The Vril Salvation Volume 1: B.L.O.O.D.

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The Vril Salvation Volume 1: B.L.O.O.D. Page 9

by Toni Hawthorne

  Chapter 7

  Cassandra feels a little more at peace now that she is at home. Cassie needs some ‘normal’ activities. Her old life does still exist; she just has to share it with her new reality. This makes 3 realities!! She realizes how complicated her life seemed BEFORE vampires entered it! She also suddenly realizes she hasn't touched base with her 2nd life for a couple days. First, she must fill in Darius about it. He has to know and there's no reason to not tell him. Besides, pulling out a laptop from a hidden safe in the wall is going to look suspicious and she has to check in before leaving for London. There are protocols she must follow and protocols that the F.P.R. will follow if they suspect she has been compromised.

  “Darius, there is something I need to disclose to you. Have you ever heard of the Freedom of Press Resistance?”

  “The underground press that covers stories of government corruption and citizen rebellions? The organization that the Department of Responsible Media has been trying to stop? I've been trying to get a hold of issues but because of my involvement with the government, I apparently can't be trusted by them. Oh shit! Do not tell me you write for them!!” He now sounds like a 12 year old girl who was just given tickets to see Beiber.

  “I do. I'm a handler of 10 different informants and I report in to the F.P.R. the stories they give me.”

  “This story, the B.L.O.O.D. soldiers and vampires and Osiris, could be published through them right?”

  “I suppose it could, if I could get you vetted and convince them you are a credible informant. I would rather have a wider audience though, no matter the cost. I need to inform them of my new direction though. Nothing is kept from them.”

  “Do you need some privacy to make a phone call or what?”

  “No, we say not one word on any phone line about the Resistance. Their security system is impressive to say the least.” Cassandra smiles as she removes a large picture off her living room wall, revealing a large safe behind it. The lock is opened by her fingerprint of her ring finger on her left hand. This is to signify her 'marriage' to the resistance. The door opens, revealing her laptop inside.

  Darius jumps up from his chair. Looking inside the safe he asks what that material is. She tells him it is lined in lead. This blocks any signal from being detected from the laptop. She takes out the laptop, sets it on the coffee table, and walks over to her signal jammer and turns it on.

  “What's that?”

  “It jams any signal or frequency coming from or to the laptop. This ensures any communications sent from me or received by me cannot be intercepted by anyone. This is why no Resistance agent has ever been discovered, no matter how much money the government throws at trying to bring them down. You've heard of the hacker group Anonymous, well they handle all of our technology and network security.”

  “Who else knows of your involvement with them?”

  “Only George, he set up my connection with them.”

  “George is one connected dude huh?”

  “Yeah, apparently,” Cassandra laughs. She turns on the laptop and checks for new communications. There are none. She begins typing a message explaining that she is working on a big story that has fallen into her lap. She gives them full disclosure of everything. She closes the message by saying she isn't completely sure what story will come out of her investigation or where she will choose to have it told. Cassandra will report into them again in a few days with any new information she is given.

  “You are certainly trusting of them, Cassie. Are you sure that's a good idea?”

  “The F.P.R. is all about truth, with no judgments or predisposed notions. They want nothing more than to have the American citizens fully aware of developments happening around the world. This is a major new development! The resistance will want to know about it and should know about it. It also widens our net. It's possible that they are investigating stories that tie into ours, and they will let me know if they are.”

  Darius is following her lead on this one. If they are going through this together, trust is the only way it works. “You hungry? Can I snoop through your kitchen? I really needing a home cooked meal.”

  Cassandra replies, “Starving. You should be able to find something to fix in there, I really don’t eat out much so my kitchen is pretty stocked.”

  “Wonderful, I will work my magic,” Darius gives her a wink and disappears to the kitchen to let her continue her work in quiet.

  As they sit down to eat the pasta meal he has fixed, Cassandra remembers their envelopes Osiris gave them. “I can't believe we forgot about them! We need to read through them and find out when and where our flight is.”

  They both open their envelopes and read them quietly to themselves, making frequent glances to each other in disbelief of what they are reading.


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