you/they would be behaved. They swore to reciprocally trust the one of the other. From that moment in you/they would have appraised together then as to involve him in front of the future events. Besides, if there had been someone with the intention to make some evil or simply not to trust one of them, also if belongs to the family of Sabrina or you/he/she had been Dafne, you/they would have refused the proximity of it. This drastic decision, dictated only apparently by the sudden overwhelming passion that had invested them, it was in reality for both fruit of a shiny reflection a lot of pragmatica. The whole insane story in which Saint was found lowered exclusively originated from a cause provoked by the wish of Dafne. Even if by now Saint he/she supposed that she had totally lost the control of the situation, surely the fact that she remained entirely the principal person responsible remained. Of other song Sabrina, even if it was found in his/her habitat, you/he/she had already felt the hostility of the fellow townspersons in his/her comparisons and of his/her family. You/he/she would have scrutinized the village waiting for the good moment to put on in contact with his/her relatives. It was sure that his/her father would have understood and shared the trust that she put back in Saint. Of however also he had the gift clairvoyant to weigh the aura of the people and to distinguish the positive energy from that destructive. Then, the atrocious sore stayed in the soul, that sense of guilt provoked by the awareness that the features of that monster were not her extraneous.
They came near the village during the afternoon, but they attended the to advance some evening to draw near and to spy the movements of the inhabitants. When they were enough near, they climbed on an adjacent to pine the first redwood-houses of the village and, protected by the natural shield created by the thick leafy branches of the tree, they started to observe the village of Sabrina. They immediately surprised. The inhabitants seemed gone crazy ants. All were busy to gather spades, hoes, saws, hammers, dark and every type of present heavy utensil in the village. All the objects, in base to their characteristics, you/they were methodically positioned in the central spiazzo of the amphitheater. Sabrina, meanwhile, looked for among the crowd of busy people one relative of his or some narrow friend of his, but well soon him made account that many were absent of those that she knew well. It was cross rather in to notice as the head of the hunters, the hateful Matteus, seemed to have replaced his/her father. It was him, from the tall one of his/her abrupt and hoarse voice, to dettar he/she reads to the flood of people in continuous movement. Possible that his/her father was not present as during an incomprehensible so extraordinary event in the life of the village? An instinctive terror filled her heart of sinister presentiments. Also Saint had a quiver in to see Matteus, its aggressor, together with its best men, suddenly become holder of the order of the village. A sharp pain to the stomach of fear and hate for himself paralysed him/it shinily observing the reality: Dafne had abandoned in that unknown place and he/she was now sorry him not to individualize her/it in that swarm of strangers faces. All of a sudden it began:
"Curse! What have you/they done to Dafne? Bastards, must find again her/it!"
This way saying, gone down as a lightning by the tree. Sabrina, cultured of surprise, it employed some instant before realizing that Saint was not nearbyer her. To risk to make himself/herself/themselves feel from the people of the village, it shouted:
"I Stop Saint, I pray you!"
To stop fell him/it from the tree, ruinously falling on him. He didn't even seem to realize what happened. You withdrew on, shaking himself/herself/itself of back Sabrina.
"You are stops there!"
Its voice thundered as an absolute imperative. You didn't mind his/her words and it grabbed on to his legs, making him/it stumble and again to fall in earth.
"I pray you, listen to me an instant. To go for you there would be a suicide. It is not only Dafne to be absent. I have calculated that around halves the village in this moment is not present. They have perhaps come to look for us or perhaps they are from some other part. I beg you not to leave me alone. If they rouse you, I am certain that I won't see again you anymore!"
"You are certain of it of this? Do they miss so so many people to the appeal?it told " her Saint aiming on her a red hot look.
"Saint, stop her/it! Your anger frightens me. You are turning yourself into an animal to the peer of that pig of Matteus that has unjustly attacked you."
Sabrina succeeded just in time to pronounce these words for then to burst in hiccups. Her tears extinguished the fire tyrant of the anger that possessed Saint. He immediately changed expression and it drew near to the girl to embrace her/it and to console her/it.
"You are right, forgive me, we must contrive together a plan to understand what is happened here. I will keep my promise: the future events we will face them together. I trust you. I beg you to excuse me."
You, huddled up on his breast, he/she drank the heat of those words and it lost more still the head for that deep man, to which had given all of his/her first love of girl.
After having verified of what people had remained in the village, concluded Sabrina that the people to her more neighbors if n'erano all goings. He/she asked suggestion to Saint respect to his/her doubts on to trust or no of one friend of his of infancy. It was perhaps the nearest person to her among all the people remained to Boscocittà. He/she wanted to approach her/it and to succeed in speaking to her of hidden, would so finally have known what events were happened during their absence.
"You has always been a good child, kind, calm, perhaps also too much. In fact, from when we have become biggish and I have started to be some most restless, our separation has naturally enough happened" it said thoughtful Saint Sabrina.
"That opinion has of you? If she deplores your eccentric behaviors, we risk that I/you/he/she immediately report us, not as soon as we do us before."
"I don't know him/it really, I have told you him, with her I don't speak there really from a life. They are years that we simply limit there to greet us."
"When he/she greets yourself, it smiles?"
"Thing this enters it? You/he/she could also make me a false smile and meanwhile to think inside of her how much I am insane and senseless."
"Sabrina, assembled, in his/her/their children you/he/she is written the prevalence of the character that you/they will have from adults there. You close the eyes and it returns child. You go to play with her, observe her/it well. Was it able of to simulate false expressions to adulate you and to trick you or his/her ways they were simple and done direct as in the good children that respect him?"
Sabrina strove him. Closed the eyes and attended that in his/her mind the environments and the situations of its infancy were reformed. You saw child with his/her friends again of once around her. You remembered some games that more they loved to do.
It was hidden behind a tree. You/they were playing to hide-and-seek. All of a sudden last Helen, his/her friend, perched in a bush. Sabrina reached her/it and he also inserted her in the bush.
"No, Sabrina, goes to hide you to your place, so make us discover!"
"It waits for Helen, I must ask you an important thing.
"You go street Sabrina, so they discover us.
"Who is there inside?"
It was his/her child that looked for the others hidden.
"Helen, tell only me a thing.
Sabrina kept on speaking, regardless to draw near some child that, not as soon as it warned the name of Helen, it started to shout.
"Helen, has seen you! Have seen you!"
Helen exploded, turned on of anger against Sabrina.
"Here! Have made me discover, are not my friend anymore!"
Sabrina hissed her/it.
"Silent, silent, wait for an instant!"
"But that Helen and Helen, are me!"
And Sabrina started to race. His/her child that he was directing to the patch, went off immediately and reached for first the tree shouting:
"Patch for Sabrina!"
Sabrina pretended him angry and a
ngry and, when his/her child got further on the other side to look for the other hidden children, he called Helen.
"Helen, come soon to free you!"
Helen went out in hurry and fury of the bush and shouted to the patch "For me!" and it started jesting his/her child that had not found her. Then it turned him toward Sabrina and it made her the occhiolino. Sabrina drew near her, he/she embraced him and the churches to the ear.
"You love me?"
Helen looked at her/it surprised and then it told her.
"I care for you as a sister!"
It gave her a kiss on the cheek and it escaped away laughing for the shame.
"Yes, I can trust her" adult Sabrina declared, reopening his/her clear eyes as the sky in summer and dazzling so the look knitted of Saint that stared at her/it, impatient of the response.
Not the churches explanations, accepted of good degree the decision of Sabrina. By now it was certain that in that girl the eye clairvoyant was perfectly awake. They now had only to find the way to draw near to Helen without being perceived by the others. They held her of eye up to late night, when by now the majority of the people you/he/she had concealed in the house to taste the dessert nighttime rest. They were alone remained of the sentinels here and there, strange thing rather to the eyes of Sabrina. It seemed that the village he was preparing to a war. Sabrina, didn't ask however him too questions respect to that strange
Saint Spirit Page 39