This Family of Ours (Raine #6)

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This Family of Ours (Raine #6) Page 9

by Amanda Bennett

  Chapter 18


  Kayla and I stayed wrapped in each other’s arms for what felt like only a moment, but must’ve been much longer, because Glenn and Joey were peekin’ their heads around the corner of our bedroom door with worried looks on their faces. “Y’all all right in here? We heard the shoutin’ stop so thought we’d come check.”

  I tried to wave them off and let them know that we were fine, but Glenn came struttin’ on over to where we were standin’. “Hey Kayla, can I talk to you for a sec?” Kayla turned in my arms to get a better look at Glenn while noddin’ her head. “Um, well, I know how she got the picture.” Kayla’s body stiffened with Glenn’s words. “Looks like I actually posted the picture to the website a few days before that. She must’ve copied it or somethin’, and then reposted it.” Glenn’s hands instinctively fell down to his crotch, I’m assumin’ so Kayla wouldn’t knee him in his junk, and a low chuckle rose up through my throat causing her and everyone else to laugh in return.

  Kayla stepped outta my embrace, makin’ her way towards Glenn who was backin’ away rather quickly with his hands up in the air. “Number one, Glenn Green.”

  “Ah, why ya gotta say my name like that?” He whined.

  “Number one, don’t go posting any more pictures of my man. Number two, you’re lucky you’re the father of my best friend’s unborn baby, because if not for that small fact, I would castrate you where ya stand.” I nodded at Glenn from behind Kayla so she couldn’t see me. “Now would the two of you please leave me and this guy,” she pointed back at me from over her shoulder, “alone for a bit. We have some things to discuss.”

  Joey and Glenn backed out of our room, most likely because I’m sure they were scared of what Kayla might do next had they turned their backs, but they left nonetheless, without another word bein’ spoken. I couldn’t have been more proud had I done it myself. When she turned back around, pullin’ me into her lustful gaze, I was willin’ to do just about anythin’ she was about to ask.

  “As for you,” she pointed at me again, but this time for a completely different reason, “take me where I stand or so help me God, I will make you wish you did.”

  Within seconds I was in front of my girl, slowly and deliberately pushin’ down the straps to her silk nighty, that in my angry haze didn’t even notice she was wearin’ in front of Joey and Glenn. I pushed that irritation to the side as I let my lips fall to her silky smooth exposed skin, runnin’ my tongue across her collarbone before sealin’ my lips against the wet trail I’d left. A small moan escaped her lips, and I knew I was doin’ somethin’ right. While my lips continued to leave heated trail across her chest, my hands made quick work of reachin’ up underneath her nighty, pushin’ my fingers into her.

  I whispered just below her ear as my lips briefly made contact with her sensitive skin. “My god you’re wet.” I pushed a finger, and then two up into her as she cried out in pleasure. “Cum for me, pretty girl.” My fingers began to move faster as her walls began to clench around them, greedily suckin’ them in. When I knew she was close, I let my mouth fall to her now exposed breasts, suckin’ and teasin’ her nipples just enough that she finally came undone.

  When her hands flew up to the back of my head, I knew she was ready for more. I let her have her way with me, knowin’ that if I tried to fight her on this, she was goin’ to win regardless. She pushed me back as hard as she could onto our mattress, disposin’ of her nighty before climbin’ up and straddlin’ me. Without a second to even comprehend what was goin’ on, she sunk down onto my dick, movin’ herself up and down my length while I circled her clit with the pad of my thumb. I made sure to match her speed so we could both hopefully find our release together, but she happily slapped my hand away the faster I went.

  “What was that for?” I feigned hurt.

  “My turn to make you cum.”

  Her hands slid up her tiny stomach in such a sensual manner that I thought I would cum right then and there, but luckily I was able to hold on. Little did I know, she had better ways of doin’ that. Her hands slid up the sides of her breasts, grabbin’ and pinchin’ her pink hardened nipples. I wanted to reach out and touch her, but I thought better of it, knowin’ that she would just slap my hands away again. I watched as she pleasured herself, all the while pleasurin’ me at the same time, and before I knew it, we were both shoutin’ out one another’s names as we both rode out our waves of pleasure. Goddamn this girl was magnificent, and all mine.

  When she rolled over and onto her side, I tucked her in close to my heavin’ chest. “Do you know how much I love you, pretty girl?” My voice was just below a whisper as I breathed against the back of her neck.

  “I think I have an idea.” She laughed.

  I rolled her towards me, needin’ her to know just what I was sayin’ to her. My fingers lightly grazed her cheek as I pushed a stray piece of hair behind her ear as I stared deeply into her eyes. “I’m serious, Kayla. There is nobody else on this planet made for me. You were sent to me at a time when we both needed healin’, and every day since then, you’ve been my savin’ grace. You’re my reason for breathin, and I don’t want you to ever think anything different.”

  Her eyes glossed over with unshed tears as I opened my heart for her, and she didn’t hesitate for one second to reciprocate that love. The back of her hand brushed the side of my cheek as the pad of her thumb slid across my moistened lips. “Never in a million years did I think I would find someone like you, Madison. You complete me in so many ways, that I find it impossible to even show you just how much I cherish you. You gave me life, and for that, I will forever need and want you to be the person by my side…forever.” Without another word she sealed her lips against mine.

  Her warm salty tears slipped between our lips, and I kissed my girl harder than ever before. “I think we just wrote our wedding vows.” I choked out between laughs as I continued to kiss her delicious lips over and over.

  “As much as I would love to stay in bed with you all day, unfortunately we have people out in the living room waiting with bated breath, probably wondering if we killed each other.” Oh my sweet pretty girl, always thinkin’ of others.

  “It’s just Joey and Glenn.” I smiled against her lips before releasin’ her so she could put on some normal clothes. As I stood to pull my shirt over my unkempt hair I caught her starin’ at me with a look that that would never get old. “Later.” I joked. “By the way, how are you feelin’?”

  “Quite a bit better. I guess throwing up the entire contents of my stomach and three bottles of wine did me some good.” Her lips curled up into a wicked smile, and my pants tightened. It was a wonder how we ever got anythin’ done in this life.

  “Good, oh and could ya do me a favor, please?”

  She sauntered over to me in her short sundress, wrappin’ her arms tightly around my waist as she looked up with those big beautiful eyes. “What’s that, cowboy?”

  I gently tucked her hair behind her ears, runnin’ my fingers down her long hair. “Can you not wear that shit around, Joey Green, ever again, please?” I gave her a wicked smile as I placed a chaste kiss on her forehead.

  “You got it, cowboy.”

  When we opened the bedroom door, of course those two dumbasses were sittin’ over the arm of the couch with their chin on their hands, battin’ their eyelashes at us. “Aren’t you two just so damn cute.” Joey cooed.

  “And so damn loud. Did y’all forget there were people right in the other room?” Glenn chimed in.

  “You do realize y’all are in our house, right?” I smacked Joey’s arms out from under his chin as I passed by him to make my way into the kitchen. “Why did y’all stay anyway?”

  Glenn was instantly up and joggin’ into the kitchen next to me. “We had to make sure Kayla didn’t kill ya, and if she did, we wanted to make sure we were here to help her bury the body.”

  “Ha ha, Glenda’s got jokes.” He tried to put his arm around me, but I punched him in his
shoulder. “Good to know where y’all stand.”

  “Well, you should’ve always known where I stood.” Joey was saddlin’ up to Kayla at the island, wrappin’ his arm around her shoulders. “I’ve always got KJ’s back.” He placed a kiss to her temple, and I could instantly feel the annoyance rushin’ through me. My hands balled up into fists at my sides, but quickly relinquished when she playfully wiped it away.

  “Well, neither one of us is dead, so y’all can beat it now.” I waved them off, lettin’ them know it was time to leave.

  “I gotta go anyway. Cami has her first doctor’s appointment today, and I’m not missin’ it for anythin’.” Glenn gave me a quick hug, and then made his way over to Kayla to say good-bye to her as well, when I suddenly remembered somethin’.

  “I’ll walk y’all out.” I started makin’ my way towards the front door with Glenn when I noticed Joey had made no attempt to leave. “Ya ain’t stayin’ and hangin’ out, Jo.” I joked.

  “Come on man. I’m only here till tomorrow.” Was he seriously whinin’ like a baby right now?

  “Fine.” I rolled my eyes as Glenn and I started walkin’ down the steps. “Hey man, I’ve got somethin’ I wanna talk to ya about before I bring it up to the guys, but if ya gotta get goin’ right now, I can come by later.”

  “It’s cool, I’ve got a minute. What’s up?”

  I nervously pushed my hands into my front pockets as I toed the grass beneath my bare feet. “Look, I love the band and y’all, and tourin’ has literally been a dream come true, but…” I pulled one of my hands out of my pocket and ran it back through my hair. “Well, I’ve been thinkin’ it might be time for me to make a change.” I chanced a look at Glenn, hopin’ he wasn’t gettin’ pissed, and I was pleasantly surprised that he had a smile sittin’ on his stupid face. “What?”

  “Honestly, I’ve been feelin’ the same way. I was gonna wait until after Cami’s appointment today to say somethin’, but since you brought it up. Man, if this pregnancy is a go, I don’t want to miss a single moment.” Sadness crossed my face and he was quick to notice. “Sorry man, I didn’t mean it like that. I know how hard this whole thing has been on ya, and I just don’t want Cami to have to do this all alone. She means the world to me.” He pointed at me. “You know how it feels.”

  “I do, all too well.” I smiled. “Well, then maybe we should figure out a time to talk to the guys. Let me know how the appointment goes, and then we’ll go from there?”

  “Sounds good.” He gave me another quick hug. “Have fun with my brother.” He laughed as he took off runnin’ towards his house.


  When I walked back into the house, Joey and Kayla were already plannin’ some kinda shit, so I saddled up next to them to see what they were talkin’ about. “Whatcha doin’ over here?” I nudged Kayla’s arm, but she blatantly ignored me. “Serious?”

  “Sorry baby. Joey’s helpin’ me plan some of the wedding.” She immediately turned towards me with her oh shit face. “Nothin’ major, I swear. I’m just makin’ sure him and Diem can make it, and all that stuff.” Her arms snaked around my neck, lowerin’ her voice as she whispered in my ear. “You can help me plan what I’ll be wearing underneath my dress later.”

  My arms pulled her tight into me as I placed long drawn out kisses to her neck and collarbone. “Deal.” I pulled away slightly with a forlorn look. “I gotta go grab Mia from Grams. You two gonna behave while I’m gone?” I glanced between her and Joey with an aggravated but joking expression.

  “We’re actually gonna head into town for a bit. I’ll grab all the fixings for dinner, and I have to run in and check on the store. You good hangin’ with Mia for a bit?”

  “Of course.” We shared a brief kiss, and then the two of them were all but runnin’ out the door.

  No matter how I looked at it, Joey Green was a permanent fixture in our lives, and as much as I hated to admit it, he was a good guy and I was thankful that Kayla had him.

  Chapter 19


  “KJ, not that I mind hangin’ out with you, especially without Madison around, but what exactly do we need to go into town for? ‘Cause I’m pretty sure the store is fine, I mean that’s why you hire employees, yeah? And I’m pretty sure I saw all the fixings for dinner in the fridge. What’s up?”

  I glanced over at Joey with guilty eyes. “I lied.”

  “Well duh?”

  “I have to pick up somethin’ from my store, and I didn’t want Madison to know. I wasn’t sure until this mornin’, and I just need to make sure before I go sayin’ anything.” Joey looked at me, confusion written all over his adorable face. I playfully smacked his cheek. “It’s ok, Jo. You don’t need to worry your pretty little brain over it. So…”


  “How’s Diem doin’?” I always hated to ask, but I also didn’t want him to think I didn’t care.

  “She’s doin’ really good. School has taken up most of her life, and I’m constantly workin’ with the team, but we’re doin’ ok. She’s actually in London visitin’…”

  I swallowed the bile rising in my throat once I realized what he was about to say. Luckily that was all he said. I knew I was being infantile, but the fact that she either said somethin’ to our dad and he didn’t bother to reach out, or that she never said anything and still has never reached out, was killin’ me. I just still wasn’t able to wrap my mind around the fact that he left one family to start another, and never looked back. I shook off the disappointment and anger, and made an effort to continue on with the rest of my time with Joey in nothin’ but good spirits. “So yeah, you getting excited for y’all’s first game?” Smooth transition, Kayla.

  “Hell yeah. It’s gonna be awesome.” Joey was bouncin’ excitedly in the truck next to me, and I couldn’t help but laugh. He was like a kid on Christmas morning. “I’m so pumped, KJ. I just can’t believe I’m gettin’ to live my dream, ya know?”

  “I do, Jo, and I’m so proud of you, and excited. You deserve this, especially after all the shit with Tanya. Speaking of, what are we gonna do about her little threat she made about Cami?”

  Joey looked over at me in all seriousness. “Diem and I are on it. Y’all just need to keep an extra eye on her. I don’t know how serious Tanya was, but I also don’t want to brush it off either, yeah?”

  “Don’t worry.” I smiled as I pulled up in front of my boutique. “I’ll be right back.”

  I jumped down outta the truck and quickly made my way inside. I gave a small wave to the girls workin’ and made my way back to my office. Since Madison and the band have been on the road, I was forced to hire girls to take over for me more than I would’ve liked, but with the grandparents getting up there in age, they weren’t able to watch Mia as much as I needed. Luckily I hired some amazin’ girls who take really good care of my store when I can’t be in. Cami was still in school and only working at the boutique part time, so tryin’ to get help from her as of late has been pretty hard. But I knew as soon as she graduated with her degree, everything would be back to normal.

  I reached into the bottom drawer of my large mahogany desk and pulled out exactly what I needed. I glanced around for somethin’ else I could put into one of my store bags with it to conceal it from Joey, but I was comin’ up empty handed. After about five minutes of searching, I finally found a cute dress that I could always say I wanted to grab so I could wear it for Madison. That would most definitely be enough to shut down Joey’s inquisition when I got back to the truck. When I emerged from the back office, Lacey, one of my managers came running up to me.

  “Oh my god, Kayla. Is that Joey Green from the Forty Niners in your truck?”

  I couldn’t help but shake my head and laugh. “Yes, Lacey, but we just call him Jo. Would you like to meet him?” This was exactly the distraction I needed to take Joey’s pryin’ eyes off of what I was doing and me. “Well come on.” Lacey was practically jumping up and down as I pulled her over to the truck, tossin’ the
bag onto my seat before going over to Joey’s side. “Jo-“ Before I could even get a word out, Lacey was already talking about a million miles a minute.

  “Oh my god, I’m seriously like your biggest fan. I can’t even believe you’re here.” Her blonde hair was swaying back and forth across her full cleavage as she nervously fidgeted about.

  “Well I did grow up here.” He laughed, and she immediately began laughing right along with him. “Did ya want a picture?” I could tell Joey wasn’t used to this whole bein’ famous thing yet.

  “Yes, please. Oh my gosh, this is the best day, like, ever.” She held up her phone, snapping a selfie before running back into the store, her face was at least three different shades of red.

  “I’m pretty sure you just made her life, Joey Green. Look at you having fans all over you.” I rolled my eyes in mock amusement.

  “Shut up. She’s hot though.” My natural instinct to stand up for my half sister that I didn’t even have a relationship with suddenly came over me, and I was slapping Joey across the chest. “Ow, KJ. What was that for?”

  “You have a girlfriend, Jo. One who happens to be my sister.” Realization suddenly smacked him in the face and he gave me the apologetic look. “It’s ok.” I laughed.

  We were halfway back home when I thought Jo wouldn’t even ask about the bag that was sitting ominously between us, but I wasn’t that lucky. “So whatcha have to get?” He began rummaging through the bag, and when I reached over to try and pry it from his death grip, I lost control of the truck and we were headed straight for a ditch. I pulled my hand back from his, tryin’ to regain control of the truck, but it was too late. I slammed on the breaks as Joey pulled the steering wheel towards the opposite side of the road. Glass shattered from one direction, as my head smacked against the driver side window, then all I felt was Joey’s strong arms wrapping tightly around me to shield me from any other danger.


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