The Beast Within

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The Beast Within Page 11

by T. L Smith


  Sophie lead Levi up the steps to a building that looked like a small town City Hall. Inside they found a board listing all the offices in the building by name and room number. At the top of the list Levi saw the name "Adam Cooper, Director of Operations". Levi turned to Sophie and asked, "If Adam is the alpha, why would he call himself Director of Operations? Why not President, or something like that?"

  Sophie giggled in a way that made Levi smile. "Silly, he can't do that. There are people that come to town that aren't one of us, so for appearance sake, it has to be something a bit more casual. If you think about it, being alpha and running things, he really is directing the operations of this pack in all ways. So really, wouldn't you say the title fits him well?"

  Levi smiled at her explanation thinking that she's right, it was a very appropriate title for a pack leader. They noted the room number and headed off to talk to Adam about strengthening Levi's control over his wolf.

  Upon arriving, Sophie opened the door and walked in. Seeing an older woman sitting at the desk outside of a closed office door, Sophie walked over to her and asked to speak to Adam.

  The name plate said Stella Thompson, and watching the two ladies talk, Levi found Stella to be a very cordial yet professional woman. He found it very strange yet encouraging that everyone seemed so laid back and casual here. He'd heard that some pack leaders could be ruthless and demanding yet he couldn't see how one like that would fit in a town such as this. Considering his new arrival here, as well as the violent story of his past, he found himself really counting on the first impression he'd gotten as a good description of Adam. The more time he spent with Sophie, the more he wanted to stay, and he knew that his fate would lie in the hands of the pack leader, Adam Cooper.

  Stella leaned over and pushed an intercom button and announced that Adam had visitors. When he inquired who, she said, " Oh, it's Sophie and the nice young man that's joining the pack," and with that she smiled at Levi in a very welcoming way. Levi had really expected the people in this town to shun him once they found out how he'd been living and the things he'd done. Instead, he was finding it all to be quite the contrary. Not for the first time, he was thanking his lucky stars that Luke had found him and had decided to save him rather than end him!

  "Send them right in, Ms Thompson," said the voice on the intercom. Nodding towards the door and still smiling she said, "You two can go right on in".

  "Thanks Stella!" Sophie sang out and reached back to grab Levi's hand. Pulling him towards the door, she opened it and guided Levi to the closest chair. She turned and closed the door behind them, then seated herself in the chair sitting next to Levi.

  "So, what brings you here to my office Sophie?" asked Adam, smiling at her like he was talking to his daughter. Adam was sitting in a very large, leather covered chair behind an impressive sized desk. His office was decorated in a way that made it feel more welcoming than stuffy, as most administrative offices seemed to do. The feeling of intimidation that had been building within Levi slowly slid away as he watched the two interact. "Uncle Adam, I was wondering if we could start working with Levi on strengthening his control over his wolf so he could join us on our new moon run?"

  Levi started coughing like he'd swallowed something the wrong way. His eyes went wide and he about slid out of his chair when he heard Sophie call Adam her uncle! Adam got up to come around to see if he could help Levi, all while looking at Sophie and scolding her.

  "Sophie, clearly you didn't tell him who I was to you. Don't you think you've outgrown this little game you play with new guys?" Though his words were mildly scolding, his eyes were laughing.

  "I'm sorry, Uncle. He just seemed like he was so uptight, I needed a way to loosen him up!" she said to Adam while looking apologetically at Levi.

  "I'm sorry Levi. This was wrong of me to do. I understand how you could be nervous with everything being so new and with my Uncle being the Alpha. He really is a pretty cool guy once you get to know him . . . . and haven't recently been forced to submit by him." With this she started laughing at the shocked look on both of their faces. "Oh, lighten up you guys!" she laughed.

  Adam shook his head as he walked back around his desk saying, "One of these days little girl, you're gonna have to learn some respect!"

  Once he seated himself, he chuckled and turned to Levi. "So, what's this about learning control and the new moon run? Is this something you want to do or is it her way of putting her nose where it doesn't belong again?"

  Now it was Sophie's turn to be shocked. "UNCLE!" she gasped. Both Adam and Levi belly laughed at her indignation until she finally joined them saying, "Ok, maybe I wasn't asked, but I think he's interested, if not actually very pleased with the possibility, right Levi?" Levi nodded as he worked to bring his laughter under control. "Yes Sir, I am very interested."


  "You're saying I'm going to become one of you. . . a shifter . . . AREN'T you?" Julie asked in a near whisper. Luke had laid her down when she seemed faint and he now helped her to sit up. He searched her eyes for a sign that she wasn't going to come unraveled. He had stopped pushing a calm into her when she'd laid down and now he waited to see if he'd need to send it to her again.

  "Yes, . . . that's exactly what I'm saying." Luke didn't believe in pulling punches and babying anyone unless he saw a need for it. Being a bit faint wasn't a sure sign of a pending breakdown.

  "How can you be so sure?" she asked with hopeful eyes that he couldn't be. "You're going to have to just trust me on this. This isn't the first time something like this has happened. Let me ask you something, have you noticed anything different about the way you do things or the way you feel about things? Do your senses seem sharper or is there anything different about any part of your body?" He waited while she seemed to take inventory of herself and having done that, she nodded with a look of resignation.

  "My hair has gotten shinier and my instincts seem to be sharper. The runs I used to take have gotten much longer and yet I still do them in the same amount of time - saying that I've become much faster. Do you mean stuff like that?" she asked.

  "Yes, honey, exactly like that. Those are the signs that your first transformation will be coming soon. When a child is infected, nature has built in a way for the transformation to be stalled off until they are an adult because a child's body couldn't handle it. Also, it's different for each adult and the change usually takes place between the ages of 20 to 25. There are usually signs such as you're experiencing that let us know that it won't be long before your first change will happen. That's why it was so important for me to make contact with you, help you to get reconnected with your past and then fill you in on how your past has influenced your future.

  If a human that's been infected changes without the support and guidance of a full wolf, usually an alpha or their second - such as myself - then something very wrong happens and they end up being out of control and violent and with an over active thirst for blood."

  Intuitively, Julie knew, "That's what happened to Levi, isn't it?" she asked, already knowing the answer. "Yes, that's exactly what happened to Levi. Until a connection can be made with the rogue wolf by the alpha or his second, a part of the brain that should activate, doesn't. If we're lucky, the human within the beast stays alive. Their refusal to give total control to the wolf is what saves them. . . again, like Levi."

  With that last bit, she turned wide eyes to Luke. "You mean to tell me that the beast that killed my family has been saved? All the people he's murdered for so many years is wiped out simply because you can activate the part that didn't on it's own? HOW can he not have to pay for what he did??" she said as her voice was rising with each question.

  "Julie, you can't blame the man. He was a prisoner all those years. He had no control. Imagine being a prisoner in your own body and watching it do horrific things and you can't do a thing to stop it. Don't you think he's been in a hell all his own for long enough? Don't you see how hi
s rescue is just as important as yours is?"

  Julie watched Luke's face as he spoke and she was amazed by the level of compassion this man seemed to have within him. As much as she'd like to see the beast punished for killing her family, when she stopped to think rationally, she had to agree that it must have been a living hell for the man, for Levi. She sighed and leaned back on the bench. "I suppose you're right. It would be a total nightmare to be doing something you'd never do and yet can't stop yourself. Now that you've rescued him, can he return to his old life?"

  Seeing the compassion in Julie, it assured Luke all the more that she was the woman for him. Her strength and compassion would make her an amazing alpha female but more importantly, it would make her an amazing mate. He studied her face, seeing her put her own worries aside for the happiness of another, making her even more beautiful to him. With her face tipped up to his, he looked deeply into her eyes as he answered. "No, honey, he can't. It was so long ago that his family has moved on. He once had a wife and children, before he turned. When you become a shifter, you'll age differently, more slowly. He still looks about the same age as before turning. His wife is in her senior years now. He can never go back since there'd be no way to explain why he's still so young looking."

  Julies eyes glistened with tears. She had suffered her own pain, but so had Levi. She'd lost her family to the beast, but so had he, and in that moment, she felt forgiveness and sorrow. Forgiveness for the beast, caught up in a fury never meant to be, and sorrow for the man who'd lost as much as she had - and with that thought, the tears silently slipped down her cheeks.


  The previous week had passed quickly for Julie. That Friday night, she and Luke had talked and she had found out that life as she knew it was going to change dramatically. On Monday she had talked with Joe privately saying that by the end of the week she needed to take the next 2 weeks off under the guise of needing some time to adjust to all she'd learned. She had some work to take care of first so she could get her work load caught up. Her leave would start Friday after work. Of course he had agreed, saying he understood and knew that she'd be ok. He assured her that if she needed more time though, all she'd need to do was ask!

  Luke and Julie had spent all that week together working out the details of her change, how long she had to continue on in her life as it was before she'd have to disappear, and generally just tried to prepare her for what was to come. She had invited him in the previous Friday evening after their time in the park and he'd never left. The attraction between them grew and she found that it felt like she was with someone she'd known for years. He had provided her with comfort during her crying times, his arms had held her when she seemed like she was going to lose it, and finally on Sunday evening they had actually had a normal conversation about normal things. She'd even found out that he had a wonderful sense of humor and they'd shared a good number of laughs together. She realized that she was caring for him more and more, and even found herself fantasizing about a future together. Little did she know, Luke had done the same thing.

  When Monday morning had arrived, she'd prepared for her work week and wondered how she would be able to act as she once had with all of the new revelations she'd experienced over the weekend. She now knew that they would never find the person who had done all of the killings in the park. Luke had told her of escorting Levi to the shifter community and Levi would likely never come back this way. For the Rangers however, it would be business as usual and the search for clues would continue. On the good side, Julie knew that she would no longer have the visions and panic attacks that she'd had the week before. Since her time with Luke, her nightmares had stopped. With the connection of her past and the knowledge of what had happened, there was nothing else for her body to prepare her for, or forewarn her about. Though she felt a lot of apprehension about what was to come, she now felt at peace with her past.

  Now, with a new moon approaching, she contemplated how it had felt like something had been missing in her life and how she had tried to fill it with a rewarding and busy job and time out with friends, but still her life had seemed lacking somehow. Having met Luke, she didn't know what she'd do if he wasn't around. She had never felt so protected and cared for by anyone and she found she liked it very much that their paths had crossed. As horrific as the death of her family was, it was because of that event that had brought Luke into her life. A silver lining to a very dark, violent cloud.

  She hoped her parents could see what was happening and know that she was definitely going to be ok. She had survived, and soon she would be living a very different and what she hoped would be, a very exciting life. But first, she had to get there, and that was where her apprehension for this time was now coming from.

  Luke had talked to her a little bit about the change. She knew the first time was the hardest, but he assured her he'd be with her through it all. He'd told her about how her senses may seem overwhelming at first. Her sight, sense of smell and vision would peak upon changing, but it would level out soon after. Though this was enough to worry about, she also worried about the pack. Would they accept her? Would they hurt her? Could Luke go against them and protect her if they did turn against her for some reason? It was probably silly that she'd worry about that. Why would he be so caring and attentive now if he wouldn't protect her then? As usual, her occasional self doubt wiggled it's way in and she couldn't help wondering, "Or is he only with me right now because it's his job to do so?" she said out loud, adding credibility to it.

  Just as her doubt started to take hold, Luke knocked on her door. "Julie, can I come in?" She threw one quick look in the mirror to be sure she was decent and called out, "Sure, come in!" Turning towards the door she met him with a smile, though shadowed by her fears.

  "Hi," he said in his masculine, sexy voice that warmed her heart and soothed her fears. He strolled over to her and took her hand, then led her over to sit on the edge of the bed. "I'd like to talk to you for a minute, if you have the time?" When he'd grabbed her hand, a tingle ran up her arm and caused her heart to flutter. She couldn't believe how much his presence seemed to affect her. "Sure, we can talk. What's up?" she asked.

  "Remember how I'd explained there's a mental connection with an alpha to his pack, his mate or anyone he wants to connect to? Sometimes his second can do it too. A connection can be made between mates, or those he has developed a strong connection to." said Luke. She had forgotten about that part of integrating into a pack from all of their conversations. Now that he'd reminded her, she did remember, and color rushed into her face. She knew where he was going with this conversation! "Honey, I sense your worry, and I've picked up where it's coming from. I don't want you to worry. No one in the pack will hurt you, I'd never allow it. I think it's time I fill you in on a few things," said Luke as he proceeded to tell her how he was feeling. He told her that he'd felt the 'spark' too when they touched, that he also couldn't imagine his life without her in it and he also found himself wondering and hoping for a future with her.

  "From the moment I saw you, I've felt something. Initially I was sent here to see to your transformation. It felt like babysitting in the beginning and I felt like my talents could be used in a better way." Julie's eyes had widened and he could see a bit of hurt in them, so he continued on. "HOWEVER," stopping her from taking it in the wrong direction, "As I watched you, I knew there was something special about you. The longer I watched, I got to see your strength, courage, and kind heart. At one point I could have asked to be replaced, but by then, I was hooked. The imprinting that the male shifters do is for one very special person, and only them. Their soul mate. We all dream of the day it happens and many never find them, which seems to condemn them to a life of loneliness. Julie, what I feel for you is very deep, and strong, and I honestly believe I will never be lonely again."

  He waited to see if she understood what he was saying. As she studied his eyes, and processed what he was saying, her look went from confusion, to compassion,
to understanding and ending in joy! Her eyes filled with tears and he could see her struggled to keep them from spilling over.

  "Honey, what I'm saying, so there's no misunderstanding is, I've imprinted on you and I'm hoping that you will consider staying with me, forever."

  With that, Julie threw herself into his arms as she whispered "Yes, . . . Oh Luke, YES. I want to be yours and yours alone, for as long as you'll have me!" Luke wrapped his arms around her and pulled her into their first kiss. It started gently, tenderly showing how much he cared, but as Julie felt his need for her, her need for him sparked into a wave of desire. The gentle kiss they now shared soon became hungry and almost desperate. As Luke's tongue gently swept across her bottom lip, asking for entrance, Julie's lips parted allowing him what he sought. His hands began to roam as he pulled her in closer, sliding down her hips and ending at her firm bottom, pulling her hips tightly against his causing a moan of pleasure to slip past her lips. Luke eventually broke the kiss and started nuzzling at her neck and down to her collarbone. Julie dropped her head back, allowing him access as he deepened his kisses, feeling like he would devour her, and she would let him.

  He returned to her mouth, tasting her, relishing in her as her pheromones told him of her rising desire. Julie's hands caressed his muscular back, moving to the front, reveling in the dips and valleys of his abs, then swept back around to dip down to his tight rear end and she couldn't help but squeeze, enjoying its firmness.

  As they thoroughly enjoyed the taste and feel of each other, Julie hadn't even noticed that Luke had guided her down onto the bed until he pulled away from their kiss, leaving them both breathless. He braced himself above her, reveling in the beauty of her desire and his eyes seemed to dance in the gold fire that shined within.


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