Rocking His FAKE World: A Fake Boyfriend, Opposites Attract Romance (Love You Forever Book 3)

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Rocking His FAKE World: A Fake Boyfriend, Opposites Attract Romance (Love You Forever Book 3) Page 20

by Alexis Winter

  Shit! I was asleep in the shower for thirty minutes. I throw the blanket off and push my frostbitten toes out of mind as I dress as quickly as possible. I don’t have time to blow dry or do much with my hair, so I gather the long, brown locks into my hand and wrap it around to form a bun, pinning it down. I throw on some mascara and lipgloss and call it a good job.

  I’m walking into the office and I’m literally only two minutes late, but does that matter to Mr. Matthew Lewis the third? Ha, no. Late is late and he’s already standing at my desk with a slip.

  I stop dead in my tracks when I see him, but push myself forward. He holds the slip out and I take it as I pass.

  “Third day in a row, Ms. Russell.” He begins tisk-tsking me.

  “I’m sorry, Mr. Lewis, but—” I start with my excuses.

  “What? What is it today? Did your bus wreck and go up in flames? Let me guess, you rescued twenty homeless children from the fire. And when the media arrived, you tried to sneak off because you didn’t want the fame, but they forced you into the limelight and now you have lose the press that’s hot on your trail. Something like that, right?”

  I cock my head to the side, face void of all amusement. “No, my cat is sick and hacked a huge hairball in my lap while I was having breakfast. I had to change. I couldn’t come in here smelling like cat vomit.”

  He shakes his head. “It’s always something with you. When will you come out with the truth and tell me that you suck as a human being? One more slip up from you, and I’m afraid, I’ll have to let you go.” He takes off, back to his office.

  Daniel exits his office and smirks in my direction. “You have to admit, you’re really not very good and getting here on time.”

  I scoff. “I’m not good at getting anywhere on time. At this point, I’m fairly certain that I’ll be late for my own funeral.”

  He laughs but continues on his way to the copy room.

  I try to focus all my attention to the task at hand: Logging into my computer, turning on my phone, and checking my email for the daily list of appointments and tasks.

  The intercom on my desk buzzes. “Poppy, do you have the first client’s file ready?”

  I roll my eyes. How am I supposed to have their file ready when I haven’t even seen who the first client is yet? I press the button and reply in my sweet voice. “I’m doing it now.”

  He’s right back with, “How many times have I told you to get the files pulled the day before?”

  Ugh. I know, I know. It makes sense to do it that way and it would provide for a much easier start to the day, but I’m always so busy in the afternoons that I forget or simply, don’t have time.

  “I’m pulling the file now, sir,” I say, ignoring his question.

  The computer finally loads and I’m able to pull up the appointment book to see who our first client of the day is. Anderson, Samual. I rush to the filing cabinet behind me and pull the file, taking it into his office. “Here you go. Sam Anderson’s file. He should be here in ten minutes.” I’m feeling proud of myself for doing that so quickly.

  “Thank you,” he says, taking the file from my hand. “Did you remember to start your phone up? We can’t book clients if the phone isn’t working and if we can’t book clients, we’re both out of a job. Surely, I don’t have to explain that to you.” He runs a hand across his smooth, angular jaw as his lips turn up into a smirk.

  “I understand how it works,” I say, turning around to turn on my phone before he calls it and finds out that I haven’t done it yet. As soon as I’m out of his sight, I sprint to my desk, nearly diving for my phone. I tap in my code and the phone resets. It’s on.

  “I’m going to guess that your lack of answer means you haven’t done it yet,” he says from his office.

  “What are you talking about? It’s on. See?” I pick it up and press the number one button to call his phone.

  His phone rings. He answers with, “Good timing.” Then he hangs up without so much of a goodbye.

  I collapse into my desk chair and let out a long sigh. Fuck. Today sucks already. After taking a moment to catch my breath, I pull up the schedule and pull the files for every client we have coming in today. I stack them on the corner of my desk, that way, with each client that comes in, their file is ready and easy to grab on the way back to Mr. Lewis’ office.

  Once that task is finished, I look at my email to see the things that I’ve been sent overnight. This is usually just a long, stupid list of things that my boss would like me to do. Things like, call Mr. Easton and follow up on his last appointment, make sure he’s happy, and doesn’t have any further questions. Book appointment if necessary.

  By lunch, I have made all the calls and got my list down to just a few things. I knock on Mr. Lewis’ door. “Lunch call,” I say, opening it up to find him sitting at his desk.

  He doesn’t pull his attention away from his work. He just holds up a slip of paper that contains his lunch order. I walk over, take the paper, and turn around to leave, saying, “It’s always a pleasure, Mr. Lewis.” I let the door close a little too loudly behind me.

  I swing by the sandwich shop and get his usual turkey breast on rye with lettuce, mayo, and mustard. After paying for his order, I grab myself a shake-and-go salad from the cooler at checkout and head back to the office to have my lunch at my desk. After giving Mr. Ungrateful his sandwich, I go back to my desk to eat. I pour my fat free salad dressing onto the salad, replace the lid, and shake it up. I’ve only had one bite when he’s calling me back to his office. With a sigh, I stand up and walk in there.

  He has his sandwich opened and laying on his desk. “What is this shit?” he asks, motioning toward it.

  I take a few steps in, peering at the sandwich. “It looks like turkey breast on rye with mayo and mustard.”

  He glares at me. “This is not low fat mayo, Poppy. What are you trying to do? Make me fat? Take it away.”

  I shake my head but pick up the sandwich and toss it into the bag. “Would you like me to get you something else?” I ask before walking out of his office.

  “No, I’ve lost my appetite. Can’t you do anything right? I swear, if you’re not screwing something up you’re not doing it at all.”

  “Oh, screw you Matthew Lewis the third! What kind of fucking name is that anyway? Who was you named after Thurston Howell from Gilligan’s Island?”

  He looks up at me like I’ve lost my mind, but maybe I have. Maybe I’m tired of putting up with his prissy ass. What man worries about the mayo on his damn sandwich? I guess the same kind that requires non-dairy, low fat French Vanilla creamer for his coffee every morning.

  “What did you say to me?” he asks, slowly and quietly like he can’t believe I’ve insulted him in such a disrespectful manner.

  “Which part? The part about your ridiculous name or the part about you being named after a character from Gilligan’s Island. I can’t keep track with you anymore.”

  “That’s it. That’s the last straw,” he says, sitting down and opening his desk drawer for what I can only assume is a termination slip. “I’m sick of you always being late.” His hand scribbles across the slip. “I’m tired of the stupid ass excuses.” He looks up at me. “I mean, come on, a grade school kid has more believable excuses than you.” He goes back to writing. “And I’m tired of you either not doing something or screwing it up when you do. You’re fired.” He says, tearing out the slip and trying to hand it over.

  My eyes widen and my mouth falls open. “I’m fired? I’m fired?” I yell, taking the bag with his sandwich in it and throwing it onto his lap. “Good fucking reddens. You think you’re going to keep an assistant with your attitude? With all your whiney, I’m rich and better than you demeanor? Ha, good fucking luck. Duces, Mr. Matthew Lewis the third.” I flash him a peace sign and leave his office, slamming the door behind me. Daniel heard everything and he’s leaning against my desk with his arms crossed over his chest, laughing his ass off.

  “What’s so funny?” I ask
, moving around my desk and grabbing my things. Luckily for me, I don’t have much here. My purse, jacket, and phone.

  He shakes his head. “I’ve just never heard anyone tell him off like that before. Funny shit.”

  “Well, I’m sorry your entertainment for the day is leaving but as I’m sure you heard, I’ve been fired.”

  He waves his hand through the air. “I’m sure you’ll be back.” He stands up to walk to his office.

  “Don’t hold your breath,” I say, just as the door clicks shut.

  I spin on my heel and head for the door myself, more than ready to put this place behind me. As I’m about to push through the door, Matthew’s golf clubs catch my attention. That asshole deserves everything that’s coming to him. Maybe I should help karma out a little. I grab a club and take it out with me. In the parking garage where he parks—because his priceless sports car is worth far too much money to park in the parking lot with us common folk—I lift the golf club and swing, smashing out his headlight. It feels so good to let the aggression out. My body floods with endorphins and powers me to do more. I move to the other side and swing again, busting out the other headlight. I move around the car, swinging at the taillights. I’m tired and my breathing is heavy, I’m about to drop the club and walk away when I think of one last thing. I climb up on the hood and swing again and again, busting the windshield.

  “Hey! Stop!” someone yells. I toss the club, grab my purse off the ground, and take off running.


  Breaking up with My Boss now and fall in love with Poppy and Matthew’s story!

  Read the rest of the Love You Forever Series here!

  The Wrong Brother

  Marrying My Best Friend’s BFF

  Breaking Up with My Boss

  My Accidental Forever

  The F It List

  Also by Alexis Winter

  Slade Brothers Series

  Billionaire’s Unexpected Bride

  Off Limits Daddy

  Baby Secret

  Loves Me NOT

  Best Friend’s Sister

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  Grand Lake Colorado Series

  A Complete Small-Town Contemporary Romance Collection

  * * *

  Castille Hotel Series

  Hate That I Love You

  Business & Pleasure

  Baby Mistake

  Fake It

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  South Side Boys Series

  Bad Boy Protector-Book 1

  Fake Boyfriend-Book 2

  Brother-in-law’s Baby-Book 3

  Bad Boy’s Baby-Book 4

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  Mountain Ridge Series

  Just Friends: Mountain Ridge Book 1

  Protect Me: Mountain Ridge Book 2

  Baby Shock: Mountain Ridge Book 3

  * * *

  Make Her Mine Series

  My Best Friend’s Brother

  Billionaire With Benefits

  My Boss’s Sister

  My Best Friend’s Ex

  Best Friend’s Baby

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  About the Author

  Alexis Winter is a contemporary romance author who loves to share her steamy stories with the world. She specializes in billionaires, bad boys, alpha males and the women they love.

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  If you love to curl up with a good romance book you will certainly enjoy her work. Whether it's a story about an innocent young woman learning about the world or a sassy and fierce heroin who knows what she wants you,'re sure to enjoy the happily ever afters she provides.

  When Alexis isn't writing away furiously, you can find her exploring the Rocky Mountains, traveling, enjoying a glass of wine or petting a cat.

  You can find her books on Amazon or here:




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