Emerald Queen

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Emerald Queen Page 2

by L C Taylor

  Emersyn opened her eyes, realizing he’d carried her all the way to her room. Drake kicked the door shut and carried her to her bed. He laid her gently down and pulled a blanket over her body.

  “Now, get some proper rest. I’ll have someone bring dinner to your quarters and let the Constable know you’re safe.”

  “Thank you.”

  Drake’s eyes held hers. His gaze piercing her to the core. He nodded, backing out of her room, leaving her alone once more.

  Emersyn buried her head into her pillow. Nothing made sense to her anymore.

  She had mixed feelings of sadness and anger…

  But beneath the sadness, she felt desire.

  And that scared the shit out of her.

  Chapter 3

  “Commander,” Captain Hill greeted him in the hallway, “You found Queen Virid?”

  “Yes. She’d fallen asleep in the garden. I have personally escorted her to her room to get proper rest. Place a guard outside her door, please.”

  “Drake,” Baxter met Captain Hill and he in the hallway. “Did I hear you say she was asleep in the garden? Jesus, she could have been taken or worse. We need a guard on her at all times until we figure out who killed her parents.”

  “Yes… And I agree,” Drake turned to Captain Hill, “I want you to personally oversee her movements until further notice.”

  “Yes, sir.” Hill nodded and left the two men standing alone.

  “She is so young. I fear this is too much for her.” Baxter shook his head.

  “Her age has nothing to do with this. She is grieving the loss of the only family she had. It is our duty to be here for her and guide her through this terrible time.”

  “I suppose you're right. Any new leads on the accident?”

  “No. My men are going over the scene with a fine-tooth comb. I’ve spoken to the other kingdom’s commanders, they're just as stumped as we are. They too are on high alert. Queen Nite seems especially angered. She feels that this was done to make her kingdom look bad. She has offered her guards services in finding the guilty party.”

  “Very well. Keep me posted.”

  “Will do.”

  “Oh, and Drake?” Baxter smiled.

  “Yes, sir?”

  “Try to remember she’s the queen.”

  Drake gave a half nod to his mentor and friend, “Yes, sir. It’s hard not to remember that detail.”

  “Drake… I may be an old man, but I see how you look at her. Just remember you have a job to do and she needs closure on this first before she can make any rational decisions about other things. Do not let anything else come before your duty.”

  “I won’t, old man. Now… I need to figure out what the hell is going on.”

  Drake shook his hand and headed back towards his office. He would spend whatever amount of time it took to determine who was responsible for this brutal attack on their kingdom.

  ∞ ∞ ∞

  Emersyn woke a while later to the smell of food. Cracking her eye, she found Cassie sitting by her bedside.

  “Emersyn.” Cassie jumped to her feet and rushed to her side, “God I was so worried about you!”

  Cassie had been Emersyn’s only friend growing up. Her parents had limited her interactions with anyone who wasn’t a royal. In fact, her only time spent playing, had been with Cassie. Now… years later, she was her personal assistant.

  “Cassie, you’re here?”

  “Of course, I’m here. Jesus Christ, Emersyn… you had everyone worried.”

  “Sorry – I just needed some time alone. I didn’t mean to fall asleep.”

  “I was just glad Commander Mercer found you when he did.”

  Emersyn couldn’t hide the blush that creeped up her neck. “Yeah – he carried me home.”

  “Oh… Oh, I see.” Cassie grinned. “He’s a hunk of man isn’t he.”

  “I didn’t notice.” Emersyn tried to hide the way her breathing sped up.

  “Liar. You’d have to be blind not to notice him. Christ. My panties get all hot and bothered just standing near him. He gets them almost as wet as the Captain does.”

  “CASSIE!” Emersyn squealed.

  “What? I’m not blind. You can’t seriously tell me you didn’t notice his hotness.” Cassie cocked a brow at her, waiting for her to deny the accusation.

  Emersyn shoved a bite of food into her mouth, avoiding the question. She didn’t have any experience with men, so thinking of Drake in that way made her flush with embarrassment.

  Cassie carried on with the gossip and what she’d heard in town. Apparently, the people were pleased with her coronation and everything was slowly getting back to normal.

  Except the matter of her parents murder. Cassie told Emersyn that Commander Mercer had assigned a dozen men to the case, making it top priority.

  Cassie turned as a brief knock resounded through the room and he stepped inside, “Speaking of the Commander...”

  “Good evening, Miss Rolfe. Can I speak with Emersyn for a moment?”

  “She can stay…” Emersyn sat a little taller in her bed, “I trust Cassie with my life – so whatever you have to say to me, you can do so in front of her.”

  “Fine.” Drake cleared his throat, “Emersyn, I’ll be assigning a personal guard to you. There will also be one stationed outside your room anytime you are in your quarters. Until we have identified the threat to our kingdom, you are my top priority.”

  “What? No… I don’t want a guard.”

  “It’s not optional. Your parents had one, and every royal before them as well. It’s natural for you to have a personal guard now.”

  “Fuck,” Emersyn slid from the bed, her green silk dress pooling on the floor. “I don’t get a say, do I?”

  “No, ma’am.” He looked at her apologetically and turned to Cassie. “Miss Rolfe, you will be allowed to come and go as needed, but if you send someone in your stead, you will need to let her guard know of the change.”

  “Yes, sir.” Cassie nodded.

  “This is crazy.” Emersyn rubbed her head. “I am perfectly capable of taking care of myself.”

  “I am sure that’s true. But it is my job to protect you – it is one of the reason’s your parents made me the commander. Please don’t stand in the way of me performing my duties.”

  Emersyn smirked at him and turned to Cassie, “His duties?” Cassie’s eyes widened as Emersyn stalked closer toward Drake.

  She folded her arms across her chest as she stopped in front of him, “Who are you choosing to guard me?”

  “Officer Holcombe.”


  “What do you mean, no? Officer Holcombe is the best guard under my command. You deserve the best, Emersyn.”

  “I deserve the best, huh?”

  Her mind starting working overtime. If this was how it was going to be, then she would pick who guarded her. And she knew exactly who she wanted.

  “Yes. You do.”

  “Great, then if I deserve the best, I don’t want Holcombe.”

  “I don’t understand.”

  “As your queen, Drake… I will choose the only person I trust to guard me with his life. And that is not Holcombe.”

  Cassie’s eyes grew wide. She knew what Emersyn was up to and she couldn’t do anything to stop the giggle that escaped her lips. Drake shot Cassie a confused look.

  “Really? Then who do you think is the best?”


  Drake sucked in a breath, “Your Majesty. I cannot possibly be your personal guard and command the entire division.”

  “Why not? Are you saying you’re incapable of handling the pressure?”

  Drake growled, “No…” he gripped her wrist, tugging her towards him, “I can handle anything you throw at me, Your Majesty. Can you handle the pressure of having me stalk your every move?”

  Emersyn gulped, “I am your queen. I can handle WHATEVER,” she leaned into him, “pressure you give me, Commander.”

  Releasing her arm, he
stepped back, “Fine. I need to speak with the Constable and inform him of your wishes.”

  Tipping his chin toward Cassie, “Miss Rolfe, it was a pleasure seeing you again.”

  Emersyn watched as Drake retreated from her room, jumping when the door clicked shut.

  “What are you doing, Emersyn?” Cassie cocked an eyebrow at her friend.

  “What any queen would do. Demand the best.”

  “Right… I am one hundred percent sure that’s why you ordered him to be your personal guard.”

  “It is. Besides, he’s too old for me anyway.”

  “What – are you stupid? Emersyn, Commander Mercer is only thirty. Nine years isn’t a big gap… especially when the man in question looks like that.”

  “Meh… he’s going to get tired of being my guard and then he’ll realize what a waste it is for me having a guard twenty-four seven – he’ll give up. Drake should be more worried about figuring out who wants to hurt this kingdom – not protecting me.”

  “I hope you’re right.” Cassie laughed as she shook her head. “Let me take these dishes to the kitchen. I’ll see you in the morning.”

  Emersyn shut the door, pressing her hand against the wooden frame. She ordered him to be her guard to prove the ridiculousness of it all… didn’t she?

  It had absolutely nothing to do with the spark she felt every time he was near her.

  No… that had nothing to do with wanting him close.

  Chapter 4

  Drake stormed into the constable’s office, “We have a problem.”

  “Good to see you too, Mercer,” Baxter set the pen down he’d been holding, “Now, what has your undies in a bunch.”

  “Emersyn has ordered me to be her personal guard.” His jaw clenched in frustration.

  Baxter let out a bark of a laugh, “I see.”

  “Yes… now what are we going to do about it?” Drake paced the small space, his hand running through his hair.

  “You’re going to guard her.”

  “Exactly… Wait… what did you say?”

  Drake must have misunderstood the Constable. Surely, he wasn’t serious.

  “You will guard her, Drake. I think she’s right. You will take her safety more serious than the other men. Men who could possibly be bought.”

  “What makes you think I can’t be bought?” Drake plopped down in the chair opposite of him.

  “Drake,” Baxter leaned forward, “I have been with this family since Emersyn was born. And I know when her father commissioned you as the commander of the guard, he had plans for you. Plans that were beyond just overseeing the guard.”

  “What does that mean?”

  Baxter sighed, “You’re the best option. That’s what it means.”

  “Fine,” he grunted, “I will need to give the Captain more responsibilities. Are you good with that?”

  “Hill? Yeah, he’s good and I trust him.”

  Drake pushed up from the chair, “I’ll go brief him now.”

  “Drake,” Baxter called out to him as he walked toward the door, “She is the last of the Virid line. Protect her like the kingdom depends on it.”

  “I would die for her, Constable.”

  “That’s what worries me, Drake. She can’t take another death – protect her like living for her is more important.”

  Drake shut the door, mulling the Constable’s words around in his head. Wouldn’t he want Drake to protect her at all cost? He wandered down the hallway, hoping to find Captain Hill and discuss his new role.

  Finding his door slightly ajar, Drake eased it open slowly. He was surprised to find his Captain locked in a heated embrace with none other than Cassie.

  Clearing his throat, “Captain Hill.”

  Cassie jumped back, “Oh, shit. Excuse me.”

  She rushed around Drake, her eyes cast down in embarrassment.


  “I’m sorry to interrupt, but I need to discuss some changes in your duties.”


  “I have been assigned as the Queen’s personal guard. That means I need you to take on more responsibility.”

  “Personal guard? I thought Holcombe was assigned as her guard.”

  “Yes, well… the queen has demanded I fulfill that role.”

  Hill doubled over in laughter, “This is rich.” He snorted, “You are in so much trouble.”

  “Captain Hill… might I remind you that I am still your superior.”

  “Right… sorry.” He stood up and brushed off his knees. “Now, what do I need to do.”

  Drake and Alex Hill spent the next several hours discussing his new responsibilities. Drake was still unhappy about having to work so close with the queen, and not for the reasons one would suspect.

  “So… where is her majesty right now?”

  “Her quarters. I have a guard outside her door that is to alert me if she leaves. Hopefully, she is in for the night.”

  “Well, if you don’t need anything else, I need to find Cassie.”

  “Oh, I meant to ask about her. What was that I walked in on? You two an item?”

  “Not yet. She is having a hard time with the difference in our regal status. I told her I don’t care about where she comes from, but…” he drifted off.

  “But, she does. Well,” Drake clapped him on the shoulder, “If you care about her don’t give up.”

  “I don’t intend to. And Drake,” Alex smiled, “You shouldn’t let the regal status affect your decisions either.”

  “Yes… well – the difference is Cassie isn’t a queen.”

  “True, but the King wasn’t a regal when Queen Emmalyn married him.”

  Drake smiled, he’d forgotten about that tiny tidbit. Queen Emmalyn married Dax Virid, a guard. Maybe when her parents murderers were found…

  Drake shook the thought from his head as he walked out into the hallway. His attraction to Emersyn was electric. But he knew the age difference could be an issue for her, even if she liked to tease him. It was more like punishment for forcing a guard on her.

  Drake stopped at her door, “Have you heard from the queen at all?” He asked the young guard standing at her closed door.

  “She poked her head out and asked where you were, but beyond that, I have not seen her.”

  “Ok. Alert me when she leaves her room.”

  Drake stared at the door for a moment, then nodded his chin toward the guard as he walked away. Emersyn, the queen, had no idea how much control she had over him.

  Drake was sure he’d do just about anything she asked.

  And he meant anything.

  Chapter 5

  Emersyn laid in her bed. Her brain wouldn’t shut off, giving her a moment to breathe. She hadn’t had a good night’s sleep since her parents death.

  Well, except for when she passed out in the garden. It was the first time she’d felt completely relaxed and in tune with herself.

  Emersyn closed her eyes and thought back to the last conversation she’d had with her mother. She’d told Emersyn that on her twenty-first birthday she’d be coming into her heritage. Emersyn assumed she meant something to do with becoming queen, but her dad had alluded it was something more.

  Her parents had been right about the garden oasis. It was a place to ground yourself and become one with nature. Emersyn stood, padding her way to the massive windows that lined her bedroom.

  Emersyn peered into the darkness, wishing she could talk to her parents one last time. Glancing at the window seat, she noticed her orchid had wilted. The pot felt heavy in her hands as she clutched it to her chest.

  “Great – even my plants die and leave me.”

  She smiled as she remembered her mother’s words the night before they left – actually, it was the night before they’d died.

  “Emersyn, nature is part of who we are. When you turn twenty-one, it will all make sense. It will be like a switch is turned on and you will become attuned to the earth. When it happens, don’t be frightened. It is who you
are. Do you understand?”

  “Yes, mother.”

  “No… Emersyn, I don’t think you do. It is the way of the Emerald Queen. It is in our blood – the earth… it’s what makes us who we are.”

  “Fine, mother. I get it. I’ll become one with the earth.”

  She closed her eyes and sighed, “So much for being one with the Earth.”

  The orchid had been the last thing her mother had given her – telling her it was an early birthday present. Emersyn’s hand began to tingle, the pot warming beneath her touch. Cracking her eyes open, Emersyn sucked in a breath when she spied a soft glow emanating from her hands.

  “What the fuck?”

  The pot slipped from her startled hands, crashing to the floor. Emersyn stared at the shattered ceramic on the floor. The broken holder was not what had her freaked out. No. The vibrant and very alive orchid on the floor is what had her stunned.

  “Your Majesty?” the room was suddenly filled with light.

  Glancing toward her door, she saw the guard standing in the opening. He must had heard the crash.

  “Officer Sterling…” she glanced at the floor, “I’m sorry I startled you. Silly me. I wanted to sit on the window seat and knocked my flower over.”

  “What is the meaning of this?” A very disheveled and shirtless Drake stood behind the officer.

  “Sir.” The officer stepped aside, allowing Drake to enter, “I heard a crash and came in to investigate.”

  “Emersyn, are you hurt?” Drake stormed over to her, noting the shattered pot on the ground.

  “No… it was an accident. I’ll get it cleaned up.” Emersyn started toward the bathroom, stepping on a shard of the fractured container.

  “Shit.” She stopped, hopping on one foot. Blood seeped onto the floor, mixing with the spilled soil.

  “Fuck…” Drake scooped her up, “Officer Sterling, get a broom please.”

  Drake set her on the edge of the bed, “Sit here while I get a towel.”

  Emersyn watched as he disappeared into her bathroom. He reemerged holding a towel and wet washcloth. Easing her foot into his lap as he kneeled in front of her, he carefully wiped the blood off.

  “It’s not deep at all.” He dried off her foot with the towel, “Now… you want to tell me how you knocked over a plant that wasn’t near the ledge?”


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