Winter's Guardian

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Winter's Guardian Page 1

by G. Bailey

  © Copyright 2017 by G.Bailey.

  All rights reserved.

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, brands, media and incidents are either the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously.

  The author acknowledges the trademark owners of various products, bands and/or stores referenced in this work of fiction, which have been used without permission. The publication/use of these trademarks is not authorized, associated with, or sponsored by the trademark owners.



  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen

  Chapter Sixteen

  Chapter Seventeen

  Chapter Eighteen



  For my beautiful little sister, thank you for being you!


  The blue sided human, will choose a side.

  When four princes are born, on the same day, they will rule true.

  Her saviour will die, when the choice is made.

  If she chooses wrong, she will fall.

  If she chooses right, then she will rule.

  Only her mates can stop her from the destruction of all.

  If the fates allow, no one need fall.

  For the true kings only hold her fate and they will be her mates.

  “The prophecy has come true. I found out that the vampire, angel and witches royal sons were born yesterday.” My sister says to me, a look of worry on her faultless face as I hold my little baby closer to me.

  I look down at the sweet little boy, the new shifter prince, my son. His green eyes are glowing as he looks up at me like he holds the entire earth in his sweet eyes.

  “Then it’s true. The goddess planned this all.” I say in a whisper.

  “We must make sure they are close. Despite our wars and disagreements, the children should grow up together.” She tells me.

  “We have a lot of planning to do sister. You are right, if they have any chance of winning the human’s heart. They must be united.” I reply staring down at my little boy.

  “Yes, my queen.” My sister bows her head at me and leaves the room. If only I could protect my child from the responsibility he now has on his tiny shoulders.

  Chapter One

  "So class, please start by reading page thirty-two of your books." The professor at my university goes on, as my class starts. The professor looks as ancient as the old room we are all sat in, with his brown hair and beard, and very dated clothes that look like he hasn’t washed them in a while. I push my out of control, wavy brown hair over my shoulder, wishing I had tied it up this morning. It’s a hot day and the room is stuffy because of the lack of opened windows. I glance over at my best friend Alex, who has her head on an old desk, lightly snoring. I chuckle before kicking her leg and waking her up. She moves her waist length straight red hair off her face to glare at me.

  "I was resting Win," she mutters hiding her eyes with her arm and huffing at me.

  "The professor is here." I giggle, trying to whisper at her as she nearly falls off the side of the desk, while half asleep.

  "Oh, what page?" She yawns, looking like she is going to drop off asleep already. I sigh remembering how she actually has a boyfriend to keep her up all night. I, on the other hand, can't find a good one. The last time I had a boyfriend was over a year ago and I found out he had a bad habit of sleeping around at parties. The unfortunate way I found out was when I walked into his bedroom at his party, to find him in bed with two other girls. Let just say he has put me off men for life, or at least for a while.

  "Thirty-two," I say rolling my eyes at her grin.

  "I might nap instead, I had a long night." she winks.

  "Don't rub it in." I groan.

  "Well, you’re coming to Drake’s party this weekend and no you don't have a choice. I brought you a dress and I found you a date." She grins. I don’t know which one was worse about that sentence. The fact she has brought me a dress, which I know will be way too slutty for my style, or the unlucky guy she has found for me. I decide to go the second problem first.

  "A date? You know I don't date." I hiss while she smiles.

  "Hey, you can't judge every man because of one. This guy is nice, a friend of Drake’s." She smiles doing that annoying face she knows I can't say no to since we were eight. I will never forget when I first met Alex; my mum had taken me to get an ice cream from the local ice cream van. Alex had just got hers in front of me and I decided to get the same because her ice cream looked good. When the truck left, Alex tripped over and dropped hers. My mum and I rushed over as she cried her eyes out over her ice cream. I offered to share mine and then we were inseparable when I saw her at school the next day.

  "Fine, but if this doesn't go well I'm blaming you." I laugh.

  "Winter Masters, is there something wrong." My professor asks, causing the whole class to look at me. I can hear Alex's snort as I answer.

  "No, sir. We were just discussing the work." I say with red cheeks. The professor raises his bushy eyebrows at me, I know he doesn’t believe me, damn I wouldn’t believe me. I’m a terrible liar.

  "Well, discuss it more quietly next time; I'm sure the whole class doesn't want to know about your dating life." I hold in the urge to hide under the table at his blunt reply.

  A boy about my age puts his hand up at the front, drawing the whole room’s attention to him. The boy has messy brown hair that’s covered up with a backwards cap. He is quite muscular under his top and shorts from what I can see. I’ve heard a few comments about how attractive he is, which he defiantly is.

  "I would like to know sir." He says loudly before winking at me over his shoulder. I know I’m redder than a tomato now and one glance at Alex shows how funny she thinks this is. I’m leaving her to sleep throughout the class next time.

  "That's enough, Harris. All of you get back to work. I am running tests on this next week.” He picks up a large pile of papers, most likely the tests he made us do last week, and hasn’t bothered to mark them yet. I watch as he goes to his desk and pulls out his phone. I’m sure he is playing some game by the way he is typing but he defiantly isn’t marking the tests.

  “Also, while I remember, you need to find work experience in the next week or you'll be helping me sort out the university lost and found, for four weeks," I swear the old professor even smirked. I bet they would be getting him more coffees than they would be doing anything else.

  "Have you heard back from the local vets yet?" Alex asks opening her book, as everyone starts reading quietly.

  "Yes, they called yesterday and I'm all sorted." I grin remembering jumping up down in happiness after the call. I had applied months ago and no one from our course was accepted, but I held hope as I hadn't been rejected. My back up was to work at a local farm, with half our class. Studying to become a vet is hard work and there isn't much available work experience. This class is an English class and we have to pass it to stay at the university. That’s why Alex, who is a music student, is taking this class with me.

  "That's great." she smiles widely, making a few guys next to us look at her. Alex is that very pretty girl you always wanted to be. She is tall with boobs and hips that are perfect, no matter what she eats. I look at a McDonald’s and my ass gets bigger. While as I’ve been told I'm pretty, I like my food too much, so I have curves, un
like my skinny ass best friend. My best quality is my shiny brown hair and blue eyes, which I have to admit suit my golden complexion.

  We don't say anymore and get on with our work. At the end of class, I hand in my permission forms for the work experience, before finding Alex with her boyfriend, Drake, outside class.

  "Hey, do you still need a lift?" I ask when I get close to them.

  "Nope, thanks honey, I'm going to Drake’s but I will see you tomorrow to get ready for the party." she winks leaning against Drake. Drake is a good-looking guy but is strange-looking; honestly, he looks like a typical scary ass man. He has dark, nearly black eyes and black hair that’s cut in a buzz cut but he makes it work. I always thought that he must spend a lot of time in a gym or something because he is all muscles wearing expensive jeans. Alex has told me he is well off but I knew that anyway from the car he drives and designer clothes he wears. It's not just the looks and money; it's more how old he acts when he must be around twenty like us. Alex doesn't answer many questions about him but they have dated a while, so I'm guessing she really likes him.

  "My friend is looking forward to your date," Drake says coldly in a slight Russian accent, yes he must be Russian but Alex says he not actually from there, his parents were apparently.

  "Me too." I lie and frown at Alex's chuckle.

  "I love you Win, never change," she says to me, as she gives me a hug before we wave goodbye. Drake doesn't say anything else but that's normal.

  I click my old red Rover open before sliding in. My mum brought it for me as a going away present and I love the old car, maybe not the unusual stain on the driver seat I can’t get rid of, I think its red pen. Well, I’m hoping it is anyway. We never had a lot of money growing up, as it was just me and mum. As I drive home, I try to think about ways to get out of this date but eventually come to the conclusion that it couldn't go that bad, right?

  Chapter Two

  "You’re joking, right? I can't wear this." I gesture to the tight red dress I'm wearing. My hair is up in a messy bun with a few wavy strands around my face. My makeup is perfectly done, thanks to Alex and I have to admit I don’t look anything like myself.

  "You look hot Win," she says, pretending to cool herself down by waving her hand. I look back to the mirror and glance down at the dress. It stops around mid-thigh and has a slit all down the middle of the dress at the front, just stopping before my underwear, and making it impossible to wear a bra. Not that I'm worried because I’m not big chested enough to really have an issue.

  "He is going to think I'm easy if I’m wearing this," I say sighing and turning around with my arms around my waist.

  "No, he is going to think he is a lucky fucker," she laughs before straightening her own dress. Alex is wearing her little black dress, which is a bit too little but looks nice.

  "Alright but again I'm blaming you if anything goes wrong." I laugh to myself, knowing this could only go wrong. I shut the door to my bedroom before leaving our apartment. Alex and I have a two bedroom apartment near university, which we rent together. It's cheap enough and the area isn't too bad but we still make sure we lock up.

  "So what's my date’s name?" I ask as we wait outside for Drake to turn up. We are lucky the weather has been so good recently, Welsh weather is known for its constant rain and our town is right in the middle of the mountains. Calroh is a small town but has a great university and that’s why we chose it, also the cheap apartments to rent helped. It’s right in the middle of two large mountains and surrounded by a large forest. There’s only one road out-of-town but the town is well stocked to look after itself with many large superstores.

  "Wyatt. I haven't met him but Drake speaks nicely of him." she winks at me.

  I think of his name for a second trying to imagine the guy.

  "So is it getting serious between you and Drake?" I ask gently, knowing Alex doesn't like to speak about relationships. Well not her own.

  "I don't know. He is so secretive that I," she stops talking as Drakes car pulls in front us. I glance her and I am wondering what the end of that sentence was but she shakes her head, smiling before opening her door. I do the same sliding into the back.

  "Hey, Drake," I say as I get in and Alex pulls back from kissing Drake hello.

  "I thought Wyatt was coming with us?" Alex asks noticing the empty seat by me. I smile widely, hoping he is ill or isn't coming.

  "He is meeting us there," Drake says bluntly before driving off.

  There goes my dream of taking off this dress and changing into my PJ’s with a bottle of wine.

  I don't say anything, getting a little nervous the nearer we get to Drake’s apartment.

  As we pull into the expensive apartment building, you can see the party has started. The music is loud and there are cars everywhere. I mentally tell myself that going to a party at twenty years old is normal and I should smile, before getting out of the car. I walk next to Alex as Drake puts his arm around her shoulders. Just as we walk in and the loud music fills my ears, I see a blonde man leaning against the wall next to Drakes apartment. I can't help but stare a little at his muscular frame or his strong-looking face that I have to admit is a little scary. He seems to notice me staring and looks right at me. I first notice his eyes are that nearly black colour or maybe just a dark brown like Drake’s. I look around quickly noticing that nearly every girl nearby is watching the breath-taking guy like I am. My eyes drawback to his, noticing how powerful he looks. He can’t be more than twenty-five but looks like he owns the very street he is standing on. The guy eyes never leave mine as I look him over and I shiver from the anger I feel in his eyes. How can someone look so serious and cold at our age? I continue walking with Alex until we stop in front of the guy and I want to get to know him or hear him speak. My mind and body feel drawn to him and I don’t like it.

  "Drake, this must be my date," the man says in a dark underwear dropping voice, nodding at Drake before looking back at me. I feel myself blush as his gaze takes all of me slowly. I do the same noticing for the first time that he is wearing a black jumper with black jeans, which look like they were custom-made for him, they possibly were.

  "Wyatt, it’s nice to meet you Winter," he offers his hand. I take his cold hand and he shocks me by bringing it up to his mouth and placing a kiss. His lips feel cold on my hand but I feel a strange shock when his lips met my skin. It takes everything in me not to pull my hand away and run in the other direction like my body is screaming for me to do. For some reason, I don’t feel safe with him.

  "Nice to meet you too," I mutter a slight lie, pulling back my hand. Wyatt just flashes me a knowing look before saying to Drake.

  "There was a problem tonight, they are getting braver," his deep voice gets stronger about whatever they are discussing. It almost like his voice draws you in and demands that you listen.

  "Just a few newbies chasing a pup, it's being dealt with," Drake smiles with a cold look in my direction.

  "Good. Now, can I get you a drink?" Wyatt asks looking back at me. It's strange to see how Wyatt spoke to Drake then. It was like a boss ordering around an employee and worse, I had no idea what they were speaking about. What's a pup? Maybe it's a kind of business talk; I doubt they mean a puppy.

  "Sure," I say taking his open arm and letting him guide me through the house. I can feel how cold he is even through his jacket. I look back to see Alex, who has disappeared with Drake. Knowing Alex, they might have already left, thinking Wyatt seems nice. While I don’t feel that he is at all, he seems too haunted to be described as nice. Seeing how he spoke to Drake just then, makes me more distrusting of him.

  "Are you cold?" I ask noticing that's it's a hot summer day in May. I’m even warm, in a little dress and he is cold in a jumper.

  "Just cold-blooded," he winks at me. I can't help but blush a little but who wouldn't when a very hot guy flirts with you. I know I need to act normal for a bit, before making an excuse and leave. We weave through the hallways of the building and up two f
loors in the elevator, which is filled with couples making out. I watch as the odd group of people who stop and stare at Wyatt like he is a god and ignore me completely. It’s all odd.

  "So tell me, what do you study?" He asks as we enter the kitchen. It’s a modern kitchen with many cabinets that don’t look used and there’s even a bar on the one side next to an impressive window. There are a few people around but it's quiet enough in here to not have to talk too loudly. Where ever the loud music is coming from, it’s not too near.

  "I'm studying to become a vet. What about you?" I reply as I look over the view of the nearby forest and mountains as he hands me an opened beer. I don't like beer, but I'm not telling him that, so I pretend to drink it.

  "The family business." He says still looking at me, he moves closer, so I have to lift my head up to look at him. Being so short can be really an annoying at times, I think to myself. This guy has at least a foot on me and I feel small around him. Now that he is closer, I can see that his eyes are defiantly black with little silver sparks in them. I’ve never seen eyes like his and they are really stunning.

  I clear my throat before saying.

  "Have you known Drake long?" I ask.

  "Yes, it feels like I've known Drake forever sometimes," he grins at me like I'm missing a joke.

  "I feel like that with Alex sometimes," I say, looking away because his eyes are so stunning that they draw you in. The other door in the room opens as a drunken man stumbles in; he quickly leaves again when he sees Wyatt but leaves the door open. I can see the living room; well it’s more a dance room now because it’s packed with people dancing. Their bodies pushed so closely together that you can’t see their faces. The music is beating hard and fast compared to the slow-moving young people swaying around. I turn back to see Wyatt watching me closely.

  "Dance with me?" He asks. I lift my head to stare into his eyes and I feel the need to dance with him, to do anything he wants. I stare at his eyes as he smirks moving closer to me, I could have sworn his eyes has silver sparks, nothing like the empty black pits I’m staring into now. I shake my head stepping back.


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