For the King

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For the King Page 19

by Reagan Woods

  “If I’d realized the two of you needed some alone time, I would have found a way to get out of your way before today.” Her eyes darted to his and he saw her sincerity and her confused vulnerability.

  “Nora, I didn’t kiss you because I needed ‘alone time’ with Lyon.” He needed to make sure she understood that he wanted her for her, not as a substitute. “I kissed you because I wanted to.”

  “Why?” The simple, baffled question gave him brand new insight to just how exposed she felt.

  “Because I’ve fallen in love with you, you daft creature,” he told her on an exasperated laugh.

  The whites of her eyes bugged out and her mouth fell open. “Zocan…don’t take this the wrong way, but… you don’t even like me. I know we’re from totally different worlds – literally so we might not always understand one another, but you can’t just decide you love me.” The words echoed with hurt and rejection.

  No matter how much it pained him, he had to admit her assessment was fair – from her point of view. He needed to make her understand why he was so reserved.

  “I haven’t been as open and enthusiastic about having you with us as Lyon,” he acknowledged. “I’d blame stress or the pain of losing friends – and those are part of it, but truly, you knocked the breath from my lungs when I first saw you. I feared the universe would take you away, so I watched, I waited, and while I did, I came to admire your determination to heal and find your place, your perseverance in your learning, and your open, accepting heart very, very much.”

  Those full lips pressed together harder before she spoke, “Admiration is a solid basis for friendship – but it isn’t love.” Her voice was shaky but firm. “I don’t want you to pity me. I want to earn my place. I know I’m not psychic, but I’m good when I’m backed into a corner and I can learn to be better.”

  “And that’s your goal? That’s all you want?” He pressed, watching her carefully.

  She nodded decisively. “That’s what I need.” Her pretty pointed chin raised as if daring him to disagree.

  Zocan decided to fall back and regroup. None of his plans had included this type of rejection.

  “Alright, my love, I will always give you what you need.” He gestured toward the sleep surface. “And right now, it appears you need to rest and regroup.”

  Those big, dark eyes blinked once, twice. She glanced apprehensively between him and the sleep surface before nodding. “You’re right. I am tired.”

  “Then sleep. The rest can be left for another day.”

  With supreme effort, he managed to keep his eyes on hers – and off her high, round ass – as she slid beneath the coverlet.

  He stifled a groan as he joined her. It would kill him to keep his hands to himself this sleep cycle, but he had to keep his focus on the long-term plan.

  Chapter 45

  Nora woke quickly, her breath coming in short gasps as she tried to get her bearings. The low glow of the up-lighting told her it was still early. Instead of the usual chill temperature of the cabin, she felt toasty warm from the tip of her nose to her feet.

  “You’re awake,” Zocan’s sleep roughened voice sounded directly in her ear. Despite the warmth cocooning her, her nipples pricked at that slumberous, sexy tone.

  As if aware of the effect he had on her, his smooth, warm hand slid from the dip of her waist down the curve of her hip. Her very naked hip. That big, thick cock – the one she’d grinded herself against shamelessly the day before - was nestled right up against her bum. Mierda. They’d been spooning in their sleep. That wasn’t conducive to the ‘co-workers only’ relationship she was going for.

  A hot flush of aroused mortification washed her in its fiery heat as she inched away and discretely wiped the drool from the side of her mouth. His hand clenched her hip, but he let her free so she could roll to face him.

  “Sorry about that,” she croaked. “I must have been colder than usual last night.”

  It wasn’t fair that he woke up so picture perfect. Even in the low light, the shiny gold length of his hair fell in loose waves over the shoulder of his shipsuit. Thank God, he still had his clothes on. Although, she couldn’t lie; she’d like to see what he looked like without all that silvery fabric covering him.

  “Darling Nora, you needn’t apologize for seeking out my warmth. I’m happy to share my heat.”

  She was certain he was mocking her, but his gaze remained earnestly locked on hers.

  “Um…thanks,” she replied lamely, eyes sliding away from his. “Why aren’t you up and about?”

  His lips curled in wicked amusement. “It’s not yet time to rise,” he answered, his silky tone making her skin prick with arousal. “Go back to sleep.” So saying, he reached out and pulled her back into his arms. One long leg wrapped over her hips as he slid his bicep beneath her head.

  “There.” His sigh ruffled the short hair on her head as he nuzzled in. “That’s better.”

  “Zocan,” she protested, pushing in vain against his hold as she tried to put some distance between his hard body and her soft breasts. She was uncomfortably aware of the moisture sliding between her legs. Every breath she drew in teased her sensitive nipples against his shipsuit in a delicious dance of friction and want. “I can’t sleep like this.”

  “Hush.” His free hand landed on her nape where he massaged lightly for a few minutes. The effect was the very opposite of relaxing.

  This wasn’t acceptable. Oh, those warm fingers felt amazing against the tight cords of her neck, but it wasn’t even remotely acceptable. Hadn’t she told him yesterday that they needed to keep things strictly professional? Yet, here he was after months of keeping his distance, obliterating her personal space mere hours after she’d declared she wasn’t going to be his fuck puppet.

  “I will not hush,” she enunciated loudly. “I know I made myself clear yesterday. No more fooling around.”

  He chuckled, his warm breath fanning her forehead as he tilted his head so he could stare down at her with those fathomless golden eyes. “You said the words,” he agreed. “But you didn’t mean them.”

  Nora clenched her teeth, her blood pressure spiking at the declaration. “I’m pretty sure I know what I meant – and you do, too,” she gritted out. The sheer arrogance of this alien man – male, whatever – was going to make her head explode.

  Without stopping to think through her actions, Nora struck. Her head whipped forward and she closed her teeth over Zocan’s strong chin in a frustrated bite.

  Rather than an offended yelp, Zocan let out a husky groan, his hips bucking forward. His long, thick erection ground into her stomach and they both moaned.

  Nora’s core clenched and she pulled away, dangerously close to ripping his clothes off and cramming herself full of that steely cock. That wouldn’t exactly send the ‘cordial but distant’ message she was hoping for.

  “Argh! You are so fucking frustrating!” She griped loudly, sitting up and clutching the coverlet to her chest as she glared down at him. “Why can’t we just peacefully coexist? This,” she paused to motion back and forth between them, “is a stupid idea. You’re all perfect and hot with your pretty hair and your handsome, smug face and I’m – I’m just not.”

  He sat up and smiled wickedly. “I’d love the chance to show you how lovely I find you. Your body is exquisite.” His eyes roved over the thin coverlet as though he could see right through it. “And you already know I’m in love with your mind.”

  “Stop saying that! You do not love me. You don’t even know me!”

  “I do know you. I’ve seen you at your worst and watched you recover, become stronger, and still keep an open heart. I’ve never met anyone as resilient as you, Nora. Or anyone as giving. I admire you and, yes, I want you. It’s clear that you want me, too. Why should we deny what is between us?”

  Zocan reached up to the neck of his ship suit and used a single finger to part the fabric like water down his chest. He stopped just above the bulging tip of his erection. The deep v
ee revealed radiant golden skin with dips and valleys in all the best places.

  Nora’s mouth went dry. As far as distractions went, that was a doozy. It was also totally unfair.

  He inched around her legs and scooted off the edge of the bed to stand, staring down at her. “Lights, increase by ten percent,” he commanded, the immediate extra illumination highlighting how seriously gorgeous he was.

  “Zocan,” she began only to lose her breath as he completely shed his shipsuit.

  Nora’s mouth gaped. She’d thought he was gorgeous before. Naked, he was a sight to behold. His long body was honed, every muscle gleaming under the light. Her gaze traveled his broad shoulders and thick biceps, took in his chiseled pecs and the ridges of his amazing abs only to snag on the dripping head of his massive cock.

  Vaguely, she was aware of the muscles in his thighs flexing, but she couldn’t look away from his alien penis. Rather than a broad, mushroom tip as she’d expected, he was long and smooth and tapered to a fine point.

  “Huh,” she tilted her head to study the unfamiliar anatomy. “You’re different from an Earther.”

  He smirked, unbothered by her scrutiny. “I’m sure that’s true. I think you’ll learn to enjoy the differences.”

  “Zocan, have you not heard a word I’ve said?” Her words lacked weight because she was still having trouble tearing her eyes from the pulsing, thick shaft and the pair of large, hairless testicles snugged up at its base.

  “I hear your words,” he acknowledged, laughter in his voice. “I also pay attention to the things you don’t say.”

  Nora frowned, her eyes darting up to his and away. “Like what?”

  “I watch your body language and the expressions on your face,” he informed her solemnly. “I also pay attention when you think no one is watching. I see you, Nora. Your declaration that you want to keep a professional distance is nothing more than an excuse to keep yourself from being emotionally vulnerable when you already feel vulnerable in so many other areas.”

  The denial perched on the edge of her tongue turned to ash in her mouth. “How - ?” She blurted before stopping herself. How had he seen through her? Why was he saying these things to her now?

  “Some part of me has always known you were the third in our trinepact,” he went on calmly. “So I paid attention. I watched and I waited. I’ve plotted and planned. All of it comes down to this: you’re meant to be ours as we are meant to be yours.”

  The implications of his words spun through her head and echoed off the suddenly empty chamber of her skull. “Do what?”

  Fisting his cock in one hand, he placed a knee on the bed and stared at her as he pumped the thick shaft. “Nora, this is happening.”

  Chapter 46

  Lyon stepped into the cabin and came to a hard stop. It was like a wall had sprung up where there had been only air seconds before.

  From her position on the sleep surface Nora let out a moan of dismay and hung her head. “Mierda. Not again.”

  Zocan turned a wide, wolfish grin on him, his naked body a beautiful sight gleaming in the cabin’s light.

  “Should I leave and come back?” Lyon kept his voice light, but he didn’t miss the way Nora avoided looking at him.

  “Don’t be ridiculous,” Zocan answered warmly. “Nora and I were just discussing the inevitability that she would be ours.”

  “I’d feel much more comfortable having any kind of discussion if someone would get my clothes from the refresher,” Nora piped in, pulling the coverlet tighter around her breasts.

  Stomach churning, Lyon went to the refresher and pulled her tunic and pants out. They looked shabby and threadbare, but they seemed to be holding together – much like his heart. He’d seen the longing in Nora’s eyes every time he’d casually touched his mate and he’d believed that longing was to be a part of what they had.

  Now though, Lyon was seeing that perhaps Nora envied his closeness with Zocan. His ego could handle the blow, but his heart cracked at the thought.

  As he approached the sleep surface, he nudged Zocan gently to the side and sat down. “Nora...” He began only to pause as it occurred to him that perhaps he didn’t want to know the answer to his question.

  As if sensing something amiss, Zocan unhurriedly began pulling his shipsuit back on. It was probably petty of him to rest the clothes in the crook of his bent leg, the one closest to her, rather than pass them over, but he knew Nora would evade or attack if she had armor. He needed the truth from her now.

  Nora’s gaze focused on Lyon’s face only to bounce away when he tried to hold that contact. Hitching the blanket up with one hand she held the other out for her clothes.

  Lyon ignored the implied demand and cleared his throat to try again. “Nora, is it me?”

  “What?” Surprise had her gaze catching on his, her hand pulling back to clutch at the quilt, pleating the fabric between nervous fingers.

  He pulled her resisting fingers into his hand and leaned forward. “Is it that you aren’t attracted to me?”

  A flush spread from the tantalizing swell of her breasts, visible just above the blanket, all the way to her forehead in a wave of color.

  “You know that’s not it,” she muttered, blowing out a tense breath. “I’m really not sure what is happening here or why you two have suddenly decided I’m – I’m worth notice.”

  That hit Lyon right in the gut. He tightened his grip on her hand. “Nora, I’ve always seen you. I never meant to make you feel otherwise.”

  Her flush deepened and her eyes darted to Zocan and then away.

  Now dressed, Zocan eased down next to Lyon. Their bodies effectively boxed Nora onto the sleep surface. It was past time they had this conversation.

  Zocan’s hand came to rest on Lyon’s leg and he patted it reassuringly while keeping his attention focused on Nora. “You’re saying that I made you feel insignificant and you resent that, aren’t you, Nora?”

  Her lush lips pressed into a thin, white line of displeasure. “How should I feel?” She asked snippily. “How would you feel if our roles were reversed?”

  “I’m sorry that I made you feel unwanted and unworthy,” Zocan stated baldly, owning his emotional immaturity. “I would tell you that wasn’t my intention, but we all know different. I was determined to resist your charm at any cost. I didn’t want to be vulnerable to you.”

  The expression on Nora’s face went blank – something that didn’t happen often with her.

  After a long moment, she blinked. “Alright.” She nodded decisively as if that settled things in her mind. “That doesn’t mean that I’m going to just give into this – this thing between us.” Her over-bright smile was tight and brittle. “I was serious when I told you that I want to have a place that I’ve earned – that belongs to me and only me.”

  “What Zocan and I are trying to tell you is that you already have earned such a place. It’s in our hearts. It’s with us.” Lyon infused every drop of sincerity and love that he felt for her into his voice. He had to make her understand. “We will never leave you. You are the only female for us.”

  Whatever he’d expected after his declaration, it hadn’t been this. Nora’s smile faltered and her eyes filled. She rolled her lips between her teeth and snatched her hand out of his grasp. Her small figure seemed to cave in on itself as she curled her arms protectively over her middle.

  “I need some time alone,” she choked on a sob. “Please.”

  “Of course,” Zocan recovered first, rising gracefully to his feet.

  Lyon’s hands fell helplessly to his lap. Zocan leaned over and gently scooped Nora’s clothes off Lyon’s leg and into a small pile next to her huddled figure.

  It went against every instinct Lyon had to leave her alone in this condition, but Zocan had other ideas. He quickly pulled Lyon to his feet and marched him to the door before turning to Nora. “This needs to be resolved, Nora. We won’t force you into our trinepact but neither can we deny that you belong with us. You have a dec
ision to make.”

  So saying, he propelled Lyon out the door and into the hall. Lyon waited until the door slid shut at their backs before rounding on his partner. The sick rage in his gut boiled, searching for a place to spew all the hurt and uncertainty swimming through him. “Why did you push this today of all days? Couldn’t it have waited until we were back aboard the Nom’magata?”

  “No,” Zocan answered succinctly, his narrow face a mask of resignation peppered with impatience. The one-word answer deflated Lyon’s ballooning anger. “That wouldn’t have been fair to anyone. I’ve wasted enough time making her believe she wasn’t wanted. I won’t lie to her, to you, or to myself any longer. We need each other. All of us. It’s up to her to accept it or not.”

  Helplessness swamped him. He hated knowing they’d left Nora alone to deal with the emotional storm. He couldn’t argue with Zocan’s logic though.

  The urge to lash out was strong. Instead, he laid a comforting hand on his mate’s tense shoulder to let him know he understood. They needed to give her some space to think before pressing their case again.

  “I made her come yesterday,” he bragged, knowing the admission would get Zocan’s competitive juices flowing as well as bolster his hope that Nora would decide to let them in.

  As predicted, Zocan’s mouth quirked into a half-smirk. “She is not as immune as she likes to think.”

  “I think, like we were, she’s scared to grab on to what we’ve offered for fear of having it turn to dust in her hands.”

  Zocan eyed him for a long moment before drawing Lyon’s arm through his own. “You are very perceptive, my love. Come, let us check the intel and the scans before you retire. It will give us some time together and give our Nora a moment to settle.”

  Lyon patted Zocan’s hand affectionately. “That seems like a good idea. When I return to the cabin, I’m going to do my best to convince her to give us a chance, you know.”

  “You’re quite persuasive,” Zocan acknowledged with a grin that nearly reached his eyes. Lyon changed the subject to the latest intel he’d gathered that day. Zocan was already blaming himself for Nora’s unwillingness to engage with them. Lyon didn’t want his lover to dwell on the past. The future was what mattered now.


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