Lobo Coffee House Love (The Wolves 0f Everett Hollow Book 2)

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Lobo Coffee House Love (The Wolves 0f Everett Hollow Book 2) Page 11

by Amelia Parker

“Safe. Love. That I trust you,” she stated softly.

  Logan knew she had trusted him before. Now she knew she trusted him inexplicitly. She felt everything she said she did and wasn’t scared of it anymore. She saw how good it was and continued to want to be with him. And he didn’t mean physically. But in all the other important parts of a relationship.

  He pressed a gentle kiss to the top of her head before pulling a blanket over them. This was what he had always dreamed of. And he finally got it. And couldn’t wait to see what each new day brought with his beautiful fated mate.


  Two months later . . .

  “OK, keep your eyes closed. No peeking!” Logan chided.

  Jessica let out a giggle. The past two months had been the best of her life. All of her old fears about her worth disappeared. Gone were her worries about Logan staying with her. He proved daily how much he cared for her and was there to stay. She finally was starting to get everything she had dared to dream for.

  This morning when she and Logan woke up, he told her he had a surprise for her. At the moment, she had a blindfold tied around her eyes. Logan helped her get into the car and they drove off.

  “Where are we going?” she asked.

  “You’ll see. It’s a good surprise, I promise,” a giddy Logan told her.

  Whatever this man of hers had up his sleeve, he wasn’t sharing. It wasn’t that she didn’t like surprises. She did. It was just that in her experience, surprises didn’t bode well. Normally they were accompanied by a huge life-altering event. An event she never wanted to witness.

  Jessica could feel the car gliding across the pavement. The curves in the road told her they were headed into town. Sounds of people talking and laughing filtered through the window. Where was Logan taking her?

  Suddenly, they came to a stop. Logan parked the car before racing around it to help her out.

  “Remember, no peeking! OK, stand right here. On the count of three now, one . . . two . . . three!”

  Logan ripped the blindfold off her eyes. She blinked a few times. The stark brightness of the sun brought spots to her vision. After a few minutes, a building came into view. It was once an old restaurant. Jessica could remember a man from New York came when she was a kid. He tried to open a fancy restaurant with food no one in town understood and for prices hardly anyone could afford. It was no surprise he was gone within six months. Ever since then, the space had sat empty. Someone from town would go in periodically and do a cursory cleaning, just to make sure the place stayed decent for prospective buyers. In the front window, sat a for sale sign.

  “Logan? What are we doing here?”

  “Remember how this was that old fancy restaurant and it’s sat empty all these years?”

  “Um, yes. As does the rest of the town. What are you getting at Logan?”

  Logan passed her a set of keys and just smiled at her.

  “Seriously Logan. What is going on?”

  He turned her to face the building. Standing behind her, his hand reached out over her shoulder, pointing toward the old restaurant.

  “Imagine, a little new paint. Some chairs and tables. And whatever on a menu your little heart desires.”

  “A menu?”

  “A menu. What do you think of this for your restaurant?”


  “Yes, yours!” Logan chuckled. “For your dream. You told me on our first date about your dream to open your own restaurant. Now you can. This place is yours to do with as you wish.”

  Jessica grew silent as she stared at the empty space. Logan bought this for her. So she could fulfill her dreams. Tears started to pool in her eyes.

  “OK, why the tears?! Jessica, I blocked our mental connection to keep this surprise so I can’t really tell your emotions. You have to tell me.”

  “You did this for me?” she choked out. No one had ever done something like this for her.

  “I did. Do you like it?”

  Jessica turned and threw her arms around Logan’s neck. She started sobbing into his throat. Logan just wrapped her in his arms and held her.

  “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to upset you baby.”

  “You didn’t Logan,” she mumbled into him. She gathered herself enough to pull back to look at him. She wiped her eyes and smiled up at the man she loved with every fiber of her being.

  “I love it Logan. No one has ever done something like this for me. Thank you!”

  “You’re very welcome baby. You had me scared there for a minute with these tears though.”

  Jessica barked out a laugh, “Well, don’t mentally block me again and we won’t have this issue,” she joked.

  “Of course not. Never again,” he promised.

  Jessica just stood back and looked at her new restaurant. A part of her still could not believe that Logan had bought this place for her. With everything still going on within the pack, it hardly seemed good timing.

  “Why now? I mean, the pack is still on the lookout for the hunters. Everyone is on edge and hardly leaving their homes. Does it make much sense to open a new business during this? The pack makes up most of the town and if they aren’t leaving their homes, then no one will come dine here. Not to mention if people will even like my food.”

  “OK, first of all, people will love your food. Speaking as the one who has had the immense pleasure of eating it in between your shifts at the coffee shop, you are a fabulous cook. People will love it. I promise.

  “Secondly, the terror running through the pack is exactly why you should open this now. They need something good. Something to liven things up. And what better way to do that than by opening a new dining establishment?

  “They will come for you. Call it a perk of being the Beta’s mate. People will come out and support you no matter how awful of an idea it is. But this isn’t an awful idea. It’s an amazing one that will far pass your wildest dreams.”

  Jessica beamed at the confidence from him. Whenever she felt down about something, he always knew just the thing to say.

  “I have no clue how to run something like this. But I can’t wait to try!” she exclaimed.

  Logan moved behind her and wrapped his arms around her waist. With his chin resting on her shoulder, she leaned back against him as they watched the location where her dream would blossom.

  “You can always ask Lillian. She’s run that diner longer than anyone knows. I’m not sure she even knows. She’d be a great person to ask. And Ben is a great builder too. He and Gabe built his house. And we both know he could use something to distract him; keep him with the land of the living.”

  “I hadn’t even thought of Ben! He’s perfect to help. And Lillian could be a great resource. If she wasn’t gallivanting around town on the down low.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “You didn’t hear? Apparently, Lillian has a man in her life. I overheard some girls in the coffee shop say its Nina’s dad. But Nina hasn’t confirmed that. Then again, I’m not sure she knows either.”

  “Hm. Stanley and Lillian. Well, that’s not the strangest pairing I’ve ever heard of.”

  “It makes perfect sense when you think about it though. Their personalities just seem like they would mesh.”

  “You mean cause they’re both weird?”

  “Logan!” she chided, “No not at all. They just seem like they’d be good friends that’s all.”

  “Good friends with benefits?”


  “OK, OK. I do see what you mean. For Lillian’s sake I hope it’s true. I can never remember her dating anyone. She deserves to have someone to make her happy.”

  “She does, doesn’t she?”

  “But I’m sure she would still love to help you. That woman is a wealth of information.”

  “If you’re sure. I still can’t believe you did this for me Logan. Thank you.”

  She tilted her head back and planted a kiss on Logan.

  “Of course, baby. I’ll always help you to accomplish yo
ur dreams.”

  “And I yours.”

  The two smiled at each other.

  For the first time in years, Jessica finally felt peace. She had an amazing man who loved and cared for her. A man who went above and beyond to help her accomplish her dreams.

  No matter what happened in their future, she knew everything would be OK. Logan would be by her side while she reached for her dreams with the restaurant. And she would be by his as he faced whatever his job as pack Beta threw at him.

  Turned out Tim had been right. Taking the leap with Logan was the scariest yet most wonderful leap she had ever jumped. And she couldn’t wait for any future leaps.

  Also by Amelia

  The Wolves of Everett Hollow

  The Mating Clause (Book 1)

  A Word from the Author

  Hey y’all! Thank you so much for picking up my book! I couldn’t have done it without all of the support around me. And of course, you! None of this would be possible without you!

  If you loved this book, please drop a review on Amazon! You can also leave comments at Goodreads, my website, or Facebook! I’d love to hear from you!

  Once again, thank you so much for picking up this book! I hope you enjoyed it!

  About the Author

  Amelia Parker lives in the suburbs of Georgia with her ever patient family and fur baby. She loves reading, baking, and drinking wine. Lots and lots of wine. When not writing or letting her imagination run wild, she’s fantasizing about her next romance. Or tacos. Probably tacos.




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