Emerald Queen

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Emerald Queen Page 7

by L C Taylor

  Emersyn dismissed everyone but Cassie, Alex and Drake. Pushing her chair back, she stood and paced the floor.

  “Look. Can I trust the three of you? No matter what we learn – I need to know that you guys will stand by me. I fear that whatever this secret is, it is going to be devastating to the kingdom.”

  Cassie rushed to her friend’s side, placing a hand on her shoulder, “Emersyn, I can’t believe you even have to ask. We are more than your workers… we’re your friends.”

  “She’s right, Emersyn.” Alex stood behind Cassie, “I pledged my fidelity to you no matter what.” He snaked his arm around Cassie’s waist, “And besides, I am in love with your best friend. There is no way I’d do anything to jeopardize her heart.”

  Emersyn smirked, “I knew it! I am happy for you…” she turned to Drake, “and thank you. I know it’s silly to have to ask that… but my gut tells me something is amiss here and it is going to cause hurt to people. There’s something my parents hid from me… and I aim to figure it out.”

  Drake placed a kiss on her forehead, “We are with you, Emersyn.”

  “Good. Now, I think I’d like to go ahead and get started looking through my parents quarters. I know Sarifena will be here tomorrow to help,” she took a deep breath, “But I cannot wait.”

  “I can help.” Cassie smiled, pressing a chaste kiss to Alex’s mouth, she laced her fingers with Emersyn’s, “Let’s go.”

  Drake tugged her from Cassie’s grasp, “I will be in Alex’s office if you need me. I love you, Emersyn.” He kissed her, causing her to blush.

  “Ok, I love you too.”

  “Awwww…” Cassie smiled, “I knew you two would be a good fit. Aren’t they cute, Alex?”

  “Not as cute as you,” He kissed her knuckles, “Take care of her, Cassie.”

  Cassie nodded as she and Emersyn left the conference room. Drake watched as the door closed, “So… she finally caved on you?”

  “You could say that – and Emersyn and you, huh? I can’t say I didn’t see that coming.” Alex laughed, “Shall we head to my office – which I hope has been thoroughly sanitized by now.”

  “Oh… sorry about that, but I can’t seem to keep my hands off her.”

  “I get it… but I may need to burn my desk.” Alex winked.

  “No… I’ll swap out mine with yours.”

  “Damn you’ve got it bad.”

  Chapter 17

  Emersyn froze at the entrance to her parents quarters. It was the first times she’d been in their room since they died. Her senses were assaulted with their familiar scents. She stood, unable to move. Afraid that everything she believed would come crumbling down the minute she waltzed through the door.

  “We don’t have to do this today, Emersyn.”

  The trance she was under shattered when Cassie spoke, “Yeah… I do. Maybe it will help us find Dimitra.”

  Emersyn walked to her mother’s huge walkin closet and pulled the door open. She stared into the vast space, unsure where to start.

  “I just don’t understand why they would’ve hidden something from me. Especially Mom. She and I talked about everything.”

  “Well,” Cassie smiled, “There are some secrets you just don’t share. And maybe this one was so bad, she felt keeping it from you would spare you.”

  “Whatever the reason… look where it’s gotten us.”

  Emersyn started sifting through her clothes, “This stuff needs to be donated. Can you grab some bags or something?”

  “Sure. I’ll be right back.” Cassie left her standing alone in the closet.

  Emersyn started grabbing at her mother’s belongings. She tossed the garments into a pile in the center of the floor, carefully checking pockets for anything she might have stuffed inside.

  By the time Cassie had come back with trash bags, Emersyn had gone through every stitch of material that was her mother’s – and found nothing.

  “Any luck?” Cassie tossed her a bag.

  “Nope. Not a thing.”

  “Well… at least you went through her things. I know you’ve put it off.”

  “Yeah… but there is still all that to do.” Emersyn pointed at the shelves loaded down with shoes, purses, and jewelry.

  Cassie frowned, “Don’t you want to keep some of that stuff?”

  “Maybe some of the jewelry, but not the other crap. I am not a shoe girl… you can take them if they fit.”

  Emersyn started sifting through the tower of heels, tossing them toward Cassie to try on. Her mother loved shoes so much, it was almost an obsession. Once the shelf was devoid of patent leather, Emersyn started sifting through the multitude of bags. She flipped them over, shaking out any contents hidden inside.

  “I can’t believe I haven’t found anything.” Emersyn tipped the final bag over, shaking it violently. She grunted when a leather-bound book tumbled free. “What the hell?”

  She bent down, dropping the bag she held, and scooped up the book. “Cassie,” Emersyn called out to her friend, “I found something.”

  Cassie’s eyes went wide, “Holy shit. I think that’s your mom’s journal.”

  Emersyn dropped to the floor, crisscrossing her legs. She turned the book around in her hands, noting the intricate detail embossed in the leather. A small padlock sealed the book closed and three small initials had been burned into the brown leather – DAV.

  “Holy shit…” Emersyn stared at her friend, “How can I get this thing off?” She pulled at the metal lock, the clasp refusing to budge.

  “Hang on,” Cassie ran from the closet.

  Emersyn ran her finger over the leather-bound spine. This was her father’s hidden words. Surely something inside this book would help them crack the riddle and find Dimitra. There had to be a reason her mother was hiding it inside her things. Why wouldn’t her dad have hidden it amongst his stuff?

  “Here,” Cassie handed her some pliers. “These were in the tool kit under your sink. Maybe they’ll cut through the metal.”

  Emersyn slid the thin nose of the tool beneath the lock and clamped down. At first the metal refused to budge. But once she scrambled to her knees for leverage, an audible popping sound signaled the metal had fractured. The tiny lock split and fell to the floor.

  “Oh my God. It worked.” Emersyn panicked.

  This was her father’s private thoughts.

  Was she ready to delve into her father’s mind and read what he’d written?

  What if there was something in the book that changed the way she saw her dad? Or her mom?

  “Emersyn… do you want me to look first?”

  “No… I just,” Emersyn stood, “I think I need to do this alone. I’m going back to my quarters. Just leave this mess, I’ll have someone else come fetch the bags.”

  “Are you sure?” Cassie watched as Emersyn clutched the book to her chest as though her life depended on it.

  “Yes,” She reached out, pulling Cassie into a hug, “Thank you, Cassie.”

  “Any time. I’ll see you tomorrow.”

  Emersyn hurried from her parent’s quarters and practically ran down the hallway. Officer Sterling was poised outside her door.

  “Evening, Your Majesty. Everything alright?”

  “Yes, Sterling. I just need a few minutes alone.”

  Emersyn pushed through the heavy door and sealed herself inside. Part of her wanted to call Drake, but this was something she needed to do without him.

  Seating herself on the massive bench beneath the window, she opened her Father’s journal and began to read.

  Chapter 18

  January 12th

  How am I supposed to look at her in the eyes now that she knows? I am ashamed of myself for letting my past corrupt my future. Emmalyn is my everything – if I’d only known then that she would be the one for me, I wouldn’t have done so many things that could come back to haunt us.

  ∞ ∞ ∞

  January 27th

  Emmalyn says my past doesn’t matter. That I am
her compliment and the one she is to be with for all eternity. I can’t even look at myself in the mirror. How can this woman, this perfect angel look at me as though I am a man worthy of her love?

  She has no idea how deep my secrets go. No idea the devastation I could bring to this Kingdom. What do I do? Do I love her and forgo all the vile things I’ve done? I am so conflicted with myself. I do love her. With all my heart.

  ∞ ∞ ∞

  February 14th

  I told her. Everything. And still, this woman is choosing me. She promises the past does not define me. Even though it could be the thing that destroys me. Destroys us. Emmalyn has begged me to see the love between us and stop beating myself up for the things I did before her. I can’t continue fighting my heart. It wants her and only her.

  ∞ ∞ ∞

  March 10th

  I asked Emmalyn to marry me. She said yes… I cannot believe this woman is going to let me make her mine. I don’t deserve her, but I will spend all of my days trying to prove I am worthy.

  ∞ ∞ ∞

  April 25th

  We were married in a grand ceremony. The other kingdoms were here, well all but the Sapphire kingdom. I do not think Stephanie will ever forgive me for choosing Emmalyn. I didn’t mean to break her heart, but she was not the one I was to compliment in love. And she has Phillip now. They are expecting a baby together this September.

  NO – Emmalyn is the one my heart beats for. Even Ophelia has put our past behind us. She knew that I wasn’t her compliment, no… she realized that soon after meeting Dane. He is her true compliment. And now they are having a daughter.

  Emmalyn and Ophelia have put all that in the past. I only wish Stephanie could do the same. The kingdoms need to be united and I fear this grudge will destroy the kingdoms.

  “Holy shit,” Emersyn gasped.

  She couldn’t fathom the words she was reading. Had her dad been involved with both the Sapphire Queen and Onyx Queen when he was with her mother? She continued reading, his deepest thoughts creating panic inside her chest.

  ∞ ∞ ∞

  June 30th

  We’re having a baby. I can’t believe I am going to be a dad. A DAD. Emmalyn told me today that we will be bringing a beautiful baby girl into the world the end of March. She waited a few weeks before telling me, wanting to be sure. The doctor confirmed and the blood test told us it was a daughter. I can’t believe it. A baby.

  Emersyn’s tears spilled onto the parchment, a dam of emotion bursting free as she continued to read his words.

  ∞ ∞ ∞

  October 12th

  My past has come back to destroy us. Stephanie informed me that her baby is my child. The news devastated Phillip. He died of a broken heart. I didn’t realize that was a thing until now. Emmalyn tells me it was my past and she doesn’t hold it against me, but I can see the hurt in her eyes. She is round with our own daughter and dealing with the news that I fathered another child.

  Stephanie has agreed this needs to be kept between the three of us. It could destroy the kingdom if it got out. I just don’t know how she will ever look at me the same. How am I to look at Sarifena and never tell her I am her father.

  ∞ ∞ ∞

  December 14th

  My past is still haunting me. My philandering ways got me into this mess. Do I even tell Emmalyn or keep this secret? I can’t look at myself anymore. She begged me to stay quiet. Insisting it would destroy her marriage and mine. But it happened in the past… It shouldn’t matter.

  ∞ ∞ ∞

  Emersyn was startled by the door snapping shut, the book dropped to the floor.

  “Emersyn,” Drake grabbed the discarded book and set it on the bench beside her. “You’ve been crying. What is it?”

  “I found my father’s journal.” The wall crumbled and she broke into a blubbering mess. Drake wrapped his arms around her, cradling her to his chest.

  “It’s going to be alright.”

  “No. Its. Not.” Emersyn snorted, her torrential tears soaking through his t-shirt. “My dad… he was,” she hiccupped against him, the words getting caught in her throat.

  “Shhh… I got you.” Drake lifted her from the wooden perch and carried her to the bed, “take a deep breath.”

  Emersyn sucked in a lungful of air and blew it out. “He… he fathered another child, Drake.”

  “What?” Drake furrowed his brown, “You're not making any sense.”

  Sarifena took another deep breath, “Before I was born… my dad was involved with the Sapphire Queen.”

  “Ok, and, what does that have to do with other children?”

  “Drake… my dad is Sarifena’s father.”

  Chapter 19

  “Wait…” Drake rubbed his forehead. “Are you sure?”

  “Yes… it’s in his journal.” Emersyn pointed to the book on the floor, “It talks about his mistakes coming back to destroy him. He found out she was his when my mom was pregnant with me. Apparently,” Emersyn got out of the bed and retrieved the discarded leather pages. She returned to bed, sitting next to Drake and opened the journal.

  “Here,” she thrust the opened pages at him, “Read for yourself.”

  Emersyn chewed her nails as Drake read over the pages.

  “Holy shit. Emersyn, do you understand what this means?”

  “I have a sister?” She quirked a brow. “This is so fucked up. But what does this have to do with my letter and Dimitra’s kidnapping?”

  “Did it say anything else?”

  “The last entry I read was from December 14th, a few months before I was born. All it said was his past was haunting him again. Then you came in.”

  “There might be more, but Emersyn,” Drake set the book on the table, “You need to rest. Put this to rest for now and when Sarifena is here tomorrow – maybe you can look into it more.”

  “No, Drake,” She tried to reach for the book, but he captured her wrist in his hand.

  “Emersyn, please. It’s late and you look exhausted. Please… you need to rest to be level headed when Sarifena is here.”

  Emersyn could see the worry in his expression. His face had lines of worry and his eyes lacked their typical glint.

  “Ok… fine. But on one condition,” She stroked his forearm.

  “Anything, Emersyn.”

  “Stay with me.”

  “I’m here aren’t I? I hadn’t planned on leaving you tonight. Beside you is where I need to be.”

  “Good. Let me go to the bathroom, I’ll be right back.”

  Drake watched as Emersyn peeled herself from the bed and disappeared into the adjoining bathroom. He stripped off his clothes, leaving him in his boxer briefs. Laying back on her bed, he propped his head up by folding his arms beneath his neck and leaned against the headboard.

  Emersyn emerged from the bathroom… Naked.

  “Emersyn…” Drake growled.

  “What? I prefer to sleep this way. I’m hot natured.” She sauntered to the bed, swaying her hips. Drake could barely breathe. The vision of her was unlike anything he’d encountered. Her long black hair flowed behind her. The sultry glint in her eyes told him she wanted more than a late-night cuddle. As she crawled into bed beside him, her breast brushed against his arm.

  “Good night, Drake.”

  Emersyn flicked the lights off, bathing the room in darkness. The only light was from the wisps of moonlight penetrating through the trees outside. The soft yellow light covered her flawless skin in a ethereal glow, sending a bolt of longing straight to his dick.

  Drake rolled his body, pinning her beneath him.

  “Did you really think I’d be able to lay here beside you, with your tantalizing skin touching mine?”

  He pressed his mouth to hers, their lips melding together as one. Their bodies fused to one another as Drake ground the evidence of his arousal into her center. Emersyn moaned, breathing out her pleasure as he pressed against her.

  “Please…” she moaned.

  “Please wha
t, Emersyn?”

  “I need you, Drake.”

  “Need me to do what, baby?”

  “Bury your dick inside me.”

  Drake leaned up on his knees and slipped his boxers off. His cock bounced against his belly, precum coating the tip.

  He fisted his erection in the palm of his hand and jerked himself as he pressed his thumb to her clit. She responded with a jerk, thrusting her body upwards.

  “You like that?”

  “Stop teasing and put your cock inside me already. I need you to fuck me now, Drake.” Emersyn spread her legs, beckoning him to bury himself inside her.

  Drake leaned over, pressing his lips to hers as he lined his cock against her wet folds. Emersyn responded by wrapping her legs around him and pulling him into her. His dick speared her center, slipping between her lips and burrowing inside her womb.

  Drake moaned, resting his head against hers, “God damn you feel like heaven.”

  He began to pump and thrust. Pistoning his cock into the depths of her womanhood. She met him thrust for thrust, arching her spine. Drake rotated his hips, reaching for that sacred spot deep inside her. He fucked her with abandon, desperate to send her over the edge.

  He could tell the moment she was close. Her walls tightened, signaling the onslaught of her orgasm. Drake held her wrists above her head and pounded into her, marking her as his. Emersyn cried out, her release clenching around his cock. Drake grunted, pressing his hips into her, deepening his thrust as his balls tightened. His release burst from him, like a dam splitting and cracking, sending his seed deep into her cavern. His come finally stopped pouring out of him, allowing him to roll onto the bed beside her. He kissed her hard, tugging her body flush against his.

  “I love you, Emersyn.”

  “I love you, too,” she mumbled, sleep already claiming her exhausted body.

  Drake smiled, pressing a final kiss to her brow. He snuggled her closer, unwilling to let go of her body even for a minute.

  The news of Sarifena had affected her. He could see the devastation in her body language. But beneath that he saw the glimmer of curiosity in her eyes.


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