whole opportunity was lost.


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