Lobo Coffee House Love (The Wolves 0f Everett Hollow Book 2)

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Lobo Coffee House Love (The Wolves 0f Everett Hollow Book 2) Page 3

by Amelia Parker

  Gabe gave him a lot to think about regarding Jessica. He knew that she seemed attracted to him, but he also saw the fear of the attraction in her eyes. There had to be a way to calm her nerves. Some way to reassure her that what she felt was normal and there was nothing to be afraid of. Of course, some of that he couldn’t give her until he told her about shifters, but still. There had to be something he could do before then. What did Gabe do?

  He spent time with Nina!

  His wolf voiced his opinion and it could not have been better. Gabe and Nina went out to eat. They spent time together, talking and getting to know one another. She became comfortable with Gabe. That was probably the biggest explanation for why and how Nina accepted their world so quickly. Well, other than seeing it in front of her eyes firsthand. He needed to get Jessica alone. They needed to go out and spend time together.

  With that thought firmly in place, Logan vowed to go to the coffee shop the next morning and ask Jessica to dinner. It was time to really start wooing his fated mate.


  Jessica let out a huge yawn as she went about making a pot of black coffee before moving on to wash out a few cups. The flowers Logan gave her yesterday sat in a vase on the counter. Every few seconds she would glance over at the arrangement. What was it about that man? He consumed her thoughts. She hardly slept last night for her mind kept going back to Logan. Something deep within her called to him. That voice inside her head kept telling her he was hers.

  What that meant, she had no clue.

  What she did know, was that she could not let the man in.


  He was just like all the others, right?

  No, he is not, and you know it. He’s our mate.

  That voice! And what is a mate? She’d never used that word before. Why would she use it now?

  A sigh escaped her lips. Add her weird word choice to the list of things she did not understand.

  As if conjured up by her thoughts, the man that consumed her walked through the door.

  “Good morning Jessica!” Logan greeted joyfully.

  “Good morning Logan. To what do I owe the pleasure of this visit to?”

  “Well I’ve stopped by the last two mornings and I just couldn’t fathom not seeing you today.”

  A blush warmed her cheeks and made its way down her chest. This man! Every word out of his mouth sent warm fuzzies through her. He made her feel like the most special person on the planet. And that was something no other man had done.


  “What? It’s true. You’ve quickly become the best part of my day. Seeing your smile gets me going for the day.”

  Jessica ducked her head at Logan’s candor. Lord, help her. The compliments that came from him!

  “Thank you,” she whispered in response.

  “I did want to ask you something though.”

  “Oh? What is it?” Jessica felt her heart stop and skip a beat at his announcement.

  “Would you like to go to dinner with me?”

  A wave of joy washed through her. It was quickly followed by shock and terror. That little voice in her head that brought her down when things went right, nudged her. Why would a guy like him, want to date a girl like her? She wasn’t special. Just a foster kid. He must be joking. There was no other explanation for this. She just decided that he would be nothing to her besides a good time between the sheets. If they made it that far.

  But he’s so much more! He’s our mate!

  What if he hurts me? What if I let him in and he hurts me?

  He won’t! Trust me and go!

  She argued back and forth with the voice in her head. She had all of these doubts but something in the back of her mind told her this was a good thing. That Logan was a good thing. What would it hurt to give him a shot? If it didn’t work, it didn’t work.

  “Jessica? Are you OK? If you don’t want to, that’s fine–” Logan waved a hand in front of her face to gain her attention. She heard him start to back pedal his offer and felt a shot of panic wash through her.

  “No! Sorry! I was just thinking. In my head, you know? I would love to have dinner with you Logan.”


  “Really,” she affirmed. Can’t go back now.

  “Great! Um, how about tomorrow night? At the diner? Say about seven o’clock?”

  “Seven, at the diner tomorrow night, sounds perfect.”

  “Great! Perfect! Can’t wait!”

  The two stood there smiling at each other. Her heart pounded in her chest as what she just agreed to, hit her.

  “Well, I guess I should let you get back to work. Have a great day and I’ll see you tomorrow night?” Logan’s voice cut through the slight fog of panic starting to envelop Jessica.

  “Yes. Dinner tomorrow night. I’ll be there. And you have a good day too Logan.”

  Logan turned around and left the coffee shop. Jessica could see the wide grin on his face as he wandered down the sidewalk.

  What did she just agree to?

  You will go to dinner with our mate tomorrow night! He needs us! And you need him!

  Jessica wasn’t so sure that either one of them needed the other. But she couldn’t deny the joy she felt when he asked her out. He made her happy. His day wasn’t the only one made brighter by his visits. She did say there wasn’t any real harm in just getting dinner with the man. There wasn’t anything saying she had to let him in.

  It was just dinner.

  Yeah, right.

  Just dinner.

  It was a dinner she greatly looked forward to yet was deathly afraid of. She had no idea what sort of emotions this dinner may bring to the surface. Last night she just came to the conclusion about what she was going to do with the man! And with one look, one smile, he blew it all out the window. She was swimming in uncharted waters. And somehow, she couldn’t bring herself to regret it. She wanted to go to dinner with him. If she was honest with herself, she wanted to see what this relationship-type feeling was. Explore what pulled her to him and made her feel like he was hers. She at least owed herself that, right?


  For once, she didn’t argue with the voice in her head about Logan. She would just be careful. But she needed to know what would happen. Tomorrow night could be one of the best nights of her life, or it could be the worst. But she was going to find out because there was something about Logan. Something she needed to put her finger on.

  Chapter 4

  Jessica finished doing up the zipper on the back of her dress. She stood in front of her floor-length mirror, inspecting her outfit. The sleeveless, sunflower printed dress was one of her favorites. It made her feel happy and sexy. It matched her bubbly personality. Running her hands down the skirt of the dress, she contemplated which shoes to wear. Normally, she would grab a pair of sandals, but this night seemed to call for something a little dressier.

  A pair of navy heels stared at her from the floor of her closet. Picking them up, she realized they were the pair that tied in a bow at her ankle. Slipping into them, Jessica appraised her outfit. Taking a deep breath, she gave herself a nod in the mirror. She was ready. Time to meet Logan. For a date.

  What was she doing? Should she really be going to this?

  Everything in her screamed that this was a bad idea. Yet a smaller voice yelled just a tad louder, that this was right. That Logan was right. He was right for her. How a part of her knew that, she had no idea. Whether she should trust that part, she didn’t know. But she owed it to herself to at least find out.

  Having settled her nerves some, Jessica grabbed her purse and a light sweater before heading to Maybelle’s Diner. The entire walk her stomach churned in nerves. She’d had first dates before. Why was she so nervous about this one?

  Because he is our future! The other dates did not mean anything! Look! There he is!

  At the voice in her head, Jessica glanced up and spotted Logan. Stopping dead in her tracks, she appraised him. He wore dark, slim jeans and a navy leat
her bomber jacket. From where she stood, she couldn’t tell what color shirt he had on. Her stomach flipped and flopped in anticipation. Putting one foot in front of the other, she walked further down the sidewalk to her date.

  When she was a few feet away, Logan turned toward her. She knew immediately when he saw her. He looked her up and down. A wide smile covered his face. Even from here, she could tell it met his eyes.

  “Wow. You look amazing Jessica.”

  A blush colored her cheeks.

  “Thank you. So do you.”

  “Shall we?” Logan held the door to the diner opened for her.

  “Logan! What a surprise! I haven’t seen you in forever, Sweetheart!” called out a sweet, female voice. Lillian walked toward them with open arms. She pulled Logan down for a hug before turning to Jessica. “And Jessica! I haven’t seen you since you were in high school! I wondered when you’d get in to see me. Get in here!” she pulled her down into a warm embrace.

  Lillian was the grandmother for the entire town. Everyone loved her and she loved them. She took care of you because she loved you. Even if she barely knew you. She pulled you in and made you one of hers.

  “It has been a long time Ms. Lillian. I’m sorry that I haven’t made it in here yet. I’ve been so busy with work and settling back in,” Jessica explained to the other woman.

  “Oh, it’s OK sweetheart. I knew you would come see me eventually! Can I get you two a table?”

  “A table would be lovely Lillian,” Logan smiled in response.

  Logan placed his hand on her lower back as they followed Lillian to a table. Every customer they passed, stopped and stared. They seemed in shock to see Logan with someone. Just as quickly as they stopped, everyone returned to their meals. It was as if something scared them to turn their eyes. A quick glance back at Logan, and she understood why. He had a stern, penetrating stare on his face aimed at every patron they passed.

  “OK babies, here we go!”

  “Thank you, Lillian,” Logan said.

  “Do you guys know what you want, or do you need a few minutes?”

  “We both know I want your Carnitas. What about you Jessica?” answered Logan.

  “We still have that Avocado BLT that you used to love sweetheart,” Lillian commented.

  “Oh, that sounds perfect Lillian! I haven’t had one of those in years! Nowhere else can even compete with that sandwich.”

  “Then you got it babies! I will put those in and grab some water for you!” Lillian wandered off to check her other tables before submitting their order.

  “I don’t think I realized you used to live here,” Logan picked up on.

  “Yes. I was actually born here. I lived here until high school before moving. I just came back a few months ago.”

  “Wow. I had no idea. Why did you move?”

  “Um, it was just time I guess.”

  This was one topic she did not want to talk about. It brought up bad memories that overshadowed the good ones she had in this town.

  “Sorry, I didn’t mean to pry. What’s your favorite color?”

  “It’s OK. You didn’t know–wait what?” her head spun at his sudden change of topic and to something silly, nonetheless.

  “Your favorite color.”

  A smile pulled at her lips, “It’s purple. What is yours?”

  “Blue. All shades. Never met a color of blue I didn’t like.”

  Jessica tossed her head back and laughed. A sudden breeze alerted her to another presence. Lillian sat down their water glasses and slid their plates of food in front of them. Before either could offer thanks, the older woman had bustled away to another table.

  “This looks amazing. My mouth is watering, just in memory of this sandwich.”

  Logan shot her a look, “bon appetit then!”

  The two of them dug into their respective meals. Jessica let out a moan of appreciation. This was one of the best sandwiches she had ever come across. And even after all the years since she last enjoyed it, nothing had changed. It was still the explosion of flavor she remembered.

  “Is it as good as you remembered?” Logan asked.

  “It’s even better. Tell me–what do you do in your spare time? I know you work with Gabriel but aside from that, I know nothing about you.”

  Logan shifted in his seat at the mention of working with Gabe.

  “You’re right. Gabe and I do work together. But in my free time, I work out. Any kind of exercise really. Hiking, swimming, time in the gym. You name it, I love doing it.”

  “So, you’re a gym rat. Good to know,” she teased him.

  Logan chuckled at her before agreeing, “I suppose so. What about you? Do you enjoy exercising or the like?”

  “Nothing to your level, but I love swimming. When I get the chance to exercise, that’s my choice. I was actually on the school team in high school.”

  “Really? That’s awesome. Did you compete at all?”

  “We did. Actually placed in a few categories. I think I may even still have some medals somewhere.”

  “That is amazing! You’ll have to show them to me at some point.”

  Jessica’s heart jumped at Logan’s allusion to more time together. For some reason, the thought of it didn’t freak her out.

  “I may have to do just that,” she agreed.

  “If there is one thing in this world you could have, what would it be?” she suddenly asked him.

  “You probably meant that to be a hard question, but for me it’s easy. The one thing I want most in this world is a family. To meet that person who completes me. Someone to grow old with and have children with.”

  Jessica felt the color drain from her face. He wanted a forever. And that was something she wasn’t sure she could do. Of course, she wanted her own family. Someone to call hers. Others that looked like her. Spending most of her life in foster care, she didn’t really have many memories of her mother. Jumping from home to home, she’d always longed for a place of her own to share with someone special. And Logan wants that too. The only question is, can she allow him to be what they have both longed for?

  “Jessica? Are you OK? Did I say something wrong?” Logan worriedly asked.

  “No, no. Sorry. I thought you said to eat children with,” she nervously laughed off.

  “Oh! No! To have children with!” he clarified.

  “I guess I heard part of another conversation from another table and crossed the wires.”

  “It’s OK; happens to the best of us. What about you though?”

  “What?” the pale color in her face returned.

  “What do want most in this world?”

  “Oh! That’s easy for me also. I’d love to own my own restaurant.”

  “Really? As a chef?

  “Yes! I love to cook. I think this town could use another eatery.”

  “Did you go to school to learn to cook?”

  “No, I taught myself. I didn’t really have the right support or resources to go to culinary school after high school.”

  A frown creased Logan’s brow, “What do you mean?”

  Jessica paused and glanced out a nearby window. Should she tell him about her past? Most guys thought her broken after they learned she was in the system. Logan seemed to like her for who she was. She would hate for his perception to change.

  It won’t. He needs to know. You can trust him with this. Our mate won’t hurt us.

  Even with the strange wording, her inner voice had a point. Taking a deep breath, she turned toward Logan, ready to expose a part of herself she would rather forget.

  “I was born here in town. My mom died when I was little and my dad was never around, so I went into the foster care system. I stayed in a foster home here in Everett Hollow until I was fourteen. My foster mother died, and I got sent to a family out of state. They weren’t awful, but they also didn’t take much interest in me. Once I turned eighteen, I was out on my own. There really wasn’t anyone to help me after that. I took whatever jobs I could to sur
vive. Eventually I said enough was enough and moved back home. Or at least the only real home I’ve known. I got the job at the coffee shop and haven’t looked back since.”

  Logan sat quietly just staring at her. She didn’t see pity in his eyes. In fact, it looked more like pride. No one had looked at her like that in more years than she could count.

  “I’m in awe of you Jessica. You are a survivor and I’m proud of you. You took a shitty hand and made something. It’s OK if you’re just working in a coffee shop. You have your own apartment, which you got on your own with your own money. You pay your own bills. Take care of yourself. It’s admirable. And I think if you really want to become a chef, then you will.”

  “Thank you, Logan.”

  “No, thank you. Thank you for trusting me enough to tell me your story. I know it probably couldn’t have been easy.”

  “I’ve actually never told anyone the full story like that before. Once they hear I grew up in foster care, they tend to assume they know my story and don’t want to actually hear it.”

  “Well, I can promise you, that no matter what you want to tell me, I’ll always listen.”

  Jessica sent a small smile Logan’s way. It was hard for her to believe it, but she knew he was sincere. He wanted to know her, spend time with her. And for no other reason than because it was her.

  “Baaabies!” came the sing-song voice belonging to Lillian. “How did you like it?”

  “It was wonderful Lillian, thank you.”

  “Can I get you two anything else?”

  “Jessica?” She shook her head at Logan’s inquiry. “No, thank you Lillian. Just the check.”

  “OK, well then, here ya go. Settle up whenever you are ready. And make sure you come back to see me!”

  “Yes ma’am,” both she and Logan agreed simultaneously.

  The two of them shared a smile as Lillian dropped their check off and went to check on her other tables.

  “Guess we better get out of here then. Regardless what she says, we ought to give her back her table,” Logan remarked.

  “I take it she still gets surly if you stay too long?”

  “That she does. I don’t know why she tells you to stay as long as you want.”


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