The Anime Trope System: Stone vs. Viper, #6 a LitRPG (ATS)

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The Anime Trope System: Stone vs. Viper, #6 a LitRPG (ATS) Page 11

by Alvin Atwater

  “All of them,” Clyde said. “Including the one on the ground. She’s got to learn from this, Aldric.” He learned his name through a quick analysis to seem more mysterious. “Do you question my work?” He allowed the aura of the power to show more—a bit much because the pressure made everyone in the entire area freeze, including the cars that were driving.

  The man gulped.

  “No—as a man who lowly serves the heavens, I swear it on the entirety of the crusaders.” He dropped to a knee. “Please continue your good work. With the minotaurs…I didn’t expect my prayer to be answered personally.” He stood up, saluted fist to chest. “By your leave Great One, I am but a lone man passing through. I will leave the minotaur mess in your capable hands.” As he was practically ran away, they heard him say, “I need a drink.”

  When he was out of sight, Tear and Yuki dove into his arms.

  “I felt so humiliated,” Tear said.

  Clyde nodded.

  “Level two hundred fifty compressed,” he said softly. “That was the least of our problems. Crusaders? Real crusaders?”

  “Holy dickhead warriors,” Tear said. “They’re normally not in cities.”

  Saki was in a low bow, crying softly, trembling. Clyde sighed.

  “Stop crying,” he said in a slightly-mocking voice, “the big bad man is gone.” He’d reflect on being a dick later. Especially after her next words.

  “He killed my friends and locked me away in darkness,” she said softly. “The cult managed to alter his seal, magically forcing me to guard some stupid safe. And now….if there are crusaders in this city—”

  “Tear, do you mind Jumping us all back?” Clyde interrupted. They didn’t need to be outside in the open discussing crusaders. “We’re taking the rest of the day and tomorrow off. Relax and we’ll deal with all of this shit at full strength.”

  He also needed to check on Kitome. Her cute expressions clouded a portion of his mind.

  As Tear prepared the Jump, Clyde remembered looking into the mirror the other week and wasn’t angry when the earth-version of himself didn’t appear. He always figured it was imagination or his brain adjusting to his new home.


  The red cloaked being gasped, tilting his head to the side.

  “Yeah, I’m not following this guy here anymore. Shit, I don’t get paid enough to deal with fucking crusaders. Hell, I barely get paid at all. And if their champion…whatever her name is, is here, they’re all dead, anyway. A pity.”

  He Jumped.

  Episode 34 (Part 7)

  That evening…

  Clyde’s stomach roared with hunger so intense, he could’ve sworn the windows of his hotel room vibrated. Too bad no one allowed him in the guest dining room nor the kitchen. Apparently, Alice was preparing a surprise. It was a little disappointing not to eat with everyone and discuss light topics or the fairy queen’s son who left before Clyde’s return. And for some reason Tear, Ruri, and Natalia were out to supposedly scout and shop a little. They knew Alice the best—why not stick around until after the meal?

  Someone knocked on the door.

  “Come in. It’s unlocked.”

  Kitome slipped in, followed by Yuki, Toru, and Seth. The magical girl perched herself right on his lap as if to rebel against the world.

  “Clyde, up for a pizz—” the words died off Seth tongue as Harumi walked in with a haggard expression on her face. She looked sweaty for some reason.

  “Alice says your meal is ready,” Harumi said in a monotone. Clyde gave the pink-haired girl a skeptical look then turned to Yuki for support. The demoness was in emotionless mode—a trait he remembered common of something known as a kuudere.

  “Oh, no you don’t, Yuki,” he wanted to say, but he had no idea what was going on. Why did the others gather here like a funeral? Kitome snuggled into him, publicly and seeming unashamed but he noticed her cute blush. Still, he needed to know.

  “What the hell’s going on?” he said flatly. He looked at Yuki again, willing for something, but the demoness gave him nothing. The others, while displaying their emotions in various ways said nothing.

  “She comes…. she comes,” Harumi said softly and quieter said, “and no one could stop her.” She sagged to the carpet and laid there, holding her stomach.

  “Nyaaa.” Neko dragged in, also holding her stomach, face blue, tears streaming from her eyes. “Help me.” She climbed into the young man’s bed and collapsed next to him.

  Clyde gulped. He knew, but tried so hard to deny the reality—tried so hard. His anime trope senses thrummed. Not his Alice. He looked at Kitome. Her face was blue too.

  “She comes…”

  The door opened by itself and a cheerful Alice walked in, holding a tray with a dish covered by a silver-domed lid. Somehow, her smile reminded him of Gin’s from the anime, Bleach . Clyde wanted to jump out the window. DAMMIT, Tear, Natalia, and Ruri betrayed him. Kitome hopped up, making it clear she didn’t want to be near the food.

  System, what is Alice’s cooking level, he thought.


  System help , he thought again.


  Clyde gulped.

  “It—it’s my first-time cooking,” Alice said blushing, “I did my best, Harumi helped—please enjoy.”

  He saw a few bandage wrappings on a couple of fingers and sighed. He’d put on a face. As his hand reached for the lid, Harumi groaned. Alice awaited eagerly, completely clueless.

  “Run,” Neko whispered. “Runnn, nya.”

  The young man gulped then pulled the lid up. Everything looked surprising normal. In fact, it looked incredibly delicious. Breaded pork fillet with rice, soup, and fish on the side. It certainly smelled good.

  He grabbed the chopsticks.

  “May the fire god have mercy on you,” Kitome whispered. Toru aimed a camera at him to record. Yuki snatched it away, glaring at the noble.

  “Show some respect for the dead,” she said without emotion.

  Clyde sagged. Alice looked so eager and adorable. At least his trap detection didn’t go off.

  He started with the breaded pork and took a bite. It tasted great, what could be the problem?

  “Mmm, this is good,” he said, tearing into his food.

  “Clyde don’t—not so much at once,” Harumi said then groaned. “Is Tear back yet with the ice cream?”

  “Is it really?” Alice said, face bright. “I didn’t taste it—but the smell was great. Even when I added that bottle of red sauce for good measures.”

  Clyde shrugged.

  “Delicious,” he said.

  Alice kissed his forehead.

  “That will show Tear!” she walked toward the door. “I’ll go bring you some of my cake for dessert. Hopefully Natalia didn’t eat that either—I told the hotel staff to lock that in a decent freezer.”

  “Are you…okay, Clyde?” Seth asked after the half-demoness left.

  “Of c…” it him at once—an EXTREME amount of spicy—what probably put even the hottest peppers on Earth to shame. He covered his mouth before the yell of utter agony could escape it. A feeling of pure hell coated his tongue, throat, and lips. Tears threatened to stream from his eyes. Yuki took the tray as he doubled over on top of Neko, groaning. Yuki handed him water, but it didn’t help.

  “We don’t have any milk,” she said. “And Tear’s taking so long.” She actually started fanning her tongue. “It still burns.”

  Clyde felt as if his face was pressed against a burning stove. His stomach ached with enough pain to bring down an adult elephant.

  “She put in Alethian pepper sauce,” Harumi said softly. “The hottest peppers in the world. On the internet, you can find rumors of even monsters hating them.”

  “And demons,” Yuki said.

  Sweat covered Clyde as if he just finished having sex. The innocence in his life mate’s eyes…the feeling that the young man decided was a volcano, resurfaced on his tongue and stabbed daggers into his

  “She’s…not very alert in the kitchen,” Yuki said. “She sometimes follows instructions, but as you can see, Alice clearly didn’t read the sauce bottle.”

  “New rule,” Clyde said. “Keep Alice out of the kitchen. And let the hotel staff handle the cooking here.” He fanned his tongue. “This would’ve been a nice thing to have my prophet predict.”

  Neko rolled from under Clyde. She looked as if she was about to crawl on top of him, but collapsed, holding her stomach. Tears streamed down her face.

  “Someone put me out of my misery,” Neko groaned. Everyone laughed—even Clyde, while suffering. Alice returned with an ice cream cake exclusively for him. The young man decided to be merciful to his party.

  “This thing’s huge. Let’s share it with the others.”

  “Fine,” Alice said then took away his tray. “I’ll put this up for you.”

  Everyone seemed ravenous as they tore into the cold dessert.

  Later that night, he called Kitome for a stroll…



  Aunder downed his twelfth beer, muttering to himself. That deity woman…she was such a good bluffer. And clever to send him away. She knew if she didn’t do so quickly, the man would’ve ripped out her heart or plunged his sword through her neck. He was so close! Careless to let himself get bounced out and no matter how hard he tried, finding the location was just impossible.

  “Are you okay?”

  He turned to see Princess Dire walking up to him, concern in her eyes.

  “Yeah kid, I’m fine,” he said. “I’m just disgusted with myself.”

  “How so?” Dire said.

  “I’m not going to discuss my problems with a brat,” Aunder said. “Now shoo, scadattle, so I can enjoy my drink.”

  “You drink too much,” Dire said. “Look.” She held up a crayon drawing of Aunder raising a mug to his face…smiling. “At least you’re normally happy.”

  Aunder chuckled.

  “The drink is a man’s best friend. Of course, I’ll be happy. Add a pretty lady or two in my lap and—never mind—kid why don’t you buzz off before I send you to…what they call timeout.”

  Princess Dire looked as if she wanted to correct the man, but decided to place her hands on tiny hips, glaring.

  “You are the leader of the Forgotten Party,” she said. “If you’re moping around, your team will lose faith in you.”

  “Not that they had much to begin with.” Aunder said. “I pretty much ensl—”

  “No excuses,” Dire interrupted. “Now get up! Take control. Carryout whatever doohickey plan you had. Please turn back to normal. I believe in you.”

  Aunder laughed.

  “To think that I’d get consulted by a snot-nosed brat.” He placed his hand on the kid’s head. “You will be my…second in command, okay?”

  Dire’s eyes lit up.


  Aunder hiccupped.

  “Really, kid.”


  Demon lord’s skyscraper…

  Leon sighed, awaiting the results of the dinner. His idiot demon lord had to go fuck up everything again—to shelter so many minotaur. The monster girls could just go back to their homes or camps, whatever. Out of spite, Leon had his minions raid their known hideouts and free all the men. And to add an extra kicker, he flaunted Necro’s connections, getting the men government protection.

  For the idiot men—not all were single—that wanted to stay and lived with their new “wives,” he had one of his wizards erase their memories of minotuars completely. Even if they were expecting children. He didn’t give a shit. The stupid monster girls ruined his plans, so he returned the favor.

  He wanted to give his troops the order to kill any that they find alone, but didn’t want to risk dealing with their magic. The bitches were stronger than they let on.

  He needed Necro dead as soon as possible.

  The young demon continued to pace back and forth. This plan must work. She had to die one way or another.

  He’d make it happen, even if…his thoughts shifted. Titania’s son was well again according to the rumors. The son of the fairy queen planned to leave soon.


  Two walked in.

  “Yes, lord?”

  “Send word to the others to locate where Titania’s son is staying. I want to make a deal with him. And I’ve got plenty to offer.”

  “As you wish.” The guards, one a lizardman, the other a scruffy less devil—both in steel armor, saluted fists to chests then hurried off, swords sheathed.

  Leon grinned. If tonight failed, which would most likely be the case, he had one final backup plan. And the son of the fairy queen was the key. An offer for Necro’s Omen’s sphere for starts…

  “This city will be mine.”


  Noona Necro denied the minotaurs’ collective request. Even though they once saved her life, and she adored the women, she did not want them violating the men of her city. Thanks to that mysterious group at the hotel, gathering the monster girls together with a special spirit energy, she was able to bring them all to her skyscraper. They’d be pampered and live like queens, but not allowed to bother the men again. She’d teach them consensual sex and try her best to cure the monster girls of the Supreme’s influence…though she never had any success before. She was just glad to have been born civilized and not like the typical monster girl. Sure they lived productive lives, but the women also hunted men. Succubus desires that strong aren’t meant for monster girls.

  The Supreme…every woman had a love, hate, feel about her. She’d done incredible things, advocated for demonesses and monster girls in elaborate ways, but on the flip side, she had a negative influence on the world. The influence was like an omnipresent aura.

  The original heroes of legend were gone…But if rumors were true, the Stone walked Satovia. Something a million times better than some hero.

  She sighed. A demoness thinking about a hero. There was no guarantee that the Stone, if he existed, stood a chance against the Supreme.

  She lost her appetite thinking about it.

  “I’m not hungry,” she said. “Take it away.”

  The maid she didn’t remember hiring looked as if she strongly disapproved, but Noona didn’t care.

  “Are you sure—”

  “Guards, make sure the maid takes the food away,” Noona said. The guards outside her room’s door saluted then escorted the new girl to the kitchen. “I’ve eaten too much at that buffet.”

  Episode 35 (Part 1): Anime Turning the Wheel of Fate.

  [Quest: completed: Either call or visit Kitome in the late hours. Reward: pending…until date finished.]

  Outskirts of Niyoto…

  The night was pleasant as Clyde and Kitome strolled in the moonlight after enjoying an ice cream—the non-luxurious kind of course. Sometimes a little normalcy didn’t hurt. The young man came from the middle class. The same applied to Kitome and her brother, though they worked their asses off to get into the most difficult school on the planet. Yet…to think he just selfishly pulled them to Niyoto. Sure, he gave everyone a choice, but the sun didn’t revolve around him. Then again, there were times where he’d have to put a foot in someone’s ass to get them going. Thankfully Kitome wasn’t like her brother.

  A young woman sporting natural anime girl beauty with long blue hair—though she sometimes changed the style, glistening green eyes, slender and fit and often showing off attractive legs, Clyde figured the only thing that kept her single all this time was that temper. He lost track of how many times she called him a dipshit, idiot, moron—and ooh boy, if they spoke Japanese, it’d be baka. Her sweet side made the young man a little selfish—meaning he’d keep Kitome all to himself.

  She caressed Clyde’s necklace, clearly pleased to see him wearing it then surprised him with an awkward kiss. Blushing, she covered her face, turning around.

  “I have no idea what I’m doing.”

sp; That cuteness was the last straw—the nosebleed almost made Clyde fall backward.

  “You’re doing it again,” Clyde said. Kitome turned to him, placing hands on hips, a challenge in her eyes.


  “You’re being cute,” the words came off the young man’s tongue before he could stop them. The struggles of a main character, attempting to sound smooth, only to come off cheesy. Kitome looked as if she’d faint again from her blush, but Clyde didn’t give her time. He pulled her in to continue what they started.

  Something seemed to snap within her because she began a wild assault of kisses, half of which took Clyde’s breath away. They stopped…as the feeling of being watch simultaneously struck them both. The duo looked to the left. A dozen yards away, a minotaur watched, eyes excited, lusty smile on her face, fingers…shoved inside herself.

  “Dammit, they stopped,” she said then bolted off into woods that could’ve led to anywhere.

  The duo looked at each other.

  “Let’s take this back to my room,” Clyde said.

  “No,” Kitome quickly said. “I…don’t want the others to interrupt us. Let’s go there.”

  Of course, she’d point at a Love Hotel that happened to be nearby. Where else , Clyde thought. As if he was complaining—Kitome’s cuteness drove him nuts. Where did it come from? Oh wait, tsundere…maybe. The young man could almost put a trope to each of his friends, but there lied depth. The blue-haired girl wasn’t actually mean-spirited. Just a short fuse.

  After paying for the room, Kitome led the way. He took in her casual wear. A designer shirt, with a black skirt that seemed a little shorter than usual.


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