This Family of Ours (Raine #6)

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This Family of Ours (Raine #6) Page 3

by Amanda Bennett

“Oh, my sweet baby girl. Momma loves you so much.”

  “Mia loves Momma so much.” She cooed as she wrapped her tiny arms tightly around my neck, melting my heart into a deep puddle. Life didn’t get much better than this.

  A few short hours later, Mia and I were just finishing up dinner as she slowly started to fade in and out of sleep. I hurried and finished putting the dirty dishes in the dishwasher, and scooped my sweet princess up to put her in bed for the night. It had been a very long and emotional day to say the least, and I was just as tired, if not more so than she was. I dressed her in her favorite princess nightgown, tucked her in tightly, and blew her a kiss goodnight.

  As I tip-toed my way out of Mia’s room I found myself glancing around at all of the pictures that adorned our long hallway. My fingers gingerly traced the bottom of each soft lacquer frame, and with every touch, a memory correlating to that picture would pop into my mind, bringing me back to the exact emotion I was feeling that day. I wish I could say that every feeling was a good one, but unfortunately they weren’t.

  I came to an abrupt stop when my fingers grazed the cool metal frame that housed the picture Cami had taken of Madison, Mia, and myself when we first finished our house. The smiles on all of our faces were ones of pure joy and elation. Madison was looking down at me with nothing but pure adoration in his eyes, and my heart began to pick up pace. Every time I thought about those mesmerizing green eyes, my heart would literally melt. I closed my eyes, trying to take myself back to that very moment, but it was far harder than I had anticipated. I wasn’t sure if it was just because we were in such a weird place as of late, or if it was because we hadn’t been able to connect for so long.

  My shoulders fell, and so did the hope that I had been trying to keep alive. My fingers smoothly slid across the freshly painted wall towards the next frame, but I stopped short as I noticed the blank space on the wall. I stood back, arms folded over my heaving chest, and let all of my pent up sadness and disappointment out. The blank square on the wall was left there intentionally. I guess somewhere in the back of my mind I was still holding out hope that that space would soon hold our wedding picture. I chuckled a bit under my breath knowing that no matter how much I pray or beg, marriage was most likely not in the cards for us. Now I just had to decide if that was enough for me.

  I made a quick pit stop in my room to change into some pj’s and a robe, then made my way out to the kitchen. It was a perfect night for a bottle of wine, and a good movie. I could faintly hear the popcorn popping as I searched through our movie cabinet, and just as I pulled out one of my favorite movies, the phone began to ring. The movie clattered to the floor as fear rolled through my body. I wasn’t exactly sure why I was suddenly so frightened by the phone, but after what happened between Cami and I earlier, I could only imagine who would be callin’.

  I reached out for the phone, picking it up just in time before the machine did. “Hello?” My voice was faint, but I knew whomever it was could hear me.

  “Hey, you never called me back.” Mike’s voice instantly calmed my nerves.

  “Mike, hi. Sorry. When you called earlier Cami was here, and needless to say, she wasn’t too pleased with you calling me.”

  “You told her? But-“ His tone was rushed, and I knew that he was about to have a complete mental breakdown if I didn’t explain myself.

  “I’m sorry, Mike. I didn’t really have a choice in the matter. She wouldn’t let it go, and you know how she can get when she doesn’t get her way. I just told her that we’re just friends and that it’s not what she thinks, but she didn’t believe a single word I said. She even went as far as calling me names that she never would’ve said to me in the past. She’s really not happy about us talking.” The line was eerily quiet on the other end, but the distant sounds of breathing let me know that he was still there.

  “Kayla, maybe she’s right.”

  My mouth fell open in shock. Mike was the one who said he would stand up for our friendship to Cam if she ever found out, and now he’s going to be a coward? “No, no I don’t think she’s right at all. She doesn’t know how much our friendship means to the both of us.” I pleaded.

  “Yeah, but she is right about one thing, my feelings for you go far deeper than just friends. I figured you knew that, but I have to admit that this whole friendship thing we’ve got going on is beyond hard for me. I thought I could do it, just be your friend, but I’ve come to realize that I need more. I moved out here thinking that I had some semblance of a chance with you. I mean Jesus, Madison proposed, but is he ever going to actually marry you?”

  It was a low blow, and I almost felt as though he had just kicked me in the gut, but he was right, on both counts. “So where do we go from here?” I half whispered as I tried to not let my sadness show.

  “I don’t know yet, KJ. I need some time to see what I need from you. But for now, I think maybe we should just cut all communication, and see where we find ourselves at a later date.”

  I wasn’t quite sure why he was being all proper and weird all of a sudden, but I guess I would have to abide by what he obviously wanted. “Well, I guess if that’s how it needs to be, then I’ll let it go.”

  “I’m really sorry, KJ. I know it may not seem like I am right now, but I really am sorry. So…I guess I’ll see ya when I see ya. Take care, KJ.”

  “You too, Mike.”

  And just like that, I lost another friend in my life. Not only was I in limbo with my fiancé, but it would also seem as though everyone else I cared about wanted nothing to do with me anymore. What did I do that was so wrong? Why am I being made out to be the bad guy? I was sick and tired of all of these people trying to dictate who I should be involved with, and if they were going to keep this ridiculousness up, then I was out.

  Chapter 6


  When we finally landed back in Texas, I was beyond scared with how Kayla would react to me bein’ home so early. I knew deep down that she would be excited to see me, but things between us have been so strained lately that I really wasn’t sure. The ride home from the airport felt like it took forever, but eventually when I pulled up in front of our house the excitement of seein’ my girls took over the fear I was feelin’. I quickly grabbed my bag from the bed of the truck and hightailed it into our house. Luckily the door was unlocked, but when I flung open the door and dropped my bags, no one came to greet me.

  The house was eerily quiet and I found it rather odd that our house was unlocked but nobody was inside. I searched all downstairs and when I still couldn’t find anybody, I quickly ran up the stairs. Once again, empty. What the hell? I slowly hauled my depressed ass downstairs when I heard the distinct sound of my daughter laughing. I ran the rest of the way down the steps and straight out the front door, swoopin’ my beautiful daughter up into my arms as she came boundin’ towards me.


  “Oh sweet baby girl. How are you? I’ve missed you so much.” I hugged her tightly to my chest before turnin’ around to see the displeased look sittin’ upon my fiancé’s gorgeous face. “I don’t think Mommy is all that happy to see Daddy.” I whispered into Mia’s ear as she giggled.

  “I missed you, Daddy.”

  “Me too, baby. Me too.” I gently placed Mia down on the ground and made my way over to Kayla. “Hi, my gorgeous girl. How are you?” I tried to press my lips against hers, but she wasn’t havin’ it. “What did I do now?” I muttered as I ushered my girls into the house.

  “I don’t know what you’re referring to, cowboy.” She quickly turned with that megawatt smile plastered to her face as she jumped into my waiting arms.

  “That’s more like it.” I breathed against her lips before sealin’ mine to hers. “God I missed you, pretty girl.” I muttered between heated kisses. I was quickly brought out of our moment when a small hand clutched onto my pant leg and tugged.

  “Daddy! Daddy! I show you my new toys.”

  I pressed my lips against Kayla’s before I gently lower
ed her to the ground. “Okay, sweetie. Show me.” I turned and winked in Kayla’s direction before disappearing into the back room with my sweet girl.

  I wasn’t exactly sure how long Mia and I had been playin’ for but I could only assume it had been quite some time because she was yawnin’ and practically fallin’ asleep where she stood. I quietly scooped her up and took her upstairs to her room to lay her down for her nap. I placed a small chaste kiss to her temple as I laid her down, and when I emerged from her room, I practically ran over Kayla in the hallway.

  “She’s missed you terribly.”

  I slid my arms around Kayla’s waist as I pressed my lips just below her ear. “I hope she’s not the only one.” I continued my descent to her other body parts that I longed to show attention, but she quickly pulled back from my embrace. I stood back, abashed. “Um…what is goin’ on with ya?”

  “I don’t know what you’re talkin’ about.” She turned with a sly mischievous grin plastered to her face as she hightailed it down the stairs.

  “Oh I see the game you’re playin’, and I accept the challenge.” I ran after as fast as my legs would carry me, I was just about to pounce on her on our bed, but I stopped dead in my tracks. There she stood, completely and utterly naked.

  My mouth fell open wide as I took in the amazingly beautiful sight in front of me. Man, she only got more gorgeous the longer I was gone. This travelin’ the world thing was really startin’ to get old when I knew exactly what was waitin’ for me back home. I quietly closed the door behind me as I sauntered over to her, disposing of my clothes on the floor along the way. By the time I reached her, my body was all but ready for her. Ah the joys of no sex for months at a time, I smiled.

  “Well hello, cowboy. I’d ask if you’re ready for this,” she pointed to her naked form standin’ in front of me, “but I think I already know the answer.” She giggled as she pointed down at my erect dick.

  “I can’t guarantee that it’ll be worth the wait,” I laughed, “but I’ll try.”

  I started at the base of her neck, placin’ featherlike kissed across her collarbone, and then I worked my way down to her overly perky breasts. I would never grow tired of pleasurin’ her just the way I knew she liked it. I relished in the thought that I could turn her on so much with just a look, still. I took one of her perfectly pink nipples into my mouth and generously sucked it in, ticklin’ it slightly with the tip of my tongue before releasin’ it and doin’ the same to the other one. Her body arched into me as I slid my fingers down her soft delicate skin, a loud moan escapin’ between those gloriously plump lips.

  I moved my mouth up to hers, capturin’ her sumptuous mouth with mine. As I pressed my tongue into the deepest cavern of her mouth, my fingers slipped in between her wet folds. Her body bucked with excitement, and I didn’t hesitate to thrust my fingers into her hard and fast, quickly bringin’ her to her first orgasm. As my name slipped out between her lips, I slid my hands below her perfect ass and wrapped her legs tightly around my waist before pushin’ myself into her, hard, just the way she liked it.

  “Oh Madison, don’t stop!” She practically shouted.

  “Oh I don’t plan on it, pretty girl.” I whispered it just below her ear before pushin’ her down onto the bed. I slowly crawled between her legs, lettin’ my tongue glide between her folds before movin’ my way up her body and pushin’ back into her.

  My hand slid up the back of her neck, wrappin’ my fingers tightly around a good chunk of her hair and tuggin’ it hard enough that her pleasure rolled off her tongue once again. Everything about her made my entire body react to her, and just when I thought I could hold out a little bit longer, we both found our release together. Her name spilled out of my mouth as though I was takin’ my last dyin’ breath.

  My sweat ridden forehead fell to her heavin’ chest, and I couldn’t help the laugh that vibrated throughout my entire body. “Holy hell, I’ve missed this.” I laughed.

  “Me too, cowboy. Me too.” She moaned as her hands brushed back through my hair. I swear I could’ve fallen asleep then and there.

  When I tried to push myself up off of her, she was quick to hold me tightly against her. I mean, I wasn’t complainin’ by any means, but I needed to see her beautiful face. I pushed myself up onto my elbows so I could see her better, and she sure didn’t disappoint. She had a wide smile across her blush colored face, and I couldn’t help but press my lips firmly against hers. “I love you, Kayla.”

  “I love you too, Madison.”

  I smiled knowin’ that one day this woman would be my wife, but just as quickly as I thought about it, I quickly sat myself up and started gettin’ dressed. She immediately pushed herself up on her elbows, her breasts starin’ directly at me, beckonin’ for me to show them some more attention. It took everything in me not to run to her and take her all over again. Instead, I made my way into our bathroom to wash my face. When I felt her hands wrap around my waist from behind, I was immediately startled.

  “What’s goin’ on with you?” She implored.

  I dried my face and turned in her arms, wrappin’ mine around her tiny waist. “Nothin’, why do you ask?”

  “You seem off.”

  I was findin’ it hard to look away from the sea of blue starin’ up at me. “No way.” I lied. “Must just be the jetlag.” I lied again before pressing my lips against her forehead and maneuvering my way out to the kitchen, leavin’ Kayla standin’ in the bathroom all alone.

  I sucked!

  Chapter 7


  I wasn’t exactly sure what was going on with Madison. I mean, the sex we just had was amazing beyond belief, but for some reason, afterwards, he still felt an ocean away. I was beyond elated when I saw his truck in the drive as we made our way back from my grandparents’ house, and playin’ like I was mad at him was fun as all hell, but never in a million years did I expect the distance I felt after we made love. This wasn’t my cowboy, and I was bound and determined to figure out what the hell was goin’ on with him.

  As I made my way out to the kitchen after getting dressed, I couldn’t help but stare at my handsome as sin fiancé starting to make dinner in our kitchen. It was a sight to behold, that’s for damn sure. As much as I wanted to wrap my arms around him again and never let go, his body language was sayin’ something completely different. He was standoffish, and I was really startin’ to worry. Of course the few people I wanted to call and talk to about it, were no longer speaking to me.

  While Madison made himself comfortable in the kitchen, I swiped my phone from the living room table and made my way out front. I could only hope that he would answer my call as I clicked on his name. A few rings later, his elated tone instantly set my heart at ease.

  “KJ, love. How are you? God, I feel like it’s been a million years since we’ve spoken.”

  “Tell me about it, Jo. How dare you not call me for so long. How are you?” My smile grew wider as I awaited his answer.

  “Oh ya know, just livin’ the dream. Gettin’ your ass kicked everyday at the ass crack of dawn is amazin’. Don’t be jealous now.” He laughed, and I couldn’t help but laugh right along with him.

  “I’m so jealous.” I joked, but it was forced, and he knew it.

  “What’s goin’ on, KJ? You sound sad. Aren’t the guys home early?” He laughed. “Why are you talkin’ to lil ole me when you’ve got Madi there to keep you company.”

  I didn’t know where to begin, and I wasn’t even sure I wanted to begin at all, because then it was all too real. “He’s inside cookin’ dinner.”

  Joey’s tone instantly became serious, “Kayla, what’s wrong?”

  “Back to Kayla, huh?” I tried to joke. But he wasn’t havin’ it.

  “Kayla, I’m serious. I know that doesn’t happen all that often, but talk to me.” He sighed.

  “I’m sure you’re busy, Jo.”

  “Kayla Anne, don’t you dare pull that shit with me. Speak! NOW!”

  I jumped a lit
tle as his voice rose to an octave I wasn’t used to. I made sure to walk out towards Madison’s tree and mine before I spoke, just to make sure Madison wouldn’t overhear. “I honestly don’t know, Jo. He’s different. Everything was great when he first got home. He went and played with Mia until she fell asleep, and then we…well, you know. And then right after, he got all...weird. I tried to talk to him, but he just went into the kitchen and started making dinner.”

  “How dare he make you dinner.” Joey joked. “No, in all seriousness, I’m sorry, sweetheart. You don’t deserve that. I know things have been rough, but you’ve never let on to just how rough it was gettin’.”

  “You know I don’t talk about this shit.”

  “Kayla, you don’t have to be tough with me.”

  A loud audible sigh escaped from my mouth. “I know, Jo. It’s just so damn hard. Sometimes I feel like there isn’t a single person in this world he would rather be with, and then something like this happens. Why won’t he just marry me? For fuck’s sake, it’s been two fucking years already. What is wrong with me that he doesn’t want to spend the rest of his life with me as his wife.” The tears began to steadily roll down my cheeks, and I suddenly couldn’t hold back the sob that escaped me.

  “KJ, I wish I was there to hold you. I’m so sorry, and there is absolutely nothing wrong with you. You hear me? You are the best woman in the world, and if Madison Fucking Raine can’t see that, then you deserve someone who does.” I was nodding into the phone, but soon realized Joey couldn’t see me. “KJ, you there?”

  “Yeah, sorry. I was nodding.” I laughed.

  “Well it’s nice to hear that come out of ya. I miss you like crazy.” I could hear the sincerity and love in his voice.

  “I miss you too, Jo. So, enough about me. What’s goin’ on with you? How’s my sister?” I still hadn’t gotten used to the fact that my father had another child without my knowledge and all the baggage that came along with that, but I’m sure once her and I could have a good sit down, I’d feel a bit better.


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