One Little Bit

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One Little Bit Page 29

by Tey Holden

  “Which first time? The one in New York when you came on my leg, or the one in Japan when—.” Addy couldn’t finish because Karen quieted her with a kiss.

  They smiled at each other. “I love you.” No reply was needed. She cuddled to Karen and finally rested for the night. In the morning, as always, Karen woke up first. Addy was nestled in the crook of her shoulder. Karen smiled. She loved to watch Addy in the morning. She always looked peaceful and beautiful. Karen rejoiced with the view of her partially exposed naked body and counted the blessing of the love they shared. Unable to contain her feelings, she’d always end up kissing Addy, who even in her sleep consistently return the kiss. Today was no exception. The twists and turns of life somehow always managed to bring them closer.


  Later that afternoon, James dropped them off at the airport and they left for Scottsdale, Arizona, which was where Laurie and her family had taken Alex. They were waiting for them at the airport. Alex came running to them the minute she saw them. Karen picked up, embraced and kissed her daughter, as she wept. Laurie hugged Addy as she also began to cry. Then Alex jumped to Addy’s arms and the same happened. Laurie, in the meantime, hugged Karen.

  “Oh Karen, you have no idea of how much we’ve prayed!”

  “Thanks, Laurie.”

  “How did it go here?” Addy asked.

  “Well, the first couple of days she was looking for you guys, but Erica constantly played with her, so we kept her busy all the time.” Erica was Laurie’s daughter, who was now four years old. Strange as it sounded, Alex had a four-year-old niece.

  Karen took Alex in her arms, and Addy held Erica’s hand as they left for the house they had rented there. “Why don’t you come with us to Virgin Gorda?” Karen asked.

  “I think you guys need some alone time. We’ll come next month. Steven will stay for a week, and we’ll stay for the rest of the month. I need a break. Mom, I’m expecting again.”

  “Oh God! Baby, congratulations!” Mother and daughter hugged.

  “Wow, Laurie that is wonderful.” She was really happy for Laurie, and glad that it was Laurie and not her! “Come whenever you want. We are going to be there for an indefinite period. We need to heal from the nightmare we just went through, and that will take some time.” Karen spoke knowing that she was making a unilateral decision, but when she looked to Addy, the smile on Addy’s lips was radiant. She smiled because she saw on Karen’s face an understanding and contentment she hadn’t seen in a long time. Maybe it was the happiness of knowing that Alex was theirs, or the full realization that she would always stand by her rain or shine, but the truth was that Karen was glowing with happiness and a wonderful air of confidence that was absolutely striking.

  “Yes, don’t worry. I love it when we are all there.” They stayed a couple of days with Laurie and her family in the house they had rented in Arizona. While Karen seemed at ease while sharing time with the family, Addy couldn’t help worrying about Karen’s family raising more problems in the future. She felt that she had to protect Karen and Alex from them by all means available, since they were capable of doing anything to hurt them. Taking advantage that Karen was entertained with Laurie and the kids, Addy called Phillip. “Phillip, I need to share a concern with you.”

  “Sure, Addy, what’s up?”

  “Phillip, Karen’s family have tried to hurt us more than once. Each onslaught was worse than the previous. I need to make sure that they don’t hurt us again.” Phillip stopped breathing hearing Addy’s words, and he braced for the worse.

  “Addy, what do you have in mind?”

  “Let’s get a reputable private investigator and find out all we can about Charles business and finances. I want to know everything about them including where their income comes from.”

  Phillip breathed a sigh of relief. Although he knew Addy well and thought she was a very classy woman, he had feared she might have come up with a crazy suggestion.

  “What do you intend to do?”

  “Nothing. I just need to be prepared and have an arsenal to throw at them, should we need to again. I’d like to have an advantage over them, if we have need. Just see what you can find out about him.” In her mind, Addy wished she could find a way to ruin them, or to find something to hold them back, if they tried anything against them again. She was resolved to be ahead of the game and throw the first punch, if necessary.

  “Okay, I will let you know what we find.”

  “Phillip, this is my personal request. I want Karen out of it. She’s suffered enough.”

  “Yes, I agree. Don’t worry, I’ll keep it confidential.” It was not the first time that Addy had asked him to take some action on Karen’s behalf without her knowledge. He admired Addy for her resolve.

  Karen took time off from her work, while back at home Phillip asked Mr. Kimbell if he would like to work with him to fill in for Karen’s absence. Mr. Kimbell was delighted to come out of retirement and lend a hand. Law clerks were also hired to handle routine work and research.

  They had not talked about any specific day of return. They needed time off and as long as they were together, anywhere was home.

  Two days later, after placing their order of supplies for their stay on the island, they boarded a plane to Virgin Gorda. Although it was December, the weather was perfect. Warm days and cool-breeze filled nights, the Caribbean was lovely. While on the island, they agreed to put all that had happened behind and enjoy their peace.


  Once at their house on the island, they unpacked and made a quick dinner. After dinner, Addy noticed that Alex had been in Karen’s arms or on her lap since they had arrived, even while they ate. Addy sensed Karen’s uneasiness, and was trying to think of how to deal with it. As they settled in the living room, Karen remained standing with the little one in her arms. Addy didn’t say a word and pulled Karen to sit next to her. She still said nothing but looked at Karen straight in the eyes. Karen swallowed. Her eyes were playing the ping-pong game they always played when she was nervous. Karen knew that her eyes were giving her away, and that Addy could read her well. Karen couldn’t hold it in anymore and the tears began to fall. It was the meltdown Addy had been expecting. Karen crashed in her arms still holding on to Alex. “I’m afraid, Addy. I’m still afraid.”

  “Mommy Booboo?”

  “No, baby Mommy has no booboo. Mommy is okay.”

  Karen hid her face from Alex in Addy’s shoulder. “Let me have her, Ker.” Karen handed the baby over to Addy, and Addy placed her in her playpen in front of the sofa. “Alex, play with your toys. I need to take care of Mommy.” She went back to the sofa and pulled Karen to her. Addy could feel the tension in Karen’s body.

  “Tell me.” Addy kissed her head and gently ran her hand up and down her back. Karen eased into her. “I’ve never been afraid in my life, but I’m afraid now. All my life, it was always just me, and I knew I’d do okay. When you came along, I always thought I could protect you against anything. I felt good and strong and thought I could stand for you anytime. But now, after all that has happened I’m afraid for her, and of failing to protect her.” She pointed to the little one. “She’s so little, so helpless. I feel so responsible.” Karen started to cry. “I don’t want anything bad happening to her. I want to give her a perfect life. And I don’t even know if I can protect her from those bastards! I haven’t spoken to you about this, but I’m afraid that this might not be over. They want the estate, and Alex stands between them and what they want. I fear for her. I have this need to protect her and you. I never had anything to lose, but now I have so much, Oh God! I wouldn’t have minded giving them the damned estate if that meant that they would leave us alone forever! They are vicious vindictive people.”

  Addy closed her eyes glad that she had talked to Phillip about her concerns and wishes before they left. “Ker, we need to decompress. We have been through a lot and I understand what you are saying. We are safe here, and we need to relax. We won’t leave Alex out of our si
ght. Also, you are not alone. I know you feel yourself our protector, but I’m strong too, sweetie. No one messes with my children. I’m like a lioness when it comes to my cubs. I will do whatever it takes to protect her.”

  “I know, Addy, but I feel this enormous responsibility for both of you, and—.”

  “Ker, I know how you feel. But I also need you to understand that it’s not just you protecting her, it’s the two of us.”

  “I just wish we didn’t have to live with this fear. I don’t want it like this.” Addy pulled her to her arms and kissed her.

  “Ker, I need to tell you something I did.”

  Karen frowned and pulled from her embrace. “What? What did you do?”

  “I hope you don’t get mad at me for acting without your agreement, but this is something I had to do. I asked Phillip to hire the best private investigator he could find and to investigate everything about your family. I want to know what they do or don’t do, where they go, where they eat, where they work, who they see, where their income comes from, what monies they owe and to whom, every fucking thing there is to know about them, I want to know!” Addy got up and left a very astonished Karen sitting on the sofa. Then she turned and faced Karen. “Because if they dare to come at us again, I’m going to be ready to throw at them whatever there is to throw!”

  Karen smiled. “That was clever. You’ve been ahead of me on this one.”

  Addy smiled. “Ker, I’ve always told you, I don’t just come up with things out of the blue as you tend to think. I think, and I see ahead, and I plan. Granted that sometimes I do get carried away, but I’m deliberate and this time, I’m being very deliberate because I intend to strike first. I’m taking the offensive. I didn’t tell you about this because you were so hurt. I didn’t want to add to your worries, but I’m resolved, honey, no one is hurting us again!”

  Karen was overwhelmed by Addy’s actions and thoughts. “I’m glad you did what you did. I just regret not having known until now. I could have given Phillip some ideas. Umm, maybe I’ll call him.”

  “No, Ker. We are going to put this behind us and we are going to move on with our lives. Let’s deal with whatever Phillip finds out when we get home. If there’s anything fishy with them, we’ll hold that card and, God forgive me for what I’m about to say, but if there’s a way that I can bring trouble their way, I will do it. Even if I have to buy the company he works for and fire him!”

  “Addy, don’t let it get the best of you, revenge is not good.”

  “Ker, it is not revenge, it’s self-defense, it’s survival! They wanted to take our Alex from us! Fuck them, Ker! Fuck them! I will crush them somehow, if I can!”

  Karen stood up and held her. She loved Addy’s feistiness the few times it had come about. “Come on, let’s get our bundle of joy and go to sleep. Let me check the doors and turn on the alarm.”

  “Hey, I’m going to make a suggestion. I know that Alex slept with us back on the island due to the circumstances we were in, but, I would like to suggest that we keep her in the room with us, in her own crib, of course. We can put the crib close to our bed. I know this goes against the rules we agreed on, but I would feel much better if we made an exception for now.”

  Karen was quiet but chuckled. “Adriana, do you think you can fool me?”

  Addy grinned. “What?”

  Karen looked at her lovingly. “You are trying to save me from the embarrassment of going back on my word and having to ask you if she can stay in our room.”

  Addy smiled. “I think the constipation matter is enough for me to hold against you.”

  Karen smiled and kissed her. “You are terrible, and yet you have me wrapped around your finger.”

  “Hum! Let’s go roll that crib and accommodate the room. Then I will unwrap you from my finger and see what I can do with you.”

  “Whatever you want, sweetheart, whatever you want.”

  When they were in bed, in the silence of the night, they gently caressed and kissed. “Addy, do you think it is inappropriate if we make love with Alex in the room?”

  “I don’t think so, Ker. She’s asleep, and she usually sleeps the whole night. Plus, even if she woke up and saw us, she’d probably think that we are playing.”

  “Let’s play then.” Alex didn’t wake up all night, which gave them plenty of playtime.


  The whole time they were on the island, the weather was perfect and they enjoyed the pool and walking on the beach. They especially loved having Alex in the pool with them. She had the cutest floatie and she loved playing in the water. Karen loved to watch them from the side of the pool. She pretended to be reading, but she was lovingly watching the twosome who were the very essence of her life and happiness.

  A few days later, Alex woke up at her usual time and both women immediately reacted to the little one’s call. “Stay and sleep in, babe. I’ll take care of her.” Addy knew that the ordeal with the family had taken a huge emotional toll on Karen. She still couldn’t believe how Karen, who was a very subdued person with everyone, got up from her chair in the courtroom and actually hugged Mr. Kimbell. Karen, the one who didn’t believe in hugging people, was actually hugging someone other than Addy.

  The morning passed and Karen hadn’t gotten up, finally around noon, Addy went up to check on her. She had Alex with her.

  “Hey, baby, are you okay? Aren’t you going to get up?”

  “Addy, I think I’m sick.”

  Although, she was still a bit of a hypochondriac, it was rare for Karen to be actually sick. “What’s wrong?”

  “I feel awful.”

  “Come here. Let me feel your face.” Karen got closer. Her eyes were sort of shut. Addy touched her forehead. “You have a fever.”

  “How can you tell?”

  “Because you are burning up. Go back to bed. I’ll bring you some Tylenol, and then we’ll go see the doctor.”

  At the clinic, they ran all sorts of tests on her. All the tests were fine, and she was diagnosed with a virus. It took about three days for Karen to feel better. In the meantime, Addy took care of her. “Ker, I think with all that happened your immune system is very low and you were vulnerable to whatever bug you caught. Here, hon, eat some soup, this will be good for you.” Karen loved Addy’s chicken and rice soup. Karen claimed that on a sick day, it could lift the dead and on a rainy, cold day, it could warm every bone in her body. Karen felt much better after she ate. “Thanks, baby, you cook like no one else.”

  “You are welcome, sweetie.”

  “Awex zoup!” The women looked at each other and laughed.


  When the Holidays were upon them, Laurie and her family came to the island. The Holiday season was awesome and, although Steven had to return to work, Laurie and her daughter stayed on the island with them for the entire month of January.

  Part 14

  They didn’t return to Scotland until late in May, when the weather was already warmer there. Two weeks before leaving the island, Addy was relaxing by the pool with Alex when Karen approached her. “Addy, I need to run something by you.”

  “Shoot, what’s on your mind?”

  “Look, I know that in the past I’ve had my issues with safety and security, but now I hope that you think it’s justified.”

  Addy pulled down her sunglasses and smiled. “You want to upgrade the security system back at home.”

  Karen smiled. “Yes, I was thinking of calling a security expert and install a state of the art system. I need to feel that Alex is secure at home. And I also would like to improve security everywhere, not just in the cottage. We need to look out for ourselves.”

  “I thought about it, and almost had Phillip take care of it, but I thought it was something that you’d want to personally select and oversee.”

  “Thanks. Yes, I want to make sure everything is like I want it to be.”

  “I’m fine with it, Ker, but I only have one request.”

  “What’s that?”

  “Our fears, are ours. I don’t want Alex to grow up living in fear. Whatever you do, please, select a system that is not visible, or alarming. I don’t care how much it costs. I just don’t want Alex to be aware of them.”

  “Okay, I will make that a requirement with whoever I contract. But we need to deal with the fact that someday when she’s older and steps outside of our cocooned environment, she’ll have to know that there are people out there who—.”

  “Yes, Ker, I know. But that day is far ahead, and we will raise her with those concerns in mind, but without her ever knowing. And come the day she needs to know, we will sit down and talk to her.”

  Karen nodded, got up and kissed Addy on the head. “Do you need anything from inside?”

  “No. Just start making all the arrangements to be back here as soon as the weather gets cold in Scotland. In a few years, Alex will be in school, and we’ll be stuck in those cold damp winters. We need to enjoy these years.”

  Karen smiled. Addy had practically lived in bathing suits since they had been on the island. She’d only worn shorts or capris when they had gone into town. “Whenever she’s out of school, we will travel or be here. So, it’s just the school months that we would have to be back home. Too many months! She loved Scotland but was not fond of the cold winters.

  Among the many changes to the property was the installation of a high iron fence surrounding the perimeter of the Manor and the cottage. At the entrance of the perimeter, there was a gate, which remained open during the day but closed automatically at dusk. Once inside the property, the road came to a fork with one section leading to the Manor and another section on the right leading to the cottage. The cottage was set back about half a mile behind the Manor. The road to the cottage ended at a gate, which required a code to open. Another high iron fence, hidden by evergreens, surrounded the cottage.

  Both gates were connected to a closed-circuit camera system installed to monitor and record traffic. The first driveway allowed access to the Manor house first, and then the one further down the road to the cottage.


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